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Is it possible to earn a PhD while working? The brutal truth

Working alongside your PhD seems like an attractive proposal until you look at all of the different commitments you need to make to actually get a PhD and submit your dissertation. Working part-time may help PhD students financially but it often comes at an academic cost.

It is possible to earn a PhD while working. However, it requires strict time management and can be very complicated. You have to balance any other significant commitments inside and outside of your PhD.

A PhD is typically the equivalent time commitment as a full-time job. The majority of the PhD students I know work at least 40 hours a week. So, trying to get a PhD while working is very time intensive – 80-hour + weeks.

Some students drop down to a part-time PhD in order to balance all of the particular commitments of a PhD program and working hours.

Whether or not you are a part-time PhD student or you are studying your PhD full-time, here are all of the aspects you should consider if you are considering working alongside your PhD research. This is what you need to know if you are considering getting your doctorate while working.

Can you work during a PhD?

Some institutions full-out ban their PhD students from working full-time alongside a full-time research commitment. They want to make sure that you’re working 100% on your PhD because balancing work isn’t easy.

Although it may not be banned in some institutions it is generally expected that students focus on their research and coursework full-time during a PhD and are therefore not typically able to hold down a full-time job.

Some programs may allow for part-time work, but it is generally not recommended as it can interfere with academic progress.

Additionally, many PhD programs offer funding in the form of stipends or fellowships which can help support students financially during their studies.

There are a few things to consider if you are thinking of working during your PhD.

The first is whether or not you will have enough time to dedicate to both your work and your studies. You don’t want your work to suffer because you are spending too much time on your PhD, or vice versa.

Another thing to consider is how working will affect your funding.

If you are receiving PhD funding or a scholarship from an external source, they may have stipulations on whether or not you can work while receiving their funding. Be sure to check with them before taking on any paid work.

Lastly, you will want to make sure that the work you are doing is related to your field of study. Working in a related field can help you with your research by giving you real-world experience that you can apply to your studies.

Even though some institutions allow you to work, should you?

Should you work during your PhD?

Some students feel that they need to work in order to support themselves during their PhD, while others feel that they can focus solely on their studies.

There are pros and cons to both approaches.

Experience outside of academiaDistraction from completion
Improved financesTakes much longer (at least twice as long)
Escape from academic workIncrease risk of burnout
NetworkingExtra people to coordinate with
 Increase in time pressures
 Balancing expectations of job and academia

Working during your PhD can help you to cover your living expenses and may even allow you to save some money. However, it can also be a distraction from your studies and may make it more difficult to find time to do research.

I know that I wouldn’t be able to balance the pressures of a full-time job with my PhD studies and, therefore, decided to not have any jobs during my first year – this included jobs inside the University such as demonstrating in undergraduate laboratories.

Therefore, it is possible to do a PhD whilst working full-time but you really have to consider the impact of the extra pressures and commitments

. It is much easier to work alongside your PhD if you have a strong research-based masters degree and your job outside of your degree is flexible enough to allow you to attend different academic commitments such as attending seminars, meeting with advisers, and travelling to conferences.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to work during your PhD is up to you.

Consider your financial situation and how working would impact your studies before making a decision.

It can be difficult to juggle work and study commitments, and you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and stressed. You may also have less time to socialize and enjoy your student life.

So, it’s important to think carefully about whether working during your PhD is right for you.

What type of work can you do during a PhD? Part time or Full time?

During your PhD there are a number of different options that you could consider if you want to (and you are allowed to) get a job.

I do not recommend working full-time alongside your PhD but, there are some options for part-time work to earn a little bit of money alongside your studies.

Full time work

My recommendation is that you do not try to fit a PhD alongside full-time work. Trying to work full time is asking for trouble.

There will be so many more pressures on you that it will not be a very enjoyable experience.

A PhD requires you to be creative.

Creativity comes from having enough mental space to allow your mind to connect new and interesting ideas together. If you are busy with work you will not have the mental capacity to be able to do this effectively.

Therefore, I recommend that you consider at least dropping down to part-time work if you are insistent on pursuing a PhD alongside employment.

I have seen PhD students complete a PhD part-time supported and partly funded by their current place of employment.

Part time work

If you want to know more about the best PhD student part-time jobs check out my full guide – click here for the full article.

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There are a variety of part-time jobs that can easily supplement your income during a PhD.

The best PhD student part-time jobs will have flexible hours, provide you with a reasonable hourly rate, and not distract you from your primary goal of completing your PhD.

I have highlighted in my YouTube video, below, all of the different side hustles that PhD students can try if they need to earn a little bit more money.

The common part-time jobs for PhD students include:

  • Hospitality
  • Customer service
  • University-based jobs – such as tutoring, marking exams, student services and working in laboratories
  • Online jobs such as user testing, notetaker, and translating.
  • Freelancing. Selling a skill that you have two people on services such as Upwork .

Why Should You Worry About Working During Your PhD

There are a number of reasons why you should worry about working during your PhD.

The most important is balancing workload, the fact that you were extending your time in academia by a significant amount, the increased risk of burnout, and ensuring you have enough resources to keep you going for multiple years.

A PhD is just like a full time job.

Therefore, getting a PhD while working full-time will be incredibly difficult. Both commitments will require at least 40 hours per week each.

Nonetheless, if you are able to have full flexibility on your work schedule and you are capable of distance learning for some part of your PhD it may be much more possible.

Many PhD students struggle with just the commitments of earning a doctorate. Consider working alongside your PhD very carefully.

Time it takes

A PhD will typically take between three and seven years. During this time it is extremely stressful and you need to make sure you’re capable of researching at your best for the entire time.

I have always said that a PhD is a marathon and not a sprint. Adding extra years to your PhD if you need to can be worth it. However, you must consider the amount of time it will take you to get your PhD and the potential return on that investment.

Unless you have a particular career secured or in mind for after your PhD the extra years it takes to complete a doctoral degree part-time are generally not worth it.

Burnout is a real consequence of doing a PhD.

By working alongside your PhD you’ll increase your chances of burnout significantly. This is true even if you like to study.

If you are prone to feelings of being overwhelmed I would stay away from earning a PhD whilst working full or part-time.

Slowly introduce part-time work if you need to once you have settled into the general routine of your PhD.

Tips for Earning Your PhD While Working

Here are a few general tips that may help you if you find yourself having to work alongside your PhD:

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Talk to everyone involved

Everyone involved in this process needs to be on board. There will be times when you need to ask favours from your supervisor, colleagues, work supervisor or others.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Whether it’s from your supervisor, colleagues, or friends and family, don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

This is not a sign of weakness, but simply a recognition that we all need assistance from time to time.

Stay Organized and on Track

Find a routine: Try establishing a set schedule for at least most days of the week and stick to it as much as possible. This will help you to stay focused and make the most of your limited time.

Get Involved in the Research Community

Remember to stay in touch with your research community.

Working part-time or full-time can mean that you miss out on the exciting recent advancements and collaboration with people in your field. Make an extra special effort to attend seminars, talks, and networking events to help progress your research and your academic career.

Don’t squirrel yourself away!

Work with your strengths

Know yourself: Be honest about how well you work under pressure and how much free time you realistically have.

If you know that you work better with a tight deadline, then try to structure your work schedule accordingly.

Personally, I need as much free mental space is possible to perform at my best. Just do what is best for you.

Wrapping up

This article has been through everything you need to consider if you are tempted by earning a PhD while working.

Your PhD programme may dictate whether it is possible to work alongside your PhD. Whether or not it is a good idea will be down to you and if you are able to balance an insane amount of commitments and work.

My general recommendation is that you should focus 100% on your PhD journey and although it is definitely possible you’re going to be at risk of burnout.

Combining part-time PhD’s, part-time jobs, and finding a flexible job that will help keep you focused on the primary goal of finishing your dissertation is the most sensible way of working alongside your PhD.

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Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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Pursuing A Part-Time Phd In Computer Science: What You Need To Know

Earning a PhD is the pinnacle of academic achievement in computer science, opening doors to research, teaching, and leadership roles. But taking 4+ years off work for a full-time program isn’t feasible for everyone.

Part-time PhD options allow professionals to attain this goal while continuing their careers.

If you’re short on time, here’s the key takeaway: Part-time CS PhD programs typically take 5-7 years to complete . They provide flexibility for working students but require diligence to balance school, research, and professional demands.

The Benefits of a Part-Time CS PhD

Progress academically without leaving your job.

A part-time PhD in Computer Science offers the unique opportunity to advance your academic career while still maintaining your professional commitments. This flexibility allows you to continue working in your current job, providing financial stability and practical application of your studies.

Balancing work and study can be challenging, but the rewards are worth it. By pursuing a part-time PhD, you can deepen your knowledge in your chosen field and make significant contributions to the advancement of computer science.

Network with faculty and peers in your field

One of the key advantages of pursuing a part-time PhD in Computer Science is the opportunity to network with esteemed faculty members and like-minded peers who share your passion for the subject. Interacting with experts in the field can provide valuable insights, guidance, and collaboration opportunities.

Attending conferences, workshops, and seminars can further expand your network and expose you to the latest developments in computer science. Building these connections can open doors to new opportunities and enhance your career prospects.

Strengthen research skills and resume

A part-time PhD program allows you to develop and refine your research skills, which are highly valued in the field of computer science. Through conducting in-depth research, analyzing data, and writing scholarly papers, you can enhance your ability to critically think, problem solve, and contribute to the body of knowledge in your area of expertise.

Moreover, having a PhD in Computer Science on your resume demonstrates your dedication, perseverance, and expertise, making you a highly sought-after candidate for both academic and industry positions.

Program Structure and Requirements

Reduced course load each semester.

Pursuing a part-time PhD in Computer Science offers flexibility in terms of course load. Unlike full-time students, part-time students typically take a reduced number of courses each semester. This allows them to balance their academic commitments with other personal and professional responsibilities.

By taking fewer courses at a time, part-time students can focus on their coursework more effectively and ensure a better understanding of the material.

Original dissertation research

The cornerstone of a part-time PhD program in Computer Science is the dissertation research. Students are required to embark on an original research project under the guidance of a faculty advisor. This research should contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field and demonstrate a deep understanding of a specific area of computer science.

The research can involve developing new algorithms, designing innovative software systems, or exploring cutting-edge technologies.

Qualifying exams and proposal defense

Part-time PhD students in Computer Science are typically required to pass qualifying exams to demonstrate their readiness for conducting research. These exams assess the student’s knowledge and understanding of the core concepts in the field.

Once the exams are passed, students need to prepare a research proposal outlining the objectives, methodology, and expected contributions of their dissertation. The proposal is then defended in front of a committee of faculty members who evaluate its feasibility and significance.

It’s important to note that the specific structure and requirements of a part-time PhD program in Computer Science may vary depending on the institution. It is advisable to consult the program’s official website or contact the program coordinator for more detailed information.

Finding the Right Program

When pursuing a part-time PhD in Computer Science, finding the right program is crucial for success. Here are some key factors to consider:

On-campus and online options

One of the first decisions to make is whether to pursue your PhD on-campus or online. On-campus programs offer the benefit of face-to-face interactions with professors and fellow students, while online programs provide flexibility for those who are working or have other commitments.

It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that aligns best with your lifestyle and goals.

Focus on faculty research expertise

Another important factor to consider when choosing a program is the faculty’s research expertise. Look for programs where the faculty members have research interests and expertise that align with your own.

This will ensure that you receive guidance and mentorship from experts in your field of interest. Additionally, professors with strong research backgrounds can provide valuable networking opportunities and connections in the industry.

Funding availability

Funding is a significant consideration for many part-time PhD students. Look for programs that offer funding options such as scholarships, grants, or assistantships. These can help alleviate the financial burden and allow you to focus on your studies.

It’s also worth exploring external funding opportunities from organizations or government agencies that support research in your field.

Managing Your Time Effectively

Stay organized with schedules and goals.

When pursuing a part-time PhD in computer science, time management becomes crucial. It is important to create a schedule that includes dedicated study hours, research time, and coursework completion. By setting goals for each week or month, you can track your progress and ensure that you are staying on track.

One effective strategy is to use a planner or a digital calendar to keep track of deadlines, meetings, and other important events. By having a visual representation of your commitments, you can prioritize your tasks and allocate time accordingly.

Additionally, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks can help you stay organized and prevent overwhelm. By setting realistic goals for each study session, you can make progress towards your PhD while still managing other responsibilities.

Communicate needs clearly at work

When pursuing a part-time PhD, it is essential to communicate your needs with your employer or colleagues. Letting them know about your academic commitments and the time required for your studies can help them understand your availability and make necessary adjustments.

Consider having a conversation with your supervisor or manager to discuss your situation and explore potential flexible working arrangements. This could include adjusting your work schedule, reducing your workload, or even exploring opportunities for research collaboration between your job and your PhD.

Open and honest communication can go a long way in ensuring that both your work and academic responsibilities are managed effectively.

Leverage support systems

Pursuing a part-time PhD can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. It is crucial to leverage the support systems available to you.

Reach out to your academic advisor or supervisor for guidance and support. They can provide valuable insights on managing your time, selecting courses, and balancing your academic and work commitments.

Additionally, consider joining or forming study groups with fellow part-time PhD students. Collaborating with others who are facing similar challenges can provide a sense of camaraderie and support. You can share study materials, discuss research ideas, and offer each other encouragement along the way.

Lastly, don’t forget about the support of your family and friends. Let them know about your academic journey and the challenges you may face. Their understanding and encouragement can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Remember, pursuing a part-time PhD in computer science requires dedication, discipline, and effective time management. By staying organized, communicating your needs, and leveraging support systems, you can successfully navigate this exciting academic journey while maintaining a balance with your work and personal life.

Completion, Careers and Next Steps

Job prospects post-phd.

Completing a part-time PhD in computer science opens up a world of exciting job prospects. With a doctoral degree in this field, you are well-equipped to pursue highly specialized positions in both industry and academia.

The demand for computer science professionals continues to grow, and obtaining a PhD can give you a competitive edge in the job market. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of computer and information research scientists is projected to grow 15 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations.

This means that there will be ample opportunities for individuals with advanced degrees in computer science.

Potential teaching and research roles

One of the key benefits of earning a PhD in computer science is the opportunity to pursue teaching and research roles. Many universities and research institutions are constantly seeking experts in the field to join their faculty and contribute to cutting-edge research.

As a PhD holder, you can become a professor, teaching and mentoring the next generation of computer scientists. Additionally, you can engage in research projects, pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the field and making significant contributions to the advancement of technology.

The opportunity to share your expertise and make a lasting impact in the academic community is truly rewarding.

Higher salaries and senior positions

Earning a PhD in computer science can also lead to higher salaries and senior positions. With the advanced knowledge and skills gained during your doctoral studies, you become a valuable asset to companies and organizations.

Employers often recognize the expertise and dedication required to complete a PhD, and are willing to offer higher salaries to attract and retain top talent. In addition, holding a doctoral degree can open doors to senior management and leadership positions, where you can have a greater influence on strategic decisions and shape the direction of the company.

According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, computer science PhD graduates earned an average starting salary of $123,000 in 2020, significantly higher than those with a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

While requiring diligence and time management skills, part-time computer science PhD programs make this high-level credential attainable for busy professionals. From strengthening your research abilities to opening new career doors, the long-term benefits of earning a PhD on a flexible schedule are immense.

If you’re willing to balance work, research, and coursework, a part-time CS PhD can help you achieve your pinnacle academic and career aspirations.

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Working and studying for a PhD at the same time

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Working and studying for a PhD at the same time

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Frequently asked questions.

In short, yes, you can work while studying for your PhD.

The hard part to juggle is finding the time to do both. You may find that part-time study is more flexible for you but it takes longer to complete. An excellent way to combine work and study is to get a job within the university you are studying at.

Check out other sources of support for PhD Students .

There are several benefits to both full time and part time PhD study. It can be extremely difficult to juggle a full time postgraduate position alongside working. It’s not called full-time for nothing! This is intensive but you can complete a full time PhD faster than it’s part-time equivalent.

Studying for a PhD is a big commitment, either full time for 3-4 years or part-time for generally 6-7 years. If you want, or need, to be working and studying for PhD this could have an impact on your study: here are some of the things you may find it helpful to think about before starting your PhD.

Is funding for a PhD in the UK enough to live on?

If you are fortunate enough to have full funding for your PhD, your studentship should cover both fees and living expenses and be tax-free. The stipend levels for students studying for a PhD in the UK is set by UK research councils for their own studentships, and this is followed by Universities for their own studentships. These will provide enough to live on and not to have to be working and studying for a PhD.

If you are looking for PhD Funding, you can search for your ideal studentship from the many opportunities we have listed on Postgraduate Studentships. We have a section for Charities and Trusts who are set up to support students looking to get additional financial help with their studies.

How much work is included in a Graduate Teaching Assistantship?

Some PhD studentships are called Graduate Teaching Assistantships – this means that you will be teaching for a certain number of hours in each academic year and this is part of the conditions of the studentship. It is advisable to find out exactly how this works with the University advertising the opportunity. Will you receive separate payments or is this part of the studentship? How many hours will it involve and how will that relate to your PhD? Will you receive training?

If you are considering an academic career, there may be some advantage in getting some initial experience. However you may also struggle with working and studying for a PhD at the same time.

Should I study my PhD full-time or part-time if I need to work?

If you need to work and study, it’s important to think about how you will manage that. Can you study full-time and work at the same time and if so how much work can you do? A full-time PhD is regarded as a full-time commitment. So anything other than a supplementary job for a few hours per week is challenging. Some students start with a full-time PhD and then move to studying the PhD part-time. So you would need to discuss this with your university first.

Planning to study a part-time PhD takes longer overall but it may also give you the time to do your PhD and to make the money you need. If you do decide to study part-time you may already have a job that will allow you to have flexible hours. Think also about part time work in a field that relates to your study. If you need to look for a job that will help you do your PhD, your University is likely to have temporary or part-time jobs that students can apply for on campus – most universities have a database of these jobs for students so you can find out in advance what the pay rates are and if that would be enough.

Universities also have a range of part-time jobs which may be administrative or involve working in labs. If you apply for one of these jobs, especially in your own department, it’s important to make sure you work out how you will manage this. This way, you're prepared for when you are working on your PhD and when you are working on your job.

What if I am an International Student?

If you are an international student in the UK there will be restrictions on how many hours you can work. The UK Government has made some improvements to this. There are more opportunities now to study and work in the UK .

Talking to your University about your options

Your university wants you to succeed at your PhD. It has experienced students working whilst studying and works and what doesn’t. If you are planning to work whilst studying it’s a good idea to talk to your department. These questions may form part of your application process because your Supervisor will want to make sure you have the means to conduct your research as well as support yourself.

Many students study for a PhD and work for at least part of the time and complete their PhD successfully. If you look at the options beforehand, you can plan what works best for you. This way you can get the most from your PhD whilst working at the same time.

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The Pros and Cons of a Part-time PhD

The Pros and Cons of a Part-time PhD

Blog Summary

You get more time to find yourself:, the fear of missing out:.

Yes, you can pursue a PhD program part-time while working. A part-time PhD contains all the attributes and components of traditional PhD programs but comes with a flexible schedule . Notably, part-time doctoral programs are by no means easier than full-time ones. Both require effort and passion for completing.

Before you enroll in a PhD program , ask yourself, “what are the benefits of PhD degree?”, “is getting a PhD worth it?”,  Let us consider the positives and negatives of part-time PhD programs.

It is easier on the pocket:

It does not mean that part-time studies cost less than a full-time program. On the contrary, when comparing the programs’ yearly fees, part-time costs just half as much as a full-time program. But a part-time program also takes up to twice as much time as a full-time program to complete.

When you look at the amount you pay, both programs are almost equally costly. However, it is easier to pay for the part-time program as it extends over a more extended period.

You don’t have to pause your life:

When you pursue a full-time PhD, you will have to spend all your time in the program. You will not be able to work. If your life change’s personal or financial circumstances change, you will not be able to continue your PhD program.

But in the case of part-time PhD programs like from Taksha Smartlabz in association with the University of Central Nicaragua (TSL-UCN), you will be able to handle uncertainties. Moreover, you will also be able to work while on a part-time program, making it even easier.

You get the flexibility:

A part-time degree does not mean you have to keep it part-time always. If you can spend more time concentrating on your doctoral program, you are free to do so. In addition, you can vary the tempo of the program to suit your needs and commitments.

Some institutions even allow you to switch to a full-time program if you can secure funding or your priorities change. You could even avail of this as your primary plan if you are initially unable to join a full-time program.

The boundaries keep extending:

As a PhD candidate, you will be working toward extending the knowledge base of your field. When the boundaries keep expanding, opportunities keep popping up. You will get exposure to such opportunities during the course of your PhD program. Being a part of a more extended PhD program will get you higher exposure.

Because of the period of the program and the flexibility it offers, you will get time to reflect on your future. You get more time to discover the world beyond academics. You will also earn far more exposure to what the degree will offer you in the future.

The chance of it not being possible:

PhD programs online are not easy by any means. They require effort no matter what the mode of study is. However, for some, it can be easy to handle why some might find it hard. Additionally, some fields work out better than others in the part-time mode.

If you are a student looking to fly abroad for a part-time PhD, make sure that the country you have chosen offers student visas for the program. Some countries only provide student visas for full-time PhD students.

It is longer:

Yes, this is a con. Although it makes it easier to pay the fees and presents more research opportunities, there are some setbacks. Your research will take longer and will sometimes be at a slower pace.

The longer duration of research could also mean that there will be higher costs involved. You should also make sure that you stay on track during the years so that you do not drift away from the program.

The feeling of being disconnected from your research is also a possibility because of the slow pace. If you plan to complete your PhD through a part-time program, you will have to set your priorities straight and give your research the attention it demands.

Life can be disruptive:

A part-time doctoral program may be easier to handle, along with your commitments in life and work. However, because of its longer duration, life events can be very disruptive to the program. You will have to find a way to handle the degree during setbacks in your life.

Being a part-time PhD student, you will come across full-time students too. Their academic lives will be different from yours. You will have to understand how they are able to move ahead quickly.

The people who started their PhD at the same time as you will be completing their program when you are only halfway through. They spend twice as much time as you in their academics, and they most probably do not have a work-life to handle.

The takeaway:

There are definite pros and cons to pursuing a part-time PhD program . You will have to weigh the facts and see if the lifestyle will suit you. Before you enroll, research the programs you have shortlisted and compare them.

Take into consideration money, time, effort, and other attributes before you register for the program. Even after all your research and consideration, your decision is what matters.

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A comprehensive guide to part-time PhDs

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Doing a PhD part-time can be an attractive option for many reasons. However, part-time PhDs are less common than full-time ones, and there tends to be a lack of information on this option. This guide to part-time PhDs answers the most common questions that prospective part-time PhD candidates have.

The difference between a part-time and a full-time PhD

A part-time PhD carries fewer hours per week than full-time employment.

Some universities have minimum requirements for part-time PhDs, for example, a minimum of 20 hours/week. Others, however, are more flexible. They allow part-time PhD candidates to spend anything between a few hours to several days per week on their part-time PhD studies.

The degree that is awarded upon successful completion of a part-time PhD is the same as those being awarded for completing full-time programmes.

Most degree certificates don’t even mention that a PhD was pursued on a part-time basis. There is no reason to worry that a part-time PhD degree may be perceived as worth less than a full-time one.

How much work is a part-time PhD?

Part-time PhD students may be more inclined to work during evenings and weekends.

Other responsibilities during the ‘normal’ working hours result in less attention to PhD-related work. And sometimes, PhD work requires several hours of uninterrupted deep work.

How long does it take to do a PhD part-time?

In most cases, a part-time PhD takes longer than a full-time PhD. A general rule of thumb is that the fewer hours someone spends on a PhD per week, the longer it takes to complete it.

Other universities adapt to the specific circumstances of individual PhD candidates. They may allow someone to finish a part-time PhD in three years as long as all requirements are met. But they may also be okay with a part-time candidate who spends a decade on his or her PhD studies.

Where is it possible to do a PhD part-time?

There are plenty of opportunities to do a PhD part-time, but the specific opportunities and arrangements depend very much on individual universities.

There are also differences in national contexts. In some countries, for instance, in Germany, part-time PhD studies are often the norm. In Germany, many paid positions exist that encompass 60% of a full-time equivalent: time during which a PhD student is required to work in a lab or assist a professor. In the remaining 40% of the time, which is unpaid, a PhD student is expected to work on a dissertation.

Benefits of a part-time PhD

Disadvantages of a part-time phds.

There are also disadvantages and challenges in part-time PhDs. Some of the most common disadvantages of doing a PhD part-time are:

Is it worth doing a part-time PhD?

Some people embark on a PhD part-time to progress in their career. Some people hope for a financial reward after completing a PhD part-time. Some people intend to change careers and use a part-time PhD to start the process while still earning money in a different job. Some people look for a challenge and embark on a part-time PhD for self-fulfilment. Some people have no other option but to do a PhD part-time.

Skills necessary for completing a PhD part-time

Completing a PhD part-time requires several skills. These skills can be learnt. However, a complete lack of these skills at the start of a part-time PhD will make the trajectory much more challenging.

First of all, part-time PhDs benefit from a high degree of self-discipline.

Next, the ability to multi-task and keep a cool head in stressful situations is a big advantage for those who embark on a part-time PhD.

Stressing out easily and feeling easily overwhelmed with many tasks and deadlines, on the other hand, is counterproductive in a part-time PhD.

Part-time PhD students tend to wear many different hats. They need to be able to switch between different roles and juggle lots of different tasks and responsibilities.

Additionally, not everything will work according to plan. Part-time PhD students have to accept that things do not always work out as expected and have to quickly adapt to new situations.

Conditions for success in a part-time PhD

As in any PhD, regardless of whether full- or part-time, a PhD student spends many waking hours on the topic. If the topic is not interesting to the PhD student, and he or she is not passionate about it, motivation to work on it will inevitably decrease over time.

Probably even more important than the institutional environment is a good relationship between the part-time PhD student and PhD supervisors.

Pulling off a part-time PhD without all parties approving, or even knowing about it, can create a lot of problems along the way.

Online part-time PhD programmes

Proponents of these online programmes highlight how they can help to create a more level playing field . It allows PhD candidates, for instance, to live in a low-cost living area, while following a PhD at a prestigious university in a high-cost of living area.

Ten questions to ask yourself before embarking on a part-time PhD

If you consider embarking on a part-time PhD, your decision can be supported by asking (yourself) the following questions:

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Part time job during PhD years?

  • Thread starter Leif_Erikson
  • Start date Jul 17, 2011

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  • Jul 17, 2011



Full member.

Well, I'm doing my masters and not a PhD, but I've found teaching for a test prep company pretty easy and lucrative (I taught the BS/VR sections for one of the big name MCAT programs). It also gives you connections for bringing in private tutoring $$.  

Yeah, I work with a guy who also does that. The money is pretty decent—$25 an hour for group classes if you get good performance reviews, and significantly more for private tutoring.  


Senior Member

Check with your school, most have rather strict rules about the types and amounts of (outside) work you can do as a funded PhD student.  



  • Jul 18, 2011
mdpdgirl said: Check with your school, most have rather strict rules about the types and amounts of (outside) work you can do as a funded PhD student. Click to expand...


  • Jul 19, 2011

Clearly for someone with children, the stipend would not cover expenses. Maybe the school can help find more money in certain cases;  

Most programs don't overtly allow outside work and may have policies prohibiting it. However, these same programs also do not actively enforce these policies either. The most lucrative fields you can get into are test prep and computers. Teaching for Kaplan or Princeton review are reliable sources of income that many people have done in the past. Private tutoring, as has been mentioned, are even more lucrative and you can set the schedule. Computer work can also be lucrative. If you find a couple of small businesses that want web sites or need help setting up computers around the office you probably can get up to $60 an hour for this work. I do have one point of caution. During your PhD your efforts are best spent quickly getting through your PhD, both financially and otherwise. I would try to limit any outside work to at max 5-10 hours weekly. To work any more you'd have to really need the money. Put it this way, if you screw around and spend 5 years in your PhD instead of 4, you're essentially losing 1 year of peak income at the end of your career, which can be $200k or more. Not to mention the emotional costs of an extra PhD year. No amount of tutoring during your PhD is going to equal that.  

Oh, one other point. I wouldn't bother checking with your program or asking them to approve minor side work unless they make it clear to you that it is the explicit program policy. It is easier to ask forgiveness than ask permission.  

Shifty B said: It is easier to ask forgiveness than ask permission. Click to expand...


Penn Vet V'14

In my program we were not supposed to work outside of the PhD program...but as many people alluded to, there really wasn't a very good way for people to know whether we were working outside or not, and many PIs did not care as long as it did not interfere with projects. I know many people that taught courses at community colleges during the year, while they were PhD candidates. My fiance also ran a lucrative pool service (opening and closing pools for the summer/maintenance etc) for the first two summers. He made more in the 10 hrs/week he did doing that each summer than our PhD stipends. I sure did miss that extra money when he decided to stop.  

  • Jul 20, 2011

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5 Things to Consider Before Doing a PhD While Working

Picture of Nicholas R.

  • By Nicholas R.
  • August 19, 2020

Can you do a PhD part time while working answered

Those interested in getting a PhD but dreading the several years of no income or a stipend that doesn’t meet their needs may consider a part time or even a full time job. That way, they can gain experience in the field, save up a little money and have a non-academic route they could later make use of. After all, if you’ve already made it to the point where you’re eligible to study at PhD level, you’ve already proven that you have great time management skills and that you can dedicate yourself to your studies, right?…

It might sound like a workable plan to many, but getting a PhD while working might not be as easy as you may think. Take it from many PhD students and postgrads who warn that it a slippery slope from a part time PhD to no PhD at all.

If you decide to go down this route, keep the following considerations in mind to give you the best chance of succeeding.

1. Know Your Programme

Some part time PhD programmes, especially the ones offered by online universities and distance learning schools, are well suited for those who want to work and study at the same time. Some aren’t as rigorous or time-consuming as others, and in some fields, the experience of working in industry through your current career will be a great benefit. A part time PhD will also have a more manageable workload , and supervisors will usually be more experience in providing support to working students. But keep in mind that some PhD part time programmes will not be eligible for financial aid or funding , at which point part time study may no longer be personally worth it.

2. Know Your Job

If your work is related to your field of study and your employers understand and support the requirements of your PhD, you will have a much less stressful few years. Therefore, one of the first things you’ll want to do is to get your employer on your side.

You can go about this by sitting down with them and explaining what your research will be about, how it will benefit your professional development and how it will benefit them as a business. You will also want to reassure them that you’ll be able to remain committed to your job during your studies, as this is likely to be their biggest concern. Don’t just stop at their verbal support, ask your manager to sit down with you to discuss the possibility of funding support, study days and the assignment of a mentor if your workplace has a doctorate holder.

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3. Know Your Situation

If you have young children, a sick parent, or generally any commitments that require hours of your time, it’s probably best to stay a full time student. If your field requires many publications or relies heavily on being able to network and interact with other researchers, keep in mind that you probably won’t be able to live up to their expectations if you already have work commitments you need to keep up.

4. Know Your Supervisor

Your supervisor should be supportive of the fact that you’re attempting to carry out a PhD whilst working part time rather than seeing it as a hindrance. As is to be expected, part time students generally struggle more than full time ones due to having greater external commitments, less contact time and a longer programme duration (beyond five years). You will want to find a PhD supervisor who is aware of these challenges, and if at all possible, try to get one who has taken this path themselves.

A good supervisor won’t only limit their support to physical help , such as introducing you to other researchers, suggesting relevant literature and facilitating data access, but also to emotional and mental support. A supportive supervisor maintains a good attitude and demonstrates concern for your research project. They should be keen to see you excel, help you refine your research skills and make you feel confident enough to experiment with your research approach and share your work whenever the opportunity presents itself, whether it is at a conference or in your place of work. Although you will be responsible for navigating yourself through your doctorate, a good supervisor will act as your safety net for when you get a little lost.

5. Know Yourself

Even the most organised people aren’t prepared for the workload that comes with a PhD. Make a time chart and be truly honest with yourself about how much time you have in the day, it might not be as much as you would think once you’ve factored everything in. Doing a part time PhD requires about 15-20 hours of commitment per week – will you have 15 hours to spare alongside your job, family and friends and other obligations? If not, then working and studying at the same time will most likely be out of your reach.

These considerations will hopefully put you in a better position to tackle a PhD while working part time (or dare I say it, working full time!). Even still, tackling a several year long PhD programme whilst working is probably one of the hardest things you will do, so if you decide to go down this road, much kudos to you.

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Pros & Cons: Full Time vs. Part Time PhD

Part-time vs. full-time phd: which one is right for you.

Returning to school can be a huge decision, especially if you’re a working adult. There are many factors to consider, including how you’ll find the time to do the required work. Because of this, many people may struggle to decide between a full-time and part-time PhD program.

The good news is that the only true difference between the two types of programs is the length of time it’ll take you to complete your work. The coursework and other components are typically the same.

This guide will help you weigh the pros and cons of committing to a full or part-time PhD program so that you can decide which option is best for your goals and lifestyle.

What’s the Difference Between a Part-Time and Full-Time PhD?

The only notable difference between a part-time and full-time PhD is the amount of time it takes you to complete your degree. You’ll still be responsible for completing the required research and coursework. 

That being said, the experience of a part-time PhD program may feel significantly different from that of a full-time student because:

  • Full-time PhD candidates have more time to spend on their research and coursework
  • Part-time candidates may have other commitments competing with schoolwork
  • Financial assistance opportunities may vary depending on your program choice
  • Research for a full-time student might be more immersive 

The best choice for you is going to be the option that allows you to balance your educational commitments with the rest of your life. To give you a better understanding of what these educational obligations might be, let’s take a deep dive into full and part-time PhD programs.

The Ins and Outs of Full-Time PhD Programs

A full-time PhD program is similar to a full-time job. It’s typically an immersive experience with two main goals:

  • Grow a student’s knowledge about an important topic
  • Provide training to improve skills through research and collaboration 

The path to these outcomes can be quite lengthy. Although your specific road might look a little different based on the institution and field of study you choose, the typical PhD program includes: 1

  • Coursework – You’ll likely begin your program by taking graduate courses in your field to expand your knowledge base. Courses in research methods and scholarly writing will also be part of your curriculum. These are important preparation for the writing you’ll be expected to do as you progress through your program.
  • Research – The time you spend outside of the classroom will mainly be used to research for your dissertation. The skills you acquire through your coursework will help you unearth sources, conduct experiments, or perform other research tasks.
  • Meetings – You’ll also have regularly scheduled meetings with your PhD supervisor. The frequency and length of these meetings will depend on your institution and program. Here, you’ll discuss your progress, review your research, and get advice about your work.
  • Teaching or fieldwork – Some PhD candidates are required to teach a certain number of classes during their time with an institution. Others must complete an internship, fieldwork, or another project. Your requirements will depend on the program you’re enrolled in and the institution you attend.
  • Writing the dissertation – The pinnacle of your PhD program is, of course, the dissertation. This can take years to complete and is often the factor that extends the length of time it takes someone to finish their studies. It’s the compilation of all of your hard work, research, analysis, and writing.
  • Defending your dissertation – Once you make that final edit to your dissertation, you’re almost finished. However, there’s one crucial step remaining: your dissertation defense. This is an oral exam where you present and answer questions about your research to a committee. The committee then decides if you have passed or if corrections are needed.

After the defense and committee approval, you’ll submit the final copy of your manuscript and be awarded your coveted degree. 

Required Coursework

Every PhD program is going to look a little different depending on your field of study and institution. A very general example of required coursework for a full-time student might look something like this:

  • Year 1 – Two full semesters of coursework, including some specialized courses in your areas of study. More generalized research design and research methods courses may take up a significant portion of your classroom time.
  • Year 2 – The second year will also contain two full semesters of classes. You’ll take more courses focused specifically on researching and developing a proposal. This will prepare you to begin working on your dissertation.
  • Year 3 – Your course load will be smaller as your dissertation research and writing begins. If teaching, clinical work, or lab work is required in your program, you’ll work on these tasks while also working on your dissertation.
  • Year 4 and beyond – You might have a few remaining courses to take, but your time after year three is primarily dedicated to your research and writing until your dissertation is complete.

Weekly Commitment

A full-time PhD program can be an intense endeavor. It requires approximately the same amount of time as a full-time job each week—about 35 to 40 hours. The way those hours are distributed depends on where you are in your program. For the first two years, the bulk of your time will likely be spent in the classroom.

After that, you’ll likely be researching, writing, and completing other required duties. 

Completion Timeframe

According to the National Science Foundation’s “Survey of Earned Doctorates”, there were 55,283 completed doctorate degrees in the United States in 2020. 2 The median length of time from beginning to completion was 5.8 years. At a minimum, most PhD programs take about 4 years, but even full-time students can take longer.

The time it takes you to complete your PhD as a full-time student is heavily dependent on how quickly and effectively you complete your dissertation. Factors that can delay completion include:

  • You struggle with your research
  • Writing takes longer than expected
  • Your dissertation requires significant edits
  • Life circumstances interfere with your studies

It’s important to remember that taking longer to finish your degree doesn’t diminish the accomplishment. Don’t get discouraged if you need to make revisions or if your research isn’t finished as quickly as you’d hoped.

A Full-Time PhD Program Might be Right for You If…

Students who successfully enroll in full-time PhD programs do so with the understanding that it’s a significant time commitment. Full-time programs might be best suited for students who:

  • Don’t hold a full-time job
  • Have the financial support needed
  • Can commit as many as 40 hours per week to their school work
  • Have significant schedule flexibility to accommodate classes, research, and other obligations

You might also begin as a full-time student and later make the switch to part-time if your circumstances change.

The Ins and Outs of Part-Time PhD Programs

Part-time PhD programs can offer students a little more flexibility. In fact, no two part-time PhD students are likely to have a program that looks the same. However, there are a few common traits among part-time PhD programs, such as:

  • More flexibility in coursework
  • Less of a financial burden all at once since costs are spread out over a longer period
  • Less disruptive of your other life commitments
  • More time to research

In a part-time program, you’ll likely have more time to attend to your other obligations. The trade-off is that you’ll be a student for far longer than you would if you attend school full-time. The work you must do is the same as if you attend full-time, it’s just spread out over more years.

Some key differences in the time commitment include:

  • Classroom time  – You’ll take the same classes as a full-time student but instead of finishing most of the core work in the first year or two, it might take you three or four years.
  • Weekly hours – If you’re a part-time student, you’ll likely spend half the hours working. This equates to about 15 to 20 hours per week that you’ll need to dedicate to school. Of course, this time might change depending on how your program and institution define part-time.
  • Years to complete – The timeframe for part-time students to complete a PhD varies. The “Survey of Earned Doctorates” doesn’t differentiate between part and full-time students in its completion data. Anecdotally, a part-time PhD student might take anywhere from 5 to 10 years or more to complete their degree. 3

The biggest takeaway about part-time PhD programs is that they’re highly variable, especially when it comes to completion times.

A Part-Time PhD Program Might be Right for You If…

Many students can benefit from the flexibility offered by a part-time PhD program. You might be the perfect candidate if you:

  • Have a family
  • Need time for other obligations
  • Prefer to work more slowly

Keep in mind that you might be able to start slowly and increase your workload as you go through your programs and life changes.

Find Your Perfect PhD Match

A PhD program can be a challenging and time-consuming commitment, whether you’re a full-time or part-time student. In fact, there isn’t a significant difference between the two, other than the time it takes to finish your degree. A part-time option can allow working adults or those with other life obligations to work toward a doctoral degree at a slower pace that’s more conducive to their needs.

If you’re considering a full or part-time PhD program, Alliant International University might be the right choice for you. Check out our offerings today to see if we’re a perfect match for your educational goals.


  •  “The PhD Experience: A Review of the Factors Influencing Doctoral Students’ Completion, Achievement, and Well-Being.” International Journal of Doctoral Studies. 2018. . Accessed January 27, 2022.
  •  “Survey of Earned Doctorates.” National Science Foundation. November 30, 2021. . Accessed January 27, 2022.
  •  “How Long Does it Take to Get a PhD Degree?” U.S. News and World Report. August 12, 2019.… . Accessed January 27, 2022.

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Hi everyone! I’ve been thinking about doing a PhD but I’m wondering how doable it will be if I study part time and work full time. The subject of research I’m interested in is not related to my current position, but to a field of work I am highly interested in (it would also be in the public service, and perhaps even in the same department).

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  • Working While you Study for Your PhD

Written by Hannah Slack

It's possible to work during a PhD with careful time management. You might choose to do this if you need a job to help cover the cost of a postgraduate degree. Or, you may want to learn industry-based skills to benefit your future career. This page will take you through the different types of work PhD students often undertake, and the pros and cons of maintaining a job alongside such an intensive degree.

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Can you work during a phd.

The simple answer is yes, you can work while studying a PhD and in fact, many do. The most common form of work is teaching during your PhD . But some students may also have part-time (or full-time jobs outside of the university).

Depending on the amount of work you plan to undertake, you will have to consider whether it would be better to do your PhD part-time or full-time. It’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to do a full-time job alongside a full-time PhD. However, it is possible to work part-time alongside a full-time PhD (or vice versa).

What type of work can you do during a PhD?

There are many different types of work PhD students can apply for. When someone says that they work alongside their PhD, most will assume that they have a stable, permanent contract. However, many PhD students work short-term contracts.

Contract work

The most common job for doctoral students is teaching undergraduates. Most departments will offer teaching opportunities to second-year and above researchers, paying you for training, seminar time, prep work and marking. Usually, you'll be able to decide how many seminar groups you wish to take on, allowing you to schedule work around your research. Teaching is an excellent chance to experience the other responsibilities that come with working in academia .

Another popular type of contract work is assistance roles . Many academics run outreach programmes that require more hours than they’re able to put in. Usually, emails will be sent around the departments advertising a short-term role. Jobs often include data entry, content management and research assistance. Again, these can be a great opportunity to build up workplace specific skills and receive a small financial boost.

Permanent roles

Some PhD students may also work more permanent roles. Often, self-funded students have to seek employment in order to financially afford tuition and living expenses. These students usually work part-time in industry . This can be both within and outside of the university. The types of roles students may undertake include admin, hospitality and even marketing. It’s a good idea to search for roles that match up with your skill set and future career goals .

Given the academic pressures of a PhD, many universities advise students not to work more than 16 hours a week . Otherwise, they may find themselves falling behind on a full-time PhD programme.

Pros and cons of working during a PhD

Working during a PhD can be a great opportunity to learn new skills and refine your current ones for future job applications. In fact, many Research Councils often require their funded students to undertake some form of work experience in order to build industry related skills.

However, managing a job on top of your own research can be stressful and limit the amount of free time you have available. Here are some of the most important pros and cons to consider before applying for a job.

  • Gain more industry related experience
  • Helps reduce financial pressure
  • Regular forced breaks from your research can help refresh the mind
  • Make connections with work colleagues, reducing the isolation often associated with PhD research
  • Less time in the week to work on your PhD
  • Schedule clashes could mean you miss out on academic opportunities, such as conferences
  • Potential feelings of isolation from the academic community if you’re committed to an industry job

Tips for working during a PhD

#1 prioritise workload management.

The main thing to consider before applying for a job during your PhD is how you’re going to manage the workload. The PhD already comes with a hefty amount of work and so adding to that can cause additional stress.

The key is to set your priorities and manage your time effectively , taking regular breaks. Just like a job allows you to take holiday, do the same for your PhD. If the workload gets too much, be willing to consider the necessity of your job or whether it would be possible to reduce your PhD from full-time study to part-time .

#2 Talk to your supervisor

You should also discuss your situation with your supervisor so they’re aware of your wider responsibilities and time restraints. They’ll then be able to better advise on your progress. Additionally, you should make your industry boss aware of your PhD commitments. They too may be able to assist you. This might mean offering flexibility to your hours in case of last-minute academic events or allowing extended holiday to prepare for the viva .

#3 Don't forget to get involved in the research community

Working while studying can be time-consuming, but it's important to stay in touch with the wider research community nonetheless! Make sure you still find the time to attend conferences, seminars and networking events. This will help you form academic connections and get the most out of your doctorate.

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What part-time jobs are suitable for PhD students?

I know PhD is unsparing in terms of available time, but at times there may be situations that demand some extra income, for example, family situations or some medical emergency.

In such cases, are there any specific jobs PhD students could take up? This could be at some place within a university (a library, say) or somewhere in the city (assume it is a large one like London or NY). The desiderata are minimal time consumption and a sum of useful money which could be used to manage the unexpected expense.

Kaadzia's user avatar

  • 16 I know someone who put themselves through graduate school playing poker. Not recommended unless you are very good at poker and you can afford having your weekly income's variance be three or four times its expectation. –  JeffE Commented Apr 12, 2012 at 19:49
  • 2 You can earn a very comfortable living playing poker. But you should never play the money for your house or food. –  F'x Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 12:07
  • I guess answers to this question vary wildly between areas. –  Raphael Commented Oct 25, 2012 at 8:57
  • 1 Be advised that you are not always allowed to have an (official) external income. Some Belgian grants, for instance, strictly forbid students to earn something on the side. –  Marc Claesen Commented Jul 22, 2014 at 11:54
  • There is this attractive option if you can spare 2 nights in a week. The campus patrol in some colleges look for volunteers to ensure that internal campus security is maintained during the night. It usually occurs in 2 shifts per week: 9pm to 5am per shift. I think this is reasonable considering most of your other options would entail a lot more time. –  Hans Krupakar Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 16:31

11 Answers 11

I know of a few graduate students who successfully made money doing consulting in their line of work. Most of these were engineering students, where the knowledge gained during graduate school is easily transferable, but I've seen others as well.

If you're interested in this, talk to as many people as you can and network, network, network. It can be a fun side project with the potential to become a full-time job if you're interested.

Another very useful skill that some graduate students may be able to do is grant writing . While you may not realize it, this skill is necessary in many, many industries, and if you're good at writing, you can make earn some good income contracting out your skills.

Community's user avatar

  • 2 Grant writing is really something which is rewarding in term of money. Consulting is less rewarding at the junior level. –  Sylvain Peyronnet Commented Apr 12, 2012 at 15:27
  • 1 @SylvainPeyronnet - I agree. However, I know of a few situations where an advisor with existing consulting relationships brought grad students in and had them help with the consulting, and in all cases it was a very positive experience for the student. –  eykanal Commented Apr 12, 2012 at 16:16

Two obvious answers are:

  • Marking (grading). Ask your supervisor if they have coursework that needs to be marked (for a price).
  • Tutoring. Put a note up in your departmental office offering to tutor undergraduates. If you're doing a more mathematical degree, you could tutor undergraduates from other disciplines. For example, helping out with some statistics coursework.

aeismail's user avatar

  • 17 +1 for tutoring. Not only does it make money and benefit the student, it helps make you a better teacher. –  eykanal Commented Apr 12, 2012 at 13:47
  • 2 And to add to @eykanal's answer, it also challenges you on earlier subjects. Tutoring has kept my Algebra and Calculus skills sharp. –  Jonathan E. Landrum Commented Oct 3, 2013 at 15:20

It would depend on whether you are an international student or a domestic student. I am guessing, if you are an international student, you will have to work with your international office to work more than your allowed quota of hours citing extenuating circumstances.

For instance, as a PHD candidate from India in the USA, I know that I get a stipend that counts as 20 hours of work per week. If I were to have, God forbid, extenuating circumstances and needed more money to support my cause, I'd have to work with the international office who in turn would work it out with the INS/ICE in the US so that I stay "in status" as a full time student whilst working for more than my quota of hours .

Obviously, my answer is for international students in the US. If you are a domestic student, some of the answers provided here would actually help!

dearN's user avatar

  • You mean, we cannot work for more on our own accord? Should we necessarily have to do some paper work? –  Bravo Commented Apr 13, 2012 at 7:37
  • 6 As an international student? No, not in the US at least. An intl. student is eligible to work 20 hours a week. Anything in excess (unless in the summer, may-aug) is unlawful. –  dearN Commented Apr 13, 2012 at 22:25
  • 7 Technically, non-Americans on student visas are not allowed to "work" at all. Exceptions are carved out for TAships and RAships because they are considered an integral part of the student's education. If you're in the US on a student visa, you cannot legally work at Walmart. –  JeffE Commented Apr 14, 2012 at 13:04
  • @JeffE Based on my experience (as an international student in the US for the past 8 years), non-Americans on student visas (in particular the F1 visa) can work up to 20 hours a week on campus . That is to say, I may work at the cafetaria, library, rec center, math learning center, etc. Working off campus, as you say, is not legal and is violates the terms of the student visa (don't do it!). Funnily, certain jobs that are physically on-campus do not count as such - e.g. I am not allowed to work with the construction crew on campus. (Whenever in doubt, consult your international student office) –  Aru Ray Commented Nov 7, 2013 at 13:27
  • TAships and RAships count as part of this 20 hours a week business. As for 'integral part of student's education' those have to do with Curricular Practical Training and Optional Practical Training. (Let me refrain from describing these in detail unless someone specifically asks) –  Aru Ray Commented Nov 7, 2013 at 13:29

These are less attractive than either consulting or tutoring because they take a more regular committment, but these are jobs I have taken in the past for a few extra dollars (that haven't managed to kill me yet!)

  • Being an adjunct teacher at another institution.

This is very hard though, and requires a substantial time commitment. It has the positive benefit of you gaining teaching experience, which is useful if you plan on continuing a job in academia. I have also heard teaching online classes are much easier on your schedule as well, although take that as heresay from me as I have not done it myself.

  • Moonlighting as a security guard.

This probably comes off as an odd choice, but I have had two security guard jobs in the past that worked out really well. I intentionally chose jobs that I sat at a desk, so I could read or write while I was on duty. I'm sure your mileage varies though with this, and I may have just been crap lucky with getting jobs in which this was possible.

F'x's user avatar

  • 2 +1 for security guard gig, as you get lots of free time to study without interruption. –  Jonathan E. Landrum Commented Oct 3, 2013 at 15:21

Writing high-school or college-level books in your discipline. There are quite a few types of books that publishers are interested in and pay young authors for: exercises with solutions, compilations of admissions tests with answers and comments, that sort of thing.

I mention it because it usually is a job you can do on your own schedule. In my own experience, it does not pay as much as consulting, but it might be easier to get in. Also, it brings a lot of useful experience if you do it in a good team: learning how to write good pedagogical material is a precious skill!

Depending on your language skills, working as a translator or proofreader is a good option. It is a rather flexible job in term of work hours and place. Also, if you have necessary technical skills, scientific journals have large needs of grahics editing .

At my university, the school provides service for students with disabilities, any I have been a mentor/tutor for some of them.

It is quite fun, and more importantly, I feel like I do something meaningful.

Per Alexandersson's user avatar

Look into babysitting. A lot of professors and staff are looking for reliable people to babysit (and maybe tutor) their young children. That is how I supplemented my income through graduate school.

Emme's user avatar

Online tutoring and teaching - It can be less time consuming especially in the area of their expertise. Good instructors are scarce and they are online and offline companies that are always looking for quality instructors. Companies like General Assembly , [Udemy], Venturesity (sorry for the shameless plug :)) etc.

Prashant Koirala's user avatar

depending on your major and skills, I believe you can find some teaching positions. like ESL, math, computer science etc. whatever you can teach, look for companies offering that kind of service. I was working as an instructor at a "computing for children" kinda company. using available software, it was fun to work with kids. I was also teaching A+,N+ classes, since I am a CS graduate and like to teach the stuff.

murat's user avatar

If you have the time and ability to - start a business in your disipline! I know this is a hard task but I managed to set at home accountancy and consulting business while a undergraduate (Accounting major and also a Computer Science). You can recruit people to work on commission for you, thus creating money for themselves and you! I have always been a fan of consulting and recruitment (headhunting) business start ups.

user8946's user avatar

Private tutoring can be a good source of income -- getting pupils is difficult at first, but most of them will, once started, have many lessons, so there is some regularity in your income. If you want to reduce your hours, raising your rates can do the trick nicely (since you are an expert professional, you can and should charge a high hourly rate in any case, otherwise people will assume you are not very good).

Proof-reading and editorial work is flexible (because you can do it at any time of day or night), although it does not tend to be particularly lucrative. That said, if relevant to your field, a track record of such work can do wonders for your reputation and visibility.

Other specialist freelance activities relevant to your field. These tend to be brief and one-off, but can be very enjoyable and quite lucrative.

[NB: since all of the above tend to involve working in a self-employed capacity, it is your responsibility to register with the relevant tax authorities, file tax returns, and pay the taxes (this is one reason why self-employed hourly rates tend to be significantly higher than employed hourly rates). If you feel uncomfortable doing these administrative tasks yourself, you may want to hire an accountant.]

anon's user avatar

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