creative writing retreat italy

Join us on this summer retreat in the Tuscan countryside for a week of deep creative writing. Bring your writing project, slow down and be guided and supported in your process. 

Tuscany,  7-14th july, 2024.

We understand writers, and the quiet magic that is sometimes needed to allow words to flow. After decades of supporting writers, we know that to write a story buried in your heart, you often need to remove yourself from ordinary life. All types of writers are welcome into these immersions into the world of story and creativity. ​ ​Join us in Tuscany again in 2024 to write. This ancient land with its characteristic landscapes and incredible light will envelope you, as it has countless creatives before you, including some of the greatest writers the world has ever known. In fact, the energy – and spectacular land – of these master writers continues to inspire countless authors today. So take a deep breath and soak up your stunning surroundings: the rolling hills of Tuscany, the sweeping vineyard outside your window. Warm sun on your shoulders, filtered through the branches of an ancient oak tree. A pencil and paper in hand and your eyes dancing across the scene before you: a sweeping vineyard, silvery olive groves and the rolling hills of Tuscany reaching out to infinity – dotted with villages, towers and castles. ​Here you are in Italy, immersing yourself in your words, a chance to get quiet and to be mentored by literary agent and writing coach Sarah Bullen along with New York Times ghostwriter Lisa Pulitzer.   This is an unforgettable writing journey to get your book or writing project, on track. You’ll travel the journey of memory, dive deep into the craft of writing, have heaps of fun, enjoy unforgettable experiences in Italy and join an eclectic and creative community of fellow writers.

creative writing retreat italy


Both advanced and novice writers are welcome. This is a structured writing workshop for writers of all levels who want to tell their story or write their book. We also welcome scriptwriters, academic writers and poets.  It is right for you, if you need an adventure, plus the gift of time and space in a Tuscany summer setting. You don’t need to be a writer or to have a grand project in progress. You may be halfway through a novel, or on your second one.  You can be working on a memoir, poetry, workbook, online course, photography-based book, life story or just a creative writing project. This is for writers who just need dedicated time away from your ordinary life to totally immerse in a creative environment to write, write and write. The time is both a deep-dive into your own book, and a task-based programme to get your word count up, or finish your book ready for submission.  ​ The course is a daily combination of technical writing techniques, working through your blocks, finding ways to access your memories and plan your story.  ​

breakfast and quiet writing time. Then it’s off to the nearby village for a fascinating walking tour of this historic, medieval town. Afterwards you’ll enjoy time on your own to explore and shop.  This afternoon you’ll gather for focused writing time. This evening you’ll enjoy a light aperi-cena (aperitivo and dinner together).

Think… * Medieval villages nearby * morning cappuccino in the warm air with fresh-baked torta * strolls through the vineyard * winding alleyways in medieval villag es * vines laden with ripe, red grapes * geraniums spilling from window boxes * dinners under the Tuscan stars

creative writing retreat italy

Accommodation -  A magnificent farmhouse in Tuscany 

We are so thrilled in 2024 to be staying in the Tuscan Maremma region at a beautifully restored farmhouse and country hotel on a 102-hectare organic estate and spa.  All the rooms of the farmhouse are furnished in the classic Tuscan style and are dedicated to those who want to enjoy a genuine stay in the Maremma countryside.  The rooms are arranged on the farm, around the restaurant area, facing the old farmyard, on the ground floor or first floor of the manor house.  On the same property nestles a boutique country hotel. We have access to all the facilities which include a swimming pool as well as a wellness centre with an an indoor heated pool with hydromassage features, a a sauna, and a Turkish bath.  The sprawling wine estate extends over green Tuscan valleys with olive groves and vineyards. We chose this for our 2025 trip to bring the best of Tuscany - good shopping, a rural location but a luxury experience.  ​DATES & PRICES:  8 Days/7 Nights ​​Beautiful Traditional Farmhouse en-suite is €4,250   (single occupancy) * Deposit required €750 plus payment plan Arrival and departure airport: Rome Airport FCO or Pisa International Airport (also named Galileo Galilei Airport) Tuscany Writing Retreat Includes:

7 nights accommodation in this special farmhouse and boutique hotel in Tuscany, Italy

Private group transfer to/from either Rome FCO Airport or Pisa

Private transport service to/from all excursions included in the itinerary

All meals are included - expect local Tuscan featuring traditional dishes, along with locally grown produce, wine and olive oil

Daily grou p and individual writing lessons 

Not included:   Airfare,  alcoholic drinks, buses, trains or boat transportation outside of that which is specifically listed in the trip package, gratuities for villa staff and drivers

Some things we will cover:

* The basics of planning a compelling story * The key elements of structure

* The business side of books and screenplays

* Short Form Writing Masterclass – LinkedIn, Twitter, Substack and magazine * Researching and the art of the interview

* Creating realistic characters

* Beginnings, starts and hooks

* Self editing and editing styles * Handling point of view * Working with dialogue * Working through personal blocks * Adding depth and layers, tone and voice  * Sourcing tips and techniques * Understanding what an author brand is and how to build one

* How to launch your brand and publicity ideas

We are there to write, and also to have a lot of laughs and fun. We love travel and writing. Put the two together? Magic



Literary Agent and Writing Coach

Sarah Bullen is a writing coach, and literary agent with a deep passion for helping writers bring their stories to life. Founder of The Writing Room and Kent Literary, she has had over 150 books published by writers she has mentored. 

With over 17 years of experience in the publishing industry, Sarah has worked closely with authors across various genres, guiding them through the writing process and helping them achieve their publishing goals.

Her expertise lies in both the creative and business aspects of writing, making her an invaluable mentor for aspiring and established writers alike.

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Writing coach 

NY Times Bestselling Author.

Lisa Pulitzer is author/coauthor of more than fifty nonfiction titles, including New York Times bestsellers Stolen Innocence, Beyond Belief, Imperfect Justice, and Mob Daughter. Lisa also serves as a ghostwriter to high profile personalities, among them celebrities, prosecutors and judges. For the past ten years, she has enjoyed teaching the craft of writing to others. She is a longtime writing instructor at Long Island University’s Hutton House Lecture Series, 

Over the years, she has helped dozens of writers bring their books to publication.

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Organiser and Partner

Elizabeth Casanova brings a wealth of experience in event coordination, creative retreats, and international travel to our team. Her background of 15 years running a successful film production company and her love for creativity, adventure, and cultural exploration have led her to curate unforgettable retreat experiences

Liz is responsible for the logistical planning, coordination, and overall experience of our retreats. Her attention to detail, warm personality, and dedication to creating a welcoming environment ensure that participants feel supported and inspired throughout their journey.

She is passionate about living with joy and natural health. 

Our Itinerary

Day 1  Arrival and Welcome Dinner  From Rome or Pisa Airport you’ll journey to your accommodation in the heart of Tuscany. After a warm welcome and check in, we’ll gather together and get acquainted, before a retreat opening and writing introduction. Then it’s time for a traditional aperitivo, followed by a welcome dinner where we set our writing intentions for our time together.  Day 2 Kick off your writing. Every morning we enjoy quiet writing time, then we gather together for a structured writing class. Today we will split you into novels and non-fiction writers as we cover the basics of plot and narrative structure for each genre. After lunch under the vines, you’ll enjoy quiet and focused writing time, a perhaps a siesta. Then, later in the afternoon, you’ll gather with your fellow writers for a connect session, along with focused writing and feedback. Afterwards you might enjoy a walk to explore the land and take in the spectacular views. This evening you’ll enjoy aperitivo and dinner served up.  Day 3 Unleash your creativity  This morning we once again enjoy breakfast and quiet writing time before gathering together for another content-packed creative writing class.. Today you’ll look at characters, along with how to structure your plot and setting. You’ll also have the opportunity for a one-on-one session for specific advice on your writing. This afternoon we have a fun exploration of opening your creativity and senses. This evening we’ll enjoy aperitivo, storytelling under the stars and dinner. Day 4 Explore the past This morning we once again enjoy breakfast and quiet writing time. Then it’s off to the nearby village for a fascinating walking tour of this historic, medieval town. Afterwards you’ll enjoy time on your own to explore and shop.  This afternoon you’ll gather for focused writing time. This evening you’ll enjoy a light aperi-cena (aperitivo and dinner together). Day 5   Spa Day and Rest As usual, our morning begins with gentle movement or quiet writing time, followed by a focused writing session. This afternoon is our spa day enjoy soaking in the hot, mineral pools, perhaps a Turkish bath and massage at the hotel spa.  After lunch, you’ll have time to rest and relax for before our evening a group session. This evening we gather together to share our day’s writing over a friendly aperitivo – with some poetry and feedback – followed by dinner.  Day 6 Write, Write, Write. This morning, after breakfast and your quiet writing time, you’ll be joining Sarah for our final writing session where we do more advanced plotting, different scenes all books need and the cast of your book. Today is a writing push. After lunch  – your writing continues, as you finalize your writing project! This evening we share our writing journey and our goals going forward. We talk about how to take the next steps, including the publishing journey ahead. Then it’s time for a special celebratory dinner where you’ll share writing, poetry and life together. Day 7 Write, Write, Write ​ Day 8 Closing and farewell Last Breakfast then departures for Rome or Pisa.

This ancient land with its characteristic landscapes and incredible light will envelope you, as it has countless creatives before you. In fact, the energy – and spectacular land – of these master writers continues to inspire countless authors today. So take a deep breath and soak up your stunning surroundings: the rolling hills of Tuscany.

Sarah Bullen


Ayla tk, israel.

This retreat topped all of my expectations. It gracefully operates between professionalism, deep connection with the land and creativity, and a load of fun. I felt I was given practical tools to write while also given a beautiful space to meet my muse. It was a magical seven days in Tuscany I will carry with me forever. I will tell you what my husband said when I was contemplating the trip. “Just go!” You won’t regret it

Michelle Ruiz, USA

I did the Italy retreat and it changed my life. There were so many incredible moments that inspired my writing and enlightened my soul. I HIGHLY recommend this retreat. Kate and Sarah are amazing and thoughtful in everything they do. I plan to go to another one of their retreats soon!

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Your Voice, Your Style, Your Vision


Guest Authors 2022 Angela Petch Cathy Rentzenbrick, Elizabeth Buchan Katherine Mezzacappa

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Comments from Our Creative Writing Class of 2022

A glorious creative writing retreat in Bisenti, Abruzzo,  What a week we had! Our amazing creative writing tutor kept us hard at work while Wendy's endless enthusiasm ensured we had a lot of fun. Further inspiration from visiting author Angela Petch and guest authors Cathy Rentzenbrink, Katherine Hutton Mezzacappa and Elizabeth Buchan K (UK)

The week was pleasurable, rewarding and inspiring; very well organised; fun filled and diverting. More importantly, lots of encouragement to improve my writing.

J (UK) 

Let me say how much I enjoyed the retreat. Thanks for organizing it and looking after me. Its given me the encouragement to plow on.

This has been a special week that I will never forget! 

I will be using things I learned here for the rest of my life.

My week was insightful, thought-provoking and fun. Wendy's enthusiasm and positive attitude is infectious and her ability to "go the extra mile" to ensure all requests and needs were catered for is a testament to her experience and compassion. Our tutor's abiltiy to teach you how to re-think your own work, so that improvements shine through in such a short period of time, was nothing short of amazing. The benefit of being alongside other writers of varying writing styles, ideas and skill sets added to the whole experience and I wouldn't hesitate in recommending this to anyone wishing to improve the presentation of their work. Thankyou  H (UK)

Writing Retreats in Italy

Let your creativity flow on one of our creative writing retreats in italy.

Our creative writing retreats in Italy with professional and renowned tutors offer you a unique space to focus on your creativity and writing, so now’s your chance to combine a holiday with your passion for writing.  Stress free, relaxing, fresh air and stunning views – what more could you want from your creative writing retreat?

Hotel Leone  is nestled on the edge of the picture-postcard hill-top town of  Montelparo in Central Italy .  In the historic centre and also set amidst the rolling hills with breath-taking views of the mountains, countryside and coast, we offer writing retreats where you can also experience a slice of day-to-day authentic Italian life in a picturesque medieval village.

All of our retreats are for small groups only.  There will never be more than 15 people in the group at any one time but, more typically, there will be between 10-12 individuals.

We have 10 luxury, en-suite bedrooms, so you can share a room with a friend or bring a partner – even if they’re not participating in the retreat themselves.

Below is our upcoming programme of retreats, so why not spend some time away from the stresses of your everyday life, surround yourself with nature to get your creative juices flowing and, at the same time,  enjoy our wonderful hospitality here at Hotel Leone.

creative writing retreat italy

2 1st – 28th June 2024

Gloria Coppola

Private Writing Retreat

5th – 12th July 2024

Ruth Brandt

  Creative Writing Retreat

27th June – 4th July. 2025

Creative Writing Retreat

Lux life award 2021

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  • Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 60, 63853 Montelparo (FM), Italy.
  • +39 366 5749169
  • CF e Partita IVA IT01960440442

Website made by Boostly 🚀

Copyright © 2021 Hotel Leone. All rights reserved


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Autumn writing retreat in Puglia, Italy now open for booking! Learn more .

Enjoying Nature

(Re)claim your creative self

Replenish your creative wellspring, build your storytelling skillset and connect with other writers.

The Writing Grove meets writers wherever they are with their projects, wherever they are in the world. From retreats to in-person and online classes, we're with you every word of the way.

As featured in:

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Our students have published short stories and novels and have been nominated for and won numerous awards, including the prestigious Pushcart prize.

We offer  in-person and online workshops and retreats in the US, Europe and Italy.

Our teachers are all published authors and practising industry professionals, with extensive teaching experience.

We offer workshops in many genres, including memoir, screenwriting, fantasy, general fiction and more.

All experience levels welcome!

Join us in Italy for immersive, transformative writing retreats.

Appropriate for all genres and experience levels.

Happy Writers

The Writing Grove retreat was an incredible experience. Lloyd is an intuitive teacher who brings his vast experience in writing and background in theatre to his lessons. You will leave his lessons feeling more confident in your own writing abilities, and if you have the ability to do one of his masterfully curated retreats, you will leave feeling inspired, refreshed, and itching to do the next one!If you’re working on a novel, already published, or just stepping into the world of writing for the first time, I cannot recommend The Writing Grove enough!"

Looking to write complex, th ree-dimensional characters?

Download our   FREE   character builder worksheet and start writing characters your readers won't soon forget

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The Retreat

Writing Submission

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Contact Number (required)

Your Writing Piece

Write Toscana offers a tailor-made alternative to other high-pressure writing courses. Each of our courses admits only four fellow writers, and participants are carefully selected with the idea of creating a group that will form a writing community that lasts well beyond the end of your time in Italy. Over the course of seven days, you will have the encouragement to work on what you wish to and also to take risks and experiment – all while immersed in an inspirational setting.

At the heart of the retreat is the benefit of time and space to centre your writing practice: prompts to enliven your work, discussions and tips on planning and structuring, quiet moments of drafting and refining your work. These take place in both formal and casual group and one-to-one settings around the writing table, in cafes and over spirited meals. The aim is to learn not only from course leader Helen McClory but from yourself, discovering your own goals, and taking feedback and courage from both the environment and people around you.

We also believe that what you get out of your retreat depends on gathering the sensory details from the environment around you. Day trips out foster an experience to remember, taking in the stunning countryside, winding streets of honey-coloured stone buildings, delicious food and unforgettable cultural legacy of Tuscany. In the evenings, you’ll sit out in the quiet warm night air drinking a glass of wine, socialising and talking over bookish things and the events of the day. You can take time out to journal, read, or relax. And once the week is done, you will have much to draw on for future stories.

Head to the application page to submit your mission statement for the week, and a sample of your writing to get the process started. These will be carefully reviewed by Helen McClory to make sure you will have the best experience possible at Write Toscana. We hope to hear from you soon!

Writing in Italy

Writing in italy is for those looking to connect with established authors and industry experts while also visiting some of the most iconic cities in the world. this all-inclusive italian experience is meant for writers at any stage in their careers. whether you're just starting out, looking to reach the next level, or interested in film adaptations, writing in italy provides unprecedented access to industry experts and writing opportunities. when you're surrounded by breathtaking beauty and centuries of art, you'll find inspiration everywhere you look.


creative writing retreat italy

Industry experts

creative writing retreat italy

Connecting with authors

creative writing retreat italy

Group Activities

creative writing retreat italy

Private workshops

creative writing retreat italy

Family dinners

creative writing retreat italy

Venice tour

creative writing retreat italy

Iconic locations

Writing in italy - tuscany, september 26th - october 1st, 2024, writing in italy tuscany, september 26th - oct 1, 2024.

Are you ready to write under the Tuscan sun? No matter where you are in your publishing journey, you’re invited to join us for this once-in-a-lifetime writing experience. While tucked away in the Tuscan hills, you’ll have the chance to escape the pressures of daily life to focus on your writing and craft. You’ll also have access to informative workshops facilitated by literary agents, editors, and movie and film experts to learn about the business of publishing, screenwriting, and book-to-film adaptations—all culminating with nightly sit-down dinners filled with encouraging discussions.

This All-Inclusive Retreat Includes:

  • Five nights and six days of accommodations in a stunning historical villa
  • Transport to and from local airport, train station, and planned events
  • Welcome gift bag
  • Included meals (dietary restrictions are followed)
  • Family-style dinners nightly
  • Day trips to Florence and Chianti
  • Wine tasting
  • Publishing workshops, presentations, and guided writing time
  • So much more!

Are you ready to write under the Tuscan sun?

You can reserve your single or double occupancy room now by clicking the reservation link. In your request, please add the guest name and contact email to receive the invoice. 

If you are reserving double occupancy and already have a roommate, please also add their name so we can match you up. They should also send a reservation request. Don't have a roommate yet? No problem! We'll find you a great match!

For more information, email [email protected].

Reserve Now!

Ciao! Your reservation request has been received! A team member will email  you shortly. Are you ready? Let's go to Italy! 

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Every day was laced with magic, amazing conversations, delicious food, adventure, and creativity. If you are craving community, gems of writing wisdom, and a gorgeous experience, sign up for Writing in Italy!

Rocky Callen , author of A Breath Too Late and Crashing Into You 

Writing in Italy is everything you’d imagine and more. It’s the reset and connection I truly needed and craved.”

Cindy Pon , Author of WANT and Serpentine

Within a gorgeous setting that inspired our imaginations, the creative community that gathered together for Writing in Italy was able to laugh, dance, talk shop, and build lasting relationships. The retreat exceeded my expectations.”

Edward Gamarra , VP, Literary Affairs – Paramount Global Kids & Family

creative writing retreat italy

Want to hear about our next retreat? Subscribe to Writing in Italy!

Write Your Journey

Italy Writing Retreat 2025

Fancy a writing retreat in italy.


Join Italy specialist Dr Kerstin Pilz

 on a journey of creative transformation

Italy writing retreat — 10 – 17 october 2025, writing retreat in italy.

with Italy specialist Dr Kerstin Pilz

Always wanted to write but never seem to have time?

Crave focussed writing time and gentle self-care practices?

Want professional guidance on how to write your stories, smash through blocks and find your voice?

Or maybe you just need a transformational holiday in a beautiful location?

Whatever your writing goals or experience , this retreat will leave you rested, refreshed and creatively recharged!

Nourish yourself with writing & yoga, stimulate your senses and be inspired by Italy’s authentic flavours and unique beauty.

Hi, I’m Kerstin

I’m a former Head of Italian Studies (Macquarie University) and a reformed Italophile.

For two decades I was obsessed with everything Italian. I taught Italian language and culture at universities around Australia, I wrote a PhD in Italian literature, I even married an Italian (but that’s a different story).

I have been taking students to Italy for more than twenty years, and this will be my first creative writing retreat in Italy!

I am excited to return to Italy not as an academic, but as a writer sharing my passion and knowledge of the craft of writing both fiction and non-fiction.

Let me be your guide on the cobbled back alleys of Italy and your coach to finding your voice and your creative potential.

I love helping writers at all stages of development and I enjoy the intense focus and joyful synergy we can create at a writing retreat!

Watch my TEDx talk about The Healing Power of Writing .

Read my story here.

Kerstin Pilz

Our Italy Writing Retreat is for you if you:  

  • yearn to step away from all that keeps you busy, distracted and disconnected from yourself & your writing
  • need to get some writing done and crave time to dive deeper into your creativity
  • desire a nourishing environment that will allow you to release long-held stories
  • are willing to surrender to the flow, because we’ll let all of it flow, our creativity, our writing, our breath, our wild minds, our voice, our stories.

Whether you’re writing a journal or a book, whether you’ve always wanted to write but never knew how to start, whether you’ve written before but need a creative push, this relaxing creative retreat will leave you feeling nourished and in tune with yourself, with an abundance of new writing tools and skills.

“Fantastic writing retreat for those looking to reconnect with their creativity, and reignite their passion for writing. I found this retreat incredibly valuable and walked away with tools and exercises to help keep my writing flowing. A very inspiring environment, with enough structure to keep you motivated and productive. I would definitely do another writing retreat!” —Alexandria Funnell

Christine W

Write Away Europe Tuscany Writing Retreat

Connect with your muse in timeless tuscany, summer: june 23-29, 2024, fall: sept. 22-28, 2024.

Tuscany, Italy

SUMMER: June 23-29, 2024

AUTUMN: Sept. 22-28, 2024

Writers & aspiring writers with works in progress and/or germinating ideas or projects to polish and bring to fruition

Writers Retreat: A wonderful week to focus on your writing, get feedback and generate new ideas

Accommodation in a Tuscan farmhouse with swimming pool

All meals (buffet breakfasts & lunches and chef-prepared dinners), daily round table writing discussions with facilitators, daily round table writing workshops with facilitators, write away europe writer's inventory & self-assessment, write away europe comprehensive writing compendium, tuscan wine tasting, transfers to the farmhouse.

Reserve your place now:

$3,500 single occupancy

June 23-29, 2024 (Waitlist)

Sept. 22-28, 2024

Cross into Creativity at our Tuscany Writers Retreat

The setting.

The rolling fertile hills of Tuscany have inspired writers and artists since time immemorial. We will stay in stunning fully-restored Tuscan farmhouse perched atop a hill with sweeping views of the verdant Tuscan countryside and its vineyards, silver-green olive groves, sentinel cypress trees and all the glories of the Casentino Valley — one of the most captivating parts of seductive Tuscany and near the medieval town of Poppi, named one of the most beautiful villages of Italy.

Writers will reside in the finely-restored and well-appointed Il Gelso Farmhouse, a sprawling red-roofed Tuscan gem with finely-designed interior and expansive, well-tended grounds and private swimming pool with spectacular sweeping views of the Tuscan hills. Writers have their own private rooms with en suite bath and mornings commence with breakfast prepared by our on-site private chef with some time for writing, relaxing or soaking in the views (or the pool) before our morning Round Table Writing Discussions led by experienced facilitators. The morning sessions are informative and inquiring discussions delving into important elements of the writers craft. You will learn more a bout why you write, what you’re writing, and how you can tell your stories to the very best of your ability. We will enjoy a chef-prepared lunch al fresco on the panoramic patio then free time in the afternoon for writing, relaxing, swimming or exploring the lush Tuscan countryside. We reconvene in the early evenings for the Round Table Writing Workshops, a time for sharing and workshopping new writings from inspiring writing prompts or from works-in-progress in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment. We will then enjoy delectable dinners prepared by our chef using locally sourced products served al fresco for convivial communal meals in the garden.


You will be a part of a curated creative community including aspiring, established and emerging writers all seeking to tell their stories the best way possible with guidance from experienced facilitators. New faces will quickly merge into new friends and a staunch support group. While you share a lot about yourself and the stories you’re striving to tell, you will also learn and benefit from the creative camaraderie and learn to look at you’re writing and the world in new and fresh way.


There’s a shape to all good stories that involves change and the arc of the Tuscany Writing Retreat is that when you arrive to our Tuscan corner of paradise, you’ll begin to leave the world behind. You’ll have the time, the community, support and encouragement to focus on yourself and writing. As the week progresses, you’ll hone your writing skills, generate new ideas, get feedback and support, become part of a new creative community and learn to embrace being a writer. You’ll embark on an immersive and inspiring journey that puts you on that path to discovering your ideal creative process and empowers you your story to the very best of your ability and to make writing an integral part of your life.


Just like great writing lives in the margins, the Tuscany Writers Retreat goes beyond the text and much of the magic is in the margins: the intangible moments that happen when you are free without inhibitions to be, to engage in your surroundings, to share your stories and be generous with yourself, open to others and your newfound tribe. You will hone your writing skills, generate new ideas, get feedback and support, and learn to embrace being a writer. It is an intensely personal experience, and there will be laughter, tears, and joy during this transformational retreat that helps you become the best writer you can be.


Write Away Europe has been gracing the stage of Tuscany and many other captivating destinations in Europe and the great reviews are in. You can read them here: Write Away Reviews and the Write Away Retreat Experience.


Write away creativity.

Giving you the tools to harness your creative vision and expand and embrace your creative potential.

Write Away Craft

Daily Writing Workshops clarify and demystify the essential elements of good storytelling.

Write Away Confidence

Get the insight and encouragement to empower you to tell the story only you can tell.

Write Away Commitment

Learn to live the write way: to make writing an integral part of your life and find your ideal creative process.

Write Away Europe Tuscany Writers Retreat

Stay Connected!

What people say about write away retreats, "incredibly special...".

"How grateful I am for the last week and for all I was able to take away from everything we did. I appreciate everything you did for us, and especially for me. This last week was something incredibly special, and I am so lucky to have been a part of it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Elizabeth O., playwright

"...the best investment I've ever made in myself!"

"This Retreat experience was so much more than I even expected. This was the best investment I've ever made in myself." Abby R., Essayist, Personal Memoir Writer

"...the best experience ever."

"My heart is still in Tuscany... I am glad I took some me time for writing in such a peaceful environment with amazing people. Thank you for the best experience ever. I miss everyone already." Masako T., Nonfiction Writer

"...couldn't possibly have loved it more!"

"I couldn’t possibly have loved it more! Thank you again for putting it on and allowing us all to come together in one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever spent time!" Kimberly P., Novelist

"...more work done in my novel in past week than in past year."

"Missing the villa and great company! I managed to get inspired enough to get more work done on my novel in the past week than in the entire past year." Aloy A., Screenwriter and Novelist

"...surrounded by people who share your passion for books and writing."

"What an experience: that workshops, the evening conversations and dinners. There's absolutely no substitute for getting to be surrounded by a group of people who share your passion for books and writing." Carolyn R., Novelist

"Loved every minute!!!!"

"Loved every minute!!!! Thank you all so much, miss you already!" Manal N., Short Story Writer, Personal Essayist

"...incredibly amazing... help, guindance, and friendship..."

"I hope you know how incredibly amazing you are! You taught me more than I ever expected in a very short amount of time. The week was filled with so many new adventures and surprises. All I could see was an impressive array of activities that you managed to put together seamlessly. Your give and take worked wonderfully for everyone in attendance. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Prague, the retreat, and mostly meeting all of you. I will remember this time fondly and with great appreciation for the help, guidance, and friendship from everyone. Thank you so much." Debbie M., Fiction Writer

" more inspired to continue on my novel...create productive spaces and habits."

"I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of you during our wonderful week together and hope to see your faces again whether in person, on more book covers, TED talks, or national interviews celebrating your works. I took your advice and have used some of the writing prompts to write about my writing, completing a synopsis, a beat sheet and a back cover blurb to help light the way forward and am now more inspired to continue on my novel and create productive spaces and habits." Jillian S., Novelist

"...conversational warmth and good humour... I pondered how reality could exceed my dreams."

"Evenings are filled with the conversational warmth and good humour of like-minded participants who freely share their emotions and insights into the writing life. It can be unimaginably exhilarating to connect with people from all walks of life that share a common passion. I’m sitting at my desk again surveying my surroundings in wonder, pondering how I really got here, and yet feeling as though I have discovered a sense of place. For those wanting to explore their inner writing muse and reflect on your life thus far, a writing retreat in Tuscany may just be the path you were destined to follow. Surrounded by such beauty and mesmerised from my continued state of surreal disbelief, I pondered how reality could exceed my dreams." David S., Travel Writer

"...literally life-changing...found courage and inspiration to write every day..."

"The Paros Retreat experience was literally life-changing for me.  I've found the courage and inspiration to write every day and have written more words in the past week than I had in a year." Isabelle P., Memoirist

"inspiring... and completely transformative!"

"Extraordinarily inspiring! When I read all the reviews about how transformative this program was I was skeptical but I could not believe how completely transformative it truly was!" Kate M., Novelist & Screenwriter

"special... memorable... fabulous"

"Thank you for making all of our time so special & memorable. Every detail was obviously carefully planned, & you shepherded us through each delightful meal & activity with the kind of grace that let us blissfully forget all the work that goes into organizing a group (working) holiday. All your tips enriched every day. I had a fabulous time talking & laughing with you all week." Heather G., novelist

"ideas gleaned... inspired"

"I'm back in Chicago (and back at the office -- Day 2, ugh). But I'm working hard on my script with all the ideas gleened from the workshops and our talks and newly inspired to stay on course!" Kate H., scriptwriter

"inspiration... memories... friendship"

"Thanks for the inspiration, the friendship and all of the wonderful memories, moments which I look forward to reliving through my journal and photos - and continued friendship with a stellar bunch of people." Chris K., non-fiction writer

"beautiful souls...sharing"

"Thank you, to each of you beautiful souls, for sharing your lives and stories this week and being so attentive and helpful with mine. I had no idea that I'd take so much away from the last 9 days." Liz S., dramatist

"invigorating...filled with joy...bursting with ideas"

"I was nervous on arrival, not quite sure what to expect meeting strangers with whom I would be spending the ensuing week. Those fears dissolved with the welcome dinner and upon waking the following morning, I felt a sense of hope that had long been absent from my life. Each day proved more invigorating than the previous and by the end of the week my heart was filled with joy, my journal overflowing with words, and my mind bursting with ideas. I see a way forward in my writing that was lost to me prior and have made bonds that will last a lifetime." Isabelle T., memoir writer

"trip of a lifetime"

"I've gotta say this has absolutely been a trip of a lifetime. My face hurts from smiling so much, my mind is reeling with input and ideas. I feel inspired. Invigorated." Lisa D., screenwriter


"Thanks for the energy and inspiration! What a life-changing week, my notebooks are filling!" Maureen J., travel & non-fiction writer

"re-inspired my writing... creative well"

"I really can't put into words my experience at the Write Away retreat. I went as a traveler/writer should, with an open mind and heart, and what I have received has not only re-inspired my writing, but has given me a creative well to draw upon. I believe if that well is to ever run dry I can reflect upon my time at the retreat and again be re-inspired." Travis K., fiction writer

"laughter...deep talks...back on course"

"I already miss you all, our boisterous laughter, our deep talks of life and writing, and the salient and sometimes silly jabber. During our week together, you all helped me remember how good life can be, and who I was trying to be before I strayed from my path. I'll be grateful forever, to all of you, for nudging me back on course, in both life and in writing." Amy M. novelist

"teachable moments...creative input...intellectual generosity"

"The teachable moments, the constructive creative input, infectuous laughter and the immense intellectual propensity and generosity of the facilitators along side the participant writers is a must for any writer." Mike L., novelist

"blown away... well organized"

"I was blown away by the well organized dining and travel accommodations that took the usual anxiety away from travel. To all this I say thank you with a big heart and anyone one that embarks on a Write Away Retreat will have it placed as an anchor in their hearts." Jesse T.,

"first book deal... productive workshops...inspired"

"The Write Away retreat was given to me as a surprise gift, I just signed my first book deal based on my blog and proposal and I needed to decide on the plan for my book and ideas to fill the pages. I found both at the retreat. After each productive workshop, I was raring to get planning and writing. I'm feeling inspired and well-armed with lots of thoughts for moving forward with my book." Sarah M., non-fiction lifestyle writer

"re-inspired my writing...lifetime memoriers"

"My experience in Greece… has not only re-inspired my writing but it has also re-invented how I think about writing and how I'll approach it in the future. Days flew by in a heady haze of meeting great new people, stimulating writing workshops and enjoying fantastic food (and drink) but I know the experience and memories of the trip are something that will stay with me forever! ." Neil F., fiction writer

"...time... attention...inspiring talks..."

"What a wonderful week! The opportunity to be surrounded by so many creative people all sharing the common interest of writing was fantastic. The give and take and supportive atmosphere of the workshops was terrific but some of the best memories are the inspiring talks during the evening social gatherings." Anwar M., fiction writer

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creative writing retreat italy

Artisa Academic & Art Retreat, the place to create and to connect

Come and experience the innovative and productive power of ARTISA Academic and Art Retreat, in the magnificent landscape of Le Marche. We would like to welcome you at  La Terra Saggia in Italy. Click here for more info about the place.

Open writing, creative and academic retreats

You can join a (academic) writing retreat , create art , explore, take a time-out and re-energize . Away from the distractions of daily life, you have uninterrupted individual time during the day and the possibility of inspiring meetings with other fellow residents. The setting, structure and program… everything is very supportive in getting the most out of your retreat.

Specific programs for writing, self-development and creativity

Besides our open retreats we offer guided programs and retreats directed toward personal, creative and spiritual development.

  • Dissertation Writing weeks for PhD students
  • Special Art Retreat
  • The Magic of Silence
  • Sabbatical program

Click here for an overview of the dates.

  • the space and facilities to work in a fruitful and focused manner
  • open retreats and special programs
  • individual and group retreats
  • coaching and expertise in writing, personal and creative development
  • an integral approach, with attention to body, mind and spirit
  • yoga and meditation

If you would like to stay informed about our activities

Philosophy class in garden

Artisa has been registered at the Central Register for Teaching, CRKBO, in The Netherlands. We are recognized as a professional training company. All courses and retreats are exempt from VAT. Universities and other institutions have various budgets to finance our programs. Contact your HRM expert for more information.

creative writing retreat italy

Academic & Art retreat

ARTISA is an inspiring center for scientists, PhD students, artists, writers, leaders, entrepreneurs and other professionals from across the globe. Experience the innovative and productive power of ARTISA Academic and Art Retreat, in a wonderful setting in the hills of Le Marche in Italy.

Click here to read our privacy and cookie policy in English

Click here to read our privacy and cookie policy in Dutch

  • writing retreat for academics and professionals
  • art retreat – artist in residence
  • magnificent villa in LeMarche

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Revitalizing the academic inspiration

Moria kamp Lesbos

The refugee crises in Europe. Looking away is not an option.

ode aan de kookkunst

Homage to grandmother’s art of cooking

vici-grant Halleh Ghorashi

Vici grant – Recognition for prof. dr. Halleh Ghorashi’s work

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Writing flow for PhD students

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© 2020 ARTISA | Artisa Academic Art Retreat Greece

  • Philanthropy News Digest


USF receives $3 million gift for creative writing

A writer looking for inspiration out a window.

The University of South Florida (USF) in Tampa has announced a $3 million gift from author and alumna Honey Rand (PhD Communication ’00) in support of creative writing programs.

The deferred gift includes approximately $2.7 million to fund an annual creative writing retreat. In addition, the gift will support USF’s Florida-themed student literary magazine  Saw Palm , which is crafted by students in the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program, and establish the Honey Rand Endowed Fellowship in Communication, which will support doctoral students in the Department of Communication where Rand earned her doctorate.

“Honey Rand is making a lasting difference to the university that played a pivotal role in her successful career,” said USF Foundation CEO Jay Stroman. “She has the heart of a writer, and this gift will foster that same passion in others for many years to come.”

(Photo credit: Getty Images/Milko)

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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently held hearings to address the regulation of donor-advised funds (DAFs) amidst growing concern for how the funds are used.

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  19. Artisa Academic & Art Retreat, the place to create and to connect

    We would like to welcome you at La Terra Saggia in Italy. Click here for more info about the place. Open writing, creative and academic retreats. You can join a (academic) writing retreat, create art, explore, take a time-out and re-energize. Away from the distractions of daily life, you have uninterrupted individual time during the day and the ...

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  21. Writeaways

    You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. Durham, NC 27701. USA. [email protected]. Writing Workshops & Retreats - France, Ireland, Italy and New Mexico. Writeaways.

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  23. USF receives $3 million gift for creative writing

    The University of South Florida (USF) in Tampa has announced a $3 million gift from author and alumna Honey Rand (PhD Communication '00) in support of creative writing programs.. The deferred gift includes approximately $2.7 million to fund an annual creative writing retreat. In addition, the gift will support USF's Florida-themed student literary magazine Saw Palm, which is crafted by ...