How to Write a Perspective Essay?

writing a personal perspective essay

Understanding the Importance of Perspective Essays

A perspective essay is a powerful tool that allows individuals to express their thoughts and opinions on a particular topic from their unique standpoint. Unlike other types of essays, a perspective essay requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to convey personal experiences, observations, and beliefs effectively. By sharing different perspectives, individuals contribute to a diverse and inclusive society where ideas are valued and respected.

Choosing a Compelling Topic

When selecting a topic for your perspective essay, it's important to choose something that you are passionate about and have a strong opinion on. Whether it's a social issue, political ideology, or personal experience, your topic should resonate with your audience and make them eager to read your insights. Research the chosen topic thoroughly to ensure you have a solid foundation of knowledge to build upon.

Gathering Evidence and Conducting Research

Before diving into writing your perspective essay, it's crucial to gather relevant evidence to support your claims and arguments. Conduct thorough research using credible sources such as books, scholarly articles, and reputable websites. Take notes, highlight important information, and carefully analyze different viewpoints to strengthen your own perspective.

Structuring Your Perspective Essay

The structure of a perspective essay is similar to other types of essays. It consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader's attention and provide a brief overview of the topic and your stance. The body paragraphs, which are the core of your essay, should present your arguments, supporting evidence, and counterarguments. Finally, the conclusion should summarize your main points and leave the reader with a thought-provoking closing statement.

Writing with Clarity and Coherence

When writing your perspective essay, aim for clarity and coherence. Use clear, concise, and precise language to articulate your ideas. Structure your paragraphs logically, ensuring a smooth flow of thoughts. Support your arguments with relevant examples, anecdotes, or statistics to engage your audience and strengthen your position. Remember to acknowledge and address opposing viewpoints respectfully, demonstrating open-mindedness and critical thinking.

Formatting and Stylistic Considerations

While the content of your perspective essay is crucial, don't overlook the importance of formatting and style. Use appropriate heading tags, such as H2 or H3, for each section and subsection to improve readability and assist search engines in understanding the structure of your content. Enhance the visual appeal of your essay by using bullet points or numbered lists to break down complex information into digestible chunks. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout the text to optimize your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

Editing and Proofreading

Once you've completed your perspective essay, take the time to review, edit, and proofread it carefully. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Ensure your ideas flow smoothly and coherently. Remove any unnecessary repetition or tangential information. Consider seeking feedback from peers, teachers, or online communities to gain valuable insights and improve the overall quality of your essay.

Example Perspective Essay: The Power of Empathy

The following is an example of a perspective essay on the power of empathy:

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a remarkable human trait that holds immense power. In a world filled with turmoil and division, empathy acts as a bridge, fostering understanding, compassion, and connection. It enables us to step into someone else's shoes, see the world through their eyes, and recognize their struggles and challenges.

When we embrace empathy, we break down barriers and cultivate a sense of unity. It allows us to transcend our personal biases and preconceptions, opening our minds to a multitude of perspectives. Empathy promotes inclusivity and acceptance, nurturing a society where diversity is celebrated and everyone feels valued.

One powerful aspect of empathy is its ability to spark positive change. By understanding the experiences of others, we become motivated to take action and address social injustices. Through empathy, we recognize the need for equality, justice, and human rights. It fuels our determination to create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

In conclusion, writing a perspective essay is an opportunity to express your thoughts, opinions, and experiences in a unique and compelling way. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently tackle the task of writing a perspective essay. Remember to choose a captivating topic, conduct thorough research, structure your essay effectively, and write with clarity and coherence. By sharing your perspectives, you contribute to the rich tapestry of ideas that shape our society.

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How to Write Perspective Essay: Bringing Your Viewpoint


Table of contents

  • 1 Understanding Perspective in Writing
  • 2 Choosing a Subject for Your Perspective Essay
  • 3 Techniques for Analyzing a Subject from Various Perspectives
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.3 Conclusion
  • 5 Handling Conflicting Viewpoints in a Point-of-View Essay
  • 6.1 Perspective Essay Example: “The World Through My Window”
  • 6.2 Analysis of the Example
  • 7 Crafting Perspectives: Key Takeaways

Embarking on the path of writing a perspective essay opens a window to the soul, revealing the depth of our perceptions and the breadth of our understanding. It is an invitation to introspect and articulate, to compare and contrast our inner landscapes with the vast world outside. Delving into perspective essays can be a transformative journey for any writer. This article offers a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of perspective writing.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • The concept of perspective in writing highlighting its role in literature and essays.
  • Distinguishing perspective essays from other essay types, emphasizing the role of personal viewpoints.
  • How to select an engaging subject for perspective essays, with tips for unique angles.
  • A step-by-step approach to writing a perspective essay, including structure and storytelling elements.
  • We discuss methods for handling conflicting viewpoints and presenting a reasoned argument.

Continue reading to learn the secrets of creating a successful perspective essay.

Understanding Perspective in Writing

perspective essay

Like a kaleidoscope, shifting patterns with each turn, perspective in writing transforms the narrative landscape, offering a myriad of views and interpretations. Perspective in writing, especially in literature and essay writing, serves as a unique lens through which readers view the narrative or argument. It’s akin to wearing different glasses that change how we perceive the world in a story or essay. In literature, perspective often manifests through the eyes of the characters, influencing how the story unfolds. This concept becomes even more vital in perspective essays, as the writer’s viewpoint shapes the entire narrative.

A perspective essay differs fundamentally from other types of essays. While expository, descriptive, or argumentative essays focus on presenting facts, explaining ideas, or persuading the reader, a perspective essay dives into the writer’s personal viewpoint. It’s less about convincing the reader and offering a unique lens for viewing a topic. This type of essay enriches the reader’s understanding by showcasing a personal and subjective take on the subject matter.

Incorporating personal viewpoints and subjectivity is what sets perspective essays apart. This approach allows writers to infuse their narratives with personal experiences, beliefs, and emotions, offering a distinct flavor to the essay. It’s not just about presenting facts; it’s about weaving those facts with personal stories and insights. This style encourages readers to see the topic from a new angle, challenging their preconceptions. A well-written perspective essay example demonstrates this blend of personal insight and factual information, making it a powerful tool for expression and engagement.

When learning how to write a perspective essay, it’s crucial to understand that your viewpoint is the essay’s heartbeat. Unlike an essay on perspective that might discuss the concept, a perspective essay embodies it, giving readers a window into your world. This approach doesn’t just convey information; it invites readers into a conversation, fostering a deeper, more personal connection with the topic.

Choosing a Subject for Your Perspective Essay

Selecting a subject for a perspective essay is a crucial step that sets the tone for your entire piece. The key lies in choosing a topic that resonates with you personally, as this type of essay thrives on the depth and authenticity of your viewpoint. Start by considering issues or experiences that stir your emotions or provoke thought. It could be anything from a personal life event to a global issue you feel strongly about.

In perspective writing, the uniqueness of your angle is as important as the subject itself. Even common subjects can transform into compelling essays with a fresh viewpoint.

When considering topics, select the subjects you can explore in depth. Your essay should offer insight and depth, making a well-understood topic a safe bet.

Techniques for Analyzing a Subject from Various Perspectives

To fully grasp the essence of a subject, one must embark on a journey of exploration from every conceivable angle, peeling back layers to uncover the rich tapestry of insights beneath. Analyzing a subject from multiple perspectives requires a methodical approach, ensuring a comprehensive and balanced essay. Begin by identifying the core idea of your subject , and then examine it from different angles. This process involves looking beyond the obvious and questioning the underlying assumptions or beliefs associated with the subject .

Stepping into the shoes of others, we unlock the door to a world of varied perceptions, each offering a distinct piece of the puzzle that forms our understanding. One effective technique is to adopt various roles or personas . Imagine how individuals from different backgrounds, professions, or life experiences view your subject. For instance, a scientist, an artist, and a teacher would each bring a unique perspective to the same topic. This exercise broadens your understanding and helps uncover diverse viewpoints.

Another strategy involves historical and cultural analysis . How would your subject be perceived in a different era or culture? This approach offers depth, showing how perspectives can evolve over time or vary across societies. It’s crucial to research thoroughly to ensure accuracy and sensitivity in your analysis.

What is more, comparative analysis is also valuable. Compare and contrast your subject with similar or contrasting ideas. This method highlights the nuances of your subject, providing a richer perspective. For instance, when writing a perspective essay example about technology’s impact on communication, compare past and present communication methods to underscore the changes and their implications.

Lastly, engage with existing literature or discourse on your subject. What are experts saying? How do public opinions vary? Incorporating these into your essay adds credibility and depth. However, maintain a critical eye, assessing the validity and biases in these sources.

Applying these techniques allows you to dissect your subject comprehensively, bringing a well-rounded perspective to your essay. Remember, the goal is to present various viewpoints and weave them together coherently, offering a rich, multi-dimensional understanding of the subject.

How to Write a Perspective Essay

Writing a perspective essay is an artful balance between expressing personal views and engaging the reader with a broader understanding of the topic. This type of essay transcends mere opinion by offering a unique lens through which the subject matter is explored.


To start with your introduction, it should hook the reader and introduce the topic. Use a compelling statement or a thought-provoking question to pique interest. Clearly state your main argument or viewpoint here. This section sets the stage for your perspective and gives readers a glimpse into the essay’s focus.

Paragraph 1: Start with personal anecdotes or experiences related to your topic. These stories should be relevant and serve as a foundation for your perspective.

Paragraph 2: Next, delve into the specifics of your viewpoint. It’s crucial to expand on why you hold this perspective, linking it to broader themes, cultural contexts, or historical background.

Paragraph 3: Incorporate elements of storytelling such as descriptive language, emotional appeal, and vivid imagery. This approach enriches your essay, making abstract ideas tangible and relatable.

Paragraph 4: Acknowledge other viewpoints. Discuss how these differ from or align with your perspective.

Paragraph 5: Tie in theoretical concepts or references from external sources. This shows that your perspective, while personal, is informed and well-considered.

Conclude by summarizing your main points and restating your thesis in light of the evidence and discussions in the body. Offer a final thought or question to leave the reader pondering, adding depth to your conclusion and reinforcing your perspective’s impact.

Key Elements to Include:

  • Personal Experiences and Reflections

Share personal stories and reflections to make your viewpoint more tangible and engaging. This approach adds depth to your perspective and helps establish a connection with the reader.

  • Clarity and Focus

Be clear and focused in your writing. Avoid straying from the main point. Each paragraph should contribute to building your argument or shedding light on your perspective.

  • Contrasting Viewpoints

Including contrasting viewpoints provides a comprehensive view of the topic. It demonstrates that you have considered the subject matter from multiple angles, adding credibility to your perspective.

  • Narrative Techniques

Use descriptive language, metaphorical expressions, and emotional appeals to make your essay vivid and compelling. This not only keeps the reader engaged but also makes your essay memorable.

  • Objective Analysis

While your essay is centered on your perspective, ensure you objectively present your arguments and contrasting views. Avoid bias and ensure that your essay is fair and balanced.

  • Direct Engagement

Address the reader to create a conversational and engaging tone. This approach makes the essay more personable and relatable.

A perspective essay is a blend of personal insights and a well-rounded understanding of the topic. It requires introspection, research, and the ability to articulate thoughts in a coherent and engaging manner. By weaving personal experiences with factual information and theoretical concepts, your essay becomes a rich narrative that informs and resonates with the readers.

Handling Conflicting Viewpoints in a Point-of-View Essay

In a point-of-view essay, addressing conflicting viewpoints is essential for presenting a reasoned argument. Firstly, start by acknowledging these differing viewpoints without bias. Understanding and presenting these views demonstrates respect and depth in your analysis.

If you start with discussing opposing arguments, avoid dismissive language. Instead, analyze these views critically, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses in a balanced manner. Then, logically present your counterarguments. Use evidence and reasoning to explain why your perspective offers a more compelling or comprehensive understanding of the topic. This approach strengthens your essay point of view and enhances your credibility as a writer. It’s crucial to maintain an objective tone throughout, focusing on logical reasoning rather than emotion.

By breaking down opposing views and building a well-reasoned argument, your essay becomes a thoughtful dialogue rather than a one-sided monologue, encouraging readers to consider your perspective.

Example of Perspective Essays

Crafting a perspective essay is akin to painting a landscape with words, where each stroke offers a different hue of insight and understanding. Such essays invite readers into the writer’s world, encouraging them to view familiar scenes through new eyes. By sharing personal viewpoints, reflections, and analyses, writers can transform abstract concepts into tangible experiences. This unique form of essay writing not only fosters a deeper connection between the writer and reader but also promotes a broader understanding of the subject at hand. Let’s delve into an example of a perspective essay, exploring its nuances and the techniques that make it both compelling and enlightening.

Perspective Essay Example: “The World Through My Window”

As I sit by the window of my fourth-floor apartment, the world below unfolds like a living tapestry. From this vantage point, the bustling city street transforms into a stage where each passerby plays a role in an unwritten play. The scene may appear mundane to a casual observer: people rushing to their destinations, cars honking, and the occasional dog walker. Yet, through my eyes, each element tells a part of a larger story about connectivity and isolation in the digital age. This perspective reveals more than just the physical distance between people; it highlights the paradox of our modern world. Here, in a crowded city, individuals navigate their paths, encapsulated in their thoughts or the screens of their smartphones. This observation leads me to ponder the role of technology in shaping our interactions. While it has the power to connect us across vast distances, it also has the uncanny ability to widen the gap between us, even as we stand shoulder to shoulder. Through the lens of my window, I witness the juxtaposition of connection and solitude. The elderly man who pauses to feed pigeons every morning at 8:00 am, seemingly cherishing this simple routine amidst the urban rush, symbolizes a longing for simpler times. Meanwhile, a group of teenagers laughs together, their attention shared between the physical and digital realms as they scroll through their feeds. This scene encapsulates the dual-edged sword of technological advancement, offering both a bridge and a barrier to genuine human connection.

Analysis of the Example

Delving into the analysis of a perspective essay sheds light on the intricate dance between personal reflection and universal truth, revealing how individual insights can mirror broader societal themes. This examination is crucial, not just for understanding the writer’s viewpoint but for uncovering the layers of meaning that resonate with readers from diverse backgrounds. By dissecting the example of “The World Through My Window,” we can appreciate the nuanced craftsmanship that bridges personal experience with collective consciousness. Here is what we analysed:

Initially, the essay’s introduction draws readers into a vivid tableau, setting the stage for a deep dive into the complexities of human connection in a digitized world. Importantly, descriptive imagery serves as the backbone of this narrative, enabling readers to visualize the bustling cityscape as more than a mere backdrop but as a character in its own right. This technique ensures that the essay’s themes are not only understood intellectually but felt viscerally.

Moreover, the strategic use of the window as a framing device acts as a powerful metaphor, symbolizing the writer’s observational detachment and inherent connectedness to the scenes unfolding below. Here, the transition from mere observation to profound reflection is seamless, demonstrating how physical spaces can echo the internal landscapes of our thoughts and emotions.

Reflectively, the essay navigates through the dichotomy of connection and isolation, highlighted by the poignant examples of the elderly man and the teenagers. These vignettes serve a dual purpose: they ground the essay’s abstract concepts in tangible reality and illustrate the nuanced impact of technology on human interactions. Furthermore, the transition between these examples is smooth, each serving to build upon the last, weaving a cohesive narrative thread that draws the reader deeper into the essay’s contemplative journey.

Finally, the reflective tone of the essay invites readers to engage in a dialogue with the text, prompting them to question and consider their own experiences with technology and connection. This interactive aspect of perspective essays is pivotal, as it transforms passive reading into an active exploration of both the self and society.

In essence, this analysis underscores the artistry behind crafting a perspective essay that resonates on multiple levels. Through deliberate descriptive imagery, metaphorical framing, reflective narration, and relatable examples, the writer achieves a harmonious balance between personal anecdote and universal insight. It’s this balance that elevates the essay from a mere narrative to a reflective mirror, offering readers a lens through which to examine their own views against the backdrop of the wider world.

Crafting Perspectives: Key Takeaways

In this comprehensive guide on writing perspective essays, we’ve explored essential strategies for conveying your viewpoint. Key takeaways include the importance of a well-structured approach, starting with a captivating introduction and flowing through a thoughtful body to a reflective conclusion. Employing storytelling, addressing the reader directly, and integrating personal reflections are pivotal in adding depth and relatability. Balancing your viewpoint with contrasting perspectives ensures a rounded and credible argument. Remember, the essence of a perspective essay lies in its ability to offer unique insights and foster a deeper understanding of the subject through your personal lens.

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How to Write a Perspective Essay That Will Impress Your Professor

By: Henrique Bertulino

How to Write a Perspective Essay That Will Impress Your Professor

Personal experiences make for great essays. When you use a personal experience to fuel your creativity, the writing process becomes much simpler. A perspective essay is an example of these types of essays. You're drawing on yourself, so the need to research is less. It saves you a lot of time, which a writing service, like essay or thesis help , can even help you further with.

Perspective Essay Example

Pro: concise and interesting, pro: well-structured, con: errors with sentence construction, some tips and tricks.

Everyone has different perspectives - it is just how the world works. Your subject matter will always be unique. In this article, instead of taking you step-by-step through the process of writing one, we will instead use a sample essay to show you what works and what doesn't.

Everyone has different perspectives, and sometimes it is difficult to understand another person's point of view. Many people do the things they do mainly because they feel that their point of view is the right one. Personally, sometimes people usually do not want to think about others' personal perspectives since they know that they are just wrong with their own. Put simply, some people really know what they are doing is incorrect and do not wish to fix it. In my perspective of being upset with my good friend, I was angered that my good friend, who had been staying with me for the week throughout the summer, has not been picking up after himself.

I had to clean up all of his messes to make sure that our living quarters were not in complete disorder. It angered me mainly because I had to clean up following him along with myself. I feel that he needs to have contributed at least slightly to our scenario. We were away from our homes and in the same condition, and he just depended on me to be his personal "maid." My response to this situation that I was dealing with was that I was very short-tempered, and I also did not desire to speak with my friend all the. He got the feeling that something was wrong, but he did not give any thought to what was wrong.

My spouse and I tried to merely blow off the situation and see if he was going to eventually start helping out, but nothing improved. Finally, I told him that he needed to start helping around the place. He got extremely offensive, and he mentioned, "I thought that room services was washing our space." Some people expect points in life, and my friend was one of these people. My perspective changed once I looked at just how he had grown up.

He had his father and mother and his granny do almost everything for him. From performing the dishes to taking out the trash, this kid never performed a task in his entire life. Sometimes you just have to look at the different person's personal background and look at how they had been raised.

Obviously, it was not the right way to raise a child, but I couldn't control what he was accustomed to. Problems occur in perspective-taking all the time because not everyone is brought up the same. A large number of people originate from different backgrounds and different societies.

Most of us view issues differently and based on just how we were brought up. Sometimes your own perspective may not be the agreeable one, and that is the hardest thing to change, especially if you grew up with it.

Dissecting the Essay Sample: What Works and What Doesn't

Now that you are done with the essay, let us jump right into what we can learn from it. First, the pros:

The essay is on the short side, and this isn't difficult to read. Because it is written from the first-person point of view, it drops the reader right into the middle of things. In other words, by starting the perspective essay with their own perspective, the writer brings the readers into his mind space and challenges them to understand where he is coming from.

Another thing worth noting is the anecdote. The story is relatable and simple. Most of us know at least one person like that. By being recognizable and interesting, the essay holds the reader's attention, which is the most important thing.

You may need an expert service to produce a custom paper so that they can show you the basics. Essay structure is one of the most basic and most important things you need to get right if you want to come in first place for your academic writing. And this essay gets it right.

It starts out with an introduction, setting up the premise and expectations for the whole thing. The body paragraphs deal with the story and serve to keep the readers hooked while expanding on the thesis statement. Finally, the conclusion brings it all together - the initial argument, the story - and ties it all together by contextualizing the thesis statement with implications from real life.

That about settles it as far as pros are concerned. Let us now look at what the essay was not able to achieve:

The essay was clearly written by someone not wholly proficient in English. There are a lot of oddly placed words in this essay. There is nothing wrong with writing in a language you're not wholly proficient in, but a research paper has certain standards it needs to live up to. A few rounds of proofreading would be enough to get rid of the inaccuracies, so keep an eye on that.

Drawing upon your own well of experiences will make for unique term papers, this is true, but you need to be mindful of the following:

  • Your memories are the basis for who you are today. They have significance to you, but the stories by themselves will not be able to affect change in others. You have to provide context and give explanations.
  • Tied in with the previous point, you need to realize that your experiences are your own. Many people will not be able to relate to specific cultural things that you went through that they did not. Keeping the reader's attention becomes a priority in this case.

Writing a perspective essay and writing a creative essay is a challenging and rewarding experience. If you can get it right, your paper will be a show stealer! As long as you contextualize your subjective experiences with proper evidence and explanation, you will be well on your way to success. Make sure to format it right, proofread it at least thrice, and present it with confidence. That is all it takes to come first.

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I think this article really helps out with a lot of information about perspective essays. As a college student, I know that writing from your memory or opinions can be quite easy since opinions will always vary. However, proficiency and good grammar are still major requirements in this form of writing.

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Telling the Story of Yourself: 6 Steps to Writing Personal Narratives

Jennifer Xue

Jennifer Xue

writing personal narratives

Table of Contents

Why do we write personal narratives, 6 guidelines for writing personal narrative essays, inspiring personal narratives, examples of personal narrative essays, tell your story.

First off, you might be wondering: what is a personal narrative? In short, personal narratives are stories we tell about ourselves that focus on our growth, lessons learned, and reflections on our experiences.

From stories about inspirational figures we heard as children to any essay, article, or exercise where we're asked to express opinions on a situation, thing, or individual—personal narratives are everywhere.

According to Psychology Today, personal narratives allow authors to feel and release pains, while savouring moments of strength and resilience. Such emotions provide an avenue for both authors and readers to connect while supporting healing in the process.

That all sounds great. But when it comes to putting the words down on paper, we often end up with a list of experiences and no real structure to tie them together.

In this article, we'll discuss what a personal narrative essay is further, learn the 6 steps to writing one, and look at some examples of great personal narratives.

As readers, we're fascinated by memoirs, autobiographies, and long-form personal narrative articles, as they provide a glimpse into the authors' thought processes, ideas, and feelings. But you don't have to be writing your whole life story to create a personal narrative.

You might be a student writing an admissions essay , or be trying to tell your professional story in a cover letter. Regardless of your purpose, your narrative will focus on personal growth, reflections, and lessons.

Personal narratives help us connect with other people's stories due to their easy-to-digest format and because humans are empathising creatures.

We can better understand how others feel and think when we were told stories that allow us to see the world from their perspectives. The author's "I think" and "I feel" instantaneously become ours, as the brain doesn't know whether what we read is real or imaginary.

In her best-selling book Wired for Story, Lisa Cron explains that the human brain craves tales as it's hard-wired through evolution to learn what happens next. Since the brain doesn't know whether what you are reading is actual or not, we can register the moral of the story cognitively and affectively.

In academia, a narrative essay tells a story which is experiential, anecdotal, or personal. It allows the author to creatively express their thoughts, feelings, ideas, and opinions. Its length can be anywhere from a few paragraphs to hundreds of pages.

Outside of academia, personal narratives are known as a form of journalism or non-fiction works called "narrative journalism." Even highly prestigious publications like the New York Times and Time magazine have sections dedicated to personal narratives. The New Yorke is a magazine dedicated solely to this genre.

The New York Times holds personal narrative essay contests. The winners are selected because they:

had a clear narrative arc with a conflict and a main character who changed in some way. They artfully balanced the action of the story with reflection on what it meant to the writer. They took risks, like including dialogue or playing with punctuation, sentence structure and word choice to develop a strong voice. And, perhaps most important, they focused on a specific moment or theme – a conversation, a trip to the mall, a speech tournament, a hospital visit – instead of trying to sum up the writer’s life in 600 words.

In a nutshell, a personal narrative can cover any reflective and contemplative subject with a strong voice and a unique perspective, including uncommon private values. It's written in first person and the story encompasses a specific moment in time worthy of a discussion.

Writing a personal narrative essay involves both objectivity and subjectivity. You'll need to be objective enough to recognise the importance of an event or a situation to explore and write about. On the other hand, you must be subjective enough to inject private thoughts and feelings to make your point.

With personal narratives, you are both the muse and the creator – you have control over how your story is told. However, like any other type of writing, it comes with guidelines.

1. Write Your Personal Narrative as a Story

As a story, it must include an introduction, characters, plot, setting, climax, anti-climax (if any), and conclusion. Another way to approach it is by structuring it with an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should set the tone, while the body should focus on the key point(s) you want to get across. The conclusion can tell the reader what lessons you have learned from the story you've just told.

2. Give Your Personal Narrative a Clear Purpose

Your narrative essay should reflect your unique perspective on life. This is a lot harder than it sounds. You need to establish your perspective, the key things you want your reader to take away, and your tone of voice. It's a good idea to have a set purpose in mind for the narrative before you start writing.

Let's say you want to write about how you manage depression without taking any medicine. This could go in any number of ways, but isolating a purpose will help you focus your writing and choose which stories to tell. Are you advocating for a holistic approach, or do you want to describe your emotional experience for people thinking of trying it?

Having this focus will allow you to put your own unique take on what you did (and didn't do, if applicable), what changed you, and the lessons learned along the way.

3. Show, Don't Tell

It's a narration, so the narrative should show readers what happened, instead of telling them. As well as being a storyteller, the author should take part as one of the characters. Keep this in mind when writing, as the way you shape your perspective can have a big impact on how your reader sees your overarching plot. Don't slip into just explaining everything that happened because it happened to you. Show your reader with action.

dialogue tags

You can check for instances of telling rather than showing with ProWritingAid. For example, instead of:

"You never let me do anything!" I cried disdainfully.
"You never let me do anything!" To this day, my mother swears that the glare I levelled at her as I spat those words out could have soured milk.

Using ProWritingAid will help you find these instances in your manuscript and edit them without spending hours trawling through your work yourself.

4. Use "I," But Don't Overuse It

You, the author, take ownership of the story, so the first person pronoun "I" is used throughout. However, you shouldn't overuse it, as it'd make it sound too self-centred and redundant.

ProWritingAid can also help you here – the Style Report will tell you if you've started too many sentences with "I", and show you how to introduce more variation in your writing.

5. Pay Attention to Tenses

Tense is key to understanding. Personal narratives mostly tell the story of events that happened in the past, so many authors choose to use the past tense. This helps separate out your current, narrating voice and your past self who you are narrating. If you're writing in the present tense, make sure that you keep it consistent throughout.

tenses in narratives

6. Make Your Conclusion Satisfying

Satisfy your readers by giving them an unforgettable closing scene. The body of the narration should build up the plot to climax. This doesn't have to be something incredible or shocking, just something that helps give an interesting take on your story.

The takeaways or the lessons learned should be written without lecturing. Whenever possible, continue to show rather than tell. Don't say what you learned, narrate what you do differently now. This will help the moral of your story shine through without being too preachy.

GoodReads is a great starting point for selecting read-worthy personal narrative books. Here are five of my favourites.

Owl Moon by Jane Yolen

Jane Yolen, the author of 386 books, wrote this poetic story about a daughter and her father who went owling. Instead of learning about owls, Yolen invites readers to contemplate the meaning of gentleness and hope.

Night by Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel was a teenager when he and his family were sent to Auschwitz concentration camp in 1944. This Holocaust memoir has a strong message that such horrific events should never be repeated.

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

This classic is a must-read by young and old alike. It's a remarkable diary by a 13-year-old Jewish girl who hid inside a secret annexe of an old building during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in 1942.

The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

This is a personal narrative written by a brave author renowned for her clarity, passion, and honesty. Didion shares how in December 2003, she lost her husband of 40 years to a massive heart attack and dealt with the acute illness of her only daughter. She speaks about grief, memories, illness, and hope.

Educated by Tara Westover

Author Tara Westover was raised by survivalist parents. She didn't go to school until 17 years of age, which later took her to Harvard and Cambridge. It's a story about the struggle for quest for knowledge and self-reinvention.

Narrative and personal narrative journalism are gaining more popularity these days. You can find distinguished personal narratives all over the web.

Curating the best of the best of personal narratives and narrative essays from all over the web. Some are award-winning articles.


Long-form writing to celebrate humanity through storytelling. It publishes personal narrative essays written to provoke, inspire, and reflect, touching lesser-known and overlooked subjects.

Narrative Magazine

It publishes non,fiction narratives, poetry, and fiction. Among its contributors is Frank Conroy, the author of Stop-Time , a memoir that has never been out of print since 1967.

Thought Catalog

Aimed at Generation Z, it publishes personal narrative essays on self-improvement, family, friendship, romance, and others.

Personal narratives will continue to be popular as our brains are wired for stories. We love reading about others and telling stories of ourselves, as they bring satisfaction and a better understanding of the world around us.

Personal narratives make us better humans. Enjoy telling yours!

writing a personal perspective essay

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Personal Perspectives

Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff

The Personal Perspectives essays celebrate the individual voices of writers with diverse life experiences and points of view about a multitude of topics ranging from coping with challenging health conditions to wide-ranging ruminations. They are often thought-provoking stories of adversity, resilience , and self-knowledge told through first-person narratives. While Personal Perspectives can and often do include empirical information and research insights, their purpose is twofold: to bring the unique thoughts, opinions, and emotions of the writer to the wider world, and to validate the larger importance of mental health to people’s daily lives.

It can be challenging to maintain a balanced mind in the face of life’s often-unpredictable mix of joys, sorrows, triumphs, disappointments, and struggles. Discovering a writer with a similar background and perspective to one’s own—or disappearing into completely alien life experiences that still say a great deal about human existence—are to be found by reading these Personal Perspectives essays.

writing a personal perspective essay

A Personal Perspective: I'm approaching 80 and reasonably healthy and happy. What do I need to do to live another healthy 20 years and make it to 100? Here are the answers.

writing a personal perspective essay

When we find the artist within, we are able to mold the shape, structure, and quality of our suffering.

writing a personal perspective essay

Personal Perspective: I trusted my gut feelings against medical advice. Here's why and what everyone needs to know.

writing a personal perspective essay

A Personal Perspective: Following the Golden Rule benefits us and the people we help. When we receive blessings, we should pay them forward.

writing a personal perspective essay

The journey of life is a constant interplay of change and sameness. We navigate change to preserve sameness.

writing a personal perspective essay

Personal Perspective: In the "Man vs. Bear" debate, neither choice feels safe.

It’s through time in nature and solitude that we come to know ourselves, to connect with our inner sources of inspiration, and to hone the skills of being able to listen, to care, and to be in relationship with others.

Amidst a global loneliness crisis, we’re losing out on solitary reflection. Yet time alone can, paradoxically, help us connect better to others. Here's how.

Mourning doves

Personal Perspective: After more than 40 years in clinical work I loved, It was time to retire. Now I'd have time for everything else I'd always wanted to do! It hasn't turned out quite like that.

writing a personal perspective essay

Think you can attend an auction and just watch the show? Social forces can override sensible intentions.

writing a personal perspective essay

A Personal Perspective: Pixar's Inside Out 2 is a wonderful sequel to 2015's Oscar-winning Inside Out. What does it teach us about the inner life and sense of self?

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How to Write a Personal Perspective Paper

Woman standing inside library.jpg

One type of essay that is frequently assigned to students is the personal perspective paper. These papers give students an opportunity to voice opinions and feelings about certain topics or events, and they give teachers an opportunity to see how well students communicate and to get to know their students better. Personal perspective papers may be assigned to a specific topic, such as being instructed to write a personal perspective on school dress codes or online bullying, or they may be more open-ended, such as describing an ideal school environment or how daily life has changed since students' parents were in school.

Explore this article

  • Define the topic
  • Determine the point or thesis
  • Have a clear point of view that
  • Back up your perspective with examples
  • Organize the paper into a well-defined introduction

1 Define the topic

Define the topic of the personal perspective paper. You may have a specific topic assigned. If not, focus on a topic that you've recently given thought to or something you feel strongly about.

2 Determine the point or thesis

Determine the point or thesis for your paper. Everything that follows must come from this thesis statement so build on it.

3 Have a clear point of view that

Have a clear point of view that, while informed by reading other perspectives, is your personal view.

4 Back up your perspective with examples

Back up your perspective with examples, research, or anecdotes to clearly communicate your personal perspective on the topic.

5 Organize the paper into a well-defined introduction

Organize the paper into a well-defined introduction, body, and conclusion. The conclusion should echo or tie into the introduction. Any superfluous information should be deleted. Edit for mechanical issues and coherence.

  • 1 California State University-Northridge: The Personal Perspective Essay, Johnnie H. Scott, June 1996.
  • 2 Purdue University Online Writing Lab: Essay Writing: What is a Narrative Essay

About the Author

Katlyn Joy has been a freelance writer since 1982. She graduated from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville with a master's degree in writing. While in school she served as graduate assistant editor of "Drumvoices Revue" magazine.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, what is a perspective essay.

Hi everyone, I just came across a term 'perspective essay.' I haven't heard of this before, so can anyone give me a quick overview of what it is and how to write one? Thanks!

Hi there! A "perspective essay" refers to a type of paper that presents the writer's viewpoint or opinion on a specific topic as a form of personal reflection. The primary goal of a perspective essay is to show your unique perspective and establish a clear argument or position on the subject matter.

To write a perspective essay, follow these steps:

1. Choose a topic: Pick something you're passionate or knowledgeable about, as it makes for a more compelling read. Make sure the topic is not too broad, and it should be something that has room for debate or discussion.

2. Develop a thesis statement: This is the central point of your essay and should clearly state your perspective on the topic. Your thesis statement should be concise, well-defined, and easy to understand.

3. Organize your thoughts: Outline the structure of your essay before you start writing. This can help you ensure that your thoughts flow seamlessly from one point to the next and prevent you from drifting off-topic.

4. Write the introduction: Engage your readers by providing some context or background information about the topic. Then, present your thesis statement, which will act as the guideline for the rest of your paper.

5. Present your arguments: Use the body paragraphs to discuss your main points or arguments that support your thesis statement. Be sure to provide evidence by citing relevant sources, examples, or personal experiences to solidify your claims.

6. Address counterarguments: It's essential to offer a balanced perspective by considering opposing viewpoints. You can either dedicate a separate paragraph for counterarguments or address them throughout your body paragraphs. This allows you to demonstrate critical thinking and shows that your opinion is well-informed and well-reasoned.

7. Write the conclusion: Sum up your main points and restate your thesis in a different way. Leave your reader with a thought-provoking statement or question that encourages further discussion and reflection.

8. Revise and edit: Carefully review your essay for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and clarity. It's always helpful to have someone else proofread your work to identify any errors or areas that could be improved.

Remember that in a perspective essay, it's not about being right or wrong — it's about presenting your viewpoint effectively and persuasively. Good luck and happy writing!

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writing a personal perspective essay

How to Write a Personal Essay: Your Easy Guide

writing a personal perspective essay

The power of a well-written personal essay should never be underestimated. Inspiring readers with your experiences, lessons learned from past mistakes, or simply describing the joy you felt from doing a fun activity can literally change people's lives. Take a moment to reflect upon this. How much influence you can have on your audience with just a pen and paper in your hand and thoughts flowing through your head is insane.

To take the reins of your floating thoughts and put them into perspective, you need to know how to write a personal essay. Otherwise defined as a nonfiction narrative story, the personal essay format differs slightly from other kinds of writing with its implicit structure. Once we touch upon those, we will also explore some personal essay topics with our online essay writing service . After reading this article, we promise you'll be so confident writing your personal statement that you might want to craft many personal essays in one go!

What is a Personal Essay?

A personal essay is a type of autobiographical writing where the author shares a meaningful personal experience. Typically assigned in high school and college courses, these essays are also required for college applications, graduate programs, or job applications.

The main goal of a personal essay is to reveal aspects of the author's life and personality through storytelling. By recounting a pivotal event or experience, the writer aims to connect with the reader and convey a deeper understanding of who they are. For applicants, these essays serve as a way to showcase their unique qualities and persuade admissions officers or employers of their suitability.

Personal essays vary widely in content and style, reflecting the diversity of human experiences. They can explore a range of topics, from reflections on personal growth to poignant moments of realization. What distinguishes a personal essay is its emphasis on the author's subjective perspective and the significance of the story being told.

Notable examples of personal essays include Robert Louis Stevenson's "An Apology for Idlers," where he muses on the value of leisure; Zora Neale Hurston's "How It Feels to Be Colored Me," which explores identity and race; and F. Scott Fitzgerald's "What I Think and Feel at 25," a reflective piece on youth and aspirations.

In crafting a personal essay, it's key for the writer to stay focused on the intended purpose: to reveal something meaningful about themselves through a compelling narrative. Whether for academic assignments or application processes, these essays offer a unique opportunity to share personal stories that resonate with readers and leave a lasting impression.

What Do You Write in a Personal Essay?

In a personal essay, the content revolves around sharing a significant personal experience that has had a profound impact on the writer's life. Here's a breakdown of what to consider when writing a personal essay:

  • Choose a Compelling Topic : Select an experience or event that is meaningful and memorable. This could be a moment of personal growth, a challenge overcome, a cultural experience, or a significant relationship.
  • Craft a Narrative : Create a personal essay structure like a story, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Introduce the situation or event, develop the narrative with details and reflections, and conclude with insights gained or lessons learned.
  • Reflect and Analyze : Beyond recounting the events, reflect on why this experience is significant to you. What did you learn about yourself or others? How did this experience shape your beliefs, values, or future goals?
  • Be Honest and Authentic : Personal essays thrive on authenticity. Write openly about your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the experience. Avoid exaggeration or embellishment; instead, focus on conveying genuine emotions and insights.
  • Showcase Your Voice : Personal essays are an opportunity to showcase your unique perspective and voice. Use descriptive language, anecdotes, and personal observations to engage the reader and convey the impact of the experience on your life.
  • Consider the Audience : Whether you're writing for a class assignment, college application, or job application, consider the expectations and interests of your audience. Tailor your essay to resonate with them while staying true to your own story.
  • Edit and Revise : After drafting your essay, revise it for clarity, coherence, and impact. Check for grammar and punctuation errors, and ensure that your essay flows smoothly from start to finish.

Proper Format

Now that you know what is a personal essay, let’s start with the formatting specifics. The format for personal essay can be similar to most academic tasks with just a few distinct aspects. Let's examine the details from our paper writer :

🖋️Font Use any readable fonts - Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri in size 12.
📏Margins Just like in most writings, set your margins to one inch on all sides.
📄Spacing This is a classic! Use double-spacing throughout the essay, including between paragraphs.
📎Indentation Indent the first line of each paragraph by 0.5 inches or use the tab key.
🔢Page numbers Include page numbers in the top right corner of each page.
📚Title Include a title that reflects the theme or subject of your essay. Center the title on the page.
📰Header Include a header with your last name and the page number in the top right corner of each page.
📏Length The length of a personal essay can vary but typically ranges from 500 to 2,000 words.
😇Tone The tone of a personal essay should be conversational, reflective, and sincere.
🧍Personal pronouns Use first-person pronouns such as 'I,' 'me,' and 'my.' Remember, the spotlight is directed at you as you're the true hero of the story.

If you’re required to write an essay using Harvard essay format , check out our detailed guide for an easy understanding. 

Personal Essay Topics

If you have got a lot of exciting stories to tell, your personal essay can shine brightly by interactively engaging the reader. Put in a little extra effort and dig deeper to find a unique or interesting experience or an unusual moment in your life.

Looking at a life lesson from another angle can turn into deep and purposeful subject matter. If you decide to pick a topic from a huge list of personal essay topics that you found on the internet, be precise and careful because not all of them can meet the requirements of your professor.

Personal Narrative Essay Topics

In this type of writing, try to explore a unique experience that creates a sense of conflict in your life. Explore how and why you were confused, annoyed, or hurt by the experience. Imagine your piece of paper as a place where you can freely express your emotions, discuss significant moments, & reflect on their impact on your life. This tip can help you create many really good essay topics, but if you need motivation, you can find some examples below.

  • 'One small step that helped me skyrocket in my career!'
  • 'Why controlling urges teaches you to master self-control.'
  • 'People only learn from their own mistakes.'
  • 'Life is not a one-dimensional path: it is curvier than a snake!'
  • 'What I learned about conquering my fears.'
  • 'The moment when I should have made a better choice.'
  • 'The moment I overcame my public speaking fear.'
  • 'How I conquered adversity with strength.'
  • 'The impact of mentorship: valuable lessons learned from my mentor.'
  • 'My journey to finding a place to belong.'

Personal Essay Topics on Specific Emotions

You may also talk about a specific event in your life that left a long-lasting impression on you. Usually, this type of essay reflects an incident that took place in your life and shifted it in some way. Dive deeper into your mind and find an event that is unique and personal to you. The weirder the occurrence, the more likely the essay will be engaging to read.

  • 'How I ran away from fear: the power of exercising.'
  • 'How I overcame the trauma through painting.'
  • 'My quest to reclaim my cultural identity
  • 'How I tackled cultural shock while studying abroad.'
  • 'The year I went from being an amateur to a professional artist.'
  • 'The best solo hike of my life
  • 'The moment I beat my eating disorder and learned to love my true self.'
  • 'How practicing gratitude helped me find beauty in the ordinary.'
  • 'The power of letting go of toxic relationships
  • 'How I lived up to my family's legacy.'

If you have not noticed, each of these titles can bring a fascinating vibe to the table. The names grab your attention, but you can only honestly know what they are about when reading them. That is the secret to a provocative title!

Cultural Identity and Heritage

  • How family traditions shaped my cultural identity.
  • My experience celebrating a traditional festival from my culture.
  • Challenges and benefits of growing up in a multicultural household.
  • How learning my native language has influenced my identity.
  • Exploring my ancestral roots through genealogy research.
  • Cultural stereotypes I've encountered and how they've affected me.
  • Attending cultural events or ceremonies that are important to my heritage.
  • How studying abroad influenced my understanding of my own culture.
  • The influence of art or literature from my culture on my personal beliefs.
  • Navigating the intersection of different cultural identities (e.g., biracial, bicultural).

Relationships and Connections

  • A memorable romantic proposal or gesture that impacted our relationship.
  • Lessons learned from a mentor or role model in my life.
  • Dealing with cultural differences in relationships with friends or partners.
  • A significant friendship that has shaped who I am today.
  • Reconnecting with a family member after a long period of estrangement.
  • How a long-distance relationship challenged and strengthened my connection with someone.
  • The dynamics of sibling relationships in my family.
  • How volunteering or community involvement has deepened my relationships.
  • A falling-out with a friend and the lessons learned from the experience.
  • The impact of a teacher or coach who believed in me during a challenging time.

Challenges and Resilience

  • How I overcame a significant health crisis or injury.
  • Ways I coped with the loss of a loved one and how it changed my perspective on life.
  • Moving to a new country or city and adapting to a different culture.
  • How I survived a natural disaster or traumatic event and rebuilt my life.
  • Balancing academic or career challenges with personal goals and well-being.
  • Overcoming a fear or phobia that held me back for a long time.
  • Dealing with financial hardship and how it shaped my priorities.
  • How I advocated for myself or others in the face of injustice or discrimination.
  • Learning a new skill or achieving a personal goal despite initial setbacks.
  • How I overcame a period of self-doubt and found strength in resilience strategies.

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Crafting an Outline for Personal Essay

Like most academic tasks, the personal essay can be easily structured into 5 paragraphs . This is one of the most important steps of personal narrative essay writing at any level. Your outline for personal essay will serve as a navigator, so you don't want to get off track. Understanding how to start personal essay, what to write in body paragraphs, and how to conclude it appropriately will be important.

Personal Essay Introduction

Start your writing with an introductory paragraph. As it gives your reader a clear understanding of what the story will be about. Employ a hook sentence to catch their attention and motivate them to read the rest of the paper with a whimsical thesis statement. It can be a narrative thesis, for example. But it must be written in one concise sentence that will bring the reader to the starting point of your essay.

Don't leave your readers in the dark in the introduction by explaining the important things such as:

  • Who are the major characters?
  • When and where is it taking place?
  • What kind of story is it?

Here are some how to start a personal essay examples:

In the heart of bustling Tokyo, amidst the neon lights and throngs of commuters, I found myself unexpectedly lost in a labyrinth of narrow streets and unfamiliar faces. It was here, in the chaotic vibrancy of Shinjuku, that I discovered a deeper connection to my Japanese heritage, navigating not only the city's geography but also my own cultural identity.

Standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon, the vast expanse of ancient rock and winding Colorado River below, I felt a surge of exhilaration and fear mingle within me. This monumental landscape not only challenged my fear of heights but also invited me to contemplate the sheer scale of nature's beauty and my place within it.

Personal Essay Body 

After creating an introduction, you must formulate three body paragraphs supporting your thesis statement. Each new point should contain its own body paragraph. Don't forget to make transitions from one paragraph to another to make sure that everything flows smoothly.

Usually, the body section is presented in the form of your experiences and your reflections on these events. You should also note the passage of time in your body sections, so make sure that the reader is aware of when and how each specific chapter took place.

How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph for Personal Essay?

Ultimately, it will be essential to wrap everything up and give your audience a sense of completeness by writing a proper conclusion. Restate your thesis, summarize the main points you have stated in body paragraphs, and leave your reader with a specific emotion, depending on the subject of your paper.

Readers should also discover a life lesson by going through the story. It is a moment where you show what you have learned from your experiences or how previous events have changed your life.

Tips for Personal Essay Writing Process

If you think you already possess sufficient knowledge of personal essays, we've yet to supply you with more information. Now let's explore the various stages of personal essay writing. Follow the list of valuable tips and advice without skipping a beat from our service where you can buy personal statement too.

Start with an Engaging Opening Sentence

Open your personal essay with an introductory section that will be engaging and interesting for your reader. In the opening section, introduce the principal characters of the story as well as the central theme or themes. It should also present the fundamental question of the essay.

Write from Your Unique Point of View

You are free to write from your point of view or in your own unique style. In contrast to other types of essays, writing from your perspective or in your personal manner is welcomed. For instance, if you are writing about a trip adventure, you might express your individual writing style by describing the sights and sounds that captured your attention. As a result, your writing will be more interesting and genuine and will better convey your experiences and feelings.

Take the Characters into Account

Be sure to describe your characters from all angles. Even though it is your real-life experience, you should still consider storytelling elements like the plot and characters. Using these ingredients in your writing will keep your reader engaged and help your essay flow smoothly.

Shed Light on a Deep Truth

Discuss your background experience with honesty and curiosity. Don't be afraid to uncover a hidden truth or a truth you didn't know was there at the time. Expose a thing that is uncomfortable or difficult for you to discuss. No matter who will read your essay. Whether it will be a teacher or somebody else, they will definitely appreciate your honesty and strive to share your experience.

Write a Rough Draft & Submit

After you have completed all the previous steps, it's time to write a rough draft. Writing a rough draft lets you get new ideas for a personal essay. Moreover, it's a great place to polish your essay and correct small grammar, spelling, and other types of mistakes. Get a second pair of eyes: No one can rate your writing as well as a neutral party. Once you have checked everything, you can start writing the final paper.

Before submitting your personal essay, double-check everything once again and make sure to present the central theme. After it, go through it and proofread your entire piece. Reading an essay full of grammatical mistakes is somewhat frustrating, which can be easily avoided. You can ask your classmate for help, so in that way, you will save each other. Don't forget to meet the deadline - and you're officially finished!

Personal Essay Examples

In our time it’s much more easier to find things on the Internet, and examples are not an exception. Remember one simple thing: not everything that you can find on the Internet is done correctly. If you need some inspiration to get started, you can find several examples of personal essays below, or you can use our free essay samples to sharpen your skills on any type of writing.

As we scratched the surface of the personal essay writing process and delved deep into the specific stages of creating a flawless paper, we hope you gained some valuable insights. These tips are all you'll ever need to inspire readers or even WOW the admissions officers!

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How Do I Write a Personal Essay?

What are examples of personal essay, what are the elements of a good personal essay.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

writing a personal perspective essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • Updated existing information
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  • Added the sections on what is a personal essay and what to consider when writing one
  • Personal Narrative Essays . (n.d.).  
  • Pavic, H. (2023, November 14). Crafting Compelling Personal Essays . Lakewood University.  

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6 Steps to Writing the Perfect Personal Essay

Personal essays are easy once you know how!

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writing a personal perspective essay

  • B.A., English, St. Olaf College

It is the first day of a new school year and your teacher has just assigned a personal essay. They have good reasons for this assignment—personal or narrative essays allow teachers to assess your grasp of language, composition, and creativity.

If you don't know where to start or feel overwhelmed by the open-ended prompt, this list is here to help you navigate the process from beginning to end. Writing about yourself is easy to do when you keep the key ingredients of a great essay in mind.

Find Inspiration and Ideas

You can't begin a personal essay without a topic. If you are stuck on what to write about, look to some of these sources of inspiration:

  • Consult lists of ideas to get your brain thinking about the possibilities of your essay. Remember that a personal essay is autobiographical, so do not write about anything untrue.
  • Try writing a  stream of consciousness . To do this, start writing whatever is on your mind and don't stop or leave anything out. Even if ideas aren't connected to each other whatsoever, a stream of consciousness gets everything in your brain on paper and often contains many ideas.
  • Do a little research. Browsing through whatever interests you can really get the creative juices flowing and lead to small self-reflections. Grab onto any of these that you think you might want to write about.

Don't be afraid to ask your teacher what they are looking for. If you still aren't sure what to write about, go to your teacher for suggestions or a more specific prompt.

Understand the Composition of an Essay

Before you start writing, remind yourself of basic essay composition. Almost all essays are made up of three parts: an introduction, a body of information, and a conclusion. The five-paragraph essay is a common iteration of this and it contains an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. Use an outline, or general essay plan, to jot down your ideas before writing.

Introduction : Start your personal essay with a hook, or an interesting sentence that grabs your readers' attention and makes them want to read more. Select a topic that you know you can write an interesting essay about. Once you have a compelling topic, decide on the main idea you want to communicate and use it to capture your readers' interest in the first sentence.

After the hook, use the introductory paragraph to briefly outline the subject of your essay. Your readers should have a clear understanding of the direction of the rest of your piece from the introduction.

Body : The body of your essay is made up of one or more paragraphs that inform your readers about your topic, each paragraph accomplishing this in a unique way.

The structure of a paragraph resembles the structure of an essay. A paragraph contains an attention-grabbing topic sentence, several sentences elaborating on the point of the paragraph, and a conclusion sentence or two that summarizes the main idea. The conclusion sentence of a paragraph should also be used to transition into the next paragraph by smoothly introducing the next topic without going into too much detail.

Each paragraph should have its own idea that is closely related to the topic of the whole essay but elaborates on the main idea in a new way. It is important that topics flow logically from one to the next so that your essay is easy to follow. If your paragraphs are not related to each other or the main idea, your essay may be choppy and incoherent. Keeping your sentences concise also helps with clarity. Feel free to break a large paragraph up into two separate paragraphs if the topic changes or goes on for too long.

Conclusion : Close your essay with a final paragraph that summarizes the points you have made and states the takeaways. When writing personal essays, conclusion paragraphs are where you talk about the lessons you learned, ways that you changed as a result of your subject, or any other insights that were gained from your experience. In short: restate the ideas from the introduction in a new way and wrap up your essay.

Use Appropriate Voice for Essay and Verbs

In English grammar, there are many elements of writing that determine the quality of your work and voice is one of the most important. There are two types of voice: the author's voice and the voice of verbs.

Author's Voice

One of the things your teacher will be looking for when reading your personal essay is the use of voice in your essay, which is your own personal style of telling a story. They will be looking for features of your writing that make it unique, analyze the pacing of your essay, and determine how you establish your authority.

Because personal essays are works of nonfiction, your voice must be reliable. Other than that, you are free to play around with the delivery of your essay. Decide how formal or casual you want to be, how you want to keep the attention of your readers, how you would like your readers to feel when reading your essay, and how you would like your story to come across as a whole.

Voice of Verbs

Don't be confused—verbs have their own voice that is entirely separate from the author's voice. The active voice occurs when the subject of your sentence is performing the action or verb and the passive voice occurs when the subject is receiving the action.

The subject is italicized in the following examples.

Passive : An essay was assigned by Ms. Peterson.

Active : Ms. Peterson assigned a personal essay about summer vacation.

Generally, the active voice is most appropriate for personal essays as it is more effective at progressing a story forward. Using verbs in the active voice also tends to come across as more authoritative.

Be Consistent With Point of View and Tense

Personal essays are about yourself, so it is important that your point of view and tense be consistent with this. Personal essays are almost always written in first person tense, using the pronouns I, we, and us to tell what happened. Readers need to know what something was like from your perspective.

Remember that you can only speak to your own thoughts and feelings in first person tense unless you know for sure what another person was thinking or feeling and can quote them.

Personal essays are also written in the past tense because they describe something that happened to you, not something that is happening or will happen. You cannot speak confidently about experiences that have not happened or are still happening because you have not yet learned from them. Teachers will probably want you to write a personal essay to reflect on a real experience that taught you something.

Use Your Own Vocabulary

Just as you shouldn't lie when writing personal essays, you also shouldn't waver. Your choice of vocabulary can help you establish and maintain themes throughout your essay. Every word matters.

Your goal when writing a personal essay should be authenticity and you need to choose your vocabulary accordingly. Use the words that naturally come to mind when you are writing and don't try to be something that you are not. Your language should fit the topic and guide readers to interpret your writing in a certain way.

Here are some examples of how to choose the right words.

  • When you are making a statement of opinion or fact, use powerful words that make your ideas clear. For example, say, "I ran like my life depended on it," rather than, "I ran pretty fast."
  • If you are trying to communicate uncertainty that you felt during an experience, use words that convey these feelings. "I questioned whether or not it was a good idea," rather than, "I didn't know what would happen."
  • Use positive language. Write about what did happen or what is rather than what did not happen or what is not . "I left room for dessert after dinner," instead of, "I hated dinner and couldn't even finish it."

Always be as descriptive as possible and incorporate all of your senses into your writing. Write about how something looked, sounded, felt, smelled, or tasted to help your readers imagine the experience for themselves. Use adjectives that support what you have described but do not use them to do the work of describing for you.

Edit, Edit, Edit

English grammar is tough even for native English speakers. Brush up on grammar rules before writing and revisit your work when you are finished to ensure that you have written an essay that you can be proud of.

No matter what you write, one of the most important parts of the writing process is editing . It is good practice to give yourself some space from your essay just after finishing it before you dive into editing because this can help you analyze your writing more objectively. A second opinion is always helpful too.

When editing, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is the grammar/sentence structure of your essay correct?
  • Is your essay well-organized and easy to follow? Does it flow?
  • Is your writing on topic throughout the essay?
  • Will your readers be able to picture what you have described?
  • Did you make your point?
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How to write a (great) Perspective article

Like many journals, Journal of Biogeography ( JBI ) provides a specific forum for researchers to put forward new ideas (or dismantle old ones). In JBI , this article type is the Perspective . Our Author Guidelines state that Perspective papers “should be stimulating and reflective essays providing personal perspectives on key research fields and issues within biogeography”.

Across the senior editorial board, we’re always a little surprised that we don’t get more Perspective submissions since most of the biogeographers we know are brimming with personal perspectives, many of which immediately spill out over a coffee, beer or zoom call. Of course, going from a good idea to a finished article is rarely straightforward and writing your first Perspective article can be a daunting prospect – even more so if English is not your native language.

The good news is that writing a Perspective can be exceedingly enjoyable and a refreshing change from the limitations of a standard research article. Moreover, it is not a ‘black box’; there are several general principles that can help you to craft ‘stimulating and reflective essays’. Like research articles, the best Perspectives have a clear U-shaped narrative (Figure 1) that start with a clear justification of why a research area/topic needs re-evaluating and finishing with the potential implications of your new perspective for the development of the field.

writing a personal perspective essay

One of the best things about Perspective articles is you have enormous flexibility in how you write them. Nevertheless, when planning the article, we find it useful to divide the article into several basic components:

  • The Introduction This ought to include an engaging explanation of the problem/challenge you are addressing (this can be conceptual, practical, methodological… anything really!). Generally speaking, the more important/fundamental the problem, the harder it is to convince the referees that your new perspective is valid! But the potential rewards are also greater, so give your best idea a go! Almost by default, you need to contrast your new perspective with the standard or alternative solution/model/explanation, i.e. the “text-book explanation” that most scientists would agree with. This standard explanation needs to be carefully layed-out without creating a ‘straw man’ (e.g. misrepresenting the alternative argument to make your argument look better)! Finally, introduce your new perspective and give a convincing explanation of why you think it is needed.
  • Substantiating your new perspective It’s not enough to simply state your new perspective. You also need to provide convincing evidence in favour of, or at the very least consistent with, your argument, citing examples and demonstrating ways in which your new perspective can be applied. This does not need to be an exhaustive synthesis of relevant studies, but it should be sufficient to support your argument and to, at a minimum, demonstrate that existing approaches to the problem are insufficient.  Be careful to not cherry pick the literature such that you selectively ignore evidence contrary to your view. Instead, embrace challenging data, and use them to explore limitations and possibilities.
  • Conclusions After discussing the evidence it is important to outline the relative strengths of your new perspective as compared to the standard/alternative perspective and to discuss the potential implications of your approach for future developments in the field.

And don’t forget your figures! It’s a decent estimate that a picture is worth a thousand words. A sweet graphic demonstrating the differences between the conventional and your new improved approach will also be worth a whole pile of citations. So, having made a compelling intellectual argument in the text, don’t sell your idea short visually. Design an eye-catching intuitive graphic that’ll get included in social media, in other people’s talks, as well as future papers and text-books. (Advice on preparing figures can be found at .)  

How to get started : When planning a Perspective paper (for any journal), consider starting with a simple plan, e.g. a bullet-pointed outline, that includes: (i) the problem; (ii) the standard approach; (iii) the new perspective; (iv) the key evidence, and; (v) the main conclusion. Of course, there are many other ways to structure an argument and experienced writers will often create a compelling narrative that doesn’t fit into a standard structure. The point is, a strong structure can be a huge help if you are unsure how to start, or to help organize your thoughts.  Another tip is, if you’re unsure about the merits of an idea, write to the editorial board.  Contact an associate editor in a closely allied field and write to the Reviews Editor, Richard Ladle, and/or the editor-in-chief Michael Dawson < contacts >.  We’ll be happy to give you preliminary feedback and guidance.

We hope the short explanation above has shown you that writing a Perspective article is not fiendishly difficult or the preserve of well-seasoned biogeographers with long academic records. A new Perspective is as much about novelty and disruption as it is about experience. Here at Journal of Biogeography we believe that debate and discussion, diverse viewpoints and challenges to orthodoxy are essential if the discipline of biogeography is going to maintain its vibrancy and societal relevance. In this respect we encourage submissions from all biogeographers, but especially early stage researchers and those working in regions of the world historically under-represented in biogeography.

Written by: Richard Ladle Research Highlights Editor

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Contributing to the growth and societal relevance of the discipline of biogeography through dissemination of biogeographical research. View more posts

7 thoughts on “ How to write a (great) Perspective article ”

Can I get to see a sample of perspective type news article, it will be a great help.

Thanks Pragya

Great Post!!! your article is very helpful for me . your ideas of worth are very useful and helpful for me.all the information for worth is very valid. Great post I must admit, keep sharing more…

Thank you for the writing tips.

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Thanks for your guidance of perspective. — from a fresh neuroscientist

Very Helpful for Newbie here! Thank you! Godspeed!

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How to Write a Statement of Perspective/Diversity

Writing a statement of perspective and diversity is a lot like writing a personal statement. The stages include 1) brainstorming , 2) outlining (loosely or in detail), 3) drafting , and 4) revising .

Broadly speaking, your statement of perspective has two parts: your experience, and the insight you took from it.

Below are some more specific tips.

1. Don’t speak for your group; speak for yourself.

Being Mexican American is a valid starting point for a statement of perspective, but it’s not a specific topic. Don’t write about “the” Mexican American experience; write about your experience. The same goes for any essay about race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, etc.

If you faced adversity, write about it. But your statement of perspective doesn’t have to be an adversity statement. “ Majority Minority ” is a great example of an essay that decouples minority status from hardship.

2. Tell us what it’s about in the first paragraph.

Your first paragraph can be either anecdotal or direct. An anecdotal opening means that you tell a short story which pinpoints your experience. “Identity Carousel” begins this way:

Wrapping up the day’s math lesson, I asked the class if there were any questions. “Yea. Mr. Frank,” said a boy I’ll call Jeremy. “For real, why you always talk like the white people?”

The story encapsulates the narrator’s dilemma: some members of the black community see him as too white.

A direct intro entails a succinct statement in which you state your topic. “Homeschool” begins with a direct intro:

When I was fourteen years old, my mother gave me the choice of being homeschooled or attending a public high school. My older brother had shuddered at the thought of being associated with the stereotype of socially awkward, unfashionable “homeschool kids.” However, I saw the idea of spending my days at home as a challenge and an opportunity.

3. Make sure all the circumstances are clear.

In the first draft of “Taking Care Of My Sister,” the narrator tells us, “As the oldest sibling, I took on the parental role before my sister was a one-year-old.” But she doesn’t make it clear why she had to take on that role. In the final draft , she explains that her immigrant parents worked long hours in factories, leaving her in charge.

4. Try anchoring the story of your heritage or identity to a specific moment.

The writer of “Armenian Heritage,” for example, anchors the story of his heritage to a trip that he took to Baku during which he reconnected with his Armenian roots.

5. Back up your main assertions with specific details.

In the first draft of “ Homeschool ,” the narrator wrote, “Being entrusted to guide my own education gave me self-confidence and taught me to become more independent.” But she didn’t illustrate that point. By the last draft, she gave some examples: “I would work backwards, step by step, to find my mistake in a math equation or track down an explanation for a French grammar rule.”

6. State what you gained from your experience in the last or penultimate paragraph.

Two examples:

I learned how to be my own teacher and to identify my strengths and weaknesses. Homeschooling also helped me be creative and analytical in ways that a more traditional education might not have. -“Homeschool”

I attribute my success to the values my parents instilled by example: hard work and grit. -“Grit”

7. Keep it optimistic.

The first draft of “Rugby” ends: “Income invariably plays an insidious sinister role. It’s a damn shame.”

You too might believe that America is plagued with intractable problems, and you might be right. You may feel angry and combative, and you’re justified in feeling so. But your diversity statement is a place for optimism. Think Disney, not HBO: “I have a unique perspective,” not “I can see that this country is fucked.”

8. Look forward!

At the end of your statement of perspective, it’s a good idea to look forward and tell the admissions committee how your insights will shape your future. Admissions officers often look to a statement of perspective for another indication of what kind of voice you will be on campus, or how your experiences will shape your legal career. You don’t need to be ultra-specific and name affiliation groups you plan to join (though you can!), but you should give some indication of how your perspectives will influence your social/professional presence. 

You have more leeway on your statement of perspective than you do on your personal statement.

Three paragraphs is probably enough. You can write a longer essay if the school’s application permits you to. I’d encourage you to skew short, though. In most cases, your personal statement should remain the star of the show. A page or less double-spaced is often enough for a great statement of perspective.

Format your statement of perspective the same way you format your personal statement , but instead of “Personal Statement,” the last line of the header should use whatever term that school used on their application description, e.g., “Statement of Perspective” or “Optional Essay Two.” If the school doesn’t indicate a preferred term for the essay, you can go with the old tried-and-true “Diversity Statement.” 

Learn about our admissions consulting and editing services .

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How to Write a Personal Essay

Last Updated: February 2, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 311,400 times.

A good personal essay can move and inspire readers. It can also leave the reader unsettled, uncertain, and full of more questions than answers. To write an effective personal essay, you will need to first understand the structure of a personal essay. You will then need to brainstorm ideas for the personal essay so you are ready when it is time to sit down and craft your essay.

Starting Your Personal Essay

Step 1 Find an angle for your essay.

  • For example, maybe you want to write about an experience where you learned about failure. You may think the time you failed a pop quiz in class. Though the quiz may have seemed insignificant to you at the time, you realized later that failing the pop quiz forced you to reassess your goals and motivated you to get a passing grade. Seen from a certain angle, your small failure became a gateway to perseverance and determination.

Jake Adams

  • This could be a seemingly small moment that ended up having a profound influence on you later, such the first time you experienced disgust as a child or the look on your mother’s face when you told her you were gay. Try to really dig into why you were hurt or compelled to overcome a challenge in this moment in your essay.
  • Remember that moments charged with strong emotion will often be more engaging to readers. Having a strong reaction to a specific moment will allow you to write passionately about it and keep your reader interested in your essay.

Step 3 Discuss a specific event that triggered an emotional response.

  • For example, you may focus on the day you found out your father cheated on your mother, or the week you mourned the death of a loved one. Think about a heavy experience in your life that shaped who you are today.
  • You may also decide to write about a seemingly light topic or event, such as your first ride on a roller coaster, or the first time you went on a cruise with your partner. No matter what event you choose, make sure it is an event that triggered a strong emotional response, ranging from anger to confusion to unabashed joy.

Step 4 Think of a person in your life that you have difficulty with in some way.

  • For example, you may think about why you and your mother stopped speaking years ago or why you are no longer close to a childhood friend. You may also look at past romantic relationships that failed and consider why they did not succeed or a relationship with a mentor that went sour.
  • This could also be about someone that you're close with. For example, you could write about a moment that tested your relationship with a close friend.

Step 5 Respond to a current event.

  • Ask yourself questions about the current event. For example, how does the current event intersect with your own experiences? How can you explore a current social issue or event using your personal thoughts, experiences, and emotions?
  • For example, you may have an interest in writing about Syrian refugee camps in Europe. You may then focus your personal essay on your own status as a refugee in America and how your experiences a refugee have shaped the person you are now. This will allow you to explore a current event from a personal perspective, rather than simply talk about the current event from a distant, journalistic perspective.

Step 6 Create an outline.

  • The introductory section should include “the hook”, opening lines where you catch the reader’s attention. It should also have some sort of narrative thesis, which is often the beginning of an important event in the piece or a theme that connects your experience to a universal idea.
  • The body sections should include supporting evidence for your narrative thesis and/or the key themes in your piece. Often, this is in the form of your experiences and your reflections on your experiences. You should also note the passage of time in your body sections so the reader is aware of when and how certain events occurred.
  • The concluding section should include a conclusion to the events and experiences discussed in the essay. You should also have a moral of the story moment, where you reflect on what you learned from your experiences or how your experiences changed your life.
  • In the past, it was advised to have five paragraphs total, one paragraph for the introductory section, three paragraphs for the body section, and one paragraph for the concluding section. But you can have more or less than five paragraphs for your personal essay as long as you have all three sections.

Writing the Personal Essay

Step 1 Begin with an engaging opening scene.

  • Don't begin with a line that explains exactly what is going to be discussed in, such as, “In this essay, I will be discussing my fraught relationship with my mother." Instead, draw your reader into your piece and still provide all the information needed in your opening line.
  • Start instead with a specific scene that contains the key characters of the essay and allows you discuss the central question or theme. Doing this will allow you to introduce the reader to the characters and the central conflict right away.
  • For example, if you are writing about your fraught relationship with your mother, you may focus on a specific memory where you both disagreed or clashed. This could be the time you and your mother fought over a seemingly insignificant item, or the time you argued about a family secret.
  • Try to use an active voice instead of a passive voice as much as possible when you're writing your essay.

Step 2 Write from your unique voice or perspective.

  • This writing voice may be conversational, much like how you might speak to a good friend or a family member. Or, the writing voice may be more reflective and internal, where you question your own assumptions and thoughts about the subject of the essay.
  • Many personal essays are written in the first person, using “I”. You may decide to write in the present tense to make the story feel immediate, or past tense, which will allow you to reflect more on specific events or moments.
  • Include vivid sensory descriptions in your essay to help the reader connect with your unique perspective. Describing touch, smell, taste, sight, and sound can help the reader invest in your story and feel like they're there with you.

Step 3 Develop the characters so they are well-rounded and detailed.

  • You can also include lines of dialogue spoken by your characters, based on your memory of the event. However, you should limit dialogue to only a few lines a page, as too much dialogue can start to veer away from personal essay and more toward fiction.

Step 4 Include plot in your essay.

  • You may use a plot outline to organize your essay. The plot points should act as supporting evidence for the central question or issue of the essay.

Step 5 Focus on uncovering a deeper truth.

  • It’s important to remember that though an experience may appear to have all the drama necessary to make a good personal essay, it may be a drama that is too familiar to the reader already. Be wary of experiences that are familiar and filled with pathos that a reader may have experienced before.
  • If you are writing about the sudden death of a loved one, for example, it may feel important and deep to you. But the reader will likely know what to expect of an essay about a dead loved one, and may not relate to your essay because they did not know the loved one like you did.
  • Instead, you may try to uncover a truth that is deeper than “I am sad my loved one died.” Think about what the loved one meant to you and how the loved one affected your life, in positive and negative ways. This could lead to the uncovering of a deeper truth and a stronger personal essay.

Polishing Your Essay

Step 1 Try out different literary techniques and forms.

  • For example, you may use metaphor to describe the experience of telling your mother you are gay. You may describe your mother’s face as “impenetrable, a sudden wall”. Or you may use a simile, such as “my mother’s reaction was silent and stunned, as if she had been struck by lightning.”

Step 2 Read the essay out loud.

  • As you read it out loud, you should highlight any sentences that are confusing or unclear as well as sentences that do not appear as strong as the rest of the draft. You should also make sure your characters are well developed and your essay follows some kind of structure or sense of plot. Consider if you are hitting a deeper truth in your draft and what you can do to get there if it is not yet on the page.Revising your essay will only make it that much stronger.

Step 3 Proofread and revise the essay.

  • When you are revising, you should consider if your content is really worth writing about, if you are writing about a topic or subject you are passionate about, and if your reader will understand your writing. You want to avoid confusing your reader, as this can turn her off from reading to the end of your essay.
  • You should also make sure the focus and themes of the essay are clear. Your experiences should center around a central question, issue, or theme. This will ensure your personal essay is well written and concise.
  • Avoid relying on spellcheck to catch all of the spelling and grammar errors in your essay.

Expert Q&A

Jake Adams

  • To get a better sense of the genre, you should read highly crafted examples of personal essay. There are several known personal essays that are often taught in academia, including "Notes of a Native Son” by James Baldwin, “The Death of a Moth” by Virginia Woolf, “Shipping Out” by David Foster Wallace, “The White Album” by Joan Didion, and “We Do Abortions Here” by Sallie Tisdale. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Ask yourself several questions as you read the examples, such as: How does the writer introduce the subject of their essay? How does the writer explore the subject for a personal perspective? What are the key themes in the essay? How does the writer connect their personal experiences to a universal theme or idea? How does the writer use humor or wit in the essay? What is the concluding moral of the essay? Does the end of the essay leave you satisfied, unsettled, curious, or all of the above? Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

Sample Essay and Template

writing a personal perspective essay

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About This Article

Jake Adams

To write a personal essay, start by deciding on an experience that affected your life in some way, such as how failing a pop quiz in class made you change your goals. Next, draft an outline containing the points you want to make, and including an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. When writing, start your essay with an engaging scene that introduces the characters and main theme, then develop the characters in the body section so they're well-rounded. Conclude by summing up what you learned from the experience. For tips on how to include a plot in your essay and how to proofread your work, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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writing a personal perspective essay

How to Write Brown’s Perspective Essay

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Shane Niesen and Vinay Bhaskara i n a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.

What’s Covered:

Why this prompt is important, avoiding admission officers’ biases, why someone else should read your essay.

The second Brown University supplemental essay asks students to respond to the following prompt:

Brown’s culture fosters a community in which students challenge the ideas of others and have their ideas challenged in return, promoting a deeper and clearer understanding of the complex issues confronting society. This active engagement in dialogue is as present outside the classroom as it is in academic spaces. Tell us about a time you were challenged by a perspective that differed from your own. How did you respond? (200-250 words) 

In this article, we discuss why this prompt is so important, how to be aware of a reader’s bias, and why having someone else proofread your essay is essential. 

Brown’s second essay is all about being challenged by a perspective different from your own. One of the trickiest parts about this essay is to avoid focusing on presenting the two perspectives and the battle between them. This is not the point of the prompt. Brown admissions officers want to read about your perspective and your thought process when challenged. 

The goal of this prompt is to demonstrate how you think about the world, address challenges, and approach conflict. There is no avoiding conflict in life—over the past few years, for example, our society has experienced a great deal of friction due to opposing perspectives—so do your best to share your thought process around conflict. Dive into how you approach being confronted with differing opinions. 

There are a few questions that you can home in on for this prompt. You can write about your perspective, who challenged you, how it felt being challenged, and if that changed your perspective. This doesn’t mean you have to write about the exact time and place when your mind changed—maybe you felt even stronger about your beliefs after being challenged. The point is that you want to demonstrate that this confrontation had some sort of impact on you. 

Don’t be afraid to step away from the broader issues in our society or politics. Try to focus on a personal situation for this prompt. This will not only make you stand out from the crowd, but it will also help you avoid the biases of the admissions officers. Of course, admissions officers are aware that they will read the essays of students who share different perspectives than their own, but by writing about a personal conflict or issue, you’re more likely to avoid this issue entirely. 

Appealing to the admissions officers is a crucial part of your essay. You want the reader to like you or at least empathize with your perspective. This is why you should check yourself and your opinions while writing. You can do this by sharing your essay with someone else and asking for feedback. If that person tells you that they didn’t like how you talked about your opinion, that’s a sign that the admission officers won’t like it either. 

Ask your reader for feedback on the structure and content of your essay. A big mistake that students make is spending too much time narrating the problem rather than reflecting on the story. Your essay will ideally contain deeply personal topics, so most of it should focus on your emotions and headspace.

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writing a personal perspective essay

Point of View in Academic Writing

Point of view is the perspective from which an essay is written. The following chart lists both the personal pronouns and their possessive forms used with these points of view:

  Singular Plural
I, me (my, mine) we, us (our, ours)
you (your, yours) you (your, yours)
they, them (their, theirs)
she, her (her, hers)
he, him (his)
it (its)
one (one’s)
they, them (their, theirs)

When choosing appropriate point of view for academic or formal writing, consider the type and purpose of the assignment.

When using any of the three points of view, maintaining consistency is vital. Switching between points of view can be confusing for the reader. Choose a suitable perspective and then stay with it.

Unclear: The accident happened right in front of so could see who was at fault.
Revised: The accident happened right in front of so could see who was at fault.

First Person

First-person point of view is used to write stories/narratives or examples about personal experiences from your own life. Note the following paragraph:

Several people have made a lasting impression on me . I remember one person in particular who was significant to me . Dr. Smith, my high school English teacher, helped my family and me through a difficult time during my junior year. We appreciated her care, kindness, and financial help after the loss of our home in a devastating fire.

Note : Academic writing often requires us to avoid first-person point of view in favor of third-person point of view, which can be more objective and convincing. Often, students will say, “ I think the author is very convincing.” Taking out I makes a stronger statement or claim: “The author is very convincing.”

Second Person

Second-person point of view, which directly addresses the reader, works well for giving advice or explaining how to do something. A process analysis paper would be a good choice for using the second-person point of view, as shown in this paragraph:

In order to prepare microwave popcorn, you will need a microwave and a box of microwave popcorn which you’ve purchased at a grocery store. First of all, you need to remove the popcorn package from the box and take off the plastic wrap. Next, open your microwave and place the package in the center with the proper side up. Then set your microwave for the suggested number of minutes as stated on the box. Finally, when the popcorn is popped, you’re ready for a great treat.

Note : Academic writing generally avoids second-person point of view in favor of third-person point of view. Second person can be too casual for formal writing, and it can also alienate the reader if the reader does not identify with the idea.

Replacing You

In academic writing, sometimes "you" needs to be replaced with nouns or proper nouns to create more formality or to clarify the idea. Here are some examples:

Quality of education decreases when allow overcrowded classrooms.
(Are you, the reader, allowing the conditions?)
Quality of education decreases when allow overcrowded classrooms.
(Identifies who is doing what.)

On Saturday afternoons, usually have to stand in long lines to buy groceries.
(Are you, the reader, shopping on this day and time?)

Saturday afternoon usually have to stand in long lines to buy groceries.
(Identifies who is doing what.)
In many states, have prisons with few rehabilitation programs.
(Do you, the reader, have prisons?)
In many states, have few rehabilitation programs.
(Identifies the actual subject of the sentence.)

Third Person

Third-person point of view identifies people by proper noun (a given name such as Shema Ahemed) or noun (such as teachers, students, players, or doctors ) and uses the pronouns they, she, and he . Third person also includes the use of one, everyone, and anyone. Most formal, academic writing uses the third person. Note the use of various third-person nouns and pronouns in the following:

The bosses at the company have decided that employees need a day of in-house training. Times have been scheduled for everyone . Several senior employees will be required to make five-minute presentations. One is not eager to speak in front of others since he’s very shy. Another one , however, is anxious to relate their expertise. The variation in routine should provide an interesting day for all people concerned.

Third Person Pronouns: Gender-Fair Use of Language and Singular “They”

In the past, if you wanted to refer to one unnamed person, you used the masculine pronoun: If a person is strong, he will stand up for himself . Today, you should avoid the automatic use of the masculine pronoun because it is considered sexist language.

Also avoid perpetuating gender stereotypes by assigning a particular gendered pronoun: A doctor should listen to his patients. A nurse should listen to her patients . These examples make assumptions that doctors are men and nurses are women, which is a sexist stereotype.

Instead, use the pronouns they or them to refer to a person whose gender is undisclosed or irrelevant to the context of the usage: If a person is strong, they will stand up for themselves when they believe in something.

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How to Write a Personal Essay

Published September 27, 2020. Updated May 20, 2022.

Personal Essay Definition

A personal essay is an essay that tells about you, about some aspect of yourself and your life that you wish to share.

Overview of a Personal Essay

A personal essay is all about the one who is writing the essay, but it is structured and organized in a predictable pattern. A personal essay is a part narration (telling a story), part description, and part reflection (analyzing something that happened and attributing meaning to it). You can write a full-length personal essay without doing research. This kind of essay helps to show your writing skills and abilities and helps the reader get to know you and your writing voice. However, a personal essay still needs a focus.

This page covers the following points:

Key Takeaways

What is a personal essay, parts of an essay, why would you be asked to write a personal essay, what a personal essay needs to have, possible topics to write about.

  • A personal essay is about you, about some aspect of yourself and your life that you wish to share
  • A teacher might assign a personal essay as a way to get to know you and your writing style
  • A personal essay still needs to follow the conventions and structures of essay writing
  • A personal essay should have a well-defined beginning, middle, and end

If you look at the name, a personal essay is an essay about YOU. You know something about yourself, right? This should be a piece of cake to write!

Now, hang on just a second…

Yes, it’s about you, but don’t forget that second part of the name: essay. It is still an essay that needs to follow the conventions and structures of essay writing.

So a personal essay is not just five paragraphs that go on and on about your favorite movies.

A personal essay is all about you, but it is structured and organized in a predictable pattern. It is part narration (telling a story), part description, and part reflection (analyzing something that happened and attributing meaning to it).

To help you write a personal essay, this guide will:

  • Tell you why a teacher might assign a personal essay
  • List what a personal essay needs to have
  • Give you a list of possible topics to write about
  • Take you through the parts of an essay, with a sample

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Most essays have three parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Think of the organization of an essay like this:

  • Intro – Tell your reader what you’re going to write about
  • Body – Write about it
  • Conclusion – Tell them what you wrote about

Let’s go through each part of a personal essay. Each part includes a sample.


You want to begin your essay with a hook . A hook is an interesting opening that “catches” your reader and makes them want to read more. Your hook is usually the first sentence or two. Since this is a personal essay, it’s fine to have your hook be something interesting about you.

After you’ve hooked the reader, you want to give some context or background information. Think of each sentence in your intro as a stepping point. Each sentence brings you closer to your thesis statement.

Once you’ve given some context, write a thesis statement, which tells the reader exactly what they’re going to read about. Since it’s a personal essay, this should preview for the reader what they’re going to learn about you. Think of it as a map to the rest of your essay.

Sample Introduction

Can you identify the hook, background information, and thesis statement in this sample?

Did you know that children can “absorb” languages without even trying? Until the age of about nine, children acquire languages, and they can acquire more than one at a time. After that age, new languages must be learned, which is a long, slow process. I acquired two languages as a child because my parents spoke Spanish at home, but I learned English at school. Then, in university, I decided to try to learn a third language: French. After years of learning and some practicing, I can communicate in basic French.

A typical essay has between one and three body paragraphs, although you can write as many as you need (or as many as your teacher assigns you). Regardless of how many body paragraphs, they will all be organized in a similar manner.

Start with a topic sentence to show your reader what is coming up. This is a general sentence that gives an overview of that paragraph.

The substance of a personal body paragraph is, of course, information about you. Whatever you’re sharing with the reader goes here.

End a body paragraph with a sentence that summarizes what you wrote or that leads into the next paragraph.

Sample Body Paragraphs

Can you identify the topic sentences? Is all of the information in the body paragraphs about the writer?

In university, I chose to study French for two reasons. First, I thought it was the most beautiful language I’d ever heard. Second, I wanted the experience of learning a language, of learning vocabulary and grammar little by little. I took a French class every semester of college and by the time I graduated… well, the truth is that I still couldn’t communicate easily. But I was determined to continue learning until I could.

In graduate school, I needed an elective, so I chose a French class. I took a placement test and was placed in French 102. At first, I was devastated – four years of college French and I was back in French 102? But I decided to embrace the opportunity to keep learning. My decision paid off. Because I was a little older, I approached my French in a more mature way. I was able to understand the grammar better, and I was less shy about speaking up. One of our assignments was to give a three-minute presentation in French about a French topic, and I spoke about cheese. I will admit that a lot of translation took place while I was writing my presentation, but the presentation was a success.

After graduate school, I took the opportunity to spend six months in a French-speaking country. At first, I was very nervous. We have all heard the stereotype of finicky French people who won’t talk to you if your French isn’t perfect. That wasn’t my experience at all; I was able to communicate enough to buy a baguette every morning, ask for directions, order a pizza, and generally make my way in this French-speaking country.

Before you turn in that paper, don’t forget to cite your sources in APA format , MLA format , or a style of your choice.

This is how your essay ends and is the last impression your reader takes away.

Conclude your essay by tying back to your thesis statement (from the introduction). Then, summarize the main points of your essay.

If you want, end with a closing statement: an idea that you want your reader to walk away with. If you haven’t included a reflection in the body paragraphs, the closing statement would be a good place to put it.

Sample Conclusion

Can you identify the sentence that ties back to the thesis statement? Can you identify the summary of the main points? Can you identify a closing statement?

Even now, I wouldn’t say I’m a fluent French speaker. Will I ever be? I don’t know, but I can proudly say that I am able to communicate in French well enough to make myself understood and to understand what other people tell me, even if I often have to ask, “Can you speak more slowly, please?” in French. Learning another language is not an easy process. You have to really want it because it will take time and effort. However, if you are dedicated, you can definitely learn another language successfully enough to communicate. 

Example Personal Essay on Learning French

Example personal essay on loving writing.

A teacher might assign a personal essay for a variety of reasons, especially early on in the semester or school year. Here are a few of those reasons:

  • You might need to brainstorm or outline what you want to write about, but you shouldn’t need research. After all, you’re writing about YOU.
  • Your teacher will be able to see how you write. Can you structure sentences? Are your ideas coherent? Are you creative? How is your vocabulary?
  • Do you know what the introduction, body, and conclusion are? Do you include a thesis statement and paragraphs? Do you clearly transition your ideas?
  • At the beginning of a school term, this is an excellent way for a teacher to get to know their students. What you choose to write about will reveal who you are, and how you choose to write tells the teacher something about your writing voice.

It would be nice to think you can just write whatever you want about yourself, but that would not necessarily be an essay.

A personal essay still needs to have a focus: what is it about? It won’t address everything about you. This is an essay, not a 20-volume encyclopedia.

A personal essay still needs to be organized. It needs to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. The reader should feel like they took a trip to a particular destination, not like they’re lost in the woods, wandering aimlessly.

A personal essay still needs to have developed characters. Characters? Yes. They don’t just appear in fiction. Whoever populates your essay – whether it’s just you, or you and your family, or you and your friends – they are considered characters, and they should be developed.

A personal essay still needs to have consistency in point of view and verb tense. This sounds more technical, but because you’ll be writing about yourself, you want to make sure your point of view remains consistent. Adopting the first-person point of view is perfectly acceptable. Write “I” all over the place! But don’t start referring to yourself as “she” or “he” halfway through, because that will confuse your reader. Also, keep your verb tenses consistent. Are you writing in the present tense? Be consistent. Are you writing in the past tense? Be consistent. Will you jump back and forth in time? Make sure you don’t lose your reader when you make those switches.

A personal essay still needs to make a point by the end. Reflect on what this all meant. Why did you choose to write about this ? Let’s say you write about your relationship with your grandmother. At the end of the essay, your reader should understand what was important about your relationship with her. How did she impact you? How is your life different, better, sweeter because of your relationship with her? Make sure your essay answers those questions for your readers.

Since a personal essay is, you know, personal, it’s better to choose a topic that resonates with you. If the topic makes you feel meh , don’t choose that one! Don’t like any of these? Choose something else that you want to share!

For each of these topics, you can write about something positive or negative, as long as it was meaningful to you:

  • Your relationship with a family member
  • Your relationship with a friend or loved one
  • An animal, such as a pet, that affected you
  • A place where you felt comfortable
  • A place where you felt uncomfortable
  • An experience you had growing up
  • A situation that didn’t turn out the way you expected
  • A difficult lesson you learned
  • A strong belief you have
  • A goal you accomplished with hard work

Published September 7, 2020.

By Halina Stolar. Halina has a master’s degree in teaching and taught English as a Second Language and writing for almost 15 years overseas. She now works as a freelance writer and geeks out over grammar for fun.

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New Law School Diversity Statements ("Life Experience/Perspective Essays"): FAQ

This blog post comes from our consultants Anne Dutia, Danielle Early, Paula Gluzman, and Tom Robinson. You can read their full bios here or at the end of this post.

Over the last year, as a result of the 2023 Supreme Court decision on race-conscious admissions, most law schools have changed their prompts for the essays that have long been known as “Diversity Statements.” These new prompts have many names, but two of the most common are Life Experience Essays and Perspective Essays, so we will refer to them as “E/P essays” moving forward.

Choosing whether and/or how to write the new versions of these E/P essays can be a difficult decision. Our team has collectively guided hundreds of applicants as they navigated this new component of the application process in the past admissions cycle. Below, we’ve collected our responses to frequently asked questions about these newer essay prompts. We hope you find them helpful! 

Quick disclaimer that the 2024-2025 application instructions and prompts are not yet available. It is very important to pay special attention to the schools’ prompts as they may well change again this coming cycle. 

Law School Life Experience/Perspective Essay FAQs

What’s the difference between life experience and life perspective essays, and how do they differ from what law schools wanted before .

For a bit of context, along with the required personal statement, law schools have traditionally offered the option of writing a diversity statement for applicants to share more about aspects of their identity, background, and overcoming hardships and adversity. In more recent years, but specifically, after the 2023 SCOTUS decision to remove race-conscious admissions practices, diversity statement prompts have evolved to encompass broader life experiences and perspectives—hence the new names and titles for these optional statements.  

In many ways, both types of these new essay prompts are asking about the understanding you have developed and the insights you have gleaned on issues important to you. For some people, those insights will come from personal experience, and for others, it may be from study. Regardless of how you came to these experiences or perspectives, there should be a clear articulation of why your insights would be valuable in the study and practice of law, whether it’s how you engage with others or the questions you may raise that wouldn’t occur to others. Here is a quick diagram to illustrate the differences a bit more.

writing a personal perspective essay

What if I am not a member of an underrepresented minority group? Should I still write an E/P essay, even when it is optional?

Everyone’s experiences and the insights derived from them are valuable. E/P essays are certainly not limited to members of underrepresented minority groups but can be about a significant aspect of your life or identity, exposure to new ideas, and/or impactful experiences. If you can connect those in a meaningful way to how you would approach certain situations or interact with certain groups, that could be quite effective. Or, if you can use your experience to demonstrate grit, compassion, or a particular understanding of a specific issue, that could also work well. If you are writing about challenges or adversity, these also don’t have to be limited to challenges or adversity associated with being a member of a minority group. For example, you could discuss what you learned growing up while spending all of your free time working for a small family-owned business, or as the caretaker of elderly grandparents or younger siblings, or the leadership lessons gained from being a student-athlete—these could be interesting topics that could make for excellent E/P essays. 

I am an underrepresented student. What should/can I share in my E/P essay? Is there anything I should avoid writing about now that these prompts are not traditional Diversity Statements?

First and foremost, write your story authentically and do not feel like you have to hide or undermine your true identity. Let your story illustrate your diversity, perspectives, and how your experiences shape the contributions you will make. Your identity should be shared within the context of your story, and it may encompass new perspectives you have shared in personal, academic, or professional settings. In some cases, underrepresented students might have painful stories to share about encountering racism, discrimination, or marginalization. While you are not required to share these aspects of your life story, it can help the admissions committee understand the distance you have traveled in your journey to law school. Many applicants from underrepresented student groups have both positive and negative experiences to share in an E/P essay. The key is to tell your story in the context of how it will help you contribute during your law school years and as a legal professional.

How long should the E/P essay be?

Pay attention to schools’ instructions. While you don’t have to use the entire length allowed, be sure not to go over the maximum length. Some schools limit the E/Pessay to 500 words, one page, or two pages, while others do not give a page limit. If a school does not give a page limit, then anything in the range of one to one and a half pages would be a good guide to follow. 

Is this essay really optional? How many should I write when a school provides multiple prompts?

For most schools, the answer is, yes, they are optional! (However, don’t count yourself out because at first glance you can’t think of a topic.) The E/P essays are required for a few schools (e.g. Harvard and Vanderbilt), while other schools may require one additional essay from a list that may include a Diversity or an E/P-related prompt. 

If a school allows for more than one essay, be judicious and use good judgment on whether your application needs another essay added to the collective materials you are already submitting. More is not always better.

What types of life experiences and perspectives are they interested in? Can I share about my own personal growth? Interpersonal experiences in my family or community? Work/professional experience? How far back can I go? What if I am still in college and don’t have work experience?

We have provided a sample of ideas below that clients successfully wrote about last year. This list shows you the array of experiences, ranging from one-of-a-kind unique situations to common occurrences experienced by many. Don’t count yourself out just because you think your experiences aren’t significant, unique, or compelling. You can speak to experiences from as far back or as recent as you want as long as they are still relevant to you today. 

Law School Life Experience/Perspective Essay Examples Topics: 

  • Trying to promote female empowerment within their industry
  • Being a woman in a mal/e-dominated space
  • Being raised gender neutral 
  • Ways, as a member of mostly majority classes, the applicant’s experiences being exposed to different groups influenced their approach to their jobs/lives
  • As a leader, having to deal with difficult, emotionally-charged conversations 
  • Acknowledgments of the value of ensuring all voices are heard
  • Learning how to communicate across different academic and cultural backgrounds
  • Volunteering in a prison
  • Dealing with family difficulties, abuse, mental health issues, incarceration, or other major adversities
  • Being a primary caregiver for siblings, parents, or grandparents
  • Military experience
  • Experiences with racism
  • Positive experiences with cultural identity
  • How being mixed race provides perspective
  • Reckoning experience as bisexual in a traditional family
  • Experiences with discrimination based on sexuality

Socio - economic

  • Growing up with significant financial struggles
  • Living in an area with severe blatant wealth inequality


  • Struggling with finding their place within their family’s religion
  • Growing up in multiple religions
  • How religion emphasizes acts of service
  • Connecting to faith later in life


  • Growing up with different cultural expectations between immigrant parents and US standards
  • Following an unexpected path to STEM
  • Creating and developing communities in new places


  • Being misdiagnosed
  • Being ignored by doctors 
  • How having a diagnosis changes the way people see your actions
  • -Neurodivergence or late-diagnosed neurodivergence
  • Having a “hidden” illness or disability

Do I have to write a different essay for each school?

Many times, you can use the general topic or theme of one school’s prompt and adapt it to other schools, but you probably won’t be able to use the same exact essay for every school on your list. The reality of these newer and broader prompts is that they make it more challenging for applicants to select one workable topic or to write one relevant essay that applies to all. You’ll likely have to write a few different versions, either slightly augmenting your first essay to work for one unique prompt or tweaking the topic to work for prompts of multiple schools. This is especially true for applicants who may have more traditional diversity statement content to share. 

There are so many different E/P prompts! How do I adapt my essay for the various schools? 

There are several different strategies you can use for picking your essay topics. One way is to start by focusing on the message or story you want to share about yourself, and then read the school’s prompt to see how your messaging fits into the prompt. Ask yourself if there are stories and experiences not covered in your personal statement that law schools should know about you, and how those circumstances can be conveyed in ways that directly respond to the prompts.

Another strategy is to begin with the prompts, determine the different categories of content they want to learn about you, and then see which aspects of your story fit into them. For some prompts, you may need to write a new essay, but the topic could be the same. For example, you may have written your essay for one school about your life experience growing up in a religious household, realizing that you have different beliefs, and how you came to that realization. However, another school might ask you to write about difficult conversations you have experienced. For this prompt, you might then consider sharing how you told your parents about your conflicted feelings about the family’s religion. 

Another working strategy is to figure out which schools require an E/P essay (for example, Harvard and Vanderbilt), use those prompts to draft your essay, and then customize versions as needed for the other schools. 

Depending on your story and experiences, your strategy may differ from that of another applicant. Regardless, take the time to be strategic so you can work smarter, not harder when it comes to crafting these essays. Make sure you read each school's prompts and think about how you can share your story based on what they are asking for. Hopefully, you won’t need to write too many different versions.

Should I write about my race or ethnicity if I am underrepresented in the legal field? Can I speak to intersectionality? 

Certainly speak to intersectionality, if you can. If you are choosing between multiple options for your topic, and if you do come from a traditionally underrepresented race or ethnicity, keep the following in mind: Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that schools cannot directly ask about a student’s racial background, they can still consider your identity(ies) if you share them through your essays—in other words, law schools can no longer ask, but applicants can certainly still tell. Race cannot be a deciding factor in admissions, but it can still be one of many considerations if the applicant shares their perspective in their application. Essays that highlight your racial diversity and speak to how that perspective shapes you will be the only place that a school will learn about your diverse identity as they make their admission decision.  

How do I include information about my background in a way that is helpful to the admissions reviewers?

The Supreme Court made sure to emphasize that it is not just your experience and perspective that matters, but how this can contribute to your law school community and the legal profession at large. Paraphrasing Chief Justice Roberts’ words: 

Nothing prohibits universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected the applicant’s life, so long as that discussion is concretely tied to a quality of character or unique ability that the particular applicant can contribute to the university.

Accordingly, it will be most helpful to admissions for applicants to connect the dots between your experience/perspective and the contribution you will make. Think outside of the box about what “contribution” means in the context of your actions, viewpoints, representation, interactions with others, and work outcomes you bring as a person, student, and future professional. Have your experiences encouraged you to see from multiple different viewpoints with more clarity? Have they allowed you to empathize and identify with communities you hope to work with as an attorney? Will they allow you to share a perspective that is often overlooked in the classroom or the judicial system? These could all be themes of a strong E/P essay.

How can I talk about overcoming adversity for schools that don’t ask for it?

In some cases, it may not be advisable to attach an unsolicited E/P essay. It is important to consider whether a school allows for this or if they would frown on unsolicited information. One option is to ask an admissions officer at the school if they would be open to an unsolicited E/P  essay. For example, Stanford Law and Yale Law do not currently have a space for this type of essay. In 2023-2024, Yale did have a “Grit” essay, but some applicants might not feel that this prompt would be appropriate for what they want to share. So, think carefully and maybe inquire about this possibility before doing it. Also, when the 2024-2025 applications are launched, YLS and SLS may bring back this opportunity. 

Parting thoughts:

As more relevant hot topics and burning questions come our way, we will update this post. For now, we hope these FAQs are helpful as you navigate the best strategy, topics, and story to share in your E/P essays.

Anne Dutia has been involved on both sides of the admissions process since 2001. After practicing law for a few years, she spent four years in admissions at The University of Michigan Law School as Assistant Director and then served as a pre-law advisor at The University of Texas at Dallas until joining Spivey Consulting in October of 2017. As a pre-law advisor, Anne was on the Executive Board of the Southwestern Association of Pre-Law Advisors (SWAPLA) and on the Pre-Law Advisors National Council (PLANC), helping to organize multiple pre-law advising conferences. She was also a coach of a Top 15 undergraduate Moot Court team and continues to serve on the Executive Board of the American Moot Court Association (AMCA).

Born in Bombay, India, Anne has lived all over the United States. She earned her BA at Birmingham-Southern College in Birmingham, Alabama, and her JD from the University of Alabama. Despite living in Texas for almost 20 years, she still calls Alabama home and can be found cheering on the Crimson Tide most Saturdays in the fall.

Danielle Early has 15 years of admissions experience, most recently serving as Associate Director of Admissions at Harvard Law School. As a voting member of the HLS admissions committee, she evaluated over 10,000 applications and conducted hundreds of admissions interviews. Prior to joining Karen in the HLS admissions office, Danielle worked in undergraduate admissions at Harvard College as well as Clark University.

In addition to the many roles Danielle filled in the HLS admissions office, she also served as a proctor (or dorm parent/resident hall director) while at Harvard, acting as an academic and career advisor for students. Danielle has spent considerable time counseling students throughout their undergraduate careers, job searches and grad school applications.

Danielle earned her Bachelor’s Degree at Clark University as a double major in Communications and Studio Art and then continued on there to earn a Master’s Degree in Professional Communications. These days, you are likely to find her hiking with her dog, taking cooking classes or working on a new drawing.

Paula Gluzman has over a decade of experience in legal practice and law school administration. Her true passion for working with students throughout their entire law school journey is demonstrated through her diverse professional positions. As the Assistant Director of Admissions & Financial Aid at the University of Washington School of Law and later at UCLA School of Law, Paula has read and evaluated hundreds of admissions files, interviewed applicants, and worked directly with candidates all over the country and abroad to advise them on the law school admissions process. In addition to mentoring and advising pre-law students and traveling the country to present on law school admissions topics, Paula also worked in law school career services, employer outreach and recruiting, and professional development training. She has reviewed and edited hundreds of resumes, cover letters, and other application materials, as well as graded California Bar exam practice tests. Additionally, Paula’s work as a law school career advisor allows her to bring the full-circle perspective to the admissions process, helping applicants make informed and strategic law school decisions from a career and professional development perspective.

Paula has served in elected leadership and board positions during law school (including a journal comments editor), and professionally in NALP (National Association for Law Placement), SDLRA (San Diego Legal Recruiting Association), and LEAP (Legal Education Access Pipeline). As an immigrant and the first in her family to attend law school, Paula is proactive in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in legal education and hiring. In the years that she has studied and engaged in DE&I work, she understands the challenges involved in getting to law school and the value of knowledgeable mentorship through the admissions process. As Spivey Consulting Group’s Director of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives, Paula also spearheads the firm’s annual Pro-Bono Program and other efforts to provide equal access to law school admissions information.

Lastly, to complement her advising and counseling experience, Paula prides herself on helping her clients bring their stories to life through their statements. Through her personal passion for written expression, as well as her academic and professional writing and editing experience, Paula provides each client with the guidance to showcase their best attributes and highlight how they add distinguishing value to their future law school.

Paula lives in Northern California with her family and their scruffy little pup.

Tom Robinson has worked in admissions for over 20 years and enjoys advising students as they navigate the admissions process. Most recently, Tom served as the Director of J.D. Admissions at Harvard Law School, where he received the 2018 Dean’s Award for Excellence. During his years in admissions, Tom has evaluated thousands of applications, interviewed more than 900 law applicants, and served on admissions committees within three different universities.

As a first generation college student himself, Tom understands the value of good advising throughout the admissions process. He is particularly proud of his role in admitting the first-ever class at Harvard Law with more than 50% women, has advised students from across China, Europe, and North and South America, and enjoys talking with veterans about their law school aspirations.

In addition to his professional experience, Tom earned a Master of Education at the University of Vermont and a Doctorate in Leadership in Higher Education from the University of Massachusetts, where he concentrated on issues related to learning outcomes and campus racial climates.

Tom has focused on academic and creative writing throughout his education, including while conducting a qualitative ethnographic study that became the basis of his dissertation. He has also co-authored several articles in peer-reviewed journals within the education field. Tom invests time in getting to know his clients and how their stories can be persuasively and compellingly shared with admissions committees.

When not working with potential applicants, you can find Tom hiking with his yellow lab Wilma, spending time with family, kayaking, or cycling northwest of Boston!

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Student Opinion

176 Writing Prompts to Spark Discussion and Reflection

Here are all of our Student Opinion questions from the 2023-24 school year. Each question is based on a different New York Times article, interactive feature or video.

An illustration of a red airplane flying in a pink sky with white clouds. The plane is pulling a large, green banner that says “I love you.”

By The Learning Network

Each day of the school year we publish a Student Opinion question inviting students to share their own opinions and experiences in response to New York Times stories on the news of the day. To introduce each question, we provide an excerpt from a related Times article, interactive or video as well as a free link to that piece.

The 176 questions we asked during the 2023-24 school year are available below and in this PDF . The prompts are organized into three sections: questions that lend themselves well to persuasive writing, questions that encourage narrative writing, and additional Student Opinion forums.

Teachers can use these prompts to help students practice narrative and persuasive writing, start classroom debates and even spark conversation between students around the world via our comments section. For more ideas on how to use these Student Opinion prompts in your classroom, you might consult this comprehensive teacher’s guide , which includes practical strategies from a dozen educators.

Questions for Narrative and Personal Writing

1. Do You Multitask? Is It Helpful or Harmful? 2. How Did You Grow and Change This School Year? 3. What Accomplishments Are You Most Proud Of? 4. Have You Ever Been Injured? Tell Us the Story. 5. Where in the World Would You Most Like to Travel? 6. Who Is Your Hero? 7. How Well Do You Get Along With Your Siblings? 8. What Is Teenage Bullying Like Today? 9. Are You a Joiner? 10. When Have You Felt That You Mattered? 11. How Hard Is It to Wake Up in the Morning? 12. What Have You Learned From Failure? 13. Where Is the Line Between Helping a Child Become More Resilient and Pushing Them Too Hard? 14. If You Had $1 Billion to Give Away, What Charity Would You Support? 15. What Are the Small Ways You Show Love to Those You Care About? 16. How Do You Feel About High School? 17. What Activities or Hobbies Do You Do With Your Family? 18. Do You Use, Like, Too Many Filler Words? 19. What Is Your Relationship With Fast Food? 20. What’s the Greatest Gift Your Parents Have Given You? 21. What Is Your Favorite Word? 22. Are You Good at Apologizing? 23. What Is Your Dream Job? 24. What Amazes You Most About Animals? 25. Which Toy Would You Want to Help Design or Update? 26. What Are the Best, and Worst, Recommendations You’ve Gotten From Social Media? 27. What Small Wins Have You Had Recently? 28. What Do You Like About Playing Games? 29. What Everyday Object Deserves More Love? 30. Are You Too Critical of Yourself? 31. Do You Spend Enough Time in the Dirt? 32. What Got Your Attention in the News Recently? 33. Has Your Birth Order Shaped Who You Are? 34. What Elective Do You Wish Your School Offered? 35. How Far Would You Push Yourself Physically to Meet a Goal? 36. How Often Do You Take Breaks From Your Phone? 37. How Do You Deal With Conflicts? 38. What Children’s Book Worlds Do You Wish You Could Visit in Real Life? 39. Has Your Relationship to School Attendance Changed Since the Pandemic? 40. What Can You Make or Fix With Your Hands? 41. What Have You Learned From a Grandparent or Elder? 42. Do You Wish You Had More Places to Go? 43. What Author Would You Most Like to Meet? 44. Have You Ever Lost Someone as a Friend? 45. Do You Keep a Journal? 46. Are You Tired of Influencers? 47. How Did the Covid-19 Pandemic Affect You, Your Family and Your Community? 48. To Whom Would You Write an Open Letter? 49. What’s the Best — and Worst — Part of Being a Sports Fan? 50. How Much Exercise Do You Get Each Week? 51. Do You Have a Hard Time Saying ‘No’? 52. What’s Your Favorite Kind of TikTok Video? 53. What Are Your Favorite Local Businesses? 54. How Involved Do You Expect Your Parents to Be in Your Adult Life? 55. How Important Is It to You to Keep Mementos From Your Life? 56. Who Are Your Favorite Athletes to Watch Right Now? 57. How Does Your School Address Students’ Mental Health Needs? 58. What Communities Are You a Part Of? What Communities Would You Like to Explore? 59. What’s Your TV ‘Comfort Food’? 60. What Sad Songs Do You Listen to When You’re Feeling Down? 61. Will You Be Watching Super Bowl LVIII? 62. What Was Your Most Memorable Field Trip? 63. What Is Unique About Where You Live? 64. What Is Your Experience With Group Chats? 65. Are You a Fan of Movie Remakes? 66. What Brings You Delight? 67. Do You Ever Host or Attend Sleepovers? 68. Here Are 15 Winning Tiny Memoirs. Which Ones Most Resonate With You? 69. What Is Your Reaction to Trump’s Conviction on 34 Felony Counts? 70. Do You Enjoy Keeping Secrets? 71. Are You Growing Tired of Superhero Movies? 72. What Do You Wish You Could Do Well? 73. Do You Think Any of These Mythical Creatures Might Be Real? 74. What Are Your Thoughts on Last Names? 75. Which TV Show or Movie Would You Want to Live? 76. Do You Ever Feel Envious of Others? 77. What Do You Want to Do Differently in the New Year? 78. What Is the Best Month of the Year? What Is the Worst? 79. What Will You Remember About 2023? 80. Do You Prefer Gifts That You’ve Asked For or Ones That Are a Surprise? 81. How Do You Feel About Holiday Music? 82. What Do You Appreciate About Winter? 83. Do You Like to Dance? 84. Do You Ever Feel Sentimental About the Past? 85. What Slang Do You Use? 86. Do You Like Spending Time Alone With Your Thoughts? 87. Do You Like Watching Other People Watch Sports? 88. What Role Does Humor Play in Your Life? 89. What Are You Grateful For? 90. Do You Trust Online Reviews? 91. What Have You Changed Your Mind About? 92. Do You Use Swear Words? 93. The North American Total Solar Eclipse Is Here. Are You Watching? 94. What ‘Oddball Rituals’ Do You Have? 95. Do You Ever Feel Pressure to Post About Your Outrage Online? 96. What Do You Enjoy That Others Think Is Cringe, Played Out or Just Uncool? 97. What Small Moments From Your Life Do You Think About Often? 98. Are You There for Your Friends When They Need You? 99. What Misconceptions Do People Have About Where You Live? 100. What’s Your Take on Beige Flags in Relationships? 101. Do You Share Music Tastes With Your Parents? 102. What Does Hip-Hop Mean to You? 103. What Do You Think of Barbie? 104. How Concerned Are You About the Cost of College? 105. What Has Been Your Best Secondhand Find? 106. What Household Items Can’t You Live Without? 107. How Do You Feel When You’re Interrupted? 108. At Which Museum or Venue Would You Like to Spend the Night? 109. What Were the Best and Worst Parts of Your Summer Vacation?

Questions for Debate and Persuasive Writing

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Hillary Clinton to publish new essay collection about personal and public life this fall

Something lost, something gained will be published on sept. 17, 2024.

A blond woman sits on a chair on a stage holding a microphone.

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Hillary Clinton's next book is a collection of essays, touching upon everything from marriage to politics to faith, that her publisher is calling her most personal yet.

Simon & Schuster announced that Clinton's Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love and Liberty  will be released Sept. 17, 2024. 

A woman with blonde hair wearing a green collared shirt on a book cover.

She will cover her marriage to former President Bill Clinton, her Methodist faith, adjusting to private life after her failed presidential runs, her friendships with other first ladies and her takes on climate change, democracy and Vladimir Putin.

  • Louise Penny and Hillary Clinton team up for new novel State of Terror. But should you read it?

"The book reads like you're sitting down with your smartest, funniest, most passionate friend over a long meal," Clinton's editor, Priscilla Painton, said in a statement.

"This is the Hillary Americans have come to know and love: candid, engaged, humorous, self-deprecating — and always learning."

Clinton, the former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary and presidential candidate, will promote her book with a cross country tour. Something Lost, Something Gained  comes out two months before Bill Clinton's memoir about post-presidential life ,   Citizen .

In 2021, Clinton teamed up with her friend, the Canadian novelist Louise Penny, to write  State of Terror , a bestselling political thriller which has a plot that might occur to someone of Clinton's background: A "novice" secretary of state, working in the administration of a rival politician, tries to solve a wave of terrorist attacks.

Clinton's previous books include such bestsellers as It Takes a Village ,  Living History  and What Happened .

writing a personal perspective essay

Hillary Clinton, Louise Penny on the catharsis of writing a political thriller

Financial terms were not disclosed. Clinton was represented by Washington attorney Robert Barnett, whose other clients have included former President George W. Bush and former President Barack Obama.

— With files from CBC Books

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Chance the Rapper Talks Writing Personal “Buried Alive” Track Two Years Ago, Says Project is “83 Percent Done”

We talked to Chance the Rapper at Meta's "Super Fan" event about the progress of his next project, writing "Buried Alive" two years ago, and why he feels so confident right now.

The last time we spoke to Chance the Rapper in person, we were at his second home, House of Kicks, in Chicago. It was the fall of 2022, and at the time he was thinking ahead. After a tough couple of years, he was ready to turn the page and map out how he was going to push his artistry to the next level. Now, two years later, we’re seeing the fruits of that labor. 

He has spent much of 2024 putting out new music and prepping his sophomore album, Star Line . So far his new songs—which include “ Buried Alive, ” “Together” with DJ Premier, and “Stars Out”—have expanded his lyrical palette, as he goes into detail about the turbulence he’s faced over the last couple of years. These are deeply personal stories and Chance had to overcome some nerves before releasing them on wax. 

“It felt really scary when I was getting ready to drop [‘Buried Alive’],” Chance the Rapper told Complex at the NeueHouse in New York City. The rapper had just wrapped a fireside chat with college basketball star Juju Watkins centered around Meta AI and how the tool can be used to benefit creatives and the WNBA. “What’s funny is that it got so much love. [People were like] ‘Damn, it’s good that this is what he’s on now…And that [song] is a two-year-old track. I made it at a time but wasn’t ready to release it, and something just came to me. I shot that video six months before it came out [too].” 

writing a personal perspective essay

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Chance dropped “Buried Alive” back in April. On the track, he references his divorce from his wife, Kirsten Corley; the separation f rom his former manager, Pat Corcoran; and commentary about losing his “hype” since releasing his debut album The Big Day in 2019. There’s a lot riding on Star Line, which he describes as “83 percent done,” but the positive reception of the music he’s released thus far has given Chance confidence.

“There is an immense amount of pressure when you’re a famous rapper,” he said. “I represent a lot of people. I represent my family and I represent friends, and whatever I say on wax, especially in this digital age, it’ll be around forever. And depending on how the internet reacts to it and presents it later, it can be regurgitated as a completely different thing than what I meant. I have to be careful with what I write, what I say, and definitely what I put out. But I love that right now, I’m so confident and so good that it really feels like a great opportunity every time I drop.”

The world of rap has been far from quiet over the past few months with diss tracks flying everywhere. But Chance is fully in the present with this new album.

“We’re living in the project right now,” Chance said. “No one has the attention span for what the conversation needs to be, so I’m piecing it together and I’m living in it with my fans, with the new artists I come in contact with, and every moment so far has been huge.”


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  22. How to Write a Personal Essay

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  24. 176 Writing Prompts to Spark Discussion and Reflection

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  25. 2024 Personal Essay Writing Challenge: Day 1

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  26. Wednesday Poetry Prompts: 701

    Write a personal essay each day of the final week of June with the 2024 Personal Essay Writing Challenge. For today's prompt, write a response essay. By Robert Lee Brewer Jun 27, 2024. Memoir. Overcoming the Self-Defense Reaction of Making Ourselves Smaller to Tell Our Stories.

  27. 2024 Personal Essay Writing Challenge: Day 4

    It's free, easy, and the comments (for the most part) don't require manual approval. *****. Completely separate of this fun and free personal essay challenge, be sure to check out the annual Writer's Digest Personal Essay Awards. The top prize is $2,500 cash, publication in Writer's Digest, and more. Click here to learn more.

  28. Hillary Clinton to publish new essay collection about personal and

    Hillary Clinton's next book is a collection of essays, touching upon everything from marriage to politics to faith, that her publisher is calling her most personal yet. Simon & Schuster announced ...

  29. 2024 Personal Essay Writing Challenge: Day 3

    It's free, easy, and the comments (for the most part) don't require manual approval. *****. Completely separate of this fun and free personal essay challenge, be sure to check out the annual Writer's Digest Personal Essay Awards. The top prize is $2,500 cash, publication in Writer's Digest, and more. Click here to learn more.

  30. Chance the Rapper Says Project is "83 Percent Done"

    Chance the Rapper Talks Writing Personal "Buried Alive" Track Two Years Ago, Says Project is "83 Percent Done". We talked to Chance the Rapper at Meta's "Super Fan" event about the ...