Essay on Science in Everyday Life

500 words essay on science in everyday life.

Science is a big blessing to humanity. Furthermore, science, in spite of some of its negativities, makes lives better for people by removing ignorance, suffering and hardship. Let us take a look at the impact of science in our lives with this essay on science in everyday life.

essay on science in everyday life

                                                                                                                   Essay On Science In Everyday Life

Benefits of Science

Science very efficiently plays the role of being a faithful servant of man. In every walk of life, science is there to serve us. We require the benefits of science whether in our home, in office, in a factory, or outside.

Gone are the days when only wealthy people could afford luxuries. Science has made many luxurious items of the past cheaper in price and has brought them within the reach of everybody.

Computer technology is one huge benefit of science. Nowadays, it would be unimaginable to consider living without computing technology.

A huge number of professions now rely totally on the computer and the internet. Besides, the computer and the internet have become our biggest source of entertainment in our everyday life.

Automobiles, an important scientific invention, has made our lives easy by significantly reducing everyday commuting time. The air conditioner is another scientific invention that has made our lives bearable and comfortable in the face of extreme weather conditions. Also, in the field of medical science, high-quality medicines are available that quickly remove any ailment that can happen in everyday life like headache, sprain, cough, allergy, stomach ache, fatigue etc.

Dark Side of Science

In spite of its tremendous benefits, there is a negative side to science. Science, unfortunately, has also done some disservice to humanity due to some of its inventions.

One of the biggest harms that science has brought to humanity is in the field of armament. Although some hail the invention of gunpowder as a great achievement, humanity must rue the day when this invention happened.

Steadily and relentlessly, the use and perfection of gunpowder have taken place in many new and more destructive weapons. As such, humanity now suffers due to weapons like shells, bombs, artillery, and guns. Such weapons threaten the everyday life of all individuals.

Another disservice of science has been the emission of pollution. A huge amount of radioactive pollution is emitted in various parts of the world where nuclear energy production happens. Such pollution is very dangerous as it can cause cancer, radioactive sickness, and cardiovascular disease.

Of course, who can ignore the massive amount of air pollution caused by automobiles, another scientific invention. Furthermore, automobiles are an everyday part of our lives that emit unimaginable levels of carbon monoxide in the air every year. Consequently, this causes various lung diseases and also contributes to global warming and acid rain.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Science in Everyday Life

There is no doubt that science has brought about one of the greatest benefits to mankind, in spite of some of its negativities. Furthermore, science certainly has made the most impact in adding comfort to our everyday lives. As such, we must always show utmost respect to scientists for their efforts.

FAQs for Essay on Science in Everyday Life

Question 1: What is the most important or main purpose of science?

Answer 1: The most important or main purpose of science is to explain the facts. Furthermore, there is no restriction in science to explain facts at random. Moreover, science systematizes the facts and builds up theories that give an explanation of such facts.

Question 2: Explain what is a scientific fact?

Answer 2: A scientific fact refers to a repeatable careful observation or measurement that takes place by experimentation or other means. Furthermore, a scientific fact is also called empirical evidence. Most noteworthy, scientific facts are key for the building of scientific theories.

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Science In Everyday Life Essay For Students

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Table of Contents

Science In Everyday Life Essay: Science surrounds us every day, shaping the world we live in and revolutionizing our lives. From the gadgets we use to the food we eat, science plays a pivotal role in our daily routines. If we have to write about the role of science in our everyday life, we’ll definitely find it difficult, as it is diverse. Covering everything in a single essay can leave you stuck. Here we are with this article to provide you with essays on the significance of science in everyday life of varying lengths, ranging from 100 to 500 words.

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Long and Short Essays on Science in Everyday Life

Short essay on science in everyday life of 100 words.

Science plays a crucial role in our everyday lives, shaping and enhancing our experiences in various ways. From the moment we wake up, we are surrounded by scientific inventions and discoveries that make our lives more comfortable and efficient.

Whether it’s the alarm clock that wakes us up, the electricity that powers our homes, the mobile phones we rely on for communication, or the transportation systems we use to get to work or school, science is ingrained in every aspect of our daily routines.

Furthermore, science enables us to understand and appreciate the world around us, from the study of weather patterns to the advances in medical research and technology. In essence, we rely on science in countless ways each day, making it an integral part of our existence.

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Essay on Science in Everyday Life of 200 Words

Science is an integral part of our daily lives, often operating behind the scenes, making our routines smoother and more efficient. For instance, when we flip a light switch, we harness the power of electricity, a product of scientific discovery and innovation. Our smartphones, which have become extensions of ourselves, are the result of advancements in electronics and telecommunications.

Science also impacts our health and well-being. Medical science has given us vaccines, antibiotics, and life-saving surgeries. These breakthroughs have significantly increased our life expectancy and improved the quality of our lives.

Even the food we consume is a product of scientific advancements in agriculture and food technology. From genetically modified crops to food preservation techniques, science ensures a consistent and abundant food supply.

In our daily transportation, science plays a vital role. The cars we drive, the trains we ride, and the planes we fly in are all products of engineering and scientific innovation, making travel faster and more accessible.

In conclusion, science is the silent partner in our daily lives, enhancing our comfort, health, and convenience in ways we often take for granted. Its impact is felt in our homes, in our workplaces, and in the products we use. Science truly makes everyday life extraordinary.

Science in Everyday Life Essay of 250 Words

Science is not confined to laboratories and classrooms; it is an integral part of our everyday existence. It permeates every aspect of our lives, from the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed.

Consider our morning routine. The toothpaste we use, the toothbrush bristles designed for optimal cleaning, and the running water from our taps are all products of scientific research and development. The alarm clock that wakes us up is a result of precision engineering.

As we head to the kitchen for breakfast, we encounter the wonders of food science. The milk we pour into our cereal is pasteurized to ensure its safety, and the cereal itself is a product of agricultural science. The coffee we brew relies on principles of thermodynamics and chemistry.

Our daily commute is another arena where science shines. The vehicles we use, whether cars, bicycles, or public transport, are engineered for safety and efficiency. The traffic lights that regulate our journey are synchronized through complex algorithms, reducing congestion.

In our workplaces, science and technology empower us to be more productive. Computers, smartphones, and the internet are all products of scientific ingenuity. They enable us to communicate, collaborate, and access information with unprecedented ease.

Even in our leisure activities, science plays a significant role. From the smartphones we use for entertainment to the sports equipment designed for maximum performance, science enhances our recreational experiences.

In conclusion, science is not an abstract concept but a tangible and ever-present force that shapes our daily lives. It enables us to live comfortably, stay healthy, and connect with the world. Science in everyday life is a testament to human innovation and progress.

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Importance of Science in Everyday Life Essay of 400 Words

Science is a part of our everyday life. We wake up to an alarm clock that uses science to tell time. We cook our breakfast on a stove that uses science to heat our food. We communicate with our friends and family using our smartphones, which rely on science to send and receive information. Whether we realize it or not, science is all around us, shaping our daily lives and improving our overall well-being.

One of the most significant ways science impacts our everyday life is through medicine and healthcare. Medical advancements and scientific research have led to improved treatments and cures for various diseases and conditions. From antibiotics to vaccines, science has played a crucial role in increasing our lifespan and improving our quality of life. Additionally, technologies such as MRI machines and robotic surgeries have revolutionized the field of medicine and made complex procedures safer and more efficient.

Science has also greatly influenced our means of transportation. The invention of automobiles, airplanes, and trains has made traveling faster and more convenient. The science behind these modes of transportation has allowed us to explore new places, connect with people from different cultures, and create opportunities for economic growth and development. Furthermore, advancements in fuels and engines have led to the production of more efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles, reducing pollution and preserving the planet for future generations.

In the entertainment industry, science has brought new forms of pleasure and amusement into our lives. Video games, movies, and music rely on science to create immersive and captivating experiences. The development of virtual reality technology has taken entertainment to a whole new level, allowing us to step into virtual worlds and experience things we never thought possible. Science has also played a role in the creation of special effects and animations, enabling us to enjoy visually stunning films and television shows.

In conclusion, science is an integral part of our everyday life, influencing various aspects such as healthcare, transportation, and entertainment. Its advances and discoveries continue to shape our world and improve our overall well-being. From curing diseases to exploring new frontiers, science will always be an essential part of human progress. Therefore, it is crucial for us to embrace and appreciate science in our everyday lives.

Long Essay on Importance of Science in Everyday Life of 500 Words

Science is the invisible thread that weaves through the fabric of our daily lives, enriching our existence in countless ways. It’s not confined to the pages of textbooks or the walls of laboratories; it’s a dynamic force that constantly shapes and transforms our world.

One of the most visible manifestations of science in our daily routine is in the realm of technology. Our day often begins with the alarm clock, a device that relies on precise timekeeping principles rooted in physics. As we prepare for the day, we interact with a multitude of gadgets, from smartphones to coffee makers, all designed and perfected through scientific research and engineering.

In the kitchen, science is at play in our culinary endeavors. The oven, stove, and microwave are all products of scientific understanding of heat and energy transfer. The food we prepare benefits from scientific advancements in agriculture and food preservation. Even the humble refrigerator, a cornerstone of modern kitchens, relies on principles of thermodynamics to keep our food fresh.

Moving beyond our homes, transportation is another arena where science shines. The cars we drive, the trains we ride, and the planes we fly in are feats of engineering and innovation. They incorporate safety features, fuel efficiency, and advanced materials—all a result of scientific research.

The traffic management systems that regulate our daily commute employ sophisticated algorithms to optimize traffic flow, reducing congestion and travel time. Public transportation systems use technology and science to provide efficient and reliable services to commuters.

At work, science empowers us with tools and technology that enhance productivity. Computers, the internet, and software applications enable us to communicate, collaborate, and perform tasks with unprecedented efficiency. Science and technology have transformed the workplace, enabling remote work and global connectivity.

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Healthcare is another domain where science plays a crucial role. Medical science has given us vaccines that prevent diseases, antibiotics that treat infections, and advanced surgical techniques that save lives. Diagnostic tools, like MRI and CT scans, rely on principles of physics and biology to provide accurate medical insights.

Even the clothes we wear benefit from scientific advancements in materials and textiles. Synthetic fabrics, moisture-wicking technologies, and innovations in clothing design make our garments comfortable and functional.

In leisure and entertainment, science continues to enrich our experiences. From high-definition televisions and immersive gaming systems to music streaming platforms, these technologies are rooted in scientific principles.

In conclusion, science is not an abstract concept but a tangible and ever-present force in our lives. It enables us to live comfortably, stay healthy, and connect with the world. Science in everyday life is a testament to human innovation, progress, and our capacity to improve our quality of life through knowledge and discovery.

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FAQs on Science In Everyday Life Essay

What is the role of science in everyday life.

Science plays a vital role in improving our daily lives by providing technology, healthcare, and innovations that enhance comfort and convenience.

Can you provide examples of science in daily life?

Examples of science in daily life include smartphones, kitchen appliances, transportation, medical advancements, and even clothing materials.

What are some common applications of science and technology in daily life?

Common applications of science and technology in daily life include smartphones, computers, transportation systems, and kitchen appliances.

How has science improved our quality of life?

Science has improved our quality of life by providing innovations that make daily tasks easier, healthcare advancements that extend lifespans, and technology that connects us globally.

How science is used in everyday life?

Science is used in everyday life through technology, healthcare, transportation, and countless innovations that simplify tasks and improve overall well-being.

Why is life science important in our daily life?

Life science is crucial in understanding our health, the environment, and the natural world around us. It helps us make informed choices for a healthier and more sustainable daily life.

How science is useful in our daily life essay?

Science is all around us, making our lives easier and more comfortable. We see its influence in the technology we use, the medicine that keeps us healthy, and even the food we eat. From the electricity that powers our homes to the smartphones that connect us with the world, science enriches our daily existence in countless ways.

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Essay on Science in Our Daily Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Science in Our Daily Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Science in Our Daily Life


Science is everywhere in our daily lives, from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep. It’s in the alarm clock that wakes us, the breakfast we eat, and the transport we use.

Science at Home

At home, science is in our refrigerators, televisions, and computers. It’s in the electricity that powers our appliances and the Wi-Fi that keeps us connected.

Science in School

In school, we use science to understand the world around us. It helps us solve problems, make discoveries, and create new technologies.

In conclusion, science is a vital part of our daily life, making our lives easier and more interesting.

250 Words Essay on Science in Our Daily Life

The ubiquity of science, the dawn of a day.

Consider the start of a day. The alarm clock that wakes us up is a product of years of scientific and technological advancement. From the understanding of time to the intricate circuits inside the clock, science plays a pivotal role. The hot shower that rejuvenates us is a testament to the principles of thermodynamics.

Nutrition and Health

In the kitchen, the food we consume is a complex combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The understanding of these nutrients, their roles, and the way our body processes them is all thanks to the biological and chemical sciences. Moreover, the medical science advancements help us lead healthier lives.

Communication and Transportation

The way we communicate and travel is another testament to the profound impact of science. The internet, smartphones, cars, and airplanes – all are fruits of scientific progress. They have significantly shrunk the world, making it a global village.

In essence, science is not confined to laboratories or research papers. It is a living, breathing entity that permeates every aspect of our lives. Its influence is so pervasive that we often take it for granted. However, a conscious acknowledgment of its role can lead to a greater appreciation of the world around us and inspire us to contribute to its advancement.

500 Words Essay on Science in Our Daily Life

The ubiquity of science in daily life.

Science is an integral part of our daily lives, often operating behind the scenes in ways we may not immediately perceive. It is the driving force behind the modern world, shaping our lives and influencing our actions in countless ways.

Science and Technology

Health and medicine.

Science’s role in health and medicine is paramount. It is through the principles of biology and chemistry that we understand the human body, enabling us to diagnose and treat diseases. The development and administration of vaccines, the creation of life-saving drugs, and the implementation of sanitation practices all rely on scientific knowledge.

Food and Agriculture

Science also plays a significant role in agriculture and food production. Techniques such as genetic modification and hydroponics have revolutionized farming, increasing yield and making it possible to grow crops in previously inhospitable environments. Even the food we consume daily is a product of scientific understanding, from the preservation techniques that keep it fresh to the nutritional science that informs our dietary choices.

Understanding Our Environment

Science in communication.

The revolution in communication technology, powered by science, has transformed our lives. The internet, social media, and digital communication platforms have made it possible to connect with people across the globe instantaneously. These technologies rely on principles of computer science and electronics, demonstrating the pervasive influence of science in our daily interactions.

The Future of Science in Our Lives

As we look to the future, the role of science in our lives will only continue to grow. Advances in fields such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and genetic engineering promise to reshape our world in profound ways. These developments will present both opportunities and challenges, underscoring the importance of scientific literacy in navigating the complexities of the modern world.

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Science In Everyday Life: 50 Examples Showing How Science Impacts Our Daily Activities

Science plays a vital role in our daily lives, even if we don’t always realize it. From the alarm that wakes us up to the phones we scroll through before bed, advancements in science, technology, engineering, and math touch every aspect of our routines.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer on examples of science in daily life: Science gives us technology like smartphones, WiFi, microwaves, and virtual assistants . It brings us medical treatments, weather forecasts, and green energy solutions.

Fields like chemistry, biology, and physics explain the world around us and advancements that enhance how we live.

This comprehensive guide provides over 50 examples demonstrating the many amazing ways science impacts our lives. We’ll cover common technologies, healthcare innovations, environmental applications, and insights science provides into the world around us.

Read on to gain appreciation for just how integral STEM is to our modern lives.

Technology Innovations from Science

Smartphones and wifi.

Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, and we can thank science for their existence. These devices combine various technologies, such as wireless communication, touchscreen displays, and powerful processors, all made possible through scientific advancements.

With the advent of WiFi technology, we can now connect our smartphones to the internet seamlessly, allowing us to access information, communicate with others, and stay connected wherever we go. According to a report by Statista, there are over 3.8 billion smartphone users worldwide, highlighting the widespread impact of this technology.

Virtual Assistants and AI

Virtual assistants, like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, have become an integral part of our daily lives. These AI-powered technologies are the result of extensive research and development in the field of artificial intelligence.

They can perform a wide range of tasks, from answering questions and setting reminders to controlling smart home devices. Virtual assistants have revolutionized the way we interact with technology and have made our lives more convenient.

According to a study by Pew Research Center, around 46% of Americans use voice assistants, showcasing the widespread adoption of this technology.

Streaming Entertainment

Gone are the days when we had to wait for our favorite TV shows or movies to air on traditional television networks. Thanks to scientific advancements, we now have streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video that allow us to enjoy a vast library of entertainment content on demand.

Streaming services rely on technologies like high-speed internet connections and video compression algorithms, which have made it possible to deliver high-quality content to our devices. According to a report by Conviva, global streaming hours increased by 57% in 2020, highlighting the growing popularity of streaming entertainment.

Kitchen Appliances

Science has also revolutionized our kitchens with innovative appliances that make cooking and food preparation easier and more efficient. From microwave ovens and induction cooktops to smart refrigerators and programmable coffee makers, these appliances utilize scientific principles to enhance our culinary experiences.

For example, microwave ovens use electromagnetic waves to heat food quickly, while induction cooktops use magnetic fields to generate heat directly in the cookware. These advancements have saved us time and energy in the kitchen, allowing us to focus on creating delicious meals.

Healthcare and Medicine

Medical treatments and drugs.

Science plays a crucial role in the development of medical treatments and drugs. Through extensive research and experimentation, scientists are able to discover new medications and therapies that help treat diseases and improve the quality of life for patients.

From antibiotics to cancer-fighting drugs, science has revolutionized the field of medicine. For instance, in recent years, breakthroughs in immunotherapy have provided hope for patients with previously untreatable cancers, offering them a chance at a longer and healthier life.

Medical Imaging and Scans

The advancement of medical imaging technology has greatly contributed to the field of healthcare. X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds are all examples of medical imaging techniques that allow doctors to visualize the internal structures of the body without invasive procedures.

These imaging tools aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of various conditions, such as broken bones, tumors, and organ abnormalities. With the help of these technologies, doctors can make more accurate and timely diagnoses, leading to better treatment outcomes for patients.

Prosthetics and Implants

Science has also revolutionized the field of prosthetics and implants, providing individuals with enhanced mobility and improved quality of life. With advancements in materials science and robotics, prosthetic limbs have become increasingly sophisticated, allowing amputees to regain functionality and perform daily activities with greater ease.

Additionally, advancements in medical implants, such as pacemakers and artificial joints, have significantly improved the lives of individuals with chronic conditions, enabling them to live longer and more fulfilling lives.

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing is another area where science has had a significant impact on healthcare. With advancements in DNA sequencing technology, scientists are now able to analyze an individual’s genetic makeup and identify potential genetic disorders or predispositions to certain diseases.

This information can be used for early detection and prevention, allowing individuals to make informed decisions about their health. Genetic testing has also paved the way for personalized medicine, where treatments can be tailored to an individual’s specific genetic profile, leading to more effective and targeted therapies.

Energy and Environment

Renewable energy.

Renewable energy plays a crucial role in reducing our carbon footprint and preserving the environment. Solar power, for example, harnesses the energy from the sun and converts it into electricity, providing a sustainable and clean alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

Wind power is another example, where the kinetic energy of the wind is converted into electricity through wind turbines. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewable energy accounted for 26% of global electricity generation in 2018, and this number is expected to rise significantly in the coming years.

Harnessing the power of renewable energy sources not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also leads to economic growth and job creation in the renewable energy sector.

Water Filtration and Conservation

Science has greatly contributed to improving water filtration systems and promoting water conservation. Advanced technologies such as reverse osmosis and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection are used to remove impurities and pathogens from water, making it safe for consumption.

These filtration systems are essential in areas where access to clean drinking water is limited. Additionally, scientific research has led to the development of water-saving devices and techniques, such as low-flow showerheads and rainwater harvesting systems.

These innovations help conserve water resources and reduce water wastage, ultimately benefiting both the environment and our daily lives.

Weather Forecasting

Weather forecasting relies heavily on scientific advancements to accurately predict and analyze weather patterns. Meteorologists use a variety of tools and technologies, including satellites, radar systems, and computer models, to collect data and make predictions about future weather conditions.

By understanding atmospheric phenomena and analyzing historical data, scientists can provide crucial information regarding upcoming storms, hurricanes, and other weather events. Accurate weather forecasts not only help us plan our daily activities but also play a vital role in disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts, potentially saving lives and minimizing damage.

Recycling and Waste Management

In today’s world, proper waste management and recycling have become essential for the health of our environment. Science has played a significant role in developing efficient recycling processes and waste management systems.

Recycling helps reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and conserves valuable resources. Through various scientific methods, materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal can be recycled and used for the production of new products.

Furthermore, advancements in waste management technologies, such as waste-to-energy systems, enable the conversion of waste materials into renewable energy sources. These innovations not only reduce the environmental impact of waste but also contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy.

Science continues to drive innovations and advancements in the energy and environmental sectors. By embracing renewable energy, implementing efficient water filtration and conservation methods, improving weather forecasting accuracy, and promoting recycling and waste management, we can create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Transportation Innovations

Aircraft technology.

Aircraft technology has come a long way since the Wright brothers’ first flight. Today, we have advanced and sophisticated airplanes that allow us to travel to any corner of the world in a matter of hours.

From the use of composite materials to improve fuel efficiency, to the development of quieter engines and advanced navigation systems, science has played a crucial role in revolutionizing air travel. The aerodynamic design of modern airplanes allows them to achieve incredible speeds while maintaining stability and safety.

This not only makes air travel more convenient for passengers but also reduces the environmental impact of aviation.

Automotive Engineering

The field of automotive engineering has witnessed tremendous advancements, making our cars safer, more efficient, and more comfortable. Science has enabled the development of innovative safety features such as airbags, ABS brakes, and collision avoidance systems, which have significantly reduced the number of accidents and saved countless lives.

The use of lightweight materials and aerodynamic designs has made cars more fuel-efficient, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the integration of GPS technology and smart infotainment systems has made navigation and entertainment more convenient for drivers and passengers alike.

Traffic Optimization Systems

With the increasing number of vehicles on the road, traffic congestion has become a major issue in many cities around the world. Science has played a vital role in developing traffic optimization systems that help manage and reduce congestion.

These systems use advanced algorithms and real-time data to analyze traffic patterns and suggest the most efficient routes for drivers. By optimizing traffic flow, these systems not only save time for commuters but also reduce fuel consumption and air pollution.

Examples of such systems include smart traffic lights, intelligent transportation systems, and traffic management apps.

Supply Chain Logistics

Supply chain logistics involves the management and coordination of the flow of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption. Science has revolutionized this field by introducing innovative technologies and processes that improve efficiency and reduce costs.

For example, the use of barcode scanning, RFID tags, and GPS tracking has made inventory management more accurate and streamlined. Advanced analytics and predictive modeling help optimize routing and scheduling, ensuring timely delivery while minimizing transportation costs.

These innovations have transformed the way goods are transported, making supply chains more efficient and responsive to customer demands.

Insights into Our World

Science plays a fundamental role in our daily lives, often in ways we may not even realize. From the stars in the sky to the products we use, science provides us with valuable insights and understanding. Let’s explore some examples of how science impacts our everyday activities.

Astronomy and Space Science

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and marveled at the stars? Astronomy, the study of celestial objects and phenomena, helps us understand the vastness of the universe. Through telescopes and satellites, scientists have made groundbreaking discoveries about galaxies, planets, and even the origins of the universe itself.

Websites like NASA offer a wealth of information and breathtaking images that bring the wonders of space closer to us.

Physics Principles at Work

Physics is the study of matter and energy, and its principles can be found in many aspects of our daily lives. For example, the laws of motion explain why objects fall to the ground, why vehicles move, and why we can ride a bicycle.

Understanding these principles allows us to design safer cars, build sturdy bridges, and even enjoy thrilling roller coaster rides. Physics is not just for scientists in labs; it’s all around us!

Earth Sciences – Climate, Seismology

Earth sciences, such as climatology and seismology, provide us with valuable knowledge about our planet. Climate science helps us understand the changes happening in our environment and the impact of human activities on the Earth’s climate.

Seismology, the study of earthquakes, allows us to monitor and predict seismic activity, helping to save lives and minimize damage. Websites like and USGS offer comprehensive information on these topics.

Chemistry in Everyday Products

Chemistry is present in countless products we use every day, from cleaning supplies to personal care items. For instance, the chemical reactions that occur in batteries power our smartphones and other electronic devices.

Additionally, the development of new materials and pharmaceuticals relies heavily on chemical research. Understanding the principles of chemistry allows us to create safer and more efficient products. Websites like American Chemical Society provide valuable resources on the role of chemistry in our daily lives.

Science is an integral part of our lives, providing us with knowledge and improving our understanding of the world around us. Whether it’s exploring the mysteries of space, harnessing the power of physics, studying our planet’s climate, or utilizing chemistry in everyday products, science impacts our daily activities in profound ways.

As this extensive list of examples shows, science fundamentally shapes our daily lives in modern society. Cutting-edge innovations that enhance how we live, work, communicate, travel, stay healthy, and understand the world all stem from scientific discovery.

Fields like physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and engineering create astounding technologies, life-saving medications, and solutions for sustainability. They also unlock deeper insights into our own bodies, the environment, and the universe around us.

So whether you’re video chatting on your phone, cooking dinner, driving your car, or just breathing – you have science to thank! Our modern world simply would not function without the dedicated work of scientists pushing boundaries every day.

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Impact of research, qualities of effective research, role of beliefs and values.

Research plays an important role in science. This is normally done to obtain detailed knowledge about certain aspects before an invention. Scientific research involves the study of diseases and other parameters to invent medicine and vaccines. Therefore, without research, there will be no inventions and therefore a big blow to health. Essentially research fulfils purposes that are designed before the exercise. However, apart from that, research has other implications on reality and daily lives. As a result, the effects of research go beyond the purpose it is meant for. This paper aims to take an analytical look at the concept of research. The paper will begin with a detailed look at the concept of research. Thereafter, the several similarities between different aspects of research will be analyzed. The impact of research on our daily life will also be reviewed.

Research has a lot of impact on the daily functioning of life. First and foremost, research leads to a better life by producing results that can be used to make life better. Especially as far as scientific research is concerned, the invention of vaccines and medicines makes diseases to be less of a threat to society (Calderon & Slavin 2001). Therefore, through the process of research, various methods of handling life’s problems and making the world a better place to live in are facilitated. Secondly, the very process of research affects society in several ways. The impact of the process of research has two dimensions.

The first part is the negative part in which the process of research has certain consequences for society. Unethical practices harm society. Since research is done on people in society, the practices adopted by the researchers have a lot of impacts. Scientific research has left some people with serious illnesses and injuries sometimes; it is like experimenting with people’s life. However, the process of research also has positive effects on society (McGill 1981). This is mainly because of employment opportunities, awareness and education. Research offers vast opportunities to the members of society to learn and obtain understanding about certain issues. At the same time, the participants of the research are remunerated making them earn a living from the same.

Several factors denote effective and valid research. To conduct valid or effective research, therefore, several considerations must be in place. First is the aspect of ethics, for research to be valid it must be conducted ethically. This involves the practices adopted for the research (Cresswell 2003). If the research involves risks, this must be communicated to the participants in advance. At the same time plans must be in place to compensate all those that will be affected in the course of the research. The disbursing of information is necessary before the research. This is important to take care of deception which is rampant in research. In general, proper preparation and education of the participants is the key to successful research. Another crucial requirement is the availability of resources for research.

Several forms of research involve a different processes. As a result, not all forms of research involve vigour. For instance, scientific research on diseases is more demanding than research on recreational issues. This is due to the context of the studies and the parameters involved. For instance, scientific research involves several processes and procedures which tend to take more resources. Recreational issues, on the other hand, are less involved due to the nature of the subject. The research can therefore be conducted with much ease.

Beliefs and values have a lot of impact on the process of research. People’s beliefs, therefore, influence the outcome and process of research. This is due to the relevance that beliefs and values have on people’s perception and philosophy of life. For instance, certain topics are considered sacred and secret in certain societies (Bryant 2005). Their beliefs don’t allow them to discuss certain things. Therefore in the process of collecting information from such people, it becomes very difficult to deal with them. People’s values also play a huge role. Some people are flexible in certain areas than others. Therefore, when conducting research one must understand the values of all participants. This is because their values determine how they approach certain issues. Religion plays a great role in determining the beliefs and values of people.

Research is part and parcel of life, in fact without research life will not be as it is. To live better life research is necessary; this is because research leads to innovation and invention. As far as science is concerned research leads to the invention of vaccines and drugs. Other areas of research also lead to a better understanding of the concepts involved. However, it is not only the results of research that benefit society but also the process of research. Some several opportunities and benefits that come with the process of research. As a result, the role of research in society goes beyond its real purpose. For research to be effective and valid several factors must be considered. Chief among them is the aspect of ethics. Different forms of research involve different forms of approaches. As a result, certain forms of research are more demanding than others. The influence of values and beliefs is notable as far as research is concerned. The paper has discussed the concept of research in detail. The process and impact of research have also been discussed.

Bryant, M. (2005). Managing an Effective and Ethical Research Project . London: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Calderon, M. & Slavin, R. (2001). Effective programs for Latino students. New York: Routledge.

Cresswell, J. (2003). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method approaches. New York: SAGE.

McGill, N. (1981). Effective research: a handbook for health planners. Washington: Institute for Health Planning.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 29). Research and Its Importance for Daily Life.

"Research and Its Importance for Daily Life." IvyPanda , 29 Dec. 2021,

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IvyPanda . 2021. "Research and Its Importance for Daily Life." December 29, 2021.

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IvyPanda . "Research and Its Importance for Daily Life." December 29, 2021.

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English Aspirants

Paragraph on ‘Science in Daily Life’ | 100, 150, 200, 250 Words

Paragraph on science in daily life: A modern man can’t even think of a life without science. Without science our life is unimaginable. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph on science in daily life in English. We’ve provided here 4 paragraphs on this topic (100, 150, 200, and 250 words). All the paragraphs will be helpful for students of all classes. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Science in Daily Life: 100 Words

Science is the greatest gift to mankind. Our daily life is very much dependent on science. From morning to night, science plays an important role in our daily life. Science has given us Television, radio, mobile phone, computers, laptops, internet.

Electrical appliances like Fans, Lights, Washing machines, refrigerators, geysers, Irons, heaters etc. add extra comfort to our life.

Now, with the help of advanced medical science, it is possible to treat many fatal diseases. Science has made traveling more enjoyable. Bus, Train, Car, Auto rickshaw, Motorcycle all are the gift of science. We can’t imagine living without science even for a moment.

Paragraph on Science in Daily Life: 100 Words

Paragraph on Science in Daily Life: 150 Words

Science is a great aid to modern life. A modern man lives on the lap of science. This is his help-mate and companion in his daily life. The numerous gifts of science bless him from the early morning till the late night.

He begins his morning with the alarm clock, the toothbrush, the tap water, the cup of tea and the newspaper. They are all the results of the great inventions of science.

Again, his dress, vehicles, telephone and cooking appliances are all operated by science. When he feels sick, the wonderful drugs of science relieve him. When he feels tired, radio, cinema and television cheer him up. These are all mighty creations of science. Modern life is impossible without them.

Science in Everyday Life Paragraph

Also Read: Essay on Wonders of Science

Science in Everyday Life Paragraph: 200 Words

We have been really living in the age of science and technology. Many scientific inventions wonder us in the modern ape and we get the benefit and advantage of it at every step of our daily life. Thus it has made our life easy and comfortable. We wake up in the morning by the sweet sound of an alarming clock. The cheering thin that we drink in the morning is tea and it is the contribution of science. We clean our teeth with brush and paste and those keep our teeth free from germs.

The daily newspaper satisfies our hunger for information of the whole world and that is the product of science. So are the books that give us the power of knowledge. Electricity is one of the invaluable gifts of science. We get light and enjoy fans. TVs, radios, refrigerators, washing machines, heaters, etc. make our life enjoyable and comfortable.

The Discovery of medicines by science cures many deadly diseases. In the field of surgery also science has wonderful contribution. Trains, buses, and planes save our valuable time. They have made our life faster. Paper, pen, ink- all these things of our everyday life we owe to science. Communication has become extremely easy after the invention of computers and mobiles.

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Essay on Science in Everyday Life: 250 Words

Science plays an important part in our daily life. The first thing that cheers us in the morning every day is tea, and it is science that has given us this stimulating drink.

Then comes the newspaper to satisfy our hunger for information, and it is also a product of science. The items of news are gathered from all over the world through scientific processes such as telex, fax, and e-mails. They are then printed on a mass scale in printing presses. The paper on which these are printed are produced from pulps by science.

So are books, which are the sources of knowledge. Then come meals, all materials of which are the products of agricultural science. They are made available to us through trains, trucks and ships which are all great scientific inventions.

The clothes we wear, waterproof that shields us from rain, shoes that protect our feet areal manufactured by machines invented by the power of science. The transport we use – buses, trams, trains, cars or cycles all are the blessings of science.

On returning home, we relax in front of TV and radio and sometimes we go to the cinema. There are electric lights, fans, cookers, refrigerators to make home life enjoyable and comfortable. Telephones and e-mails establish instant communication with our near and dear ones.

We have now good medicines for many diseases which were fatal only a few years back. Thanks to science for giving us all these to make our life comfortable.

Paragraph on Science in Everyday/Daily Life: 300 Words

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11 thoughts on “paragraph on ‘science in daily life’ | 100, 150, 200, 250 words”.

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Essay on “Science in Everyday Life” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Science in Everyday Life

Essay No. 01

Science is a great blessing to mankind. Nothing better has happened in the history of man than the advent of science in human life. The world into which science came was a world of ignorance, suffering, and hardship. Science has come to relieve us from sufferings, to remove our ignorance, and to lighter our toil.

Science is a faithful servant of man. It serves us in all walks of life. It is our servant in the home, in the field, and in the factory. Science has transformed our daily life. Gone are the days when only rich men could afford luxuries. Science has made them cheap and has brought them within the reach of everybody. Science has produced goods on a large market. These are sold at cheap rates in every market. Books, music, and all other forms of entertainment have been brought to our door. Radio, television, cinema help us in passing our time and also provide education to us.

Science is our most faithful medical attendant. It shows every care for our health. Because of science, we are cured of many diseases. It has given us the power to reduce epidemics. No longer are cholera, plague, and smallpox the scourge of mankind. Science has helped in reducing the death rate and has also enhanced the living age of humans.

Science has reduced distance and made traveling a pleasure. Science has annihilated time and space. Trains roar through deserts, jungles, and mountains while aeroplanes fly across thousands of kilometers in a matter of hours. The work of months and years can now be completed in hours.

Science is the greatest blessing to the poor housewife. A thousand devices have been placed at her disposal to lighter her toil. There is electricity-run kitchens in which cooking is a pleasure. There is no dirt, no smoke, and cooking with the help of gas and electricity can be done in the twinkling of an eye. Electricity helps her in washing and pressing clothes and even in cleaning floors.

Science has provided us with computers and machines which have greatly increased our efficiency. We are better connected to people today and information is only a click of the mouse away. Man no longer needs to do the back-breaking job of digging into mines with bare hands or tilling the soil with animals. Every factory is a standing tribute to the care and comforts that science has brought into our life.

Science educates us in many ways. Large printing presses produce the number of books at cheap rates. News is brought to us from every corner of the world through the newspaper, radios, and television.

However, science has done a great disservice to mankind in the field of armaments. Weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, and sophisticated armament have endangered our lives and threaten to destroy the world. However, it is up to us whether we will destroy our world or make it more beautiful and comfortable with the help of science.

Essay No. 02

The advancements in science have brought about many changes in our lives. The civilizations have progressed leaps and bounds. Science has changed the human attitude towards nature and the universe. It has made mankind confident to face the challenges that the cosmos throws at us.

Science has made our everyday lives very comfortable. In the area of transport, we no longer have to depend upon the slow bullock-carts or the power of our legs, we now have trains, aeroplanes, ships, cars, and scooters to take us from one place to another.

Means of communications have vastly improved. Thanks to various advancements made in science we have come a long way from carrier pigeons and messenger boys to fax machines, Teletext, mobile phones, the Internet, and E-Mails. Computers have today taken over the function of a letter-writer, secretary, postal department, and information disseminator. At a press of a button a person sitting in his office in New York can receive all the information that he requires from any office around the world Communications have also brought about a sea change in the disaster warning systems around the world. Communication satellites moving in their orbits above the earth’s atmosphere can forecast many days in advance any cyclone, tidal changes in the sea, or an eruption of a volcano. They can also transmit the distress signals of a ship or an aircraft to the authorities in times of need

There was a time when the means of entertainment comprised of an evening at a local dance, music, or puppet performance, today we prefer to spend the evening at a cinema hall, or in front of a television set. This transformation has been possible because of the invention of the television and moving pictures.

Agriculture, water resources, energy needs, and medicine are no longer dependent upon the ancient methods. New developments and new technologies have made growing crops, generating electricity, and curing many complex diseases very easy. New implements, new medicines, and new methods have made agriculture, power generation, and medical treatment more efficient.

To conclude we can say that science is the magic genie of today. It can do wonders for us if used carefully. It will, on the contrary, bring destruction and ruin if used in the wrong manner.

Essay No. 03

Science is a great blessing to mankind. Nothing better has happened in the history of man than the advent of science in his life. The world into which science came was a world of ignorance, suffering, and hardship. Science has come to relieve us of sufferings, to remove our ignorance, and to lighten our toil.

Science is a faithful servant of man. It serves us in all walks of life. It is our servant in the home, in the field, in the factory. It serves us at every step in life. Never was there a more helpful servant. It is only when we spoil the servant and do not keep him in proper control that he may cause some harm to us. But this is our own fault. A servant has to be kept under control.

Science has transformed our daily life. Gone are the days when only rich men could afford luxuries. Science has made them cheap and has brought them within the reach of everybody. Science produces goods on large scale. These are sold at cheap rates in every market. Books, music, and all other forms of entertainment have been brought to our doorstep. Radio, television, and cinema help us in passing our time in entertainment. Surely, the daily life of the common man is very different from what it used to be once.

Science is our most faithful medical attendant. It shows every care for our health. Science has cured us of many diseases. It has given us the power to keep epidemics under check. No longer are smallpox, cholera, and plague the ravages of mankind. Science gives us the power to kill the germs which spread these diseases. There is hardly any disease today which can be called incurable.

Science has made traveling a pleasure. No longer do we need to part sadly from our relatives and friends when we go to visit the holy places. Science has annihilated time and space. Trains roar through deserts and jungles and man travels with safety and speed. But already the trains and motor cars have become absolute means of transport. The airplanes fly across hundreds of kilometers in an hour. You can take your breakfast in Srinagar, lunch in Delhi, and dinner in Mumbai. The work of months and years completed in hours.

Science is the greatest blessing to the poor housewife. Now she need not always remain busy in the kitchen. A thousand devices have been placed at her disposal to lighten her toil. There are electricity-run kitchens in which cooking is a pleasure. There is no dirt, no smoke. Cooking is done in the twinkling of an eye. Electricity serves the housewife to wash and press her clothes and to sweep her floors. No one could be more grateful than the housewife to the science for its blessing. It has given her leisure to take rest, to study, and to attend better to her children.

No less happy could be the laborer with science. Science has taken upon itself the dirtiest of jobs. Man no longer needs to do the back-breaking job of digging into the coal and iron mines with his bare hands. Every factory is a standing tribute to the ease and comfort that science has brought into our life.

But this is by no means the end of the blessings of science. Another job that this servant does for us is to educate us. Science has built great printing presses which produce a large number of books at very cheap rates. It has placed at our disposal scores of means to expel ignorance from mankind. News is brought to us from every corner of the world through the newspaper, the radio, and the television. The result is that superstition and ignorance find it difficult now to thrive. No longer can clever people deceive the simple and ordinary people of the world.

However, there is the other side of the picture. Science has done the greatest disservice to mankind in the field of armament. The invention of gunpowder was hailed as a great achievement, but humanity should rue the day when this invention took place.

Steadily and relentlessly, gunpowder has been used and perfected into a hundred new more destructive weapons so that today artillery, gunfire, shells, and bombs have become a hellish terror to everybody. Curiously enough, in the laboratories of different nations, some of the best scientific brains are vying with one another in the production of newer weapons of death and destruction. And so the question arises, ‘Is science a bane or a boon ?’

If science meant for man’s happiness is employed by man for his own death and destruction, who can help him? It is certainly not the fault of science if we go on multiplying engines of destruction. Again, if science has invented ingenious methods of death and destruction, it has not been slow to invent effective means of counteracting them. Thus against gas, there is the gas mask; against the tank, anti-tank gun; and against aerial bombing, anti-aircraft guns. It is reported that some effective weapons have been made to tame the fury of the nuclear bomb. It is not science that is responsible for the war. It is the beast in man. Alfred Nobel had invented dynamite to help workers in mines and to construct roads in hilly areas but not to blow up men and their property. In holding science responsible for the havocs of modern war, we thus do a great injustice to it.

It has been found that the energy generated by the release of an atom bomb is sufficient to burn about four square kilometers of land, say, about 80,000 people. But if the same energy is applied for constructive purposes, it is capable of working wonders. It has been found that one pound of uranium, when converted, into energy is equivalent to 15,000 tonnes of coal. Therefore, the lovers of peace denounce atomic weapons and not atomic energy which is at present being applied in the field of agriculture, medicine, industry, and as a source of power on a limited scale.

Before us, not lies a new era in which the power of atomic energy has been released. That age will either be of complete devastation or in which new sources of power will lighten the labor of mankind and improve the standard of living all over the world. It is for us to decide, whether we will destroy the world with the atomic bomb or rebuild it with atomic energy.

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  • Science Essay for Students in English


Science Essay

Since ancient times, we see various developments in the world. At present, the world is full of electronic gadgets and mechanical machines. The machine does every activity in our surroundings. How did it become possible? How did we become so technologized and modern? It was all made possible because of science. Science plays a major role in the development of our society and makes our lives easier and smooth.

Science in our Daily Lives

As we know that Science has made many changes to our lives. Here are a couple of the applications of science in day-to-day life. First of all, transportation has become easier with the help of science as it simplifies long-distance traveling. It reduces the traveling time, helps to build various high-speed vehicles, etc. Over the years, these vehicles have totally changed the phase of our society. Science has upgraded steam engines to electric engines, cycles with motorcycles and cars, etc. This helps to save time and effort for every human being. Secondly, Science helps us to reach the moon. But it doesn't stop there. It also gave us an overview of Mars. This is one of the greatest achievements of human beings with the help of science. Without Science, it could be impossible. Due to the scientific inventions of satellites by scientists, we are able to use high-speed internet connections. Science is the heart of our society, without its function nothing can be made. It gave us a lot of things at the present time. This is the reason why the teacher in our schools teaches Science from an early age.

Science as a Subject

We started to learn about science as a subject in our school right from class 1. It is due to the importance of science in every part of life.  In Class 1, science taught us about the Solar System, the 8 planets, the sun, the orbit, etc. Most importantly it tells us about the origin of our planet Earth. Science taught us everything, and we cannot deny that Science helps us in shaping our future. It not only tells us about our future but also tells us about our past.

In class 6, Science is broadly classified into three subcategories. They are Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. 

Physics is a part of science that deals with the fundamental constituents of the universe. It is an interesting and logical subject. It covers numerous topics such as mechanics, optics, electronics and the most important astrophysics. With the help of physics, we make cars, aeroplanes, house appliances and many others.

Chemistry is a subject that deals with an element found inside the earth's surface. It helps us in making various products such as medicine and cosmetics etc.

Biology is a subject that deals with living organisms. It is subdivided into two types: Botany and Zoology. It teaches us about various parts of our Human body, cells in the body such as blood cells, etc. 

Wonders of Science

It is an era of scientific development. Many wonderful discoveries and inventions have been made by science. With its help, even impossible things have become possible now. One of the greatest wonders of science is the invention of electricity. Electricity is a great source of power. It moves our fans, cooks our food, lights our houses and shops, and runs our machines. It has brought about a revolutionary change in every field of life. Science gave us useful things such as mobile phones, telephones, etc. to stay connected. Science has done wonders in the field of agriculture, farmers in scientific tools for cultivation and growing more foods, crops, fruits, etc. Means of transport like buses, cars, trains, airplanes, and ships are also the contribution of science. Today we can reach any part of the world within a few hours. Medical science has made great progress. It has given legs, ears, and eyes to the disabled. For entertainment, it has given radio, television, cinema, and pictures to man. Science has given us computer and information technology. Nuclear energy is also a wonder of science. 

All these are some of the wonders of science.


FAQs on Science Essay for Students in English

1. Is Science a blessing or a curse?

The present age is the era of science and technology. Like every other thing, it also has its positive and negative sides. It is with the help of science that our life has become easier. Scientific invention helped us to conquer time. It has given us modes of communication, entertainment and education. Nowadays, even fatal diseases are curable with the aid of modern developments in the field of medicine. Some people misuse the boon and produce powerful weapons to destroy mankind. Pollution is also a side effect of scientific inventions. Science is actually a blessing. But it becomes a curse when we use it in the wrong way.

2. What are some of the useful things that science gave us?

Science gave us useful things such as mobile phones, telephones, etc. to stay connected. Science has done wonders in the field of agriculture, farmers in scientific tools for cultivation and growing more foods, crops, fruits, etc. Means of transport like buses, cars, trains, airplanes, and ships are also the contribution of science. Today we can reach any part of the world within a few hours. Medical science has made great progress. It has given legs, ears, and eyes to the disabled. For entertainment, it has given radio, television, cinema, and pictures to man. Science has given us computer and information technology

3. What are the examples of science in everyday life?

We use bicycles, cars, and bikes to travel from one place to another, all these are inventions of science. 

We use soaps, shampoos, etc., and other cosmetics that are also given by science.  

We use LPG gas, stove, etc. for cooking, these are all given by science. 

Even the house in which we live is a product of science. 

The iron which we use to iron our clothes is an invention of science even the clothes we wear are given by science.

4. What are the uses of Science in Agriculture?

Science has made its mark in the field of agriculture by contributing a bigger part. In present days scientific inventions are made available even for sowing the seeds on fields. Scientific inventions such as tractors, threshers, drip irrigation systems, sprinkler irrigation systems, etc. all are given by science. All fertilizers are also given by chemical science.

5. What are the uses of Science in the Communication field?

The following are some of the uses of science in the Communication field.

Science has made the world very small and connected. With the help of science, you can talk to anyone anywhere within a fraction of seconds. Telephones, mobile phones, computers, etc. are the inventions of science. All these mediums of communication are available at a very low affordable cost as well. So, all are within the reach of the common man. Science has made it very easy and cheap to talk to someone using a mobile phone.  

6. How science makes our life easy?

Science makes our life very easy in various ways:

We easily communicate and travel.

Because of science we easily cure any disease like cancer, malaria and another deadly disease

Science made it easy for the farmer to save their crops from pests and many other problems.

7. How does science improve our communication system?

Science improves communication in the way that at past we cannot talk to anyone face to face or by voice. With the help of mobile, we are now able to contact anyone at any place. The invention of computers and modification are also very helpful in communication.

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Limited enthusiasm in U.S. over AI’s growing influence in daily life

Table of contents.

  • Acknowledgments
  • Measurement properties of the awareness of artificial intelligence in daily life scale
  • Appendix: Additional charts and tables

science is our daily life essay

Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand how aware Americans are of artificial intelligence in their daily lives. For this analysis, we surveyed 11,004 U.S. adults from Dec. 12-18, 2022.

Everyone who took part in the survey is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way, nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Read more about the ATP’s methodology .

Here are the questions used for this report, along with responses, and its methodology .

Artificial intelligence is fast becoming a regular part of daily life, shaping the way Americans work, play and receive essential services from food deliveries to financial services to health care .

Chart shows Half of Americans or more aware of common uses of AI, but fewer can identify AI’s role in all six examples

A new Pew Research Center survey finds that many Americans are aware of common ways they might encounter artificial intelligence (AI) in daily life, such as customer service chatbots and product recommendations based on previous purchases. At the same time, only three-in-ten U.S. adults are able to correctly identify all six uses of AI asked about in the survey, underscoring the developing nature of public understanding.

Awareness of common uses of artificial intelligence is a first step toward broader public engagement with debates about the appropriate role – and boundaries – for AI. Experts have raised a host of moral, ethical and legal questions about the expanding capabilities of AI. And the ethical and responsible use of AI is a growing focus of research within the field.

The Pew Research Center survey of 11,004 U.S. adults, conducted Dec. 12-18, 2022, finds that 27% of Americans say they interact with AI at least several times a day, while another 28% think they interact with it about once a day or several times a week. On this self-reported measure, 44% think they do not regularly interact with AI.

More broadly, the public remains cautious about the impact artificial intelligence is having on American life: Just 15% say they are more excited than concerned about the increasing use of AI in daily life, compared with 38% who are more concerned than excited; 46% express an equal mix of concern and excitement. These views are about the same as they were in a November 2021 Center survey .

On a set of six questions designed to measure awareness of specific uses of AI in daily life, 68% of Americans correctly identified artificial intelligence at work in wearable fitness trackers that analyze exercise and sleeping patterns; the remainder of the public said they weren’t sure or selected one of three incorrect options that do not rely on AI (thermometers, at-home COVID-19 tests and pulse oximeters).

When it comes to an example of artificial intelligence in online shopping, 64% of U.S. adults correctly identified custom product recommendations based on previous purchases as using AI. Majorities were also aware that AI is at work in customer service chatbots (65%), security cameras that recognize faces (62%) and customized music playlist recommendations (57%).

The most challenging question for the public was identifying that email services categorizing messages as spam uses AI: 51% of Americans got this question right, while 49% chose an incorrect option, said they weren’t sure or did not answer. These six questions represent some common ways people could use AI in their lives but are not designed to be an exhaustive list of all the ways people could encounter AI. Each question had four possible responses and an explicit fifth option, “not sure.”

Taken together, 30% of Americans correctly answered all six questions about awareness of AI in everyday life (defined as a high level of awareness), 38% got three to five questions right (medium awareness) and 31% got two or fewer questions correct (low awareness). The mean number of correct answers was 3.7 out of 6.

Those with higher levels of education show greater awareness of AI

Chart shows U.S. adults with higher levels of education and income demonstrate greater awareness of AI in daily life

U.S. adults with higher levels of education and income are more aware of examples of AI in daily life than other adults. For example, 53% of Americans with a postgraduate degree correctly identified uses of artificial intelligence across all six multiple-choice questions. By contrast, just 14% of those with a high school diploma or less education answered all six questions correctly; 51% of this group had low awareness of AI, answering no more than two questions correctly.

Those with higher family incomes are also more aware of the uses of AI than those with lower incomes. About half of upper-income Americans had high awareness of AI (52%), compared with just 15% of lower-income adults.

Younger Americans are more aware of AI applications in daily life than older Americans. This pattern is especially pronounced when it comes to correctly identifying AI at play in customer service chatbots (75% of adults ages 18 to 29 said this vs. 45% of those 65 and older) and music playlist recommendations (65% vs. 39%).

Men scored higher on the scale than women. About four-in-ten men (38%) got all six questions right, compared with 23% of women. (Women are more likely than men to respond “not sure” to each of the six questions, consistent with previous research on both science and political knowledge .)

Partisan affiliation is not a major factor when it comes to awareness of AI: There are no meaningful differences between Republicans and Democrats on the AI awareness scale.

Frequent internet use is tied to higher awareness of artificial intelligence

Chart shows Americans who regularly use the internet are more likely to be aware of AI in their lives

Online applications and websites are places where Americans may frequently encounter artificial intelligence through examples such as customer service chatbots and product recommendations based on their purchasing behavior.

Adults who are frequent internet users score higher on the AI awareness scale than less frequent users.

Among Americans who say they are on the internet “almost constantly,” 38% got all six questions correct, as did 31% of those who say they use the internet several times a day. By comparison, just 6% of infrequent internet users (those who go online about once a day or less) correctly answered all six questions on the survey.

Not surprisingly, those who say they have heard more about artificial intelligence generally score higher on the AI awareness scale than do those who say they’ve heard less about this topic.

Majority of Americans think they interact with AI at least several times a week

Chart shows Adults with higher awareness of artificial intelligence are more likely to report frequent interaction with AI

About a quarter (27%) of Americans say they interact with artificial intelligence almost constantly or several times a day. Another 28% say they interact with AI about once a day or several times a week. On this self-reported measure, 44% of Americans estimate that they interact with AI less often.

Those with higher levels of education and family income are more likely than those with less education and income to say they interact with AI at least daily.

In addition, those who score high on a six-item scale of AI awareness are more likely to say they frequently interact with AI. For instance, 44% of those who have a high level of awareness of AI say they interact with AI almost constantly or several times a day. By comparison, just 12% of those who scored low on the scale say they interact with AI multiple times each day.

Many Americans have some level of concern about use of AI generally

The rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies has been accompanied by debate about ethics in AI and appropriate limits on its use.

Chart shows Just 15% of Americans are more excited than concerned about increased use of AI in daily life

Amid these ongoing discussions, the public strikes a cautious tone toward the overall impact of AI in society today.

On balance, a greater share of Americans say they are more concerned than excited about the increased use of artificial intelligence in daily life (38%) than say they are more excited than concerned (15%). Many express ambivalent views: 46% say they are equally concerned and excited.

There has been little change in these attitudes since last year .

Across all levels of awareness of AI, larger shares express greater concern than excitement about the impact of artificial intelligence in daily life. For example, among those who scored high in awareness of AI in daily life, 31% say they are more concerned than excited about the impact of AI, compared with 21% who say they are more excited than concerned. Those with medium or low AI awareness express greater concern than excitement by even wider margins.

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ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER  Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan, nonadvocacy fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It does not take policy positions. The Center conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, computational social science research and other data-driven research. Pew Research Center is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts , its primary funder.

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At Vatican, physicists and theologians join forces to answer life’s big questions

At a conference at the vatican, physicists and theologians made the case for cooperation between faith and science..

Fabio Scardigli, from left, the Rev. Gabriele Gionti, Ines Testoni and the Rev. Andrea Toniolo present essays about religion and science working together at the General Curia of the Jesuit Society in Rome, Friday, Sept. 6, 2024. (Photo courtesy Ines Testoni press office)

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — In a mostly empty room in the main hall of the General Curia of the Jesuit Society, a stone’s throw from the Vatican, theologians and physicists met Friday (Sept. 6) to make a case for why religion and science should come together to answer humanity’s biggest questions on time, eternity and the meaning of life.

The group gathered to present a book of essays titled “ Eternity Between Space and Time: From Consciousness to the Cosmos ,” by leading theologians such as Kurt Appel and the Rev. Andrea Toniolo; luminary physicists, including Nobel Prize winners Roger Penrose and Gerard ’t Hooft; the founding father of string theory, Gabriele Veneziano; and Federico Faggin, who created the first microprocessor.

The idea of putting together a cross-disciplinary reflection on space and time was hatched at a conference on eternity at Italy’s prestigious University of Padua in May 2022. The lively discussions, part of a program on “death studies and End of Life,” inspired a collaboration aimed at tying together seemingly disparate fields of human knowledge to find common truths and challenges.

Bringing the widely diverse disciplines together was no easy task, according to the Rev. Gabriele Gionti, vice president of the Vatican Observatory, who is one of the editors of the book. “The field of physics and the field of theology are two parallel planes that never touch,” he told the handful of attendees at the event.

With most of the Vatican absorbed with the pope’s historic two-week visit to Southeast Asia, a conference of Vatican physicists and theologians talking about ties between faith and science was easily overlooked. But Gionti said that even at the best of times, such cross-disciplinary academic efforts suffer from a general lack of interest, especially in Europe. Although, he said, “in English-speaking environments, especially among Protestants and non-Catholics, it happens much more frequently.”

To facilitate the dialogue between theology and science, organizers of Friday’s event restricted the discussions to topics that could translate to all the areas of study: conscience, time and eternity. Speakers at the event commented on how the scientific community, like the rest of society, seems to have dismissed the field of theology with the by-now-familiar proclamation that “God is dead.” But those addressing the conference challenged their colleagues to think again.

“One can’t ignore a knowledge that guided the world, and science, until the end of the 19 th century,” said Ines Testoni, who leads the end-of-life studies program at the University of Padua. “We decided to resurrect God as a category that must be reckoned with,” she added.

Toniolo suggested that Catholic theology must adapt its framework to keep up with the challenges posed by modern physics. He argued in his address to the conference that as Christianity becomes an increasingly pluralistic reality, with more than 70% of Christians living outside of the West, its theological understanding of time and eternity might change as it absorbs different cultural perspectives.

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The book includes reflections on what happened before the Big Bang and the unresolved mysteries of quantum physics. In his contribution, Faggin attempts to build a physical theory around a personal spiritual experience. The development of artificial intelligence and the questions it raises about human consciousness are also addressed in the book.

“Human consciousness fuels attempts to recreate it through an algorithm or rules,” said physicist Fabio Scardigli. “It’s possible that if we insist (on going) down that road we will likely never arrive at the creation of a conscious machine.”

The Vatican Observatory, founded by the Catholic Church in 1891 to promote the study of space and physics, is organizing a future event with high-profile physicists and philosophers to continue its quest for a cross-sector understanding of human life.

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Importance Of Science On Our Daily Life (Essay Sample) 2023

Table of Contents

Importance Of Science On Our Daily Life

Humanity is the ultimate race in the world because each individual can think, plan, and decide every activity that is important to their lifestyle. Humans develop a new method to explore a certain phenomenon that provides a significant contribution to lifestyle, safety, and human affairs for the purpose of increasing knowledge. In this value, the role of science gave birth to the production of a new resource that seeks to evaluate and analyze the existence of an activity or insight. The relevance of science has been playing a major role in our life because humanity is transitioning continuously in the modern world using technology and research contributions. The purpose of science to humans is to improve our lifestyle in a productive way as possible that seeks to confirm the value of a certain fact or issues that are discovered by an authorized researchers or professionals to the society.

Science is referred to as a form of body knowledge that allows individuals to explore and discover its significance to the community. This is a set of discipline, knowledge, and applications that are developed by the humans to learn and appreciate phenomena that impact our daily lifestyle. Science is divided into numerous categories in terms of their behavior, discipline, and significance to our regular routine. These are medicine, biology, politics, environment, meteorology, sociology, anthropology, theology, astronomy, animals, technology, language, and other forms of branches that are essential to improve knowledge and skill to become productive. As a human, it is always important to ensure that the value of productivity creates a measure to improve our knowledge and perspective of improving goals in life.

Science influences our ability to adapt to our environment because every human is aligned with adaptation so that they are able to adjust to their changing environment. There are several disciplines of scientific studies and applications that are relevant to our practice and belief. In this way, there is a scientific explanation that ensures our capability to become functional with our interest as well as processes in our daily activities. One major contribution of science is technology because it directly applies a transition to our values and perspectives to ensure that our credibility in life becomes available. One example is the application of internet, in which it aligns with the constant connection and network of individuals, groups, and organization. In this case, the method of using applied science is usually facilitated by tools to improve lifestyle, profession, and relationship with other individuals.

The learning insight with regard to the application of science in our daily life is to learn the fundamentals of phenomena. Learning is important because it significantly corresponds the value of increasing your knowledge to an activity that engages in a productive mechanism to improve your values and experience. It is always said that ignorance does not excuse anyone because you must have to learn the basic concepts to improve your worth and lifestyle before engaging in a productive activity to promote a productive context of your activity. This is an important value that manages to improve the credibility of the organization by enhancing a fruitful relationship with each other individual using one common facility. If a person is knowledgeable, the risk of accident is prevented or avoided because a person can properly engage in an activity using the proper procedures (Simonton, 2013).

  • Simonton, Dean Keith (2013). “After Einstein: Scientific genius is extinct”. Nature. 493 (7434): 602–02.

science is our daily life essay

Science and Technology in My Daily Life

All phenomena are the result of science and technology, whether smartphones, fans, tyres, automobiles, fabric, paper, toothbrushes, power, microwave, automobiles, radio, television, laptop computers, etc.

Numerous scientific and technological contributions have assisted us in saving time and money. Technology has provided us with microwaves and steam cookers to help us cook and steam our food. Different items and equipment, such as computers, travel modes, washing machines, and so on, save us time and resources.

Table of Contents

Science and technology in agriculture, science and technology in health care, science and technology in medicine, science and technology in environment, science and technology in education, importance of science and technology in our daily lives.

  • Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Science is used in agriculture to develop new crops and improve farming techniques. Science is also used to develop pesticides and herbicides, new irrigation methods, and research the effects of climate change on agriculture.

Science is used in health care to develop new drugs and therapies, study the human body, and diagnose and treat diseases. Science is also used to develop medical devices and new surgical techniques.

Though medicine has made significant advances in health care by providing treatment for a variety of chronic conditions, technology has made it possible for us to access these services through a variety of methods and X-ray machines, MRI machines, operating systems, pacemakers, and much more. We also have a variety of fitness devices, wellness apps, an online doctor, and other items to help us maintain good health and quality of life.

Science is used in manufacturing to design new products, improve the efficiency of production processes, and investigate the environmental impact of manufacturing.

Science is used in environmental protection to study the impact of human activity on the environment, develop new methods of cleaning up polluted areas, and develop strategies for long-term development.

Science and technology have also made significant contributions to education. Science has provided us with a wealth of knowledge, so we have a diverse range of topics to study. Education has become more accessible as a result of technological advancements. It has provided us with options such as smart classrooms, multimedia computers, e-libraries, e-books, and so on.

  • Science and technology make life easier and more comfortable for humans.
  • Science and technology enable us to save both time and money.
  • Science and technology open up new perspectives of understanding.
  • Science and technology aid in the advancement of the field of education.
  • Science and technology contribute to the development of treatment and therapeutic equipment.

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Science and technology based current affairs – ii.

science is our daily life essay

Science and Technology Based Current Affairs- I

science is our daily life essay

Frequently Asked Questions on Science and Technology in My Daily Life

What are the benefits of science and technology in our everyday lives.

The benefits of science and technology are as follows:

  • It will make things easier for us.
  • It aids in the organisation of our daily activities.
  • This allows us to complete our tasks more quickly.
  • It makes it easier for us to communicate with others.
  • This allows us to learn more about and understand other cultures and societies.

What are the five most important aspects of science and technology?

Science and technology have simplified our lives. They have made our sleeping, cooking, and commuting processes easier and faster, respectively, with the help of objects such as A.C., microwaves, and vehicles!

What is the importance of the internet in Science?

The Internet is an outstanding technological gift as a component of information technology. We can not only gain a great deal of knowledge about science and other topics thanks to the internet, but we can also stay in touch with our friends and family on a regular basis.

What do you mean by science and technology?

Science is the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural worlds through observation and experimentation, whereas technology is the practical application of scientific knowledge.

What are the fields of Science and Technology?

The classification of science and technology fields are as follows:

  • Natural Sciences
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Medical and Health Sciences
  • Agricultural Sciences
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'Space trash' will lead us to intelligent aliens, Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb says

Long-sought evidence of alien life could lurk in Earth's oceans, or in 'weird' objects orbiting near our planet, Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb says. Here is his plan to find it.

An illustration of an oblong asteroid floating through space with blue shining stars

For more than 70 years, scientists have sought evidence of intelligent aliens by hunting for radio signals — interstellar messages beamed billions of miles across space. But for Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence begins much closer to home: In Earth's oceans.

In summer 2023, Loeb led an expedition near Papua New Guinea to dredge up hundreds of tiny metal spheres he proposed were potential remnants of an interstellar meteor that broke up over the Pacific Ocean a decade earlier. For Loeb, this mission wasn't just about finding rare evidence of an object from beyond our solar system — but also a chance to probe the spheres for traces of potential alien technology.

The expedition's lofty goal garnered criticism from the scientific community — but for Loeb, even a faint possibility of learning something new about our cosmos is reason enough to investigate.

"I'm not pretending to know more than I know," Loeb told Live Science in an interview. "I'm willing to consider possibilities that others may completely discount."

Loeb, who is a professor of astrophysics and the Director of the Institute for Theory and Computation at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics, says he came by his academic success unintentionally, after a lifelong passion for philosophy led him to astrophysics. Live Science caught up with the professor ahead of the HowTheLightGetsIn festival in London, where Loeb will be speaking later this month, to discuss his research, his hopes for future expeditions, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Brandon Specktor: You’ve said that, from a young age, you wanted to be a philosopher. Do you have a philosophy that guides your scientific research?

Avi Loeb: Humans, in general, existed for a few million years on Earth, which is just one part in 10,000 of the age of the universe . So we just came at the end of the cosmic play. And we know, thanks to Copernicus and Galileo, that we are not at the center of stage. And so the play is not about us. And we better stay humble and curious. That's my fundamental philosophy.

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BS: You've shared many ideas about where humans should look for extraterrestrial life. If you were given a blank check to pursue any of your ideas about aliens, how would you spend it?

AL: I think we should do a better job with Mars , because Mars had liquid water on the surface. We know that for sure. There was some preliminary evidence that perhaps the soil on Mars has some tantalizing signatures of life that were first hinted at with the Viking mission [in 1976]. There are lots of things we can do which are not more difficult than were done already in the '70s. It's just a pity that NASA is not doing it.

[Editor’s note: NASA has collected as many as 30 geological samples on Mars , and is working with the private sector to develop a plan to return them to Earth for analysis. The budget for such missions remains an issue.]

Another thing I would do is, there are millions of objects, roughly a meter in size, that came from outside the solar system. At any point in time, there are a few millions of those that are within the orbit of the Earth around the sun. They don't reflect enough sunlight for us to discover them with our existing telescopes. So I would establish an experimental program attempting to detect them.

I would like to see if, among the rocks that arrive into the solar system from other stars, there is any technological debris. It could be space trash or it could be functional, but it should be easy to differentiate between rocks and something else. So if I had all the money in the world, I would establish an experimental program to monitor objects within the orbit of the Earth around the sun.

We have already detected 'Oumuamua, an interstellar object about 100 meters [330 feet] in size — the size of [ SpaceX 's] Starship, the biggest spacecraft that humans ever produced. There must be many more objects that are much smaller.

A man in a suit sitting down looks into a large telescope

BS: Can future satellites — like NASA's NEO Surveyor , an infrared telescope focused on tracking near-Earth objects — help detect potentially interstellar objects?

AL: Definitely. But only if they come close to Earth. There will be a bigger telescope called the [Vera C.] Rubin Observatory in Chile that will start operations in 2025, and that will likely find many more interstellar objects close to Earth, or within Earth's orbit around the sun. I'm working with my postdocs and students on a program to find those as soon as the data comes in from the Rubin Observatory.

I'm very excited. You see, if you are driven by curiosity, additional data is a blessing. If you are driven by something else, like showing off or establishing your stature, then you would respond to something like Oumuamua the way one of my colleagues did — saying "I wish it never existed."

I would like to see if, among the rocks that arrive into the solar system from other stars, there is any technological debris. It could be space trash or it could be functional. " Avi Loeb, Harvard astrophysicist

You see that quite routinely in science, where you have experts that are disturbed and really upset about anomalies. They claim the anomalies do not exist. There is nothing new. We already know everything. The people who are pointing out the anomalies should be discredited. The papers should be ignored ... We should forget about it, and move on. You see that, and unfortunately, that suppresses the progress of science.

BS: You've received some pushback on a recent study of metal spherules that you dredged from the ocean near Papua New Guinea, which you claim to be pieces of an interstellar meteor. Do you put any stock in papers that are critical of your findings? Do you read them with an open mind and see if they actually have compelling evidence?

AL: Yeah. So for example, there was a claim that what we recovered is coal ash. So we looked at 55 elements from the periodic table after this claim was made and showed that it's not coal ash. We made a diagram in which we demonstrated that the abundances of many chemical elements is not that of coal ash.

I submitted this research note to a journal that published the original argument that it's coal ash. The editor said, "well, I'm not sure that there is a point in publishing this"… So I wrote to the chief editor above him, and eventually it got published.

This is all to say that there is an agenda sometimes behind what is happening. It's not a fair game.

BS: So are you planning on returning to Papua New Guinea to look for more evidence of this meteor?

AL: We are planning to do it again in a year. I announced it a few months ago, and I have a few interested parties in funding it. It will be $6.5 million.

A series of yellow metal balls

BS: How will this expedition be different from the last one?

AL: Last time, we were at sea just for two weeks. The equipment we designed collected the tiny spherules less than a millimeter in size, less than the size of a grain of sand. Of course, that was very valuable, allowing us to find that a fraction of them, 10% of them, had an unusual chemical composition. But it still doesn't tell us the nature of the object. Because these were molten droplets that lost some elements in the process of being molten.

What we want to find are bigger pieces, a centimeter in size, at least several millimeters, that we can use to, first of all, get a full census of all the chemical elements. But also we can examine the material properties. We know that this object had a material strength tougher than even iron meteorites from the solar system because it exploded only in the lower atmosphere where the stress was much greater than witnessed by other meteorites. We want to test the material properties. Also, if we get a big piece, we can do isotope analysis and date the age of the material to demonstrate that it's different from the age of the solar system.

Finally, most importantly, is that we can tell if it's a natural object like a rock or something else, a part of a gadget. The next expedition, we will use a remotely operated vehicle that we will place on the ocean floor, and we will have a video feed, and it will collect [spherule samples]. The hope is to collect bigger pieces and examine them in the laboratory afterwards.

There could be a lot of space trash generated by past civilizations. We have been searching for radio signals for 70 years. We need to change the approach." Avi Loeb, harvard astrophysicist

BS: How confident are you that we will find evidence of alien life in your lifetime?

AL: I'm very hopeful because [we are taking] a path that was not taken before, in this case, searching for the nature of objects that arrived into the solar system from outside. The traditional [search for intelligent life] was for radio signals, which is just like waiting for a phone call. Here, we're looking for packages that may be in our mailbox. It's a very different approach. I'm hopeful that we will see something unusual, especially since two out of the known three interstellar objects appear to be weird, we will learn something new. I think within the coming years, there is a good chance that there would be exciting results, either from the Rubin Observatory or the expeditions that we are planning. After the one I mentioned to you, we will go for the second interstellar meteor that is between Portugal and the Azores. It's a very different place.

BS: And just to be clear, you think studying interstellar objects is the most promising avenue for finding evidence of alien life?

AL: I think so. First of all, it's easy to tell the difference between a natural object and an artificial object. There could be a lot of space trash generated by past civilizations. We have been searching for radio signals for 70 years. We need to change the approach. Frankly, radio communication was just a very early technology that humanity developed. However, space exploration, to me, sounds like a generic activity that an advanced civilization will engage in. We should search for those things. I think there is a chance we will find something remarkable. Obviously, without searching, we will not find anything.

— Infamous 'Wow! signal' that hinted at aliens may actually be an exceptionally rare cosmic event

— SETI searches for alien life in over 1,000 galaxies using unexplored radio frequencies

— If alien life exists on Europa, we may find it in hydrothermal vents

It's just like Blaise Pascal argued that you can't just dismiss offhand the possibility that God exists, because if God does exist, the implications are huge. That was the argument of Pascal. I revised it in the context of extraterrestrials. I say, this has to be part of the mainstream of scientific inquiry, because the implications are huge.

Live Science has partnered with HowTheLightGetsIn festival, taking place from Sept. 21 to 22 at Kenwood House, London. See how you can get a special discount .

Brandon is the space/physics editor at Live Science. His writing has appeared in The Washington Post, Reader's Digest,, the Richard Dawkins Foundation website and other outlets. He holds a bachelor's degree in creative writing from the University of Arizona, with minors in journalism and media arts. He enjoys writing most about space, geoscience and the mysteries of the universe.

Infamous 'Wow! signal' that hinted at aliens may actually be an exceptionally rare cosmic event

SETI searches for alien life in over 1,000 galaxies using unexplored radio frequencies

China plans to build moon base at the lunar south pole by 2035

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The Vital Significance of Social Science in Our Daily Lives

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Understanding human behavior, shaping public policy, enhancing personal finance, addressing social issues, fostering global citizenship, enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving, informing personal values and ethics.

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science is our daily life essay

The penny may seem like a harmless coin.

But few things symbolize our national dysfunction more than the inability to stop minting this worthless currency.

America Must Free Itself from the Tyranny of the Penny

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I was disappointed to learn, recently, that the United States has created for itself a logistical problem so stupendously stupid, one cannot help wondering if it is wise to continue to allow this nation to supervise the design of its own holiday postage stamps, let alone preside over the administration of an extensive Interstate highway system or nuclear arsenal. It’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. I have come to think of it as the Perpetual Penny Paradox.

Listen to this article, read by Julia Whelan

Most pennies produced by the U.S. Mint are given out as change but never spent; this creates an incessant demand for new pennies to replace them, so that cash transactions that necessitate pennies (i.e., any concluding with a sum whose final digit is 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 or 9) can be settled. Because these replacement pennies will themselves not be spent, they will need to be replaced with new pennies that will also not be spent, and so will have to be replaced with new pennies that will not be spent, which will have to be replaced by new pennies (that will not be spent, and so will have to be replaced). In other words, we keep minting pennies because no one uses the pennies we mint.

A conservative estimate holds that there are 240 billion pennies lying around the United States — about 724 ($7.24) for every man, woman and child there residing, and enough to hand two pennies to every bewildered human born since the dawn of man. (To distribute them all, in fact, we’d have to double back to the beginning and give our first six billion ancestors a third American penny.) These are but a fraction of the several hundreds of billions of pennies issued since 1793, most of which have suffered a mysterious fate sometimes described in government records, with a hint of supernaturality generally undesirable in bookkeeping, as “disappearance.” As far as anyone knows, the American cent is the most produced coin in the history of civilization, its portrait of Lincoln the most reproduced piece of art on Earth. Although pennies are almost never used for their ostensible purpose (to make purchases), right now one out of every two circulating coins minted in the United States has a face value of 1 cent. A majority of the ones that have not yet disappeared are, according to a 2022 report, “sitting in consumers’ coin jars in their homes.”

It’s crucial that they remain there. Five years ago, Mint officials conceded that if even a modest portion of these dormant pennies were suddenly to return to circulation, the resulting flow-back would be “logistically unmanageable.” There would be so unbelievably many pennies that there most likely would not be enough room to contain them inside government vaults. Moving them from place to place would be time-consuming, cumbersome and costly. (Just $100 worth of pennies weighs a touch over 55 pounds.) With each new penny minted, this problem becomes slightly more of a problem.

The United States government has willfully ignored this nonsensical math problem for decades. Forty-eight years ago, in letters to Congress, William E. Simon, then the Treasury secretary, begged lawmakers to “give serious consideration” to abandoning 1-cent coins as soon as possible. The frantic tempo at which pennies were plummeting out of circulation, a Treasury report warned, would soon plunge the Mint into “a never-ending spiral” of “ever-increasing production” as it flailed to replace unused pennies with more pennies that would likewise remain unused — a bit like deploying a bucket to combat a dripping ceiling leak, and it turns out the leak is the ocean because the room was built under the sea, and the only way out of this anyone can think of is to engineer increasingly large buckets. The coin should be eradicated, the report reasoned, “no later than 1980.”

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Trump says he would withhold California fire aid unless Newsom 'signs those papers'

Former President Trump painted a dystopian image of California as crime-ridden, water-starved and flooded with immigrants in the country illegally, which he cast as a warning about what will happen to the nation if Kamala Harris is elected president.

“I’m here today in California with a very simple message for the American people: We cannot allow comrade Kamala Harris and the communist left to do to America what they did to California," he told reporters Friday from his bluff-top golf course in Rancho Palos Verdes, with the Pacific Ocean and Catalina Island in the background. "The state of California is a mess, with people leaving, and nothing's gonna stop them."

Trump said if he were elected, he would stop sending California federal firefighting aid unless Gov. Gavin Newsom, whom he referred to repeatedly as "Newscum," enacted his policy priorities on issues such as water and taxes.

"Those fields are going to be all green instead of 1% green. And maybe even more important, you're not going to have illegal immigrants pouring into your country and killing your family. You're not going to have the problems that you have right now. We're going to lower your taxes. ... But with this group, everything is dead. ... The water coming here is dead, and if he doesn’t sign those papers, we won’t give him money to put out all his fires. And if we don’t give him all the money to put out the fires, he’s got problems," Trump said in response to a question about helping Americans struggling with natural disasters, such as wildfires in California, without specifying which papers he was referring to. "He's a lousy governor.”

Newsom responded on X that Trump was revealing who he was.

"Every voter should be made aware of this. @realDonaldTrump just admitted he will block emergency disaster funds to settle political vendettas," Newsom wrote. "Today it’s California’s wildfires. Tomorrow it could be hurricane funding for North Carolina or flooding assistance for homeowners in Pennsylvania. Donald Trump doesn’t care about America — he only cares about himself."

Despite losing the 2020 presidential by 5 million votes in California, the former president claimed he would win the state if votes were properly counted.

"You don't have an honest voting system. They send out millions and millions of ballots. They go all over the place," he said. "You have a very dishonest system over here. If I ran with an honest vote counter in California, I would win California."

Read more: Trump's Haitian immigrant comments stir outrage in Florida

There is no evidence to suggest elections in California or any other state have been conducted improperly, and voters have overwhelmingly favored Democratic candidates in statewide votes for many years.

Trump pledged to increase Californians’ access to water if elected.

“I'm going to give you more water than almost anybody has, and the farmers up north are going to be able to use 100% of their land, not 1% of their land, and the water is going to come all the way down to Los Angeles, and you're going to have more water than you ever saw,” Trump said. “So California, vote for Trump, and you're going to have water, and you're going to have growth, and you're going to have prosperity.”

In his first news conference since his debate with Harris on Tuesday, Trump spoke for more than an hour. He repeatedly railed at the moderators as biased, claiming he won — though post-debate polls suggest otherwise — and also pledged he would order mass deportations, starting in Ohio and Colorado, if elected.

Ohio is the home of Springfield, which has a large population of Haitian immigrants. Trump claimed during the debate that they were eating people's pets, an unfounded assertion that has been rebutted by local officials. Asked about the city receiving bomb threats in the aftermath of his debate remarks, Trump said, "The real threat is what’s happening at our border.”

Trump was repeatedly asked about his association with far-right activist Laura Loomer, who has earned the ire of some Republicans for promoting conspiracy theories and bigoted rhetoric.

Before the debate, Loomer wrote on X that if Harris wins, “the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center.”

Trump said he was unfamiliar with what Loomer wrote, but said she was a supporter and held strong opinions. When a reporter noted that Loomer had been seen traveling on his plane, Trump responded, “A lot of people do. It’s a very big plane.”

During a news conference full of dark imagery and angry pronouncements, Trump also found time to brag about his golf course.

"It's world championship course, it fronts on the Pacific Ocean. ... Very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean," he said. "I have the ocean; Pebble Beach has the bay. The ocean’s better than the bay.”

Trump bought the golf course in 2002 for the discounted price of $27 million after the 18th hole fell into the Pacific three years earlier. The property played a role in Trump's New York fraud trial, with the state attorney general suing Trump , three of his children and his company for allegedly inflating the club’s value and conservation easement as part of a broader lawsuit that included other Trump properties across the country.

The former president is seeking to build as many as 23 homes around the golf course, which is a half-mile from the active slide area. His campaign said it was "monitoring" conditions in the city.

The Harris campaign called Trump's appearance "bizarre."

“Donald Trump took his trainwreck on the debate stage straight to California," said campaign spokesman James Singer. "In a rambling, defensive, often incoherent event to promote his golf course, he yet again showed the country how he is melting down."

The golf course is in Rancho Palos Verdes, a city that is under a state of emergency issued by Newsom this month because of extreme land movement triggered by back-to-back rainy winters.

Hundreds of homes nearby have had their electricity and gas cut off. Neighborhoods near the golf course are under a city-issued evacuation warning, with the fissured land moving about 9 to 12 inches a week and houses cracking and sliding off their foundations.

John Cruikshank, the city's mayor, met with Trump and spoke briefly about the need for state and federal aid to shore up the land.

Read more: Rancho Palos Verdes is known for landslides. It's also home to Trump's golf course

Trump was in the midst of a two-day fundraising swing through Harris' home state. On Thursday, donors paid up to $250,000 to attend an event in Beverly Hills.

The former president is scheduled to attend a Friday afternoon fundraiser in the Bay Area hosted by relatives of Newsom's wife. Couples are being asked to pay up to $500,000 to attend the Woodside event hosted by Tom and Stacey Siebel. Tom Siebel is a billionaire software developer and businessman who has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Trump’s 2024 campaign and is a second cousin once removed of Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the Democratic governor’s wife.

On Thursday, Trump called the debate “a monumental time,” telling an audience in Tucson that he won. He lambasted the moderators and falsely claimed Harris supports allowing babies to be killed after birth and wanted to confiscate people’s guns. He also hammered on immigration — one of his campaign’s top issues and an important one in the border state.

“People said I was angry at the debate,” Trump said. “And yes I am angry, because he allowed 21 million illegal aliens invading our communities," he added, apparently referring to President Biden.

Trump announced a new economic plan, “no tax on overtime.” He has already called for an end to taxes on tips and on Social Security benefits.

“That gives people more incentive to work,” Trump said about his new proposal. “The people who work overtime are among the hardest-working citizens of our country, and for too long, no one in Washington has been looking out for them.”

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This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times .

How Bear Grylls spends his 5 to 9 — from walking barefoot outdoors to cold plunges

science is our daily life essay

I'm used to interviewees logging onto Zoom everywhere from gyms to cars. But it was a first when Bear Grylls joined our call while hiking in rugged, rural north Wales where he lives. I shouldn't have been surprised. Only seeing him abseil down a mountain with his phone in one hand would have made the set-up any more classic "Bear Grylls."

It's been almost two decades since Grylls, 50, became synonymous with such white-knuckle adventure. The son of a politician who attended Eton College, the British boarding school favored by the royal family, Grylls quickly decided that the white-collar life wasn't for him.

After joining the elite Special Air Service (comparable to Delta Force in the US) reserves and serving in the military for three years, Grylls carved out a reputation as an adventurer, including becoming one of the youngest people to scale Mount Everest in 1998.

All this primed Grylls to become the world's most famous survivalist. By 2014, he had enough star power to convince Barack Obama to chow down on bloody salmon in the Alaskan wilderness and Zac Efron to sleep in an Appalachian cave on his show " Running Wild with Bear Grylls ."

But there's another side to Grylls: the father of three trying to live as normal and healthy a life as possible while juggling a career spanning TV, books, and speaking events. Well, as normal as you'd imagine for Bear Grylls.

In the first installment of Business Insider's new "5 to 9" series, where celebrities and high-flyers share how they spend the hours they're not working, Grylls explained how he keeps fit, what he eats , and how he recharges.

As Grylls told me, "That forms a foundation of everything else, doesn't it?"

Weight-lifting and outdoor walks each morning

I imagine every day is different, but how do you typically start the day?

I always have a big glass of salted water in the morning, just a pinch of good sea salt and water.

Then wherever I am in the world, whatever I'm doing, whether we're filming or just at home, I get up and I resist the urge just to go on my phone. I try to just get outside. If I'm at home, I'll take the dogs — here up in North Wales, it's often windy and rainy — but I just try to get out and walk for 10 minutes, nothing crazy, just to get outside. I always try to go barefoot as well, even in the winter — unless it's zero degrees, in which case it really hurts.

I use that time to say my morning prayers , which I like to do when I'm walking. I like to try and start the day right — call it meditation, whatever, but it's just thinking about the day ahead, saying sorry for the many mistakes, asking for help for the day, and being grateful.

Do you work out in the morning?

After my morning walk, I stretch and do a workout for about half an hour, outside if possible. I used to do weekly yoga and then I started to dread it because I found it boring, so then I decided it was easier to do 10 or 15 minutes every morning instead of one massive session a week.

I do a quite high-intensity weight-lifting workout, but again, nothing too crazy. I don't want it to be vomit-inducing until you dread it. I've had so much of that in my life, so I go short and sharp, but definitely weights-based.

The first 15 minutes of every workout is the same: 25 pull-ups, 50 press-ups, 75 squats, and 100 sit-ups. I've done it for years and it took me about three years to be able to get to do all of those in one go. But now I'm there, I actually add a weighted vest . So I start the same way and then just do a 15-minute weights circuit.

Cold plunges to train the mind

Is that when you're done and ready for work?

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Not quite. The final thing I do in the morning is get cold . Whether it's a cold shower, whether it's five or 10 minutes in the sea… we have a little river nearby so I'll jump in that.

Every day of the year, I try and get cold just for three minutes: I think that shocks the system, keeps you honest. I've done this for years, long before it was trendy to do cold water swimming .

The only thing that puts me off cold water nowadays is that everyone's doing it.

For me this goes all the way back to SAS selection — but whenever we're getting really tough physically, I just remember this guy always used to say with a smile on his face, "This is now good mental training."

And I think you can't just wait for crisis times in your life to deliver on mental strength. You've got to train it.

If we sit in our comfort zone all the time we rot

And the cold water is your way of doing that?

Yes. There's nowhere to hide and it actually doesn't really get easier. So therefore it's a bit of a discipline, isn't it? Nobody really likes the idea of discipline, but I think it's important to have a few things in your day that are not massive but are enough to keep you honest.

It is hard, but once you're in, it's three minutes. You can do anything for three minutes. But actually it's amazing how many people decide to join me, and they literally can't. They have to get out after 10 seconds.

That's your subconscious telling you, "Get out, this is dangerous." But actually, you can override that.

If we sit in our comfort zone all the time, we rot. It's like stagnant water in a jungle, in a stream. If it's dammed up, it starts to stink. You've got to get out of that comfort pit and do little challenging things, and then when the crisis times come in your life, you're strong.

So , did your time in the military play a big role in developing that mindset?

There's a great phrase carved in wood at the training center in the barracks where all the Royal Marines go that says: "Comfortable with uncertainty." I never used to understand that.

But actually, it is key to life. Things happen. Life hits you sideways. If you're not ready for change and you're not familiar with uncertainty, you get run over in life.

Eating like our ancestors

Tell us about your eating habits.

I eat two meals a day, so I have an early lunch and an early supper.

I aim to eat really naturally, how our ancestors ate 5,000 or 10,000 years ago. I have a lot of grass-fed, good red meat, I'm definitely not scared of blood and red meat.

I have a lot of eggs . It's pretty obvious that an egg is a totally complete survival food. The yolk is beautiful, the richest part, just packed full of nutrients. All this stuff we've heard for years about egg yolks being bad and meat being bad, I get more and more skeptical of it. If I just look at it with fresh eyes, it's like, of course this is a natural, beautiful food that we're designed to thrive on.

I'm always a bit envious of people who only need three hours' sleep a night

So I avoid the processed stuff like pasta and cheap bread — that to me just feels a bit more like cardboard — and the crappy sugars as well. But I have a lot of honey and a lot of fruit. I have veggies in real moderation.

I try and find good Greek yogurt and I just avoid all those crappy oils — I make my own mayonnaise with eggs, olive oil, and sea salt.

And if I want something sweet after a meal, I have a couple of DIRTEA mushroom gummies [Grylls is an investor and partner in the functional mushroom brand].

Winding down with 'insanely good' hot chocolate

Who's the main cook in your household?

Probably me. We all do our bit, but I quite like cooking. But our three boys are obsessed with cooking — not fancy stuff, but they're always fighting to get the frying pan to cook a massive T-bone steak.

We also make some really good healing mushroom cacao hot chocolates with raw milk and honey, and it's just insanely good.

If you get home at a reasonable hour, talk me through your ideal evening. Do you have a strict wind-down routine?

Well we eat early and maybe go on a little walk afterward, just five or 10 minutes. Then I'll hang out with my wife Shara and watch a bit of telly, but she also really loves her reading. I'm quite partial to an early night. But we do like eating out actually too.

I'm really lucky, I sleep really well. I know I must never take that for granted. I'm always a bit envious of people who only need three hours' sleep a night. But whenever I meet those people, they hate it. I definitely try and get a good eight-hour sleep.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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Marcellus Williams' Missouri execution to go forward despite prosecutor's concerns

A Missouri judge denied a motion to vacate a condemned man's death sentence despite attorneys, including one prosecutor, saying evidence was mishandled in the 1998 trial that could have exonerated Marcellus “Khaliifah” William.

William, 55, remains scheduled to die by lethal injection Sept. 24 at  Potosi Correctional Center  in Mineral Point, about 70 miles southwest of St. Louis.

Williams was convicted of first-degree murder for the slaying of 42-year-old Lisha Gayle, a former reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. A social worker at the time, the woman was found slain in the suburban St. Louis home she shared with husband.

She was stabbed 43 times with a kitchen knife taken from inside the couple's home, court papers show.

St. Louis County Circuit Judge Bruce Hilton 's Thursday ruling stemmed from an Aug. 28 evidentiary hearing during which St. Louis County prosecutor Attorney Wesley Bell presented a new DNA lab report showing the murder weapon had been mishandled during Williams' trial.

Bell had filed a motion based on new DNA testing conducted on murder weapon collected at the crime scene, which the prosecutors said "conclusively excluded" Williams as the person who killed Gayle.

Hilton ruled that vacating the 2001 conviction was not warranted under Missouri law, according to court records.

Tricia Rojo Bushnell, one of Williams' attorneys, told USA TODAY her client's defense team will file more appeals and seek clemency from Republican Gov. Mike Parson.

“The decision of a prosecutor to move to vacate a murder conviction and death sentence is not done lightly," Bushnell said Thursday. "There is overwhelming evidence that Marcellus Williams’ trial was constitutionally unfair, including revelations that the state contaminated the most critical evidence in the case − the murder weapon."

“We will continue pursuing every possible option to prevent Mr. Williams’ wrongful execution," Bushnell said. "There is still time for the courts or Governor Parson to ensure that Missouri does not commit the irreparable injustice of executing an innocent person.”

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What did William's attorneys argue about the case?

The crux of Williams' argument focused on DNA evidence that authorities recently determined was contaminated during the trial by two officials in the St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney's Office office − a retired prosecutor and an investigator.

During the evidentiary hearing late last month, prosecutor Keith Larner admitted to handling the murder weapon five times before the trial without gloves, indicating Williams could be innocent.

Although Bell moved to overturn Williams' murder conviction, State Attorney General Andrew Bailey argued it should stand.

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Court papers: Williams' DNA was not on the murder weapon

Earlier this year, it appeared Williams’ conviction could be overturned when Bell, the prosecutor, filed a motion to vacate the condemned prisoners sentence, citing testing determining that Williams’ DNA was not on the murder weapon. That testing was not available when Williams was tried in 2001.

"New evidence significantly undermines confidence in the soundness of Mr. Williams’s conviction," Bell wrote in the 86-page petition filed Jan. 26. "Mr. Williams may be innocent."

Additional testing determined the murder weapon had been so mishandled by the prosecutor's office it would be impossible to identify the killer.

On Aug. 21, Bell's office and Williams' attorneys reached an agreement that Williams would enter a new, no-contest plea to first-degree murder in exchange for life in prison sentence without parole. The victim's husband, Dr. Daniel Picus, signed off on the plea.

But on the same day Hilton accepted the plea, the state's Attorney General intervened and filed a motion arguing that Williams' death sentence should still stand. The defense, Bailey said, "created a false narrative of innocence in order to get a convicted murderer off of death row and fulfill their political ends."

The Missouri Supreme Court then blocked an agreement to spare Williams' life.

The mishandling “destroyed his last and best chance” to prove his innocence, Jonathan Potts, one of Williams defense attorneys, told the judge during his closing argument at the Aug. 28 evidentiary hearing.

"It is in the interest of every Missourian that the rule of law is fought for and upheld – every time, without fail," Bailey said in a statement the following day. "I am glad the Missouri Supreme Court recognized that."

A political battle over a man's life

Bell, a Democrat, was thrust into the spotlight following the police fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, 10 years ago. Bell is now also a Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress after defeating incumbent U.S. Rep. Cori Bush  in a primary race last month.

Bailey, a Republican, has previously opposed wrongful conviction claims , most recently fighting an order by a St. Louis Circuit Court judge to release a man whose murder conviction was overturned in July. But on July 30, just over a week after the high court intervened,  Christopher Dunn , 52,  was released from prison after over 30 years behind bars.

Under a new Missouri law , prosecutors may challenge past convictions if they believe a person was imprisoned for crimes they didn’t commit. Since the law went into effect in 2021, only two other people have been released from custody after years in prison:  Lamar Johnson and Kevin Strickland.

Potts said Williams' case marked the first time it was used for someone on death row.

Williams was nearly executed once before, but spared hours before his August 2017 scheduled lethal injection.

At the time, then-Republican Gov. Eric Greitens, granted a stay after testing showed DNA on the weapon matched an unknown person.

The findings prompted Bell to reexamine the case.

What has Williams argued in his murder case?

Gayle's husband was cleared of the killing. Physical evidence at the scene, court documents show, never tied him to the crime.

The case relied on testimony of two witnesses, including a jailhouse informant who testified in exchange for a reduced sentence, reported the Springfield News-Leader, part of the USA TODAY Network.

The other witness was Williams' ex-girlfriend, a convicted felon with a history of drug abuse, who court records show led police to his trunk and found the victim's laptop a year after the crime took place.

Williams, court documents go onto say, said his ex gave him the laptop because she wanted a $10,000 reward being offered to solve Gayle's homicide case.

Testing revealed Williams' DNA was never found on the knife found in Gayle's neck.

"Bloody shoeprints were present near a knife sheath in the kitchen, in the hallway leading to the front foyer, and on the rug near Ms. Gayle’s body. Bloody fingerprints were found along the wall. And hairs believed to belong to the perpetrator were collected from Ms. Gayle’s t-shirt, her hands, and the floor" Bell wrote in his motion to vacate Williams' sentence. "None of this physical evidence tied Mr. Williams to Ms. Gayle’s murder."

If his lethal injection goes forward, Williams will become the third inmate executed in Missouri this year.

Natalie Neysa Alund is a senior reporter for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] and follow her on X @nataliealund.


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