The University of Texas at Austin

English Ph.D.

The Ph.D. program in English at the University of Texas at Austin is one of the largest and best doctoral programs of its kind. Ranked in the top 20 English Graduate Programs by U.S. News & World Report , our program offers students intensive research mentoring and pedagogical training in the vibrant setting that is Austin, Texas. In addition, all admitted English PhD students receive six years of full funding .

Drawing on the resources of two units, the Department of English and the Department of Rhetoric and Writing, our program has at its center a dynamic and dedicated faculty of over 60 .

While the Ph.D. program is housed in and administered by the Department of English , the Department of Rhetoric and Writing is a crucial partner in helping to educate our shared students. The make-up of each cohort of students mirrors our unusual interdepartmental collaboration: each year we accept 10-12 students in literature and 4 in rhetoric and digital literacies.

One of the distinguishing features of our program is its collegiality and sense of shared purpose. Students and faculty work collaboratively on a number of departmental and university-wide committees, participate actively in reading and writing groups, and treat one another with respect.

Our program is engaged not only in meeting the challenges of a complex, rapidly changing academic discipline but also in helping to shape it. Our graduate courses examine relationships between writing and other cultural practices and explore the social, historical, rhetorical, and technological processes by which literature and other discourses are constituted. While we take seriously our responsibility to help train the next generation of the professoriate—that is, to cultivate scholarship, effective teaching, and collegiality—we also encourage our students to think of their training and their futures in the broadest terms possible.


  • Foreign Language Requirement
  • Tab Option 4
  • Tab Option 5

All students, regardless of whether they enter with a BA or MA, are required to complete 39 hours of formal graduate coursework taken for a grade before the end of their third year. These 39 hours must include:

  • E384K Disciplinary Inquiries, which is taken in the first semester. It may not include other courses under the E384 course number.
  • At least one 3-hour seminar on pre-1800 material
  • At least one 3-hour seminar on post-1800 material
  • At least 3 hours, but no more than 9 hours, taken out of department. Out-of-department courses include: undergraduate English courses taken for graduate credit, creative writing workshops or Literature for Writers courses with the New Writers Project, and supervised study conference courses arranged with individual faculty members.

These curricular requirements ensure that students encounter a wide range of courses, faculty, and texts during their time at UT, extending well beyond their specialized area of interest. Students choose coursework in consultation with the Associate Graduate Advisor, who may allow substitutions for English courses in cases where alternate coursework is needed to supplement departmental offerings. This alternate coursework could take the form of the out-of-department courses listed above. Such substitutions may be warranted in cases where a student is pursuing a portfolio in an interdisciplinary unit such as CWGS, MALS, or AADS; where the English department offers few courses in the student’s area of interest; or where the student needs to pursue a foreign language for research purposes. We encourage students to investigate portfolio options early in their career so they can integrate those courses as soon as possible. Some portfolios require 12 hours of coursework; in those cases, the Associate Graduate Advisor will grant an exception to the 9-hour limit on out-of-department courses.

Students who hold the position of AI are also required to take RHE398T, which is usually taken during the fall semester of their third year, or when a graduate student teaches RHE306 for the first time. RHE398T does not count toward the required 39 hours of formal graduate coursework.

Beginning in their third year of the program, students have the option of enrolling in additional seminars inside or outside the department, choosing whether to take these courses for a grade or for Credit/No Credit.  They can also enroll in E384L Scholarly Publication (usually taken in or after the third year) and E384M Professional Outcomes (usually taken in or after the fourth year). Students take these two courses for Credit/No Credit. The graduate program encourages students to continue enrolling in optional courses throughout their years as a PhD student, while they are reading for exams and planning and writing a dissertation.

In the spring of year three, students must pass the  Third-Year Examination , which tests their knowledge of and engagement with chosen fields of specialization. Students will be examined on either a fixed reading list or a reading list developed by three faculty members in collaboration with the student. The list will contain 60-80 primary and/or secondary texts. The Third-Year Examination consists of a written and an oral component. The written component consists of: 1) a 1000- to 2000-word intellectual rationale for the list; 2) an annotated version of the list (at least 1/3 of the texts with an annotation of 100 words or more each); and 3) two syllabi based on the list—the first for a survey course, the second for an upper-division seminar. Students will then sit for a two-hour oral examination during which the committee will ask questions about both the written materials and the students’ comprehension of the reading list.

The  Prospectus Examination  grants students an opportunity to receive formal feedback from three faculty members on their proposed dissertation project. Students work closely with faculty to write and revise a 15- to 20-page prospectus. Once the faculty members are ready to sign off on the document, an oral Prospectus Examination is scheduled. Students are encouraged to pass the Prospectus Examination by the end of the fall semester of their fourth year in the program.

Doctoral Candidacy  is achieved when students have successfully completed the Third-Year and Prospectus Examinations; fulfilled the foreign language requirement (see below); and identified a dissertation committee of at least four faculty members, one of whom needs to be from another graduate program or institution. All students must spend at least two long semesters, or one long semester and one summer, in candidacy before earning their degree.

The last milestone for the Ph.D. is the  Final Oral Defense , otherwise known as the dissertation defense.  In general, faculty will not schedule a defense until the dissertation is completed and ready for critical engagement.

Students working toward a Ph.D. in English at UT Austin are expected to pursue courses of language study relevant to their individual professional trajectories, as determined in consultation between students themselves; their faculty mentors; and graduate program advisor(s).

Student progress toward appropriate levels of competence will be assessed by means of a four-part  Foreign Language Audit  according to the following schedule:

Fall semester of the first year: Foreign Language Interview with the associate graduate advisor to review prior training, assess current levels of expertise, and, if necessary, begin developing an appropriate language study agenda.

Spring semester of the second year: as part of the Second-Year Reflection, students complete a first Language Study Check-in with the graduate advisor(s) and their faculty sponsor, to ensure that appropriate progress has been made toward execution of the agenda with alteration or addition in light of subfield expectations and project directions.

Spring semester of the third year (in most cases): as part of the Third-Year Exam, students will complete a second Language Study Check-in, this time with their exam committee, to determine whether satisfactory progress has been achieved on their language study agenda, again with alteration or addition in light of subfield expectations and project directions.

Fourth year (in most cases): as part of the Prospectus Exam, students will finalize their Foreign Language Audit. This will involve discussion with the exam committee, along with presentation of all necessary evidence to demonstrate that the language study agenda has been fulfilled. If, in the judgment of the committee, requisite levels of language competence have not been achieved, student and committee will agree upon a binding plan for fulfillment, during which period the student shall remain on probationary status with regard to the Foreign Language Requirement. Successful fulfillment of the Foreign Language Audit must be achieved before the student advances to Ph.D. candidacy.

Notes: Some students will enter the program with sufficient foreign language skills for their course of study (e.g. either compelling evidence of literate knowledge of a language other than English, such as a high school degree from a school in a non-English speaking country, or four or more semesters at the college level of a language other than English with a grade of B or better in the last semester, or its equivalent). These students will not need to complete the final three steps of the FLA.

Program Administration

Associate Chair & Graduate Adviser: Julie Minich

Associate Graduate Adviser (Literature): Allen MacDuffie

Associate Graduate Adviser (Rhetoric): Scott Graham

Graduate Studies Chair: Tanya Clement

Graduate Program Administrator:  Patricia Schaub

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English: english phd.

Fostering a sophisticated command of current theoretical approaches, the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program provides coverage and support for research projects in a diverse range of historical, geographical, thematic, and interdisciplinary research areas .

Applicants are admitted through one of two routes: 1) a master's degree in English, 2) in exceptional cases, an appropriate bachelor's degree (direct entry).

Completion of the PhD program may take longer than the indicated program length below.

PhD Program

Minimum admission requirements.

Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of English's additional admission requirements stated below.

Normally, applicants have a master's degree in English from a recognized university, with an average grade equivalent to at least a University of Toronto A– in the applicant's overall program.

Applicants must satisfy the department that they are capable of independent research in English at an advanced level.

Recommendations from two referees.

A writing sample of not more than 5,000 words (approximately 15 to 20 pages).

A statement of purpose.

A curriculum vitae (CV).

Applicants whose primary language is not English and who graduated from a university where the language of instruction and examination was not English are required to write the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Minimum scores required are:

600 on the paper-based test and 5 on the Test of Written English (TWE)

100/120 on the Internet-based test, with at least 22/30 on the writing and speaking sections

Admission to the PhD is based on the applicant's undergraduate and graduate records and upon the evidence of the references, writing sample, and statement.

Admissions are selective; possession of minimum qualifications does not guarantee admission.

Completion Requirements

Students pursue a program of study and research approved by the department.

The minimum coursework requirements for the degree, a total of 3.75 full-course equivalents (FCEs) , are as follows:

Year 1: ENG9400H Essential Skills Workshop Series . This course is required unless ENG8000H (no longer active) or equivalent course has already been taken.

Either Year 2 or Year 3: ENG9900H Teaching Literature

3.0 additional graduate FCEs in English, as approved by the department

Every student must select at least 2.0 FCEs outside the chosen research area in the course of their graduate training. The student is encouraged to combine these courses into a minor research area. Graduate courses taken as part of the master's program may be counted in this connection, but not ENG6999Y Critical Topographies: Theory and Practice of Contemporary Literary Studies in English nor Credit/No Credit courses in the 9000 series.

Course selection must meet the approval of the department.

Language Requirement

Demonstrated reading knowledge of French by May 31 of Year 3 of registration.

With the permission of the department, another language (including Old English) may be substituted for French provided that this other language is required by the student's research area. The completion of this requirement is recorded on the transcript with the course code LRQ7777Y and the subtitle given of the language undertaken to fulfil this requirement.

The supervisory committee may require the student to qualify in other program-related languages as well.

Special Fields Examination

Students are required to pass a Special Fields Examination. The examination has three components:

A written examination, based on a reading list drawn up in consultation with the supervisory committee

A short position paper, in which the student articulates the argument and stakes of the proposed thesis in light of the preparation for this written examination

An oral examination that engages in part with the written examination and in part with the position paper

Students generally take the Special Fields Examination no later than the end of the second session of Year 2. A second attempt of the Special Fields Examination is allowed on the recommendation of the student's committee.

The student must have completed all requirements for the degree, exclusive of thesis research, by the end of Year 3 in order to remain in good standing in the program.

A candidate is required to submit a thesis on an approved subject embodying the results of original investigation which constitute a significant contribution to the knowledge of the field, and to pass an oral examination on the subject of the thesis. The normal length of a PhD thesis is approximately 75,000 words. The maximum length accepted by the department is 100,000 words.

No later than May 15 of Year 1 of registration, the student must submit to the Associate Director, PhD, a preliminary thesis proposal, approved by the prospective supervisor. The Associate Director, PhD, appoints a supervisory committee that includes a supervisor and two other faculty members with expertise in the proposed research area. The student is required to meet with the supervisory committee within three months of submitting the preliminary proposal. An approved thesis proposal signed by all members of the supervisory committee and by the Associate Director, PhD, must be submitted by October 1 of Year 2 of registration.

The student and the supervisor should meet regularly. The student is also required to meet at least once a year with the supervisory committee. The supervisory committee should normally approve the completed thesis before it is submitted for examination.

The Doctoral Final Oral Examination is arranged by the department in collaboration with the School of Graduate Studies. The candidate should allow at least 10 weeks from submission of the thesis for the department to complete the arrangements for the oral examination.

PhD Program (Direct-Entry)

In exceptional cases, applicants with an appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university that includes at least 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) in English, with an average grade equivalent to at least a University of Toronto A– in the applicant's overall program may be considered for admission (direct entry).

Admission to the PhD is based on the applicant's undergraduate records and upon the evidence of the references, writing sample, and statement.

The minimum coursework requirements for the degree, a total of 6.75 full-course equivalents (FCEs) , are as follows:

Year 1: ENG6999Y Critical Topographies: Theory and Practice of Contemporary Literary Studies in English

Year 2: ENG9400H Essential Skills Workshop Series . This course is required unless ENG8000H (no longer active) or equivalent course has already been taken.

Either Year 3 or Year 4: ENG9900H Teaching Literature

5.0 additional graduate FCEs in English, as approved by the department. The student must complete ENG6999Y plus 2.0 FCEs in Year 1 of the program, with an average of at least A–. Students must complete all remaining courses, except for ENG9900H , by the end of Year 3 of the program, with an average of at least an A– in order to maintain good academic standing and to continue in the PhD program. In order to maintain good academic standing, and to continue in the PhD program, the student must complete each course with a grade of at least B.

Demonstrated reading knowledge of French by May 31 of Year 4 of registration.

Students in the direct-entry PhD program generally take the Special Fields Examination no later than the end of the second session of Year 3. A second attempt of the Special Fields Examination is allowed on the recommendation of the student's committee.

The student must have completed all requirements for the degree, exclusive of thesis research, by the end of Year 4 in order to remain in good standing in the program.

No later than May 15 of Year 2 of registration, the student must submit to the Associate Director, PhD, a preliminary thesis proposal, approved by the prospective supervisor. The Associate Director, PhD, appoints a supervisory committee that includes a supervisor and two other faculty members with expertise in the proposed research area. The student is required to meet with the supervisory committee within three months of submitting the preliminary proposal. An approved thesis proposal signed by all members of the supervisory committee and by the Associate Director, PhD, must be submitted by October 1 of Year 3 of registration.

 University of Toronto 63 St. George Street Toronto, ON Canada M5S 2Z9
Tel: 416-978-6614

We wish to acknowledge this land on which the University of Toronto operates. For thousands of years it has been the traditional land of the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, and the Mississaugas of the Credit. Today, this meeting place is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work on this land.

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english phd u of t

  • Our Program

How to Apply

We have one application cycle per year, and all admitted MA and PhD students begin in September. Applications are submitted online to the School of Graduate Studies of the University of Toronto.

  • October 7, 2024: Online application system opens
  • October 10, 2024 : Information session for Graduate Applications and Major Awards - Details Coming Soon.
  • December 8, 2024: Application payment and supporting documents submission deadline

Admission to both the MA and PhD Linguistics programs are highly competitive. Only applicants who meet at least the minimum requirements and whose research interests are consistent with our Department's areas of focus can be considered by the Admissions Committee.

I am interested in the MA Linguistics program

To apply for our MA program, you will need to have completed, or be about to complete, a 4-year undergraduate degree in linguistics with at least a B+ average in your final year. You do not need to have a specialist degree in linguistics, but you should have completed the following coursework:

  • Introductory-level phonetics, phonology, syntax, and semantics (equivalent to our LIN228H1, LIN229H1, LIN232H1, and LIN241H1 );
  • Upper-year phonology and syntax (equivalent to our LIN322H1 and LIN331H1 );
  • Several other linguistics courses at the advanced level.

In exceptional cases, a student may be allowed to take one of these required courses during the one-year MA, provided that they do not plan to write a Forum paper in this area.If you have at least introductory-level phonetics, phonology, syntax, and semantics, you may ask to be considered for admission to our two-year MA program. There is no separate application, but you may wish to indicate in your MA application that you are specifically interested in the two-year program. We offer the two-year MA to very exceptional students from universities whose programs we are familiar with, but who lack a strong background in linguistics due to a lack of courses at their home university. More often, however, we recommend that such a student take the courses required for admission to the one-year MA as a special student, either at the University of Toronto or elsewhere. Please note that a student in the first year of a two-year MA does not qualify for University of Toronto graduate funding.

I am interested in the Direct-Entry PhD Linguistics program

Students with a bachelor's degree, with a minimum A– average, may be admitted to the Direct-Entry PhD program. Admission to this program requires a strong background in linguistics with at least courses in introductory phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax and a demonstration of capacity for original research. Students wishing to be considered for the Direct-Entry PhD Program should indicate their interest in the program in their personal statement, and include all supplementary documents indicated in the online application. 

I am interested in the PhD Linguistics program

To apply for our PhD program, you will need to have completed, or be about to complete, a Master's degree in linguistics from a recognized university with an overall average of at least A-. Our PhD program is primarily intended for people interested in teaching linguistics and conducting advanced research. Your application needs to show the admissions committee that you are capable of independent, high-level linguistics research.

I am an applicant from outside Canada

We welcome applications from international students, though we have a limited number of places in our MA and PhD programs to offer to international applicants (that is to say, students who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents).

The School of Graduate Studies sets minimum admission requirements for all graduate students. If you are unsure how your own educational background aligns with the SGS requirements, you can check the International Degree Equivalencies Tool. As part of your admission requirements, you may be expected to provide proof of English-language proficiency.

Application timeline

We have one application cycle per year, for admission in the following September. The online application system opens on October 7. The application and document submission deadline is in December The first round of admission decisions will be sent out in early February, and continue until all places are filled. You should expect a response by early May.

Application Notes

Application fee.

There is a non-refundable application fee of $125 CAD, which can be paid by credit card. Payment of your application fee must be received by the School of Graduate Studies before we can consider your application.

The Department of Linguistics has a limited number of application fee waivers to offer to eligible applicants who self-identify as any of the following, including international applicants.

  • Indigenous, Black, and Persons of Colour (BIPOC)
  • Living with disability
  • Annual household income of less than $15,000 CAD

Only applicants who meet at least the minimum requirements and whose research interests are consistent with our Department's areas of focus will be considered for the Application Fee waiver.

NOTE: The application fee waiver is not an indication or promise of admission to the graduate program you are applying for. The admissions process is conducted separately.

Timeline and procedures:

1. Complete this  form by October 22nd 2024 (23:59 EST) and send the following supporting documents to [email protected] in pdf format.

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Unofficial transcripts for all university programs you have enrolled in or completed
  • If your highest degree in Linguistics is from a university outside of Canada and the US, please provide an additional document listing all the Linguistics courses you have taken and the textbook (or material) used in the course. Please be sure to make clear which courses these correspond to in the transcripts (e.g., correct course code and title).
  • Only complete applications will be considered.

2. You will receive notification whether you will receive a fee waiver or not by approximately the first week of November 2024.

3. Upon notification, you will receive further instructions about how and when to apply to the program. NOTE: Fee waivers can only be awarded in advance of application to the program; we cannot reimburse application fees if they have already been paid.

If you have any questions please contact  [email protected].

Information Session

Interested applicants are invited to an information session on applying to graduate school in the Department of Linguistics.

Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00-5:00PM 

Please complete this form  to Register

Zoom meeting access information will be sent out to all registered participants on October 24th

What's in an application?

Applications for our MA and PhD programs must be submitted electronically via the online Admissions Application, hosted by the School of Graduate Studies on a secure server. Once you have accessed the application and entered your contact information, an applicant identification number and password will be emailed to you. You can return to your application at any point. After completing the application and paying the application fee, you will be able to upload your supporting documents and check your application status.

MA Application

When completing the online application form, please be sure to tell us your area of study! (e.g., syntax, phonology, sociolinguistics...)

Your application consists of the following documents, all uploaded to your online application:

  • Transcripts from each university you have attended, complete to the time of application. These can be unofficial transcripts. If they are in a language other than English or French, please include a translation into English.
  • Three letters of reference from linguistics instructors, who can speak specifically to your skills as a student linguist. The link to our reference form and instructions will be sent directly to your referees, and the form should be uploaded to the application site.
  • Your statement of interest , of approximately two pages, outlining your research interests. In this document, please describe any competitions, events or achievements that you have taken part in, or received, that would help us understand your capabilities as a scholar and why you would be successful in our program. If you are interested in working with a specific faculty member, please let us know in your statement of interest.*
  • Optional:  Your  curriculum vitae (CV).*
  • Optional: One sample of your recent written work in linguistics , in English or French, of no more than 20 pages. This can be a term paper. It should provide evidence of your ability to conduct linguistics research.*
  • English-language proficiency test results, if you are an applicant whose primary language is not English. More information about recognized English-language proficiency tests can be found on the School of Graduate Studies' website, including the list of exemption conditions. Please note that students admitted to our MA and PhD programs generally have scores that exceed the SGS minimum requirements.
  • Ex. LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics; William O’Grady and John Archibald (eds.). Contemporary Linguistic Analysis: An Introduction. Eighth Edition. Toronto: Pearson Canada, 2016. ISBN: 978-0-321-83615-1

*For more information on how to submit your supplement documents, please view the page on "How to Submit Supplemental Documents" on the sidebar ( )

Direct-Entry PhD Application

  • Your  curriculum vitae (CV).*
  • Your  statement of interest  of two single-spaced pages max. outlining your academic background and research interests. This is an opportunity to tell the admissions committee what you have done as a University student (your academic background), what you intend to do in your MA/PhD studies (your research goals) and why University of Toronto Linguistics is the best place for you to pursue these research goals. If you are interested in working with a specific faculty member, please let us know in your statement of interest. (Note: In this document, you may also discuss any academic honours or achievements you may have earned or any competitions (e.g. university entrance examinations) you may have taken part in that would help us understand better your capabilities as a student and why you would be successful in our program.)*
  • One sample of your recent written work in linguistics , in English or French, of no more than 20 pages. This can be a term paper. It should provide evidence of your ability to conduct linguistics research.*
  • English-language proficiency test results, if you are an applicant whose primary language is not English. More information about recognized English-language proficiency tests can be found on the School of Graduate Studies' website, including the list of exemption conditions. Please note that students admitted to our graduate programs generally have scores that exceed the SGS minimum requirements.

(Note: Our original application instructions used the MA application form for the Direct-Entry PhD program.  If you applied using the previous set of instructions and have been in contact with us, you will not need to reapply using the PhD application form.)

PhD Application

  • Your  curriculum vitae (CV) .*
  • One sample of your recent written work in linguistics , in English or French, of no more than 20 pages. This can be a term paper. It should provide evidence of your ability to conduct linguistics research at an advanced level.*

Please Do Not Send

We do not require the following:

  • Paper copies of your application documents, unless we specifically request them. Regulations do not allow us to return any documents (and official transcripts are expensive!).
  • Graduate Records Examination (GRE) scores.

If you have questions about applying to the University of Toronto, the School of Graduate Studies hosts a comprehensive FAQ page. If you have technical difficulties with your application, please contact the School of Graduate Studies, including your name and applicant number. If you have other questions about your application, or need to change the email address for a referee, please contact the Graduate Administrator, also including your name and applicant number.

Proceed to the SGS Online Admissions Application

Last updated September 2023

  • How to Submit Supplemental Documents
  • Graduate Program & Policies
  • Request new password

School of Graduate Studies

Graduate programs, types of programs.

The training and experience you’ll acquire at the master’s or doctoral level at the University of Toronto will give you tools to drive change and excel in virtually any industry — whether you go on to teach and do research at a university, take a role in government, start a private enterprise, or embark on a professional career. Our research-driven graduate programs will help guide you through a lifetime of intellectual study, opportunity, and challenge.

View our types of graduate programs at a glance . Here’s a quick overview:

  • More than 70 professional graduate programs in health sciences, management, engineering, and more.
  • Approximately 140 combined degree programs.
  • 14 dual degree programs.
  • More than 40 collaborative specializations if you are interested in interdisciplinary studies.
  • 4 diploma programs for professionals who would like to pursue academic study but don’t wish to enrol in a graduate degree program.

Ready to apply?

Are you ready to launch a lifelong path of intellectual discovery and professional enrichment? Apply to graduate school at Canada’s #1 research institution.* Visit our Future Students page to find out more.

*According to Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings 2021 . View our rankings.

U of T graduate program directory

Explore our 400 areas of study within more than 300 graduate program below.

Questions? Explore the 2024-25 SGS Calendar to access comprehensive information about graduate programs.

Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact the graduate unit (department, centre, or institute) you’re thinking of applying to. Visit the graduate unit and collaborative specializations directory.

Program Graduate Unit Degree Type
Management, University of Toronto Scarborough MAccFin
Leadership, Higher and Adult Education​ MA / MEd / PhD
Aerospace Studies MASc / MEng / PhD
Anthropology MA / MSc / PhD
​Computer Science MScAC
Architecture, Landscape, and Design MArch
Architecture, Landscape, and Design PhD
Art History MA / PhD
Astronomy and Astrophysics MSc / PhD
Biochemistry MSc / PhD
Public Health Sciences​ MHSc
Medical Science MScBMC
​Biomedical Engineering MASc / MEng / PhD
Management & Innovation MBiotech
Cell and Systems Biology MSc / PhD
​Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry MASc / MEng / PhD
​Chemistry MSc / PhD
Applied Psychology and Human Development EdD / MA
​Cinema Studies MA / PhD
​Civil and Mineral Engineering MEngCEM
​Civil and Mineral Engineering MASc / MEng / PhD
Classics MA / PhD
Public Health Sciences​ MScCH
​Comparative Literature MA / PhD
​Computer Science MSc / PhD
Applied Psychology and Human Development MA / PhD
Psychological Clinical Science MA / PhD
Applied Psychology and Human Development EdD / MEd
​Criminology and Sociolegal Studies MA / PhD
​Curriculum, Teaching and Learning​ MA / MEd / PhD
​Dentistry MSc / PhD
​Dentistry MSc / PhD
Applied Psychology and Human Development MA / MEd / PhD
Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies MA / PhD
Earth Sciences MASc / MSc / PhD
​East Asian Studies MA / PhD
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology MSc / PhD
​Economics MA / PhD
Leadership, Higher and Adult Education​ EdD / MA / MEd / PhD
Electrical and Computer Engineering MASc / MEng / PhD
​English MA / MA (Creative Writing) / PhD
Environment MES
Physical and Environmental Sciences​ MEnvSc / MSc / PhD
European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies MA
Management, Rotman School of MBA (EMBA)
Management, Rotman School of MF
​Economics MFE
​Statistical Sciences MFI
Management, Rotman School of MFRM
Management & Innovation MFAcc
Architecture, Landscape, and Design MFC
Architecture, Landscape, and Design MScF / PhD
French Language and Literature MA / PhD
​Molecular Genetics MSc
​Geography and Planning MA / MSc / PhD
Germanic Languages and Literatures MA
Germanic Languages and Literatures PhD
Global Affairs and Public Policy MGA
Management, Rotman School of MBA (GEMBA)
Management, Rotman School of MBA (GEMBA-HLS)
​Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MHSc
​Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MHI
​Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc / PhD
Leadership, Higher and Adult Education​ EdD / MA / MEd / PhD
​History MA / PhD
​History and Philosophy of Science and Technology MA / PhD
Immunology MSc / PhD
Industrial Relations and Human Resources MIRHR / PhD
Information MI / PhD
​​​Italian Studies MA / PhD
Kinesiology MA / MSc / PhD
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology MHSc
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology MSc / PhD
Architecture, Landscape, and Design MLA
​Curriculum, Teaching and Learning​ MA / MEd / PhD
​Linguistics MA / PhD
Management, Rotman School of MMA
Management & Innovation MMPA
Management & Innovation MMI
Management, Tri-campus​ PhD
Management, Rotman School of MBA (Full-Time Extended)
Management, Rotman School of MBA (Full-Time)
​Materials Science and Engineering MASc / MEng / PhD
​Mathematical Finance MMF
Mathematics MSc / PhD
​Mechanical and Industrial Engineering MASc / MEng / PhD
Medical Biophysics MSc / PhD
​Molecular Genetics MHSc
​Physiology MHSc
Medical Science MSc / PhD
​Medieval Studies MA / PhD
​Molecular Genetics MSc / PhD
Museum Studies MMSt
​Music MA / PhD
​Music DMA / MMus
​Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations MA / PhD
​Nursing Science DN / MN / PhD
Nutritional Sciences MSc / PhD
Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy​ MScOT
Pharmaceutical Sciences​ MSc / PhD
​Pharmacology and Toxicology MSc / PhD
Pharmacy MScPhm
​Philosophy MA / PhD
Physical Therapy​ MScPT
Physics​ MSc / PhD
​Physiology MSc / PhD
​Geography and Planning MScPl / PhD
​Political Science MA / PhD
​Exercise Sciences MPK
Psychology​ PhD
Public Health Sciences​ DrPH / MPH / MSc / PhD
Global Affairs and Public Policy MPP
Rehabilitation Sciences MSc / PhD
Religion MA / PhD
Applied Psychology and Human Development MA / PhD
Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures MA / PhD
Social Justice Education EdD / MA / MEd / PhD
​Social Work MSW / MSW (ITR) / PhD
​Sociology MA / PhD
Spanish MA / PhD
Speech-Language Pathology​ MHSc
Rehabilitation Sciences MSc / PhD
​Statistical Sciences MSc / PhD
Management & Innovation MScSM
​Curriculum, Teaching and Learning​ MT
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology MHSc
Architecture, Landscape, and Design MUD
Management & Innovation MUI
Architecture, Landscape, and Design MVS
Women and Gender Studies MA / PhD

ACORN  |  Degree Explorer  |  Timetable  |  Program Toolkit  |  Sidney Smith Commons      


Academic Calendar

About the calendar, courses and programs, new for 2024-25, pdf and archive, course description by course code.

University Professors Emeriti  J.E. Chamberlin, PhD, FRSC (N)  R. Frank, MA, PhD, FRSC (U)  L.A. Hutcheon, MA, PhD, FRSC (N)  M. Millgate, MA, PhD, FRSC 

Professors Emeriti  T.H. Adamowski, MA, PhD  F.J. Asals, MA, PhD (N)  J.D. Baird, MA, PhD (V) C.R. Blake, MA, PhD (U) (Obit)  W.F. Blissett, MA, PhD, FRSC (U)  R.M. Brown, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)  E. Cameron, MA, PhD (U)  D.D.C. Chambers, MA, PhD (T)  E. Cook, MA, PhD, FRSC (V)  B. Corman, AM, PhD (T)  M. Cuddy-Keane, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)  A.H. de Quehen, PhD (U)  E.W. Domville, PhD (T)  J.D. Duffy, MA, PhD (I) (V) J. Dutka, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) (Obit) D.L. Esch, MA, PhD (V)   D.I. Galbraith, MA, PhD (V)  M. Garson, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)  W.H. Halewood, MA, PhD (U) G.A. Hamel, MA, PhD (N) (Obit)  E.R. Harvey, M Phil, PhD  B.S. Hayne, AM, PhD (SM)  A. diP. Healey, MA, PhD (U)  H.J. Jackson, MA, PhD  A.F. Johnston, MA, PhD, LL D, FRSC (V)  D.N. Klausner, PhD (U) N. ten Kortenaar, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)  J.C. Kuhn, MA, PhD (SM)  A.C. Lancashire, AM, PhD, FRSC (U)  D.I. Lancashire, MA, PhD, FRSC (N)  A.M. Leggatt, MA, PhD, FRSC (U)  J.L. Levenson, MA, PhD, FRSC (T)  N.R. Lindheim, MA, PhD  G. Matteo, MA, PhD (SM)  J.L. Matus, MA, PhD, FRSC (U)  R.R. McLeod, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)  S. Neuman, PhD, FRSC M. Nyquist, MA, PhD (N)  R.B. Parker, MA, PhD (T)  M. Redekop, MA, PhD (V)  J.H. Reibetanz, AM, PhD (V) J.M. Reibetanz, MA, PhD (T) (Obit)  A. Saddlemyer, MA, PhD, D Litt, LL D, FRSC (V)  P.D. Seary, MA, D Phil (N)  W.D. Shaw, AM, PhD, FRSC (V)  M.J. Sidnell, MA, PhD (T)  S.Z. Solecki, MA, PhD (U)  R. Sullivan, MA, PhD, FRSC  L. Thomson, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)  D. Townsend, MA, PhD (U)  C. Visser, B Litt, PhD (U)  G.T. Warkentin, MA, PhD (V) (FRSC)  F.W. Watt, MA, B Litt, PhD (U) 

Associate Professors Emeriti  G. Fenwick, MA, PhD (T)  J.M. Heath, MA, PhD (V)  G. Henderson, MA, PhD  M.J. Levene, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)  V. Li, MA, PhD  J.J. O'Connor, MA, PhD (SM)  J.W.O. Patrick, MA, PhD (V)  E.P. Vicari, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) M. Woodland, MA, PhD 

Professor and Chair of the Department N. Morgenstern, MA, PhD 

Associate Professor and Associate Chair A.E. Hernandez, MA, PhD 

University Professors T. Keymer, MA, PhD, FRSC  

Professors  A. Ackerman, MA, PhD (U)   A.J. Bewell, MA, PhD, FRSC (U)  R. Boyagoda, MA, PhD (SM), Vice-Dean, Undergraduate  G.E. Clarke, MA, PhD (U)  M. Cobb, MA, PhD (U)  P.B. Downes, MA, PhD (T)  A. Esterhammer, PhD, FRSC (V) (Principal of Victoria College) A. Gillespie, MA, D Phil (Vice-President & Principal, University of Toronto Mississauga)  M. Goldman, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)  R. Greene, D Phil (University of Toronto Mississauga)  A. Jaffe, PhD  S. Kamboureli, MA, PhD, FRSC (U)  K.R. Larson, M Phil, PhD (Vice-Dean, Teaching, Learning and Undergraduate Programs, University of Toronto Scarborough)  G.M. Leonard, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)  L. Magnusson, MA, PhD, FRSC (V) R. McGill, M Phil, PhD A. Most, MA, PhD  N. Mount, MA, PhD (T)  C.E. Percy, MA, D Phil (N) J. Rogers, MA, PhD M. Ruti, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)  S. Salih, MA, D Phil  C. Schmitt, MA, PhD D. Seitler, MA, PhD S. Stern, JD, PhD (U)  P.A. Stevens, MA, PhD, FRSC (T) R. R. Trilling, MA, PhD (January 2024) C. Warley, MA, PhD  K. Weisman, MA, PhD  D.E. White, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) I. Williams, MA, PhD M. Xie, PhD

Associate Professors  L. Blake, M Phil, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) C. Bolus-Reichert, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) A. Charise, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) T. Dancer, MA, PhD S.E. Dickie, MA, PhD  N. Dolan, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) A. DuBois, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) K. Gaston, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) M. Gniadek, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) A. Hammond, MA, PhD J. Hansen, MA, PhD (January 2024) C. Hill, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)  S. Lamb, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)  H. Li, PhD  A. Maurice, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) (UTSC Chair) S. Radović, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) T.F. Robins, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) W. Robins, MA, PhD (V) M. Sergi, PhD C. Suzack, MA, PhD  L. Switzky, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)  H.S. Syme, AM, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)  K. Vernon, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)  A. Walkden, M Phil, PhD D. Wright, MA, PhD (University of Mississauga)

Associate Professors, Teaching Stream  P. Grav, MA, PhD  S. Rayter, MA, PhD (U) 

Assistant Professors  T. Aguila-Way, MA, PhD  D.F. Baker, MA, PhD  C. Battershill, PhD U. Chakravarty, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) R. Mehta, MA, PhD  F.L. Michelet, M Phil, PhD  Y. Ryzhik, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) A. Slater, M Phil, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)  M. Teramura, MA, PhD  A. Thomas, M St, PhD (University of Toronto)  C.C. Azubuko-Udah, C Phil, PhD A. Walton, MTS, PhD  K. Williams, MA, PhD 

Assistant Professors, Teaching Stream  D. Flynn, PhD D.A. Newman, MA, PhD


Literary study engages with some of history's most creative and articulate thinkers as they contemplate fundamental and persistent questions: How do individuals form and sustain meaningful relationships with one another? What is the purpose of art? How does language record and shape human experience? As a student in the English program, you will be introduced to the literary tradition in English, a fascinating conversation spanning over a thousand years and connecting nations and peoples all across the globe. In addition, you will be trained in methods of critical reading and writing which will help you to comprehend complex texts and the authors and societies that produced them. The skills acquired by students of English are directly applicable to any career that requires critical thinking and effective communication--from education to government, law to engineering, business to medicine, and beyond. Just as valuably, the study of English will provide you with models and tools for discovering and articulating your own perspective on the many different kinds of written texts that make up our world.

The Department of English offers courses in British, Canadian, and American literature; Indigenous literatures of North America; postcolonial, transnational, and diasporic English literatures of Africa, the Caribbean, and South Asia; and in the critical and theoretical literature through which literary critics and philosophers have developed vocabulary and methods for describing the forms, histories, and ideologies of literary art.

English courses are arranged in four levels. Courses at the 100-level introduce students, in large lectures, to the study of English literature through sweeping surveys: of the literary tradition from Homer through the 19th century; of literature written in direct response to the events of recent decades; or of narrative forms in many genres and historical periods. Most 100-level courses include small-group tutorials, where students are introduced to critical reading and writing skills; essays at the 100-level typically do not require research or secondary sources. Courses at the 200-level provide historically, geographically, generically, or theoretically grounded introductions to the study of English literature. These include the four "gateway" courses required of all Specialists and Majors—introductions to the major national-historical fields (British, Canadian, and American) that comprise literatures in English—as well as a wide range of courses that will prepare students for further study. 300-level courses focus on particular literary periods, on diasporic literatures, and on special topics within a literature or literary genre. Courses at this level introduce students to research skills and typically require essays that incorporate secondary sources. Courses in the 400-level are both advanced and focused—unique courses created by Department faculty which often relate to their own research. Active student participation, including oral presentations, is an important part of these courses. These courses require a substantial research essay. English 400-level courses are open to students who have obtained standing in at least 9.0 credits, including 4.0 ENG credits, and who have completed ENG202H1 , ENG203H1 , ENG250H1 , and ENG252H1 (though exemptions may be made for students registered in our pre-2018 programs).

The Department of English offers several Programs of Study. The Specialist is the most intensive and comprehensive, requiring a minimum of 10.0 credits in a 20.0 credits degree. The Major is the Department’s most popular program. It provides both depth and breadth to students who wish to focus on English studies but also wish to leave room in their degrees to pursue other interests. The Minor is the Department’s second-most popular program, and can be combined with Majors or Minors in a wide variety of other fields. On the presumption that the Minor is a curiosity-driven program, Minors are exempt from the required courses and distribution requirements of the Specialist and Major. In Fall 2022, the Department of English started offering a Minor in Creative Writing. The Minor in Creative Writing is a limited enrolment program with the objective of allowing students to exercise their creativity and to improve as writers through the practice-based and reflective study of genres, strategies, and techniques.

The Department of English publishes detailed course descriptions and reading lists online, usually at the beginning of May. Students are urged to consult these course descriptions at  before enrolment begins.

Students with questions about the English Undergraduate Programs should consult the Undergraduate Advisor.

Undergraduate Associate Chair: Professor Alex Hernandez, 170 St. George Street, Room 608

Undergraduate Advisor: Vanessa Andres, 170 St. George Street, Room 609 (416-978-5026),  [email protected]

Regarding English Programs

Students are responsible for completing all the requirements of an English program from the Calendar of the year in which they enrolled in the program. Completion of a first-year ENG course is not a requirement for any of our programs. Please note that we do not accept ENG100H1, ENG102H1, or any CR/NCR courses toward any of our programs. Enrolment in the English Specialist program requires a final grade of at least 73% in ENG110Y1, ENG140Y1, or ENG150Y1; or a final grade of at least 73% in 2.0 ENG credits at the 200-level.

Office of the Faculty Registrar
Sidney Smith Hall
100 St. George Street, Room 1006
Toronto, ON M5S 3G3

© Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto

We wish to acknowledge this land on which the University of Toronto operates. For thousands of years it has been the traditional land of the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, and the Mississaugas of the Credit. Today, this meeting place is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work on this land.

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Best College Rankings

30 Best PhD Programs in English

college rank best phd programs english

Quick Highlights:

  • Our #1 ranked school for a PhD in English is  University at Buffalo , followed by  University of California, Berkeley .
  • PhD English programs focus on comprehensive English language and literature knowledge . They require coursework, exams, and a dissertation.
  • Specializations may be available in areas like rhetoric and digital humanities.
  • Many programs emphasize practical experience, including teaching opportunities and involvement in academic communities .

With one of the 30 top English PhD programs, career opportunities are numerous, because let’s face it: researching, writing, teaching, learning, communicating, and critical thinking all translate into a highly sought-after knowledge and skill set.

This is not a trick question: What would we do if we could not communicate with each other, whether verbally or in writing (or texting)?

Seriously think about it: Without language, what do we have?

There are those who live and breathe:

  • sentence structures

They can’t seem to get enough of learning about the dynamic subject we call English. If you love language, writing, research, learning, and continuously searching for that right word, a PhD in English may be the graduate program you’re looking for.

Check out our top English PhD program rankings and start preparing for your future!

  • Top MFA in Creative Writing
  • Best PhD in Communications

What Is a PhD in English?

A PhD in English is a terminal degree, meaning it’s the highest you can get in any given subject. While concentrations and programs of study differ, three parts of an English PhD are certain:

  • qualifying exams
  • a dissertation

Coursework typically includes various literature classes to provide a strong breadth of English language and literature knowledge. Most top English PhD programs also require foreign language requirements. After the coursework is finished in around 2-3 years, English majors will take a comprehensive qualifying exam to achieve doctoral status. This exam covers all they have studied this far, and passing it will allow them to move on to their dissertation.

A dissertation is the final step to earning a PhD in English. Think of it as an independent research project that takes years to:

  • compile information

The dissertation defense is the last step, where you present your project to a faculty panel.

Most top English PhD programs take five to seven years to complete, but of course, it depends on full-time or part-time status. It is also worth noting that many graduate schools, including the ones we have reviewed, provide full funding to the student earning a PhD.

You may also like: Doctorate vs PhD

What Are the Top English PhD Programs?

At CollegeRank , we strive to do our best to guide you and your family toward a fruitful academic career. The pursuit of knowledge is a noble one, and we want to help you reach your goals. Please feel free to visit our dedicated methodology page for a step-by-step breakdown. For questions, comments, badge downloads, or data corrections, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

University at Buffalo

Buffalo, New York

Average Net Price

University of Buffalo

While all of our rankings in this article are notable, The University of Buffalo ranks in the top 1% of not just the country but the world by the Center for World University Rankings. Founded in 1846, SUNY Buffalo is the largest campus in the 64-campus SUNY system. It offers one of the best English PhD programs. It just happens to be our #1 choice!

What sets SUNY Buffalo apart from others? As a student, you are a part of a vibrant, supportive community as an active participant in every part of the program. You are not just going to school, but you are a part of the process. This includes attending and voting in department meetings and joining the English Graduate Student Association (EGSA).

This top PhD in English requires 72 credits, which are satisfied through ten graduate seminar courses in fields such as:

  • American and British literature
  • poetics and critical theory

You will then take an oral qualifying exam and complete and defend a “book-length work of original scholarship,” otherwise known as a dissertation.

As a graduate program student, you are encouraged to publish during your time at SUNY Buffalo and equipped with a third-year workshop for this goal. This graduate program takes approximately five years and is fully in person. You can apply through the Graduate Enrollment Services.

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, California


Globally ranked as the fourth-best university according to U.S. News & World Report rankings, University of California-Berkeley has been described as a “glorious place,” full of “commitment to excellence.” This is a top graduate program in the country. The PhD in comparative literature, is both “historical and theoretical”. It includes a “signature combination of teaching and research on literature, film, and other media.”

In this English PhD program , you will choose one literature from a historical and critical perspective and complete comparative work in three kinds of literature. You will then complete ten courses encompassing:

  • comparative
  • major types of literature
  • minor types of literature

The University of California-Berkeley says this program takes approximately seven years to complete and includes a recommended timetable to stay on track.

The University of California-Berkeley offers a myriad of fellowships and financial aid to help with the cost of this PhD program. In addition, you have the opportunity to seek employment through the department in teaching and research assistantship programs. Alumni have won national awards from the Modern Language Association and the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA).

University of Maryland

College Park, Maryland

University of Maryland

The University of Maryland is devoted to social entrepreneurship. It is recognized as the nation’s first  “Do Good” university. Home to over 41,000 students and 388,000 alumni, UMD spans 12 schools and colleges. It offers 297 academic programs, including the nationally ranked PhD in English. This graduate program prepares students who plan to teach at the university level with:

  • language courses

Along with You will study an in-depth range of topics such as:

  • literary and cultural history,
  • aesthetic, critical and cultural theory
  • digital and media studies
  • humanistic engagement with the sciences
  • language, rhetoric and composition

You will complete a minimum of 12 courses, including a foreign language requirement, while maintaining a 3.6 GPA. 

UMD’s top English PhD program is highly competitive but well worth the competition if you are accepted because all students receive a five-year funding package. To apply, you need to submit:

  • a statement of goals and research interests
  • transcripts
  • three letters of recommendation
  • a sample of critical writing
  • an academic CV

The University of Texas at Austin

Austin, Texas

University of Texas at Austin

UT Austin is not only known for its food (especially breakfast tacos!) and music, but it’s also our #4 ranking. It has:

  • excellent academic programs
  • extensive research
  • shared values of “equity, excellence, innovation, and empowerment”

It is ranked #20 in Best Graduate Schools from U.S. News & World Report . UT Austin offers a PhD in English with a concentration in literature or rhetoric and digital literacies.

Whether you enter the program with a bachelor’s or a master’s degree, you are required to complete 39 graduate seminar hours before the end of your third year. You must pass the third-year examination to achieve doctoral candidacy. The final milestone for the PhD in English is the dissertation defense. Graduate students have access to six years of funding from combined teaching assistantships.

UT Austin’s admission is highly competitive. Each year, this English PhD program accepts 12-14 students into the literature concentration and four in the rhetoric and digital literacies program. You can apply through ApplyTexas if you have a BA or MA plus at least 15 hours of upper-division English credits with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

University of Wisconsin – Madison

Madison, Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin Madison

A top-ranked university with 19 faculty and alumni Nobel Prize winners? Yes, please! Check out UW-Madison, awarded #13 in America’s Best Colleges from U.S. News & Report . UW Madison offers more than 9,000 courses across over 450 academic programs, including a PhD in English with the following specializations:

  • Composition and rhetoric
  • English language and linguistics
  • Literature studies

This graduate program “combines a sharp focus on conceptual approaches to literary and cultural works with a commitment to broad coverage of the field of Anglophone literature.” As a student, you will tailor the program to your career goals through a required minor. You will also study interdisciplinary areas such as:

  • literary theory and criticism
  • gender studies
  • race and ethnic studies

You will complete 51-63 coursework credits depending on which concentration you choose. Each concentration includes:

  • major courses
  • minor courses
  • research/method/tools courses

While some of the best English PhD rankings offer online or hybrid formats, UW-Madison’s coursework is face-to-face. Applicants must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited institution. English degrees are preferred but they are not required.

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas

Texas Tech

Texas Tech warded a “Very High Research Activity” category by Carnegie Classification of Institution of Higher Education. It is a comprehensive public research university that spans 13 colleges and schools and 200 degree programs. At Texas Tech, you can earn a PhD in English with a specialization in literature.

One of the best parts of Texas Tech’s PhD in English is vast areas of study. You can choose any of the following concentrations:

  • Early British literature
  • Later British literature
  • English and American literature
  • Comparative literature, globalization, and translation
  • Creative writing
  • Linguistics
  • Book history and digital humanities
  • Film and media studies
  • Literature, social justice, and environment

No matter which concentration you choose, you will take courses such as:

  • Research Methods
  • Critical Methods
  • Writing for Publication
  • Teaching College Literature

Texas Tech employs a holistic assessment for applicants while looking for:

  • critical analysis skills
  • a focused academic purpose
  • strong letters of recommendation

University of South Florida

Tampa, Florida

University of South Florida

Located in the heart of Tampa Bay, the University of South Florida is one of the fastest-rising universities in the nation. U.S. News and World Report ranks it as the 46th best public university in the country. At UCF, you can earn a PhD in English with either a literature or rhetoric and composition concentration.

UCF’s top English PhD program requires at least 30 hours of coursework, including:

  • Scholarly Research and Writing
  • Teaching Practicum
  • Studies in Criticism and Theory

After completing your coursework, you must create and submit a portfolio and fulfill a foreign language requirement before you are admitted to doctoral candidacy. Then, the real fun starts: writing your dissertation.

USF graduate students can also earn graduate certificates in:

  • comparative literary studies
  • creative writing
  • digital humanities
  • professional and technical communication

UCF’s program is pretty competitive. You need:

  • a Master of Arts from an accredited university
  • at least a 3.7 GPA
  • “competitive” GRE verbal and analytical writing scores
  • recommendation letters
  • a scholarly writing sample
  • a personal statement

University of Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

University of Utah

“Step One: Imagine. Step Two: Do.”

The University of Utah is fondly known by students, faculty, and alumni as “The U,”. It features a simple yet profound motto that has inspired many graduates to go on and make their mark on the world. Notable alumni include writer Orson Scott Card and award-winning actor Stephen Covey, among many others.

You, too, can imagine what is possible and then take action by checking out the top PhD in English . It has concentrations in rhetoric and composition or literacy and cultural studies. The program entails:

  • Ten seminar courses (including four concentration courses)
  • Four additional English courses
  • Two courses in writing and rhetoric studies
  • A qualifying exam
  • A successful dissertation

The Department of English features ample opportunities for publications, along with the graduate student reading series, Working Dog, where you can showcase your original work to not only other classmates, but the public.

University of Arizona

Tucson, Arizona

University of Arizona

The University of Arizona is a nationally ranked university in public research and best value. It features a rich Native American history. The first graduating class in 1895 included three students before Arizona was even a state!

Check out the PhD in rhetoric, composition, and teaching of English – perfect if you intend to teach at a four-year college or a writing program.  UA’s Department of English states that the graduates of this doctoral program are “distinguished for their public engagement and action-oriented research, published scholarship, and innovative teaching.” 

The University of Arizona has an outstanding 97% job placement. English PhD graduates find themselves as nationally recognized scholars teaching, researching, and writing all over the world.

In this top English PhD program, you will complete 66 credit units, which includes 18 dissertation credits. Courses include:

  • Research Methods in Rhetoric and Composition
  • Qualifying Portfolio Workshop

To apply, you need to submit:

  • a CV, a statement of purpose
  • unofficial transcripts
  • a writing sample in rhetoric or composition

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Louisiana State University

LSU is Louisiana’s flagship institution. Louisiana State University is known for its top-notch academics and impressive return on investments. Ninety-two percent of all students receive scholarships or financial aid. Two in three students graduate with absolutely no debt. LSU’s PhD in English arms graduate students with the knowledge and skills to become expert:

  • researchers

Similar to most English PhD programs, this program is organized into three phases:

  • dissertation

The coursework consists of 48 credit hours of literature that “range across periods, genres, and traditions,” and critical and theoretical methods. Students will then take their exams and progress into the dissertation phase.

Students typically write one chapter of their dissertation per semester while enrolled in the Dissertation Writing Workshop. A perk of this program is that you can apply if you have either a Bachelor’s or Master’s of Arts. If you already have a master’s degree, you can apply up to 24 credit hours toward this degree and finish the PhD in just four years.

Arizona State University

Tempe, Arizona

Arizona State University

Arizona State University boasts several national recognitions. This includes #1 in the country for most innovative school and the best graduate schools from U.S. News & World Report. Among the half a million alumni include notable:

  • politicians
  • actors and actresses

ASU features a PhD in English literature that is worth checking out!

The PhD in English literature emphasizes literary texts not only from a cultural and historical perspective but also from the “production, distribution, and reception.” The “texts” are defined as “folklore, oral traditions, popular culture, and film and digital media in addition to traditional literature.” The graduate program includes 42-72 hours in coursework. It also includes 12 hours of dissertation work.

This doctoral program is highly flexible and allows you to take courses in your interest areas. Sample courses include:

  • Methods and Issues in Teaching Composition
  • Rhetorical Traditions

To apply you need:

  • statement of purpose
  • an academic writing sample of 10-25 pages

The deadline to apply is January 1, and the GRE is not required.

University of California – Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California


Have you ever wondered which U.S. city features the most museums and theaters than any other city? Well, it’s Los Angeles!  UCLA is proud to be right in the center of the excitement. (And in case you’re wondering, LA is home to 105 museums and 225 theaters!) At UCLA-Los Angeles, you can join the current 15,724 graduate students and earn a comprehensive PhD in English literature.

UCLA structures its PhD in three stages. Stage one entails 14 graduate seminars in English literature, with various requirements to ensure a diverse depth of literature. Stage one also includes a first qualifying exam before you proceed to stage two for a second qualifying exam. Stage three is the research, writing, and completion of a dissertation. It begins in year five and typically takes two years to complete.

Component of UCLA’s PhD program include:

  • dissertation project
  • teacher training

Teaching assistantships are available and encouraged for graduate students. To apply you need to submit:

  • a writing sample of 15-25 pages

Currently, the GRE exam requirement is waived because of Covid-19.

University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor, Michigan

University of Michigan

The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor was voted #1 for Best Small College Town in America and Best U.S. Public University ( QS World University Rankings and Wallethub ). It is globally recognized for its exceptional academic quality. U-M Ann Arbor features a stellar doctoral program in English language and literature for those who aim to:

  • write in a collective community

This top English PhD program allows you to specialize in British, American, or anglophone literature. Also, to“explore a wide range of critical, theoretical, and cultural perspectives.” The program focuses on learning as a social process. This is one reason why English graduate students are guaranteed six years of program funding! A huge perk.

In your first year you will:

  • complete two basic languages or one advanced language
  • Introduction to Graduate Studies
  • three upper-level seminars

Your second year will be devoted to the preliminary examination. In the third year, a third-year review, which will provide feedback and direction. Finally, you will devote your last few years to your dissertation.

University of Missouri

Columbia, Missouri

University of Missouri

If you know what the Tiger Walk and Tiger Prowl are, you certainly are familiar with the University of Missouri. It is fondly known as Mizzou. With a long history of traditions, Mizzou’s pride is seen all over the world. You can earn a PhD in English in just five years, including 30 hours of coursework that provides “deep knowledge and methodological sophistication. with a concentration on creative writing or literature.

Sample courses include:

  • Literacy Criticism
  • The Theory and Practice of Teaching in English
  • English Linguistics
  • creative writing workshops if you choose the creative writing concentration

By the spring of your third year, you should begin writing your dissertation. This could be scholarly or creative, depending on your concentration. You will have two years to complete your dissertation before you defend it by the end of your fifth year.

Recent dissertation titles include:

  • “Medieval Romance, Fanfiction, and the Erotics of Shame” 
  • “Science Frictions: Science, Folklore, and ‘The Future ” 
  • “Magical Safe Spaces: The Role of Literature in Medieval and Early Modern Magic” 

University of Virginia – Main Campus

Charlottesville, Virginia

University of Virginia

The University of Virginia is one of the very best in the nation. Both U.S. News & World Report and Money Magazine rank UVA #2 and #4 as the best public university and the best value. UVA houses a PhD in English language, literature, and research that leads graduates to all types of careers in:

  • education administration

This best English PhD program entails 72 credits, including courses like:

  • Introduction to Literary Research
  • Dissertation Seminar

During the second semester of the fourth year, students will give a 40-min talk about their dissertation. This is a great opportunity for students to share their work with a formal venue before they defend their dissertation later.

In addition to this degree, you can earn graduate certificates in:

  • Comparative literature
  • Gender and sexuality studies
  • African studies
  • Environmental humanities
  • Digital humanities

Accepted students receive financial support and health insurance for at least five years of their duration in the program.

University of Tennessee Knoxville

Knoxville, Tennessee

University of Tennessee Knoxville

Founded in 1794, UT Knoxville is one of the oldest in the country. UT Knoxville spreads across 910 acres. The 294 buildings house 11 colleges and 900 programs of study! If you’re a teacher and want to continue your education studies, then UT’s PhD in literacy studies and education may be for you.

This program is not a standard PhD in English. It combines English and education and allows you to choose from a number of concentrations and specializations. You can choose between literacy studies and education. Then you can further choose an emphasis like:

  • children’s and young adult literature
  • ESL education
  • literacy education

This program includes 48 credit hours beyond a master’s degree. This includes six credits in a cognate area and 24 hours of doctoral research and dissertation courses. Comprehensive exams should be completed in five years. The dissertation should be completed within eight years. To apply to this program, you need at least three years of teaching experience.

University of Louisiana

Lafayette, Louisiana

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Smart. Spirited. Solution-Driven.

Those are words to describe the University of Louisiana at Lafayette It is the second-largest university in Louisiana, home to over 19,000 students. We also must mention that UL’s sports teams are THE Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns®! With a PhD in English from UL, you will receive a strong background in British and American language and literature. You can further customize your program to match your career goals.

UL now has over 100 students in its PhD program, which is a lot for a PhD in English! You can specialize in four areas (out of 21!) such as:

  • critical theory
  • Africana literature
  • feminist theory and criticism

The degree requires 72 credit hours, which include 48 in coursework and 24 in dissertation research.

UL’s PhD program asks for application materials that “testify to solid academic preparation for advanced work.” These materials include:

  • Transcripts
  • Recommendation letters
  • A Statement of purpose
  • A CV with relevant academic/professional experience
  • A critical (or creative) writing sample
  • Optional GRE scores

To enter in the spring, submit your application by November 15.

New York University

New York City, New York


Imagine studying English in one of the most vibrant cities in the nation: New York City. New York University Steinhardt is a top university. It is ranked #10 among the Best Graduate Schools in Education ( U.S. News & World Report ). NYU Steinhardt offers a range of programs:

  • doctoral programs

This includes the notable PhD in English education: secondary and college.

This doctoral program at New York University prepares graduates to become:

  • university researchers
  • English curriculum specialists
  • post-secondary English language educators

You will enjoy small classes in one of the most diverse settings in the world: New York City! As a student, you will complete 48-60 credits, depending on the focus area and prior coursework.

Coursework includes:

  • teaching and learning seminars
  • two cognate courses
  • foundation requirements
  • research methodology classes

Before beginning your dissertation, you will complete a research experience course to prepare you. While many programs require full-time status, you can complete this PhD full-time or part-time. To apply, you need:

  • A statement of purpose
  • A writing sample (no more than 20 pages)
  • Three recommendation letters

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania

Benjamin Franklin once said, “well-done is better than well-said.” This statement, by the school’s founder, serves as the cornerstone tradition of the University of Pennsylvania. Since the 1740s, Penn continues to evolve into a place of social activism, touching all of its programs. Penn’s PhD in English combines English and American literature to produce a comprehensive program with a range of specializations.

This “intellectually dynamic and rigorous” PhD program prepares students to be scholars and educators of English. You can specialize in one primary field. Or you can specialize in two additional fields such as:

  • contemporary poetry

Penn recognizes that true learning comes when students become active participants in their academic and social community. The program’s emphasis is on the relationships between scholars and faculty.

In this top English PhD program , you will take courses such as Teaching of Literature and Composition. This is along with six literature courses spanning throughout various time periods. During your third year, you will choose a specialization as you start working on your dissertation. All PhD students receive the Benjamin Franklin Fellowship, which covers tuition and health insurance for five years.

Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts

english phd u of t

Have you ever wondered which academic institution is our nation’s oldest? Well, it’s Harvard University, established in 1636! With over 400,000 alumni all over the world including:

  • 49 Nobel Laureates
  • 32 heads of state
  • 48 Pulitzer Prize winners

It’s no wonder Harvard University made our list of top English PhD rankings. After all, it’s Harvard! Check out Harvard University’s PhD in English that covers topics ranging from medieval literature to criticism and theory.

Harvard’s PhD in English provides a broad knowledge of English and teaches students to:

  • research and write well
  • teach effectively
  • present their research at conferences and seminars

The first two years are devoted to coursework and preparing for the PhD qualifying exam, while the rest of the time is spent working on the dissertation.

Check out the many past doctoral theses and dissertations published on Harvard University’s website. Harvard states that this program typically takes between four and seven years. Most students finishing in five or six years. While GRE scores are not required for admission, past English classes, strong writing samples, and excellent letters of recommendation are.

Columbia University in the City of New York

english phd u of t

A private Ivy League University, Columbia University has been a leader in higher education for over 250 years. Columbia University spans three undergraduate schools and 13 graduate schools. This includes the Teacher College, which opened in 1880. Columbia’s Teacher College features a PhD in English education for students who aim to become teachers and researchers in higher education.

This English PhD program includes 75 credits, and students may transfer up to 30 credits from previous graduate work. All PhD English education majors will take courses like:

  • Research Paper: Teaching of English
  • Professional Seminar: Foundational Texts

As a student, you stay on track through:

  • milestones of coursework
  • meeting with your dissertation committee

While most doctoral English PhD programs only admit students once a year, Columbia’s program allows entry in both the summer and fall. To apply you need:

  • a master’s degree in English
  • education or a related field
  • at least 3-5 years of full-time teaching experience
  • an academic writing sample

Cornell University

Ithaca, New York

english phd u of t

Cornell University is a private Ivy League research university in Ithaca, NY. It is home to over 24,000 students. This top-ranked university includes 15 colleges and schools, including The College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell University. You can earn a PhD in English and language literature. This English PhD program comes with a generous financial package for students.

Cornell’s PhD in English language and literature allows you to customize your plan of study to suit your interests. You will form a faculty committee that will work with you on selecting your courses and writing and revising your dissertation. You can choose from a myriad of areas such as:

  • Romance studies
  • Cultural studies

This graduate program also emphasizes teaching an essential part of this plan of study. As a student, you are required to teach writing-intensive courses for at least one year during your time at Cornell. As mentioned, Cornell University provides five years of funding that includes:

  • full tuition
  • health insurance

Syracuse University

Syracuse, New York

english phd u of t

Syracuse University, a highly-ranked private research institution, states that “being orange is more than just a color, a place or degree. It embodies a lifelong connection to a global network of innovators, thinkers, and creative solution finders.” Join the “Orange Community” of 22,000 other students when you earn a top PhD in English from Syracuse University.

Syracuse’s Ph.D. in English includes “specialized professional training in criticism, theory, research, and the teaching of literary and filmic texts”. It prepares you to teach at the college and university level.  You can apply whether you have a BA or master’s degree, and you will take between 12-18 courses, depending on your past academic records.

This PhD program is pretty straightforward. You will take courses like:

  • Introduction to Critical Theory
  • focused graduate seminars
  • a foreign language

You will also take two exams: the field exam and the qualifying exam. This will qualify you as a doctoral candidate to begin:

  • researching
  • defending your dissertation

Syracuse boasts an excellent job placement record for PhD in English graduates.

Washington University in St. Louis

St. Louis, Missouri

english phd u of t

Washington University was founded in 1853 in St. Luis. WashUis an independent university with more than 16,000 students from all 50 states and more than 100 countries. It offers many opportunities, including:

  • customizable programs
  • study abroad experiences
  • impressive financial aid options

You won’t want to miss the PhD in English and American literature from the College of Arts and Sciences.

Washington University’s PhD in English and American literature is described as “innovative, collegial, competitive, and generously funded, offering one of the top financial packages in the nation”. The program is rooted in literary history. As a student, you can tailor your plan of study to incorporate areas of English that you want to explore.

During your time at WashU, you will serve as both a graduate assistant and instructor in undergraduate English and literature courses. During year four, you will submit a dissertation prospectus. The next two years you will spend working on your dissertation. By April of year six, you will be ready to defend your dissertation and become a Doctor of English!

Northwestern University

Evanston, Illinois

english phd u of t

Ranked #9 in the U.S. News & World Report 2020 Best Colleges, Northwestern University is a comprehensive research university. It has more than 13,000 graduate students and an impressive student-to-faculty ratio of 6:1. Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University features a PhD in literature that emphasizes:

  • literary history
  • criticism, and theory
  • interdisciplinary studies

This best English graduate program includes:

  • lectures and workshops from global scholars
  • student-organized colloquia
  • reading groups, conferences
  • many ways to learn from not only the faculty, but from peers

You will complete 20 graduate-level courses in diverse historical periods during your first three years. In addition, you will complete a foreign language requirement by the end of year one.

At Northwestern, you will:

  • work as a graduate assistant
  • teach at least one course
  • work on your dissertation during years four and five

While this PhD program can be completed in five years, most students complete it in six. As a graduate student at Northwestern, you will receive:

  • full financial aid
  • travel grants
  • pedagogical training
  • job placement

University of Miami

Coral Gables, Florida

english phd u of t

Established in 1925, the University of Miami is a private research academic institution with numerous national recognitions in academic and research success. Check out UM’s Pride Points and what it means to be part of the Hurricane family. While you’re at it, check out the PhD in English with concentrations in Caribbean studies or early modern literature. This is a degree full of diversity and opportunity.

UM’s PhD in English is nationally ranked by the National Research Council for student and faculty diversity. As a student at UM, you will enjoy diverse topics such as:

  • Caribbean literature
  • early modern literature
  • cultural theory

The cohorts are only five to seven students, so you will be among a tight-knit community of English scholars.

UM admits incoming students with either a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in English, and your previous degree(s) will determine whether you need to take 54 or 36 credits of coursework. You will also receive:

  • at least five years of tuition remissions

UM reports that over 90% of its PhD graduates have full-time employment within nine months of graduating.

University of Chicago

Chicago, Illinois

english phd u of t

The University of Chicago, a highly-ranked private research university, is known for its value of free and open inquiry. This has led to research breakthroughs such as:

  • finding the cancer-genetics link
  • discovering revolutionary economics links
  • improving the graduation rates in urban cities

UChicago’s PhD in English language and literature involves intensive research for solutions, and open expression, staying true to UChicago’s values.

The University of Chicago’s PhD in English language and literature “prepares students for independent work as teachers, scholars, and critics by developing their abilities to pose and investigate problems in the advanced study of literature in English.” The four major elements of this program include:

  • the dissertation.

Part of the appeal of this program are the dynamic courses like:

  • The Print Revolution and New Readers: Women, Workers, Children
  • Early Science Fiction
  • Readings in Exile
  • scanned transcripts
  • 3-4 recommendation letters
  • a 15-20 page writing sample
  • a 1-3 page statement of purpose

Boston College

Newton, Massachusetts

english phd u of t

“Education with a heart and soul – and the power to transform” is Boston College’s motto. Boston College is the first higher education institution in Boston. This private Jesuit research university is among one of the nation’s leaders. Boston College’s PhD in English gives graduate students the choice of a wide range of courses to tailor the program to their interests and career goals.

As a student, you are required to take just four PhD seminars along with courses in composition theory and pedagogy and research colloquium. The rest is up to you, and you will work with your advisor to build your program. Teaching is another component and starting with your second year, you will become a teaching assistant in a British or American literature class.

We’ll be honest: the very thing that we love about this program—the small classes—means that each year Boston College only admits 4-5 students. Applications for the fall semester are due by January 2. To apply you need:

  • a critical writing statement

The Catholic University of America

Washington, D.C.

english phd u of t

Right in the heart of our nation’s capital, you will find the Catholic University of America. It is the only national research academic institution found by the U.S. bishops. CatholicU is a great place to earn a  PhD in English language and literature offering:

  • more than 250 academic programs
  • 5,700 students
  • 90,000+ alumni

And who wouldn’t want to study literature in Washington D.C.?

CatholicU’s English language and literature program includes 54 credit of coursework, a comprehensive exam, and a dissertation. The comprehensive exam consists of three parts:

  • literary theory
  • the history of criticism

After you pass the exam, you will begin your dissertation, described by CatholicU as “a substantial piece of original research,” which “gives the doctoral program its capstone.”

CatholicU’s location allows you to become fully immersed in literary history since you are among some of the most reputable museums, research collections, and libraries. Classes are small, so you will get personalized attention, including pedagogical training. CatholicU offers funding for this English language and literature PhD program for up to seven years.

University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, Indiana

english phd u of t

Notre Dame’s College of Arts and Letters features a “flexible and dynamic” PhD in English that entails 42 credits of literary criticism courses, preparing you for:

  • individualized reading courses
  • independent study

Your written and oral exams in the third year will assess your knowledge and skills in your specialization, a secondary field, literary theory, and methodology.

You will then focus on researching for your dissertation, which you will defend in year five or six. 

Notre Dame also offers a 5+1 program that gives job incentives for students finishing this program in five years.

Frequently Asked Questions

PhD graduates can find rewarding careers in academia, journalism, media, and other communication fields. You can also become a content strategist or explore writing opportunities. Your expertise in language and literature opens doors to diverse fields of research and publishing.

Historical trends indicate PhDs in English graduates find jobs in academia, research, publishing, and related fields. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of postsecondary teachers (which includes university professors) is projected to grow 8% through 2032. This should result in about 118,000 new job openings each year, over the next 10 years.

Pay varies for PhD in English graduates, based on factors such as experience, location, and employment sector. In academia, assistant professors with a PhD in English start with salaries ranging from $60,000 to $80,000, while more experienced professors earn higher salaries.

A PhD in English typically takes 5 to 7 years. It involves coursework, comprehensive exams, dissertation research, and writing. Some online PhD programs allow students to finish their degree in less time, but the average is 6 years.

Many PhD programs in English offer financial support to students, which can include tuition waivers, stipends, and teaching or research assistant positions. Students often receive compensation for their teaching or research contributions, helping to offset costs during their doctoral studies. Stipends and compensation for teaching or research assistantships can range from a few thousand dollars to more substantial amounts, depending on the university, location, and program.

Yes, earning a PhD in English grants you the title of “Doctor.” When you successfully complete a doctoral program, including a PhD in English, you’re awarded the academic title of “Doctor of Philosophy.” You can use the prefix “Dr.” before your name in professional and academic contexts.

Yes, it is possible to pursue a PhD in English without a master’s degree. Some doctoral programs accept students with a bachelor’s degree directly into their PhD programs, providing specific academic and admission requirements are met.

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  • University of Toronto TSpace This link opens in a new window The University of Toronto's research bank. Showcases and preserves the scholarly work of the U of T community, and makes theses and dissertations publicly accessible online.
  • Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global The most comprehensive worldwide collection of dissertations and theses. Full text for many dissertations added since 1997+.
  • Theses Canada This link opens in a new window Comprehensive collection of Canadian theses at Library and Archives Canada. Covers U of T dissertations from 1950+ and master's theses from 1989+.
  • School of Graduate Studies - Theses University of Toronto's Open Access repository (TSpace)
  • Engineering & Computer Science
  • UofT Archives

Many print U of T doctoral dissertations and masters' theses are listed in LibrarySearch . Older print theses may be listed in a card catalogue at the particular library in which it is held.

Theses from 2009+ are submitted online only to TSpace .

For information on print theses at different U of T libraries please click on the tabs above.

Doctoral dissertations and masters' theses submitted between 1989 and 2009 are listed in LibrarySearch .

Search by author, title or subject.

Browse theses and dissertations by doing an advanced search  and selecting 'Thesis' from the format dropdown menu.

Doctoral dissertations and master's theses from  1972-1989  are also available on  microform  in the  Media Commons , 3rd floor, Robarts Library.

Search for doctoral dissertations and theses submitted between  1930 to 1997 in the card catalogue in the Reference Department, 4th floor, Robarts Library.

Search by author, department, or subject.

Image of location of theses in Robarts Library

For University of Toronto masters and doctoral theses in the sciences consult the library catalogue . Theses can be searched in the catalogue by author, title, or department .

Ask at the Gerstein Information Desk for assistance.

Where do I find a paper copy in Gerstein?

microfiche copies of U of T masters theses in the sciences are held in the Media Commons (4th Floor), Robarts Library

All theses are shelved by author name on 2-Below at the end of the Z call number range.

Please note that the Engineering & Computer Science Library no longer keeps print theses in the library.  Some theses are located at Gerstein Science Information Centre and others at Downsview. For information on a thesis is located see below .

If you have the citation information for a print thesis, you can search the UTL catalogue :

  • By the title of the thesis
  • By the author of the thesis

If you would like to browse UofT's theses holdings, use the following instructions:

  • Go to the UTL Catalogue .
  • Select Call number from the drop-down list.
  • Type in the appropriate code (i.e. AEROS for aerospace science and engineering).
  • Optional: Type in the year , if you know the year you are looking for
  • Example: AEROS 1985  

List of Engineering and Computer Science Theses Codes:

  • AEROS (aerospace science and engineering)
  • IBMEN (biomedical engineering/biomaterials and biomedical engineering)
  • CHENG & CHEMG (chemical engineering)
  • CIENG (civil engineering)
  • COMPS (computer science)
  • ELENG (electrical engineering/electrical and computer engineering)
  • INENG (industrial engineering)
  • METAL (metallurgy, materials science and engineering)
  • MEENG (mechanical engineering/mechanical and industrial engineering)

Finding theses from OISE

All OISE theses & dissertations submitted after November 2009 are available on TSpace

Pre 2009 theses are located on the 2nd floor of the OISE library  and are filed alphabetically by author's last name

Theses are searchable in the library catalogue

  • The  University of Toronto Archives holds master's theses from 1897 to 1989 & doctoral theses from 1900 to 1985
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  • Last Updated: May 30, 2023 9:44 AM
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Doctor of Philosophy in Literature

Program description.

The graduate program in literature brings together scholars, creative writers and translators who share a commitment to transnational and interdisciplinary approaches to literary study and practice. The PhD in literature provides students with a flexible context in which to pursue research across a wide range of literary traditions, critical approaches and theoretical debates. In addition to coursework in literary studies, students have the opportunity to participate in creative writing and/or literary translation workshops as well as seminars in other disciplines, such as film studies, the history of ideas, philosophy and the visual and performing arts.

Students pursuing the PhD in literature may, if their coursework supports it, submit a translation or creative writing project as part of their dissertation.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the program seek positions such as: teacher/educator, writer, editor, publisher, translator and critic. Career settings may include higher education, nonprofits, cultural and historical organizations, publishing houses, government agencies, international development organizations, museums and archives, business/corporate entities and independent consulting.

Marketable Skills

Review the marketable skills for this academic program.

Application Requirements

Visit the  Apply Now  webpage to begin the application process.  

Applicants to the Doctoral degree program should have:  

  • A baccalaureate degree (BA or MA) or its equivalent from an accredited institution of higher education, normally in an arts and humanities field.  
  • Letters of Recommendation: Applicants must submit 3 letters of recommendation from faculty, or other individuals, able to judge the candidate’s potential for success in the program.  
  • Admissions Essay: Applicants must submit a 650-word narrative essay, which should be reflective rather than factual. The essay should address the applicant’s academic interests and goals and indicate how the program would enable such pursuits.  
  • A writing sample: Submit an academic writing sample (e.g., a seminar paper or a critical essay). 
  • International applicants must submit a TOEFL score of at least 80 on the internet-based test.  Scores must be less than two years old. See the  Graduate Catalog  for additional information regarding English proficiency requirements for international applicants.  
  • Each application is considered holistically on its individual merits. You must submit all supporting documents before the Graduate Admissions Committee can review your application. 
  • The Graduate Record Examination is not required. 

Deadline:  The application deadline is January 15. All applications completed by the deadline will be reviewed for admission. Applications submitted or completed after January 15 may be reviewed for admission only if spaces remain within the upcoming cohort and will be reviewed in order by the date the application file became complete.

Contact Information

Literature Graduate Programs Email: [email protected]

Dr. Charles Hatfield Associate Professor and Program Head Phone: 972-883-2780 Email: [email protected]

Graduate Advising Kelly Erb Phone: 972-883-6167 Email: [email protected]

Graduate Admissions Phone: 972-883-6176 Email: [email protected] Request Bass School Graduate Program Information

Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology The University of Texas at Dallas, JO31 800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080-3021

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PhD in English

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Cambridge is an outstanding place to work on Anglophone literature. Students and scholars benefit from world-class libraries, and from each other. The PhD cohort is diverse and large in number. No particular area or approach is preferred. Faculty members who act as supervisors and advisors for doctoral theses work on a great variety of topics and in varied ways. Proposals of all kinds are therefore welcome: from little-known as well as canonical authors, innovative and interdisciplinary perspectives, and more traditional thematic, theoretical, cultural, and literary-historical perspectives. Regular postgraduate training sessions offer guidance at every stage of the process - from first-year assessment to learning to teach to applying for jobs. In addition to the formal training, there are excellent opportunities for the sorts of enriching conversations and collaborations that emerge informally, between fellow PhDs, MPhils, and Faculty members. Some of these take place under the auspices of the student-run Graduate Research Forum. Regular Research Seminars focus on particular periods and fields (for instance, Medieval, Nineteenth Century, Postcolonial and Related Literatures); these combine internal and invited speakers, and encourage discussions and relationships between the entire research community. The Faculty also puts on occasional conferences on all manner of topics; like the research seminars, many of the most successful and exciting ones are conceived of and run by PhD students.

MPhil students in English Studies who wish to continue to the PhD must apply for admission through the University's admission processes, taking funding and application deadlines into consideration. Readmission is not automatic and each application is considered on its own merits. The expected standard for continuation is an overall mark of at least 70 in the MPhil course, including at least 70 for the dissertation. Other conditions may be imposed.

The University hosts and attends fairs and events throughout the year, in the UK and across the world. We also offer online events to help you explore your options:

Discover Cambridge: Master’s and PhD study webinars - these Spring events provide practical information about applying for postgraduate study.

Postgraduate Virtual Open Days - taking place in November each year, the Open Days focus on subject and course information.

For more information about upcoming events visit our events pages .

Key Information

3-4 years full-time, 4-7 years part-time, study mode : research, doctor of philosophy, faculty of english, course - related enquiries, application - related enquiries, course on department website, dates and deadlines:, michaelmas 2025.

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Easter 2026

Funding deadlines.

These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2025, Lent 2026 and Easter 2026.

Similar Courses

  • English Studies MPhil
  • Literature, Culture and Thought (Research) MPhil
  • Literature, Culture and Thought (Taught) MPhil
  • Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Korean Studies) MPhil
  • Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Korean Studies) MPhil

Postgraduate Admissions Office

  • Admissions statistics
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Funding Opportunities

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Below is a detailed list of the various funding opportunities available to our graduate students

Graduate Assistantships

The English department partners with several centers and units to provide competitive graduate assistantship opportunities to our graduate students. Graduate assistantships are an opportunity to gain professional experience and develop skills outside of teaching. Students receive the same pay and benefits as teaching assistants. Calls for applications are circulated each spring semester. If you would like more information about a particular assistantship, please reach out to the director of graduate studies or program coordinator to be connected with supervising faculty and past assistants. The following organizations offer assistantships each year: ​

  • Center for Material Culture Studies
  • Assistant Director for University Writing Center
  • UD Press Scholarly Publishing Assistant
  • Winterthur Museum & Library
  • Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
  • Special Collections

Hourly Positions

UD English also supports hourly paid internships and research assistantships at $20.00 to $30.00 per hour for positions that require less than 5 hours of work per week.​

​Interdisciplinary Graduate Teaching Assistantships (IGTA) ​

The university offers several competitive teaching assistantships each year. Although all of our doctoral students are funded on teaching assistantships as instructors for English courses, the opportunity to assist faculty in a complementary discipline helps students gain valuable interdisciplinary experience. IGTAs assist a faculty member in another department with their undergraduate courses. Participating departments may include but are not limited to Women & Gender Studies, Political Science, Philosophy and Anthropology. IGTA's receive the same stipend and benefits as​ English teaching assistants. Calls for applications go out each spring semester. ​

​Internal: Department Travel Awards

The department holds between  2 competitions  for travel funding during the academic year,  one in Fall and one in Spring . We support graduate student travel to conferences and to research sites such as archives.

Priority is given to national conferences at which the student will be presenting original work. In applying for travel funding, students should speak to the prestige of the conference and the role it will play in their professional development.

Students interested in applying for a travel grant should review the instructions given in the Graduate Handbook and look for the DGS's email announcement in Fall or Spring.

University Awards & Fellowship​s​

Graduate College Awards

Funds for travel

  • G raduate Travel Award  - up to $1500 to support travel and conference paper presentation
  • Summer D​​oc​toral Fellowship  - These awards of up to $7,333 provide stipend support for doctoral students who do not have summer appointments or who do not have appointments at the campus minimum stipend rate.​
  • Collection Based Research​ Grant  - up to $300 for short term research travel
  • Unidel Louise Roselle Collectio​ns-Based Research Travel Award  - up to $4500 to support students’ research travel to libraries, archives and museums worldwide

Recruitment Scholarships and Fellowships

  • Graduate Scholars Award  - a 1-2 year 12 month award for new or current students
  • Doctoral Fellowship for Excellence​  - a year-long writing fellowship for students working on the doctoral project

Center for Material Culture Studies (CMCS) Awards:

  • Collections Based or Seminar Workshop Grant —Up to $750 per awardee is available through the National Endowment for the Humanities Challenge Grant. MA and PhD students planning to enroll in a seminar or workshop with significant material culture element are eligible to apply. Deadline: March 15.
  • Graduate Research Presentation Fund —Up to $1,000 each for up to 8 students to support graduate students presenting original research at a public venue. Application Deadline: October 15 and March 15.
  • Graduate Research Publication Subvention Fund  —Up to $500 each for up to 4 students to support graduate student publications Application Deadline: October 15 and March 15
  • Friends of Rockwood Fund —Up to $1,500 to support a graduate student researching Victorian-era material culture. Application Deadline: March 15.
  • Finkel Fund in Support of Cultural Internships —Up to $3,000 to support undergraduate or graduate students accepted for a material culture related internship in Summer 2019. Application Deadline: March 15.
  • Graduate Research Travel Fund —Up to $1,500 each for up to 6 graduate students pursuing research or fieldwork in material culture studies. Application Deadline: October 15 and March 15.

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Ph.D. in English

Our nationally ranked Ph.D. program provides specialized training in literary, cultural and language studies for students who plan to teach at universities and colleges. 

Related Resources

  • English Ph.D. Handbook
  • Job Placement

English Ph.D. students pursue individualized programs of study within the parameters of our degree requirements; they share the qualities of excellent critical thinking and writing, and above all, of intellectual curiosity. Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly competitive, but all admitted students receive a five-year funding package. Once our students enter, they are mutually supportive and develop networks of collegial friends often maintained beyond their time at UMD.

Our students gain extensive teaching experience as part of their training at UMD, and our placement record is among the best in the nation.

Students moving successfully toward the Ph.D. degree are expected to complete the degree typically in five to six years. To maintain their status, students are expected to make satisfactory progress; those who do not may be eligible to change their degree objective from the Ph.D. to the M.A.

The Ph.D. curriculum offers opportunities for advanced study in a variety of literary and language fields, including literary and cultural history; aesthetic, critical and cultural theory; digital and media studies; humanistic engagement with the sciences; and language, rhetoric and composition. The curriculum addresses a series of broad questions relevant to such studies: What are the histories, genealogies and futures of literary, cultural and rhetorical studies? What is the relationship of such work to society, politics and history? To the media of representation and communication? To reading and writing practices? To disciplinarity and institutional contexts? How do we conceptualize, teach and apprehend aesthetics through literary and other modes of cultural expression? The courses available to doctoral students particularize such broad issues and, together with extensive attention to pedagogy and teacher-training, have as a general objective the training of students to identify and formulate compelling research questions and the preparation of students for long-term careers in academia.

The program combines flexibility with consistent and continuous mentorship from the faculty and the director of Graduate Studies (DGS). The degree requirements are as follows:

  • a minimum of 10 courses (30 credits) at the graduate level, including three required courses, with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.6 (see Satisfactory Progress)
  • between 3 and 6 credits of ENGL898, Pre-candidacy Research
  • reading facility in a second language
  • successful passage of a qualifying examination
  • an approved dissertation prospectus
  • a successful dissertation defense

Students who begin the Ph.D. program having earned an M.A. in English would be expected to complete a minimum of 8courses (24 credits) of coursework.

Course Requirements

The Ph.D. requires a minimum of 10 courses (30 credits) for students entering the program without an M.A. This includes 2 required courses. All coursework must be completed with a minimum of a 3.6 GPA (see Satisfactory Progress). Students are required to take ENGL601: “Introduction to Graduate Studies”; and ENGL611: “Approaches to College Composition” as part of their 10 course requirement. In addition, students will select a minimum of 8 additional graduate courses. The degree assumes conversance with the major body of English and American literature as well as familiarity with bibliography, research methods and other necessary tools of the trade.

Students may take up to 2 independent-study courses to fulfill 600-level electives. Students interested in taking an independent-study course for elective credit should collaborate with their professor in writing up an intended course of study and file it with the Graduate Office for approval by the DGS before the first day of classes each semester. Please see the form here .

Students may also make special arrangements to do additional work in their 600-level courses to have those courses count as a seminar/700 level course. Students wishing to take a 600-level class as a seminar must provide the Graduate Studies Office with the required seminar credit form and syllabus detailing the additional work that will be undertaken in order for the course to be counted as a 700-level seminar at the beginning of the semester. Students may not take an independent study for seminar/700 level credit except in extreme circumstances and only after receiving permission from the DGS.

Newly admitted Ph.D. students entering the program with an M.A. from another institution should meet with the director of Graduate Studies (DGS) to have their academic record evaluated; the DGS will establish what courses taken during the previous M.A. can count toward the Ph.D. distribution requirements or recommend courses that will enable their completion. Students who begin the Ph.D. program having earned an M.A. in English from another institution would be expected to complete a minimum of 8 courses (24 credits) of coursework, but may be required to complete more at the DGS’s discretion. All Ph.D. students should select courses with two primary goals in mind: 1) filling in gaps in their knowledge of literary history and 2) developing an area of scholarly expertise and professionalization.

The DGS will help students select courses and act as the general advisor for students entering the program. Students will be assigned mentoring teams just prior to their first semester and this mentoring team, in conjunction with the DGS, will help them select courses for the second semester. After the first year in coursework, students can work directly with their mentors to choose appropriate courses.

During the coursework phase of the program each student will meet with his or her advising team and/or the DGS in order to assess academic progress and to discuss his or her intended degree track and plans for professionalization. Students whose GPA for the first completed 15 credits of coursework is 3.0 or lower will be offered the option of pursuing the terminal M.A. degree or of resigning from the graduate program altogether.

A note on incompletes: Students are generally discouraged from taking incompletes, but especially so at the beginning of their coursework, in order to ensure that academic progress can be accurately assessed. If an incomplete is necessary in the first 15 credits of coursework, the DGS must be consulted in addition to the instructor of the course. 

Foreign Language Requirement

Students must demonstrate, by equivalencies or exam, reading knowledge of one language other than English. When satisfying this requirement, students are encouraged to choose a foreign language that is appropriate for his or her area of doctoral studies. The director of Graduate Studies (DGS), the student's mentors and the student will coordinate in determining the appropriate language. In addition to the foreign language requirement administered by the Graduate Studies Office (GSO), the student's dissertation committee may also recommend more advanced proficiency in the language selected and/or work in an additional language; however, the student is obliged to be tested on (or to provide an equivalent for) only one language. The foreign language requirement must be fulfilled before the student can be admitted to his or her qualifying exam and no later than the fifth semester in the program in order to maintain satisfactory progress.

Equivalencies : Equivalencies include: native speaking ability; undergraduate major; passage of an equivalent requirement in another graduate program; a grade of B or better in a 300-level course in the language taken at the University of Maryland after starting the Ph.D. program. A 300-level course must emphasize the fluent use of the language in a variety of formats and all major assignments in the course must be conducted in the language and not in English. The written work for the course must be evaluated for language and style as well as for organizational accuracy and coherence. The DGS will determine whether coursework or other equivalencies are appropriate and sufficiently recent to attest to proficiency.

Timeline : If foreign language equivalency is not fulfilled prior to admission, students have the option of taking a foreign language exam at the end of their first or second semester of the Ph.D. program. Students who have not fulfilled the foreign language requirement by the end of their second semester will test out of or enroll in a prerequisite entry-level foreign language class in their third semester. Students will have the opportunity of (re-) taking the exam during the first week of their third semester. Students who pass the exam can drop the prerequisite language class. Students who do not pass will complete (or test out of) the pre-requisite class and will have another opportunity to take the language exam at the end of their third semester. Students who have not fulfilled the foreign language requirement by the end of their third semester will take a 300-level language class in their fourth semester. Students who do not receive a grade of “B” or better in the foreign language class during their fourth semester will retake the class or/and the language exam in their fifth semester. (Students admitted prior to Fall 2015 must fulfill their foreign language requirement by their 5th semester in the program, and before taking a qualifying exam, but are exempt from the rest of this timeline.)

The Foreign Language Exam : At least one month prior to the exam, students will choose and submit to the GSO for its approval two books of at least 200 pages in the foreign language, one primary work and one secondary work (both works must have been originally written in the target language and may not be translated works). The GSO will determine the appropriateness of the student’s choice. ('Appropriateness' does not necessarily mean that the primary text must come from your period of specialization and that the secondary text must be about your period, simply that the texts are equivalent in difficulty to other texts students are tested on.) Once the student’s choice of texts has been approved, the GSO will assign an appropriate faculty member to administer the exam and provide this faculty member with a set of guidelines and expectations for the foreign language exam. The faculty member administering the exam will choose a 250- to 300-word passage from each, the primary and the secondary work. The student will have three hours to prepare the translation with the help of a dictionary. The faculty administrator will evaluate the translations and determine whether or not the student passed or failed, based on the guidelines provided by the GSO. The GSO will keep on file all exams and make them available to students preparing for the exam.

Students will be assigned two faculty mentors in their first year and will serve as a research assistant for one of them in the fall and the other in the spring.

These advising teams are charged with meeting with the student at least once each semester and with filing a report (no more than a page) each semester on the student’s progress with the Graduate Studies office. Students are expected to remain in regular contact with their advisors.  The members of each advising team will help students select courses, otherwise navigate the program and begin the process of professionalization, and they will act generally as resources for the student, as well as sign off on the student's self-evaluation form. The DGS will remain available to all students in all stages of the program to assist in advising.

As students are preparing to advance to candidacy, the advising team will help the student form the qualifying examination committee. The advising committee may be separate from the examination committee. From this point until the constitution of the dissertation defense committee, the qualifying examination committee will act as the student's primary advisors.

All students are expected to keep regular contact with the DGS and their advising teams throughout all stages of the program. Measures to be used to assess progress include the student’s grades, other evidence of the quality of coursework, schedule for meeting requirements for candidacy and schedule for completing the dissertation.

Qualifying Exams

To advance to candidacy, all Ph.D. students must complete the oral Qualifying Examination. The language requirement must be satisfied before a student can take his or her qualifying exam. Students should contact the Graduate Office eight weeks before to schedule an exam date and reserve a room. A signed copy of the reading list must also be submitted when scheduling the exam .

Planning for the Qualifying Examination

In order to be admitted to Qualifying Exams, students must have satisfactorily completed all their coursework and met the foreign language requirement. Students with outstanding incompletes in coursework are not eligible to take the exam. Students should consult with their appointed advising teams in forming an examination committee that will administer the Qualifying Exam and serve as the student's advising committee until the constitution of the dissertation committee. The exam committee consists of four graduate faculty members, including a chair and three committee members. (Please note that while many students do keep the same committee for their dissertation, it is not a requirement.) Students register for a range of 3 to 6 credit hours of ENGL898, “Pre-Candidacy Research,” and are expected to meet regularly with the chair and at least one member of their examination committees under this rubric.

We encourage Ph.D. students to take the Qualifying Examination by their sixth semester in the doctoral program and expect them to sit for the exam no later than their seventh semester. Students who received an M.A. prior to admission are expected to complete coursework more quickly and take their qualifying exams as early as the fifth semester in the program.

The Reading List

The Qualifying Examination is based on a reading list compiled by the student in consultation with his or her committee. The list will include roughly 80-120 works, chosen to cover two of the following categories: a literary period; a recognized field; the proposed area of the dissertation.  For students planning to work in literature, it is assumed that a 100-year period will be covered. The field may be interpreted as any discrete literary concern that has accrued a body of serious critical thought and may include such diverse subjects as genre; literary, linguistic or theoretical criticism or methodology; a sub-period. Typically, students develop a literary period or field list of approximately 75 works and a more focused list of 25 works on the proposed dissertation topic; also typically, around 80 percent of the list consists of primary texts and 20 percent of secondary titles. But there are wide varieties in lists (some will be longer than others; some will have more criticism than others; etc.) The reading list must be approved by the committee chair and all committee members eight weeks prior to the examination. A copy of the reading list, signed by your committee, must be turned into the Graduate Office eight weeks prior to scheduling the exam.

The exam consists of two 60-minute parts: 1) an oral presentation by the student and follow-up discussion of the presentation; 2) a general examination on the reading lists.

Working in consultation with other members of the committee and the student, the committee chair prepares 2-4 topics for part one of the exam, the student's oral presentation. The student will receive the topics from the Graduate Office one week before the oral examination. The exam begins with the student's 15-20-minute oral presentation on the selected topic. The student may bring a copy of the reading list and brief notes to the exam. Students may also use PowerPoint or any other technological aid for their presentation. A 35-40 minute discussion follows the student's presentation.

Part two is an approximately one-hour examination on the student's two reading lists. The emphasis here is on breadth.

At the conclusion of the examination the student leaves the room and the committee discusses and votes on the student's performance. Three passing votes constitute a passing grade on the exam. If the student fails the exam, they can retake the exam the following semester. The student will receive a written assessment from the chair of the committee indicating the reasons for the failure. The examination committee and reading list should remain the same from the initial to the second attempt. Changes must be requested, in writing, to the DGS, and may be made only upon approval by the DGS. Failing the exam a second time disqualifies the student from continuing in the Ph.D. program. The DGS or a representative from the Graduate Studies Committee will be present at the second attempt to ensure procedural fairness. The chair of the examining committee informs the director of Graduate Studies in writing about the result of the exam.

Teaching assistants receive a step promotion and a small raise in stipend once they have advanced to candidacy. Upon advancing to candidacy, the student has four years to complete the dissertation; the Graduate School grants extensions only in extreme circumstances.  Students generally complete the dissertation in 2-3 years. Candidacy forms to be submitted to the Graduate School must be filed at the English graduate office. See Ph.D. Deadlines and Paperwork. Upon advancing to candidacy, students are expected to file a dissertation progress form (save to your hard drive to access the text fields) with the Graduate Office each semester.

Dissertation Prospectus

The prospectus is to be submitted within four months of passing the qualifying exam. The prospectus establishes that the student has defined a research question that is worth pursuing and is in a position to do a good job of pursuing it. The prospectus should be developed in consultation with your committee.


Students have successfully passed the qualifying exam and have advanced to candidacy. Upon advancing to candidacy, students are expected to file a dissertation progress form with the Graduate Office each semester. Ph.D. candidates are expected to file an approved dissertation prospectus within four months of passing the qualifying exam. At least three of the four members of the student’s dissertation committee are expected to meet annually with the student to review progress. A successful defense of dissertation is the final requirement for the degree. Students must graduate within four years of advancing to candidacy. All graduate students must register for courses and pay associated tuition and fees each semester, not including summer and winter sessions, until the degree is awarded. 

Dissertation Committee

The Ph.D. student should be thinking about assembling a Dissertation Committee while still taking courses and identifying areas of specialization for the Qualifying Examination. In many cases, the dissertation committee is the same as the Qualifying Examination committee. A Dissertation Committee consists of four faculty members (one of whom may be University of Maryland faculty outside of the English department), who advise the student on his/her dissertation. One member serves as the student's dissertation director. All members of the dissertation committee must be members of the University of Maryland's graduate faculty. If a student wishes to include in his or her dissertation committee a person who is not currently a member of the University's general graduate faculty, that person will have to be nominated by the department as adjunct or special member of the university's graduate faculty and approved as such by the Graduate School. The nomination by the department is made on the recommendation of the department's full graduate faculty by simple majority.

The Ph.D. student should consult with the director of Graduate Studies and his or her advising team concerning the selection of the Dissertation Committee.

The prospectus should demonstrate that the student:

  • has defined and delimited an interesting research question
  • can explain the importance of the research question and the contribution that it will make to the field
  • is familiar with the existing scholarship related to the research question and can describe the relationship of the dissertation project to that scholarship (review of the literature)
  • has developed a theoretical framework for the argument and a methodology for your project.

The prospectus should be between 8-12 pages in length. It should be written in clear prose and include a bibliography. The prospectus, including a one-page abstract and the completed prospectus form (signed by the all four committee members), should be turned in to the English graduate office.

Dissertation Workshop

We urge students to take the Dissertation Workshop (1 credit of ENGL898) in the semester following successful passage of the qualifying examination. Taught by members of the department’s faculty and convened weekly as a seminar, usually during the fall semester, the workshop concentrates on helping students advance their work on the dissertation, whether they are developing a prospectus or writing individual chapters.

Dissertation Template

Please refer to the Graduate School instructions for dissertation templates here (full dissertation template available here ) for clarity and guidance in constructing your dissertation for submission and committee review.

Dissertation Defense Committee

When the dissertation is nearly complete and the major advisor has approved moving on to this penultimate step, the Ph.D. candidate 1) submits to the Graduate School a request to appoint the Dissertation Oral Committee and 2) schedules the dissertation defense. Consisting of five faculty, this committee normally includes the four members of the candidate's Dissertation Committee and an additional member of the university’s graduate faculty serving as the graduate dean's representative.  

In accordance with Graduate School regulations, that representative must be from outside the department. All members of the Defense Committee appointed by the Graduate School must attend the defense. Students must submit their final draft of their dissertation to their committee at least two weeks before the defense date. Typically, the defense is a two-hour discussion of the dissertation. Four of the five members of the Dissertation Defense Committee must approve the dissertation in order for the student to pass.  

Please see the Dissertation Policies here

Submission of Dissertation

The approved dissertation must be submitted electronically to the Graduate School by the deadlines posted for graduation in a given semester (see the Graduate School Deadlines ). Information about all aspects of electronic submission of the dissertation is available on the Graduate School's website .

Completing the Ph.D. involves careful attention to deadlines imposed and paperwork required by the Graduate School.

Students are expected to complete their coursework and meet the foreign language requirement by no later than their fifth semester in the program. Please contact the Graduate Office to schedule your language exam and confirm the acceptability of equivalences if you wish to not take an exam to meet your language requirement. 

Students are expected to advance to candidacy by successfully passing their qualifying examination by their seventh semester in the program. Please contact the Graduate Office to schedule your qualifying exam. Submit your form for candidacy advancement to the Graduate Office (2116 Tawes) upon successful completion of your qualifying exam. Upon advancing to candidacy, students are expected to file a dissertation progress form with the Graduate Office each semester.

Students must file an approved dissertation prospectus with the Graduate Office no later than four months following the qualifying examination. 

Specific deadlines for students intending to graduate will be announced on the English graduate-student reflector and are also available from the Graduate School's Deadlines for Graduates . Most of the necessary paperwork for these deadlines can be found on the Graduate School's General Forms for Graduate Students .

Graduate Admissions

We seek applicants who will enhance our highly motivated, academically accomplished, and intellectually and culturally diverse student body. We normally receive about 100 applications annually for M.A. and Ph.D. programs.

Ph.D. Application Instructions

Submit the complete application and all supporting materials by December 1, 2023 . Please note that the system will close promptly at midnight, so you will be unable to edit your application past 11:59 pm on this date. The system is set to Maryland time (EST). If you are uncertain about what time that the system will close in your timezone, please look it up. We are unable to make exceptions for late applications based on timezone.

Admission to the Ph.D. is highly competitive. If you would like to be considered for the M.A. program if not selected for the Ph.D. program, please indicate that in your personal statement. We expect to enroll between 6-8 Ph.D. students for this year's cohort.

University of Maryland's Graduate Application Process

The University of Maryland’s Graduate School accepts applications through its application system . Before completing the application, applicants are asked to check the Admissions Requirements site for specific instructions.

As required by the Graduate School, all application materials are to be submitted electronically:

  • Graduate Application
  • Non-refundable application fee ($75) for each program
  • Statement of Goals, Research Interests, and Experiences. The statement, which should be around 1000 words, should address relevant aspects of your educational experience, the focus of your academic interests, and reasons for applying to our program. If you are applying to the PhD program but would like to be considered for the MA if you are not selected for the PhD, please indicate that here.
  • Unofficial transcripts of your entire college/university record (undergraduate and graduate), including records of any advanced work done at another institution. Electronic copies of these unofficial transcripts must be uploaded along with your on-line application. Official transcripts will be required after an applicant is admitted to the program.
  • Three letters of recommendation . In your on-line application, please complete fully the information requested for your recommenders and ask them to submit their letters electronically. We do not accept letters through Interfolio.
  •  A single sample of critical writing of approximately 12-20 pages double-spaced (not including works cited/bibliography). While we encourage you to submit your best writing sample, we prefer a writing sample in your declared field of interest. If you are submitting an excerpted selection, please include a brief description or introduction to the selection. The MLA citation format is preferred.
  • Academic CV/Resume

The electronic submission of application materials helps expedite the review of an application. Completed applications are reviewed by an admissions committee in each graduate degree program. The recommendations of the committees are submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School, who will make the final admission decision. Students seeking to complete graduate work at the University of Maryland for degree purposes must be formally admitted to the Graduate School by the Dean.  To ensure the integrity of the application process, the University of Maryland authenticates submitted materials through TurnItIn for Admissions .

Information for International Graduate Students

The University of Maryland is dedicated to maintaining a vibrant international graduate student community. The office of International Students and Scholars Services (ISSS) is a valuable resource of information and assistance for prospective and current international students.  International applicants are encouraged to explore the services they offer, and contact them with related questions.

The University of Maryland Graduate School offers admission to international students based on academic information; it is not a guarantee of attendance.  Admitted international students will then receive instructions about obtaining the appropriate visa to study at the University of Maryland which will require submission of additional documents.  Please see the Graduate Admissions Process for International applicants for more information.

Questions related to the admissions process, prospective students may contact the Graduate School .

Prospective Student FAQ

Because many of our applicants share general questions about the application process, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to make applying a bit easier.

Villanova University

  • Office of Financial Assistance /
  • Financial Aid Process /
  • Graduate Students


Graduate Students Working Together in Classroom

How to Apply

Learn how to apply for federal loans, eligibility criteria and financing options.

We recommend completing the financial aid process at least two months prior to the semester start date.

Eligibility Criteria

The Office of Financial Assistance reviews requests for financial assistance once a student is registered AND all financial aid applications have been submitted.

To receive financial aid, graduate students are required to meet the following criteria:

  • Must be accepted and matriculated into a degree-seeking program
  • Remain enrolled on at least a half-time basis
  • U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress*

*Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is defined as maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA and completing the total number of credit hours attempted in an academic year.  SAP is reviewed at the end of each spring semester.  Please take the time to review the full  SAP Policy for Graduate Students.

Complete the FAFSA

  • Complete the Student Aid FAFSA
  • Villanova School Code: 003388

Review Your Financial Aid Notice

After you have successfully submitted the FAFSA, our office will determine and award your Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan eligibility for the year.  You will receive an email advising you to log onto your MyNova account to view your offered aid.  

You will need to accept, decline, or modify the loan amounts that have been offfered.  If you are offered loan funding for a semester in which you will not attend, please e-mail to Financial Aid  verifying which semester(s) you will be attending and the number of credits you plan to take per semester, and the total amount of loan funding (not to exceed $20,500) of Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan funding you wish to accept. We will then be able to make the necessary adjustments and send you a revised aid notice.

Please read the Financial Aid Booklet for Graduate Students , carefully in its entirety for it contains important information regarding eligibility, financing options, etc.

Complete Federal Loan Requirements

If this is the first time you are receiving a Federal Direct Loan at Villanova University as a Graduate Student, you must complete  Entrance Counseling  and  Sign the Master Promissory Note .

Please Note: Your Federal Direct Loan will NOT disburse to your account until BOTH of these requirements are complete.

Financing Options

William d. ford direct student loan program.

The Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan is a federal loan borrowed directly from the US Department of Education that you can use for your educational expenses.

  • Award: $20,500 per academic year**
  • Disbursements: loan funds are disbursed equally among the semesters you attend to your student account at the beginning of each semester
  • Lender: US Department of Education
  • The interest rate, once established, will be a fixed rate for the life of the loan.
  • For All loans 1st disbursed between 7/1/23 through 6/30/24 the fixed interest rate is 7.05%.
  • For All loans 1st disbursed between 7/1/24 through 6/30/25 the fixed interest rate is 8.08%.
  • The interest accrues once loan funds are disbursed, however principal and interest can be deferred while enrolled on at least a half-time basis in a degree-seeking program.   
  • For loans first disbursed on or after 10/1/20 the fee is 1.057%
  • Aggregate Loan Limit: $138,500, which includes amounts borrowed as an undergraduate
  • Grace period: 6 months after you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time status
  • Repayment period: 10 to 25 years depending on one of the many repayment plans you can select
  • Estimated Repayment Calculator    

  **Borrower Based Loan

If you choose to take courses during the summer session and enroll in at least a half-time status, you may be eligible to borrow the Direct Unsubsidized Loan during the summer, which is referred to as a Borrower Based Direct Loan.

**Please note that if the full Borrower Based Direct Unsubsidized Loan is borrowed in the Spring semester, eligibility for the Summer semester would be exhausted.  Students receive an e-mail from the Office of Financial Assistance's Loan Department to confirm their Spring request.

While the maximum amount you can borrow is $20,500, we encourage you to borrow  only the amount that you will need  to finance your program. You will need to indicate the amount of Direct Unsubsidized Loan that you wish to borrow for each semester on the Villanova University Graduate Institutional Financial Aid Application, again noting that the Direct Loan must be certified in equal amounts for each semester. 

Borrower Based Loan Maximum


*if the full amount fits within your cost of attendance

Payment Plan

For graduate students, the Villanova Tuition Payment Plan, offered through   Nelnet , allows you to spread your semester's balance out over 2-3 months for a small fee. With this option, you have the freedom to use your money to earn your own interest or investment income while you pay in small installments.

For additional information, please visit My College Payment Plan .

Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan

The Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loans provide graduate students with a viable alternative to private loans in situations where a student's Direct Unsubsidized Loan has not covered all costs. Some basic facts about the Graduate Direct PLUS Loan are:

  • Students can borrow up to "cost less aid"
  • Student is the borrower - no cosigner required
  • Unlimited in-school deferment
  • For all loans 1st disbursed between 7/1/23 through 6/30/24 the fixed interest rate is 8.05%.
  • For all loans 1st disbursed between 7/1/24 through 6/30/25 the fixed interest rate is 9.08%.
  • For all loans 1st disbursed after 10/1/20 the origination fee is 4.228%.
  • Deferred payment while enrolled at least half time in a degree seeking program
  • No aggregate or annual loan limits
  • Based on simplified credit criteria regardless of income or employment status
  • Endorser option available
  • May reduce high-cost alternative borrowing
  • Able to consolidate through the  Direct Consolidation Loan site .

To apply for the Direct Graduate PLUS loan, please follow these two easy steps:

  • Go to  to complete the Direct Graduate PLUS Loan application.
  • Complete and electronically sign the MPN at . Upon approval of the Direct Graduate PLUS application and credit check, our office will be notified and will certify your loan.

*NOTE: Your loan is not complete and will not be certified by the Office of Financial Assistance until ALL of the above steps have been completed.

Private Educational Loan Programs

Private Educational Loans are administered by private lenders and there are a variety of lending institutions that offer these.

The Office of Financial Assistance has selected a group of Preferred Lenders based on quality customer service, borrower benefits, and financing options.  ELM Select  is an external webpage where you will be able to review and compare Villanova University’s Preferred Lender information, and apply for private loans.  However, if you wish to use another lender that is not on this list, you may.  As a borrower, you have the right to select any lender you choose.  You may want to contact the bank, savings and loan, or credit union with whom you do business.

  • It is suggested that you start the application process at least four weeks prior to the start of the semester to ensure the funds are disbursed in a timely manner due to numerous disclosures now required by lending institutions.
  • Once approved for an alternative loan, the Office of Financial Assistance will review the loan for school certification.  This process includes confirming enrollment, verifying the eligibility for the type of loan requested and the borrowing amount requested.
  • Each aid applicant will receive a notice of eligibility from the Office of Financial Assistance.
  • Loan funds will be disbursed in accordance with the disbursement schedule once all necessary paperwork has been completed.

The Office of Financial Assistance will continue to meet with lenders on a regular basis to examine new products, services, and benefits for our students to make sure we are providing the best options.

Notes: Due to the numerous disclosures required by the Department of Education, students need to remain in contact with their lender to ensure timely disbursement of funds. Applying for the loan late, or failure to complete required disclosures may delay your funds and possibly cause you to incur University late fees, if your bills are not paid on time.

Click here for more information on the  Office of Financial Assistance Code of Conduct .


Do I need to submit the FAFSA to get the Grad PLUS Loan?

Yes, you must submit the FAFSA in order to apply for and receive the Graduate PLUS Loan.

Can I use my student loans to help pay my rent?

Yes, living expenses such as housing and food are items in the student's cost of attendance and therefore the student can receive loan funding to help cover the costs while enrolled in school.

Language and Linguistic Science

PhD in Translation and Interpreting

Carry out an extensive research project and contribute to advancing a rapidly growing field

  Length Start dates ( )

3 years full-time
6 years part-time

Distance learning available


Join a prestigious research department and carry out a project in an exciting and ever-growing research area.

Your research

This course will allow you to carry out an intensive research project on a topic relating to translation and/or interpreting. You'll join a stimulating research environment and work with leading experts in the field who are engaged in collaborative research and have strong links with the language services industry and international research networks.

We welcome proposals to work on projects exploring a range of questions, including linguistic, social, technological, professional, pedagogical or ethical phenomena related to translation and/or interpreting as mediation activities. Students will become part of the academic community of our department, with academic staff and PhD students conducting innovative research on areas such as applied linguistics, forensic speech and audio, language and society, linguistics and psycholinguistics, in addition to translation and interpreting. 

You'll have two or three supervisors, depending on the focus of your study. You'll have access to training, research facilities and specialist software. Over the course of your study, you'll be encouraged to engage in training, networking and dissemination activities both inside and outside the university. In your first year, you'll submit a 2000-word summary of your project so far, then a 5000-8000 word summary in your second year. Your third year will be the culmination of your project and you'll complete your 80,000-100,000 word thesis.

The PhD in Translation and Interpreting is available full or part-time and also to visiting research students who would like to come here for short periods (usually between one semester and a year) for specialist training.

Related links

  • Research degree funding
  • Accommodation
  • International students
  • Life at York
  • How to apply

1st in the UK

for the quality of our linguistics research, according to the Times Higher Education's ranking of the latest REF results (2021).

4th and 6th in the UK

for French and Iberian languages (Complete University Guide 2025).

Extensive facilities

Gain unparalleled access to our interpreting lab, as well as other dedicated facilities to work in.

english phd u of t

Explore funding for postgraduate researchers in the Department of Language and Linguistic Science.

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We have a range of expert staff available to supervise projects. Please reach out to Dr Eloísa Monteoliva Garcia, Dr Gustavo Gongora-Goloubintseff, Professor Monika S. Schmid or Dr Ahmed Khaleel for any enquiries.

Training and support

You'll be trained to use specialist equipment and in the implementation of lab techniques that are necessary in the industry. We'll work with you to ensure that you receive relevant training based on the topic of your research project.

Our Research Excellence Training team also offer a wide variety of workshops designed to help you thrive as an independent researcher. You'll work with your supervisor to create a Professional Development Plan (PDP) that will consolidate the support you recieve throughout your degree.

Specialist software

We are using Phrase in our translation courses free of charge. Phrase is a complete translation platform that includes translation memory, integrated machine and human translation, terminology management, and both online and desktop CAT tools.

english phd u of t

We offer a range of campus accommodation to suit you and your budget, from economy to deluxe.

english phd u of t

Discover more about our researchers, facilities and why York is the perfect choice for your research degree.

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Graduate Research School

Connect with researchers across all disciplines to get the most out of your research project.

Meet us online or on campus

Find out all you need to know about applying to York


Find scholarships to support your studies

PhD Student Positions

More available PhD positions can also be found in this list:  Available jobs at Stockholm University, PhD Student Positions included ( For other available jobs, please see: Jobs For available PhD student positions in Swedish, please see: Doktorandplatser

Last updated: July 29, 2024

Source: Office of Human Resources


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  3. Welcome to the Faculty of Technology

  4. University of Toronto: Centre for Applied Mathematics


  1. PhD Program

    PhD Program. The Department of English at the University of Toronto offers two doctoral streams, the PhD program and the PhD U ("direct-entry") program. Admission to the doctoral streams is highly selective. The PhD Program Timeline and Policy on Satisfactory Progress should be reviewed by all students entering the doctoral programs on or ...

  2. Graduate

    The Graduate English Department, with more than 70 full-time faculty members and approximately 150 graduate students, was formed under the direction of A.S.P. Woodhouse in 1947 (although the first graduate degree was awarded in 1910). The success of its faculty and graduates alike contributes to its prestigious reputation as one of the ...

  3. Department of English

    The Department of English at the University of Toronto has always been a strong, award-winning teaching department, one committed to the symbiotic relationship of teaching and the larger concerns of society. The Department structures its academic programs historically, a practice that has readily accommodated changes that reflect the ...

  4. Application Information

    Technical assistance with GradApp (the SGS online application system): [email protected] or 416-978-6614. General questions: [email protected]. The Department of English accepts applications for September admission only. There is no January admission. Application cycle for September 2024 admission opens on 1 October ...

  5. English

    Program Overview. One of the strongest and most diversified graduate English programs in North America, the University of Toronto's Graduate English Department presents a wide array of approaches to the study of literature that includes both rigorous historical scholarship and the innovations of new theoretical, cultural, and ...

  6. English Ph.D.

    Overview. The Ph.D. program in English at the University of Texas at Austin is one of the largest and best doctoral programs of its kind. Ranked in the top 20 English Graduate Programs by U.S. News & World Report, our program offers students intensive research mentoring and pedagogical training in the vibrant setting that is Austin, Texas.

  7. English: English PhD

    The normal length of a PhD thesis is approximately 75,000 words. The maximum length accepted by the department is 100,000 words. No later than May 15 of Year 2 of registration, the student must submit to the Associate Director, PhD, a preliminary thesis proposal, approved by the prospective supervisor.

  8. School of Graduate Studies

    The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) team is here to help you feel prepared and ready to thrive at the University of Toronto. Explore the SGS GradHub to find the essential information you need at every phase of your graduate student journey. Visit GradHub. Visit UTogether.

  9. English at The University of Tennessee

    English majors study stories: story making, storytelling, and the stories that live in language itself. We teach and study literature, theory, rhetorical forms, and the craft of writing through everything from the ancient oral tradition of Beowulf to the power of podcasts. Learn more about our current courses. Come by 311 McClung Tower for more information on scholarships, mentoring, and ...

  10. PhD Program Requirements

    The PhD program consists of coursework, one language requirement, two Generals Papers, and a thesis. By the end of Year 2, students will complete 5.5 Full Course Equivalents (FCEs) Students must take at least 1.0 FCE at the 1200 level, of which 0.5 must be in Phonology, Syntax, or Semantics.

  11. How to Apply

    How to Apply. We have one application cycle per year, and all admitted MA and PhD students begin in September. Applications are submitted online to the School of Graduate Studies of the University of Toronto. October 7, 2024: Online application system opens. TBD: Information session for Graduate Applications and Major Awards - Details Coming Soon.

  12. Admission & Application Requirements

    Admission Requirements. For master's programs and full-time special students, an appropriate bachelor's degree, or its equivalent, with a final-year average of at least mid-B from a recognized university. For doctoral programs: an appropriate master's degree, or its equivalent, with an average of at least B+ or demonstrated comparable ...

  13. Programs

    Here's a quick overview: More than 70 professional graduate programs in health sciences, management, engineering, and more. Approximately 140 combined degree programs. 14 dual degree programs. More than 40 collaborative specializations if you are interested in interdisciplinary studies. 4 diploma programs for professionals who would like to ...

  14. English

    T.F. Robins, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) W. Robins, MA, PhD (V) M. Sergi, PhD C. Suzack, MA, PhD L. Switzky, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) ... especially suited for students considering a graduate degree in English or a related discipline. The course is open to Year 4 students in English Specialist and Major ...

  15. 30 Best PhD Programs in English

    Quick Highlights: Our #1 ranked school for a PhD in English is University at Buffalo, followed by University of California, Berkeley. PhD English programs focus on comprehensive English language and literature knowledge. They require coursework, exams, and a dissertation. Specializations may be available in areas like rhetoric and digital ...

  16. Graduate Programs

    The Graduate Program in English offers a fully funded five-year Doctor of Philosophy degree program. Students typically earn their Master of Arts degree at the end of their second year of the program. The English Ph.D. degree at the University of Delaware is designed to immerse students into specialized work in a significant area of British, American, and Anglophone literary and cultural ...

  17. UofT Theses

    The University of Toronto's research bank. Showcases and preserves the scholarly work of the U of T community, and makes theses and dissertations publicly accessible online. Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global. The most comprehensive worldwide collection of dissertations and theses. Full text for many dissertations added since 1997+.

  18. Doctor of Philosophy in Literature

    Program Description The graduate program in literature brings together scholars, creative writers and translators who share a commitment to transnational and interdisciplinary approaches to literary study and practice. The PhD in literature provides students with a flexible context in which to pursue research across a wide range of literary traditions, critical approaches and theoretical ...

  19. PhD in English

    MPhil students in English Studies who wish to continue to the PhD must apply for admission through the University's admission processes, taking funding and application deadlines into consideration. Readmission is not automatic and each application is considered on its own merits. The expected standard for continuation is an overall mark of at ...

  20. Graduate Programs

    MA and PhD students planning to enroll in a seminar or workshop with significant material culture element are eligible to apply. Deadline: March 15. Graduate Research Presentation Fund—Up to $1,000 each for up to 8 students to support graduate students presenting original research at a public venue. Application Deadline: October 15 and March 15.

  21. 2024-2025 Courses

    2024-25 Fall/Winter ACORN Enrolment Dates for English Graduate Courses. Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 ACORN course enrolment for continuing and incoming students have been stepped as follows: Current and Incoming PhD and PhD U students: June 10 (ACORN opens at 6:00am EDT) to August 9, 2024. Enrolment Closed for English courses: June 12, 2024 at 3pm ...

  22. English (Ph.D.)

    The Ph.D. program in English at ULL affords students close professional guidance from a diverse graduate faculty distinguished in its commitment to both teaching and research. All doctorates in English have a foundation in British and American language and literature, thus students receive a broad education in the discipline that prepares them to teach effectively at any college level and ...

  23. Ph.D. in English

    English Ph.D. students pursue individualized programs of study within the parameters of our degree requirements; they share the qualities of excellent critical thinking and writing, and above all, of intellectual curiosity. Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly competitive, but all admitted students receive a five-year funding package.

  24. Graduate Students Financial Aid Process

    To apply for the Direct Graduate PLUS loan, please follow these two easy steps: Go to to complete the Direct Graduate PLUS Loan application. Complete and electronically sign the MPN at Upon approval of the Direct Graduate PLUS application and credit check, our office will be notified and will ...

  25. PhD in Translation and Interpreting

    If your first language isn't English, please supply evidence that you meet our English language requirements. In addition, you must provide a detailed research proposal. For an initial discussion about the possibility to pursue a PhD in our Department, please fill the doctoral enquiry form and we will contact you as soon as possible. Please ...

  26. PhD Student Positions

    Research Stockholm University conducts independent basic research and impartial applied research of high calibre. Here you can get an idea of our current research and ongoing projects. Basic research Become a researcher Blogs and podcasts at the University Current research Films on research Independent research in an international environment Open science Research infrastructure

  27. Faculty Directory

    Meet the faculty members of U of T's Department of English. Includes contact information, research, teaching interests and more.

  28. Courses

    Today, this meeting place is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work on this land. Contact Us. Department of English. Jackman Humanities Building, Room 613. 170 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, M5R 2M8 (Map) (416) 978-3190. Email Us.

  29. Regulatory Requirements for Financial Value Transparency and Gainful

    Dear Colleague: On October 10, 2023, the Secretary published final regulations in the Federal Register (88 FR 70004) that apply to most educational programs that are eligible to participate in the student financial assistance programs authorized under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA). These Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment regulations are ...