English Compositions

Short Essay on My Favourite Season [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Here in this lesson, you are going to learn to write short essays on the topic ‘My Favorite Season.’ Here, I will write three different sets of sample essays on this topic that will cover different word limits important for various exams. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on my favorite season in 100 words, short essay on my favorite season in 200 words, short essay on my favorite season in 400 words.

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My favourite season of the year is summer. It begins in April and ends in June. During the summer season, days are long and nights are short. The skies are clear and the sun is bright. We get month-long summer vacation and can stay at home with our parents and family without having to worry about school. We usually go to visit our grandparents in the village during the summer season.

In the village, I get the opportunity to play with the neighbourhood kids in mango and guava orchards that surround my grandparents’ place. They teach me new games and I always have a great time with them. Summer is also the season of mangoes. We get to eat so many varieties of juicy, delicious mangoes. 

My favourite season of the year is winter. The Winter months are very cold as the temperature drops low. It also snows in the northern, high-altitude parts of the country. We wear a lot of warm clothes and eat hot foods to keep us warm. Our metabolism increases during the winter season and thus, we can eat a lot of delicious food. Hot drinks like tea, coffee and hot chocolate are also welcomed. 

During the winter season, we usually go on a week-long vacation to hill stations to enjoy the snow. I make snowmen with my parents and siblings and go ice staking as well. There, at night, we create small bonfires to warm ourselves and chit-chat with each other. Winter is also the season of festivities as we celebrate Diwali, Christmas and New Year in winter.

My mother always bakes cakes for us on Christmas and they are warm and delicious. When I don’t have school, I like staying in bed covered in a thick quilt and reading my favourite storybooks. I also go out to play cricket and badminton with my friends every afternoon as it warms my body and keeps me active. Due to the cold weather, we don’t sweat much and can play for a long time. Because of all these reasons, I like the winter season.

Out of the four predominant seasons, my favourite is the monsoon or the rainy season. It starts to rain heavily all over the country by July. As it rains, the water washes away all the dust from plants and trees, making them look green and beautiful again. As the rain hits the dried-up ground, the smell of wet earth fills the atmosphere and makes our hearts dance.

New seedlings begin to sprout and grasses and plants begin to grow all around us. Our surroundings are covered in green and look very mesmerising. As India is an agricultural country, the rainy season is very important for us. Rains irrigate fields and help crops grow. Without rain, most of our major crops will fail, causing loss of business and even starvation. As my grandparents and uncles are farmers, I have experienced the joy that the rainy season brings to farmers very closely. 

I also like the rainy season because when it rains heavily, I do not need to go to school. Sometimes, even my parents take leave and then our whole family gets to enjoy the day together. My mother makes delicious fritters with tea which we enjoy while playing board games like ludo and carrom. My father is very fond of flowering plants and we have a lot of plants in our garden. During the rainy season, our garden looks majestic with hundreds of blooming flowers in many different colours.

My friends often come over to my house and we enjoy playing in the garden when the rain stops. We make paper boats and put them in water puddles. Sometimes, we also compete to see whose boat would go farther. Sometimes our parents allow us to go outside when it is raining and then, we enjoy jumping in puddles, getting drenched and playing in rain. It is very fun to play in the rain. After that, my mother makes hot soup for us to warm us up. 

When it rains at night and electricity is cut, we get to enjoy our food in candlelight. After dinner, we go straight to bed and tell each other ghost stories. I and my siblings always try to scare each other. When it rains for days, I like to sit by the window and read my favourite books while watching the rain. The rainy season is very special for me and when it ends in September, I wish for it to come quickly next year. 

So hopefully, after going through this session, all your confusion regarding this topic has been cleared. Post your doubts if you have any, in the comment section below. I will try my level best to address your queries. Keep browsing our website for more such content. 

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Free 400-Word Essay Samples

1027 samples of this type

A 400-word essay is a short piece. It might be assigned by a school teacher to test the student’s knowledge of the topic and their ability to formulate thoughts concisely. The most common genres for texts of 400 to 450 words are a discussion board post and a personal statement for a college application.

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Is a 400-Word Essay Long?

Depending on the line spacing, a text of 400 words takes 0,5 to 1 page. All the most common citation styles imply that an essay is double-spaced and written in 12-point Times New Roman. This is about 250 words per page. You might want to use a different font, but a double-spaced 400-word essay will anyway take about 1 page.

A 400-Word Essay Is How Many Paragraphs?

A 400-word essay should include 4 to 8 paragraphs. In academic writing, a paragraph should contain at least 50 words and three sentences.

400-Word Essay Structure

The easiest way to organize a 400-word essay is to use a standard 5-paragraph structure. The paper should start with an introduction: a hook, some background data, and a thesis statement. Then come three body paragraphs, each focused on one argument. The concluding paragraph is to contain a summary and a restated thesis.

How Long Does a 400-Word Essay Take?

It will take you about 8 to 16 minutes to type 400 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 1 hour for 400 words.

How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 400 Word Essay?

An average 400-word essay contains 3 to 4 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

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Introduction The healthcare system is a complex mechanism of professionals, systems, and services created for the purpose of supporting the population. However, there are a number of different frameworks that can be applied in order to understand and manage healthcare settings. One prevalent method is healthcare economics, which applies economic...

The Brain Asymmetry Laboratory

Introduction Researchers have discovered that the right half of the brain is responsible for spatial relations and creativity, while the left side is responsible for language and thought (Bisiacchi & Cainelli, 2022). The investigator’s motivation was to determine whether existing myths about hemispheres are relevant. The purpose of this experiment...

Profitability Strategies and Agreements in Airline Operations

A single yield indicator is not an objective measure of profitability because this concept determines how much a fair set fee is per kilometer or mile of flight. Accordingly, if there are always few passengers and prices are high, the yield will be high, and the profit will be low....

Petit Apartheid in the Criminal Justice System

Petit apartheid is a form of small-scale segregation and discrimination which is commonly found in discriminatory systems. It typically involves discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, and gender. Petit apartheid can be seen in the criminal justice system in a number of ways. One example of petit apartheid in...

  • Discrimination
  • Criminology
  • Social Marketing

Lustration and Vetting in Eastern Europe

Introduction Eastern European countries have changed drastically in the last thirty-four years since the fall of communism. Even at present, the consequences of less democratic regimes can be seen in the area, which include a higher level of corruption and violations of human rights. Moreover, the countries choose different strategies...

Healthcare Inflation in Canada and the US

The healthcare systems of Canada and the United States have long been the subject of debate and comparison. While Canada spends less on healthcare as a percentage of GDP and has a lower healthcare inflation rate, the United States has a private healthcare market with high costs and administrative inefficiencies....

The Glass Menagerie by T. Williams: An Analysis

The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, set in 1937, explores the ideas of escapism, unfulfilled dreams, and responsibility in a family struggling financially. The author’s intention behind writing the play was to demonstrate the difficulties of accepting reality through symbolic interactions between the characters and their internal struggles. The play’s...

Health Insurance and Medicare for All

Medicare for All, introduced by a wing of the Democratic party, accounts for one national health insurance program for all Americans with a fundamental right to healthcare. Past events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, justify that the country needs immediate intervention in its healthcare system. Medicare for All is an incentive...

Internet-Based Business Models as Positive Innovation

One way to look at the on-demand economy is as a networked platform for services from the real world, like Uber and Airbnb. By replacing them with a reasonably transparent network that abides by market laws, algorithms, and rating systems, these businesses employ technology to lessen the workload of enormous...

Discretion Benefits: Employees Management

Introduction Discretion benefits are benefits the employer is not required to provide employees. Notwithstanding their optionality, most companies provide them, because their presence attracts the most competent employees, increasing their involvement and productivity (Aruldoss et al., 2021). Employees often choose the company that offers a sizeable social package, all other...

Overweight Management Clinical Intervention

Background The issue of obesity remains at the top of the current health concerns (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). Numerous interventions have been designed to manage the needs of overweight patients, yet their efficacy varies (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestion and Kidney Diseases, 2012). Objectives The goal...

Presidential Impeachment Procedure in the US

Abstract Impeachment as a legislative procedure of the removal of a President from his or her position is addressed in the US Constitution and requires the involvement of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The paper discusses the coverage of the issue in the US Constitution, the precedents of...

Teaching Experience Review

Introduction It is hard to disagree that being a teacher is both one of the noblest and hardest things in the whole world. Teaching is a challenging, exciting, and lives changing profession that does not only teach school subjects but also helps young people learn themselves, others, and life itself....

The Role of the Courts Under the U.S. Constitution

The judicial branch of the US system of government sees its core role in protecting the supremacy of law and civil liberties. It also includes the court’s interference in the work and development of health services organizations across the country. In this way, there are numerous roles that courts at...

  • Advertising

“The Lazarus Effect” Horror Film

“The Lazarus Effect” is a film dedicated to combating HIV and AIDS in Africa. It tells a story about Zambian people infected by these illnesses and their lives. Undoubtedly, HIV changes the life of every person who has it. Still, I think that Constance Mudenda, a supervisor of several clinics,...

Human Rights Violation in Ethiopia

The twenty-first century is believed to be the age of human rights, freedom, justice, and equality. However, it is impossible to consider the battle won and finished while there are still those who suffer from the violation of human rights. Not everyone knows about one of the largest ethnic groups...

Rock Structure in New England Attracting Tourists

Rock Structure New England is located on the North East side of the US, and it is composed of six states. Over the years, the area has witnessed increased population and drastic growth. However, its environment is unique and outstanding as a result of several geographical formations that occurred several...

Technology and Dating: Social Media and Committed Relationships

The twenty-first century is the age of technologies, online communication, web-life, and social networks. There are thousands of websites that make people’s lives comfortable and let them chat without going outside and spending time on the road to meet. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and a significant number of online dating...

Translating Research Outcomes into Clinical Practice

Introduction The process of translating research outcomes into practice is an essential prerequisite for the effective functioning of any clinical setting. Indeed, implementation of findings “and revised methods of treatment can potentially save lives and improve the quality of life of patients” (Kristensen et al., 2016, p. 1). However, this...

Fake News, the First Amendment, and Fighting Propaganda

Today, “fake news” is becoming more prevalent, especially in online sources. Many readers are willing to believe the information posted online is true without conducting any research themselves. Facebook has a significant number of posts containing “fake news” published every day without the information in them being fact-checked. This case...

“The Tell-Tale Heart and the Yellow Wallpaper” by Perkins

Insanity in Gothic Literature Gothic authors submerge their readers into the dark and depressing atmosphere as they slowly lead the characters through the traps of their minds. In many cases, the heroes are experiencing some forms of insanity, imagining or seeing the scary phenomena while others do not. Description of...

Comparison of Athletes’ Personality Characteristics

1959-1990 – Billie Jean King – known for her role as the pioneer of women’s tennis, essentially leading to the popularity and relevance of the tour. 1969-1980 – Arthur Ashe – he was a pioneer for African Americans in tennis, and individual sports in general. 1978-1994 – John McEnroe –...

Breaking the Law: Psychological Reasons

The law is an integral element of every society that regulates the life of people inside it. Nevertheless, although the rules were created for the safety of the humans themselves, individuals who violate them have always been found. The purpose of this essay is to study the factors that force...

Nnedi Okorafor’s “Akata Witch”: Magical Education

Sunny’s magical journey is closely related to the Harry Potter books’ plot and its character regarding the heroes and the action. However, the author excellently opens up about African ideas of magic, creating an engaging plot story, and educating on a rich cultural heritage; the following essay will discuss the...

  • Forensic Science

“The Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership” by Newman

Organizations currently operate in a highly competitive environment, making creativity a critical tool to enable employees to generate innovative ideas, engage in critical thinking, and develop new business opportunities. In the article “The effects of employees’ creative self-efficacy on innovative behavior: The role of entrepreneurial leadership,” Newman et al. (2018)...

Subway Trip: Retreat From the Chaos of Modern City Life

For many people, the subway is not only a rapid and reliable transit system that brings citizens to the desired destinations. It is also something more than just a simple habit, somewhat tedious and irritating trip. Despite the restricted nature of metro space detached from the ground by massive concrete...

“Encoding-Decoding” by Stuart Hall

In his influential essay “Encoding/Decoding”, Stuart Hall discusses the process of conveying and receiving ideas through media. He claims that the main reason why messages are interpreted not in a preferred way is the gap between perceptions of people responsible for creating the – “the encoders” – and people who...

Aspects of Muslim Food Culture

Islam has many rules related to food, and it is necessary for Muslim people to follow them. One of the most significant rules in Islam is the restriction on the consumption of pork. From the point of view of Islam, excess food is a sin, and pork is heavy product,...

The Webinar Organized by the U.S. Ethnic Writers

Webinar Reflections The webinar organized by the U.S. Ethnic Writers course teachers and students was supporting the Scholar Strike. It included a series of teachings meant as a form of social protest and inspired by Baldwin and Peck’s I am not Your Negro book and film. The speakers reflected upon...

The Problem of Obesity in the Latin Community

Obesity belongs to one of the most concerning issues in the USA. This problem is acute for the whole country as well as for separate states and counties. For example, in Florida, with its high population of Hispanic and Latino Americans, special attention is paid to the minority health (“Minority...

Obesity Negative Influence on Public Health

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that the number of people suffering from obesity has been steadily increasing in recent decades. Many health organizations around the globe expressed their concerns regarding this issue, appealing for some measures to be taken in order to curb this trend. The growing...

Bipolar Mental Disorder and Its Impact on an Individual

Mental or psychological disorders affect a person’s feelings, mood, and thinking, leading to distress. Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental illness associated with shifts in mood and changes in activity and energy levels. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in four people has a mental disorder (as cited...

Diagnostic Assessment. Postpartum Psychosis

Diagnosis of any disease and assessment of symptoms in conjunction with risk factors is the first step to successfully determining the condition. Evaluated factors should assess a patient’s life, including the environment, psychology, and human physiology. This essay aims to evaluate the situation provided and make a comprehensive diagnosis. First...

Rhetorical Appeals Analysis

“We can’t stop mass murder” is a persuasive piece on the topic of gun control published in The Week on October 6, 2017, which remains relevant today. The author, Shikha Dalmia, writes for many well-known journals and is a senior analyst with the Reason Foundation. She has degrees in chemistry,...

  • Marijuana Legalization
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Globalization
  • International Relations

Nerve Cell and Its Functions in Human Body

The nerve cell is a eukaryotic cell found in the central nervous system of the body. It is the cell through which nerve impulses from different body parts are transmitted to and from specific cells to facilitate the body’s functioning. These impulses are sent in the form of nervous signals...

Stay-At-Home or Employed Mothers – The Choice Is Theirs

The question of the rightful way of raising children has always been of major importance, as one might say, the next generation holds the destiny of humankind in their hands. However, society’s perception of stay-at-home-mothering (SAHM) can fluctuate, inspiring a lot of confusion among the mothers themselves. Typically, they are...

Risky Financial Decisions

A risky financial decision under consideration was made by a close relative, who decided to purchase an already operational liquor store that had been closed for a month due to serious documentation issues. However, the relative believed that it would be easy to operate an already established entity as compared...

Parenting Techniques Analysis

The text divides parenting into four styles according to the level of parental responsiveness and demandingness. Parents who display low levels of both these dimensions are indifferent since they pay insufficient attention to their children’s lives and stay focused mainly on themselves. Indulgent parents only show high levels of responsiveness...

Greenpeace International Company Analysis

Greenpeace International is one of the most renowned environmental organizations in the world. Their campaigns aim to change governmental policies about pollution and biodiversity (Luxon & Wong, 2017). Although Greenpeace lacked structure until 1975, its increased global popularity and financial support helped it become a successful non-governmental organization (Zelko, 2019)....

Java and JavaScript Vulnerabilities

Java and JavaScript have as many security vulnerabilities as other programming languages. These exposures can redirect sessions, manipulate data, and modify and steal information. The security issues can affect server-side environments even though Java and JavaScript are usually viewed as client-side applications. Since the effects of Java and JavaScript vulnerabilities...

Drug War in Border Cities: Causes and Consequences

The war on drugs is taking place worldwide, accompanied by severe violence and problems for citizens. In some areas where convenient corridors for traffic and drug cartels are located, for instance, on some parts of the US-Mexico border, these problems are especially acute. This paper examines three topics: the situation...

High-Level Decision Making Process in Society

In high-level decision-making, coming up with practice-oriented options requires thorough analysis and knowledge transfer skills. Based on what I have learned, to be viable, a potential solution should be able to produce tangible financial, resource-related, or reputational benefits without disproportionately high risks. Next, when it comes to knowledge transfer, studying...

Appellate Courts and Probation

Appellate courts should notice legal matters that have been wrongly taken in a trial or other smaller courts within the judicial system. According to Simon et al. (2018), “intermediate Appellate Courts go by many names, including Superior Court, Appellate Division, Court of Appeals, and even Supreme Court” (p. 5). The...

Food Deserts and Their Impact on Local Communities

Access to healthy food by all the members of society is one of the main conditions to reach sustainable development. However, in this regard, the current situation in the U.S. is far from ideal. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (2021), 53.6 million people (17.4 percent of the total...

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Social Change

Researching of Ethical Dilemma in the Company Policies

Summary After completing a sales training course, Sophie must fill in an expense voucher for the last week. She realized the significant issue that she could not include tips every person makes every day to service people in her expense voucher. She needs to decide whether to comply with accountants’...

The Jim Crow Laws and New Practices Compared

Based on the legal principle of “separate but equal,” the Jim Crow laws disseminated institutional discrimination across all socio-economic aspects of black people’s lives. The US legal system institutionalized racial segregation against African-Americans in transportation, education, housing, public facilities, and more. Although currently, such laws do not exist, black communities...

Medical Research in Developing Countries

Clinical research is essential for discovering new treatments and vaccines for a wide variety of conditions and diseases. As medical research often involves human subjects, it is imperative to acquire their informed consent and ensure their safety and well-being during the study. This critique will consider three articles on the...

Growth Factors of the Textile Industry in Pakistan

Introduction The textile industry in Pakistan is the most developed sector of the state’s economy. The share of the total economy it accounts is estimated to be nearly 46%; about 39% of total employees in manufacture are involved in the textile production (Latif & Javid, 2016, p. 192). Pakistan is...

Discussion: Who Controls Nursing?

Nursing developed, changed, and adapted to scientific progress and political, social, and economic changes throughout history. Providing care to the sick and injured became an indispensable general practice that saved thousands of people’s lives and became synonymous with alleviation, safety, and the common good. Nursing has always been inseparable from...

Should Animals Be Used in Research?

Any research cannot do without an experimental part, but sometimes, their application is complicated, for example, in human biology. In this case, there are alternatives, such as animal models. Nevertheless, the use of this method is also associated with questions of morality since it concerns living things. However, weighing all...

The Future of Health Care: Observing New Trends

World changes with each generation due to economic factors, population fluctuations, and the rapid development of information and communications technology (ICT). That affects the healthcare market with visible trends entailing the change. Vogenberg and Santilli (2018) allocate eight themes that attribute key trends in the healthcare delivery system: A decline...

Prussia and Austria Absolutism Examples

Factors Influenced the Development of Absolutism The War of the Austrian Succession showed the need for reforms in Austria, which was in a state of the financial crisis and was a poorly managed fragmented state. One of the directions of transformation was the implementation of a policy of unification in...

L’Oréal Company’s Strategy Statements

The beauty industry setting is highly competitive. Although L’Oréal’s statements lack specificity, they are very straightforward, helping to get a proper understanding of the company. Due to high coopetition rates, even beauty companies with a strong market presence and a developed competitive advantage need to reinforce their PR and marketing...

The Limits on Absolutism in England

Historically, societies around the world have utilized numerous forms of government with varying degrees of centralization of power; one of them was absolutism. As in many other monarchies of Europe, England had absolutism, but it was also one of the countries that began to limit monarchs’ absolute power. Thus, the...

  • Constitution

Abortion: Comparison and Contrast of Arguments

Abortion has been a controversial issue for many decades, with both sides of the argument often feeling very strongly about it. Nevertheless, regardless of the stance one takes on it, most people agree on prioritizing safety of the procedure if it must happen. It can be difficult to ensure safety...

Transplantation Rejection: Classification, Causes, and Prevention

Recent groundbreaking medical advances in post-transplant management have significantly boosted the success rates of transplantation procedures. The British Society for Immunology defines transplantation as the process by which viable cells, tissues, or organs are moved from one site to another to replace or repair organs and tissues that are diseased...

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin and How It Is Relevant

The question of what exactly a woman’s place in the marriage has long been a ground for heated discussions. Our society has come a long way from perceiving women as merely the property of men to today’s development of the feminist movement. However, even though nowadays, emancipation is a must...

Relationships in the “For Colored Girls” Film

One of the abusive and violent relationships seen in the film For Colored Girls is between Yasmine and a man she had recently met and started dating, named Bill. Upon going out on a date at a restaurant, Yasmine invites Bill into her home. At this point, with no warning,...

Fall and Rise of Progressives in the 1900s

In “A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Movement in America,” Michael McGerr discusses the rise and fall of the American progressivism movement in the early 20th century. The author discusses the reasons behind the movement, its goals, and faults that inevitably made it succeed in some...

Business Simulations Improve Business Decision-Making

In his article “Business simulations improve business decision making”, Robert Brodo (2015) intends to articulate the advantages that participating in business simulation workshops can bring to company owners and their employees. The author argues that business simulations may be the best method to improve the decision-making process compared to other...

Cultural Appropriation and Prejudice Against Its Representatives

Cultural appropriation is often present because it lets people express love for the culture and prejudice against its representatives. For example, in the modern world, sushi continues to gain popularity in various countries around the world; however, many people still express a negative attitude toward Asians. Such harm as spreading...

The Story of Telemachus in “The Odyssey” by Homer

Numerous books exist in the world, presenting to readers various aspects of life. One of the most renowned literary works is the epic The Odyssey that represents the fascinating stories of Odysseus and his son Telemachus (Homer, 1996). While both characters go on complex journeys, Telemachus’s quest reflects the search...

The Dutch Republic of the 17th Century

The 17th century for Europe is the era of large kingdoms such as Poland, France, and England. Against this background, the Dutch Republic stood out both territorially, having much less land, and in terms of its structure. Unlike other countries, it did not have any absolute ruler. Instead, the political...

“Araby” by James Joyce: Short Story Analysis

James Joyce’s story “Araby” is about an Irish adolescent lad transitioning from adolescent fancies to the harsh realities of everyday life in his birthplace. In a minimalist manner, the author employs a single narrator, a dismal backdrop, and symbolism to remind the reader of the hardships and disappointments we all...

Free Essays by Words

Free 400 Words Essay Examples

As a rule, a short 400-word essay is assigned by teachers to assess one’s ability to articulate their ideas succinctly together with their knowledge of a particular topic. Commonly used genres for 400 words essays include personal statements and discussion board posts.

You don’t need to conduct an in-depth analysis to write a paper of 400 words. The keys to success are good planning, a catchy hook, conciseness, and creativity. Check free 400-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!

Civil Rights Advocacy in the United States

The history of civil rights advocacy in the United States is long and complicated. It is simple to understand how African Americans’ struggle for civil rights started when they were brought to the country as slaves. African-Americans have been the target of hate crimes and other forms of violence for...

The Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Case

The events that led to the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case were supported by the active fight of the NAACP against segregation laws in public schools. Prior to the event, the Supreme Court narrowed the field of Civil Rights Act legislation that can be supported by the...

Analysis of Sainte‐Foy, France Church

This paper provides a formal analysis of the Church and Reliquary of Sainte‐Foy, France. This examination begins with the artwork that is visible even before you plunge into the church building. The paper also provides a formal analysis of the church itself together with its structural features that convey that...

Brady v. United States (397 U.S. 742): Facts, Issue, and Reasoning

Case: Brady v. the United States was a case that was decided on May 4, 1970, by the United States Supreme Court. Facts: Robert M. Brady was convicted in 1959 of abducting and failing to free a hostage unharmed in contravention of 18 U.S.C.S. § 1201(a), which imposes a maximum penalty of...

400-Word Essay FAQ

A 400 words essay would typically be about 2 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 400-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in a 400 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 4 to 5 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 8 to 14 minutes to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 400 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 400 words will take about 1 hour 20 minutes.

At a rough estimate, 400 words would take up about 40 to 45 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 400-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.

“Four Views on The Apostle Paul” Book by Bird

Introduction Bird’s book Four Views on the Apostle Paul focuses on Paul as an important figure in Christian theology. Problems arise now when it comes to understanding Paul’s thoughts on the church. For the authors, proving Pauline’s correct understanding is as simple and plain as possible. Beyond the arguments of...

Reflection on “Hills Like White Elephants” by E. Hemingway

“Hills Like White Elephants” is an outstanding short story written by Ernest Hemingway. At first sight, it describes a common situation in a life of a couple who spends time in a rail station bar while waiting for a coming train. A man and a woman are drinking beer and...

Communication: What We Learn From Non-Verbal Cues

Introduction Non-verbal cues usually involve the use of facial expressions, vocal intonation, gestures, and posture to communicate. This essay uses the three-point proof technique to describe what we learn from non-verbal cues. Non-Verbal Cues are Very Powerful Complementation of Verbal Communication Non-verbal cues help emphasize the message being said, thus...

English Common Law and Penal Law in the United States

Law is a system of rules enforced by the government to regulate behavior. It is a fundamental aspect of modern society that requires the peaceful coexistence of billions of people. United States law functions at a federal and state level guided by common law and civil statutes. Common law, also...

A Basic Understanding of Juvenile Justice

Introduction This paper provides a basic understanding of juvenile justice in reference to the steadily rising figures relating to youth or juvenile violence. The paper also touches on various aspects of youth and juvenile delinquency: a historical perspective, trends and response by the government, children-rights groups, and society in general...

Termination in Social Work Practice

The purpose of this blog is to explain how termination might be addressed during field education experience. Termination is an essential part of social work practice and the step in the planned change process finalizing the professional client-provider relationship. Social workers or field education students may conclude their generalist practice...

How Refugees Affect the Host Country

What are the first and most prevalent associations with refugees attempting to integrate into society? For someone, that implies a ready workforce, eager to do any task to avoid returning to their problematic homeland. Someone else could perceive a mob of offensive, non-intellectual people who merely waste resources. Both of...

Minoritization and Pluralization Issues

The connection of religion and politics is a complex yet critical theme to be studied in the contemporary sociopolitical and economic context. While Latin America has been known as overwhelmingly Catholic for an extended period, the recent religious trends and increased share of Pentecostals/Evangelists in the region’s population imply the...

Review of Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

In her short story Everyday Use, Alice Walker characterizes the daily life of a rural African-American family to show the clashing dynamics between different understandings of African-American culture. The story revolves around Mrs. Johnson’s, that is narrator’s, experience with the visit of her daughter and her male companion. The most...

How Does Child Neglect Affect a Child’s Self-Esteem in Adulthood?

Introduction Child neglect and maltreatment are unfortunately common social problems in the global world of today. The repercussions of the ill-treatment in childhood can take many forms, from drug use (Oshri, Carlson, Kwon, Zeichner & Wickrama, 2017) to mental health issues such as depression (Xiang, Wang & Guan, 2018). As...

Helping Hand For Veterans: Developing Human Resources

Human resource development is comparatively a young intellectual discipline. An old deeply rooted field of practice within an organization. In Helping Hand for Veterans, the approaches to human resource development hypothesis and performance are highly rooted in the organizations improvement and progressing methods (Gilbert, 1978). However, retraining of the Helping...

Personal Development in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening

Modern people agree that a person can be satisfied or happy when their needs are met. Notably, this simple truth was widely accepted in earlier times as well. However, the way society saw the needs of an individual varied considerably throughout centuries and across the globe. For instance, development has...

China-United States Trade Problems and Causes

Abstract There has been a dramatic change in trade modalities between the US and China for the last 15 years. Before the advent of 1992 quantity trade volume between the two nations was estimated at $10 billion per year, but it grew by about 600% in 1999. This has in...

Sociological Issues: Violent Crime in the Society and Same-Sex Marriages

One topic that is of great interest to me is the topic of reducing violent crime in the society. My personal interest in this topic is because there are so many cases of violent crime occurring in the society that go unreported. For instance, in many black and Latino neighborhoods,...

Wolverine Frog: Phylogeny, Environment, Adaptation, and Selection Pressures

The hairy frog is a species of frogs associated with the Central African region. It belongs to the Arthroleptidae family, the genus Trichobatrachus, and is scientifically referred to as Trichobatrachus robustus (Wells 53). Its name originated from the presence of hair-like structures that appear on the body and thighs of...

Elements of Project Management

Project management is a broad study area within the academic and educational aspects of conducting practical projects. It contains components that are resourceful to frontrunners in the field of project management. Therefore, this assignment addresses the role of project management elements and incorporates the use of a case study in...

Properties of Cloud Computing Services

Questions Asked This paper is aimed at cutting through the hype of cloud computing to evaluate if CU-IT services should adopt it. Emphasis will be given to the explanation of how cloud computing integrates with CU-IT’s basic business competencies. Also, this paper will be aimed at assessing how cloud computing...

War on Drugs: Reducing and Defining the Trade of Illegal Drugs

‘The War on Drugs’ is an expression mostly used for the prohibition campaign and military intervention carried out by the American government, with support from the foreign military and involved countries, and the main objective is to reduce and define the trade of illegal drugs. This proposal engages a range...

Project Management: Theory and Practice

Working with a team has enabled me to achieve the objectives of the project and taught me the importance of communication in teamwork. By being a part of the team, I am now better equipped with the tools and knowledge required to work in a team through cooperation and coordination....

Qualitative Research Study of Smoking among Australian Youths

The article by Rachael Green and David Moore reports a qualitative research study conducted to examine smoking among Australian youths in a particular social network (Green & Moore 2013). The researchers collected ethnographical data among 60 young adults between 2005 and 2007. The study also involved semi-structured interviews using 25...

Risk Assessment and Management in Criminology

Introduction Risk can be defined as threat or likelihood of a damage, loss or injury. The negative happening can be caused by internal or external factors, actions or inactions. Every company or organization has its level of risk. The acceptable level of risk is defined by legal and regulatory department...

The Benefit of Studying Abroad Compared to Studying in the Home Country

As the process of globalization continues to impact the modern world, the problem of choosing the appropriate institution for higher education continues to occupy student’s minds. Studying abroad may become an exciting experience beneficial for one’s future career while studying in the home country has its advantages as well. The...

What Is Philosophy?

The Oxford Dictionary defines Philosophy as the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. However, philosophy means much more than this basic definition encompassing a vast body of work and this essay examines the various aspects of what is philosophy. Philosophy deals with the fundamental questions about...

“Like Water for Chocolate” by Laura Esquivel

Introduction Like Water for Chocolate written by Laura Esquivel is considered to be a marvelous novel published in 1989. The story overview gives an opportunity to realize the basic themes highlighted by the author who strived to underline such issues as “familial insubordination, passion and dictatorial governance”. The author strived...

Dark Matter: The Issue of True Identity

Introduction What constitutes one’s self? When one’s personality begins and ends? What are the origins of a person’s identity? These questions have been discussed in the fields of philosophy and psychology for centuries, and yet there is still no consensus on the topic of personal identity. Body theory and memory...

Enterprise Resource Planning Assignment

Discussion Part The implementation of the ERP is challenging for any organization disregarding whether the ‘big bang’ or phased approach is used. The ‘big bang’ approach suggests that the company will shift from the old ERP to the new one at a single point in time. The advantage of such...

Water Pollution and Associated Health Risks

The deterioration of the environmental situation all over the globe is inseparably linked with the pollution of the atmosphere, soil, and water with agricultural, industrial, and domestic human activities. Since the abstraction of water for drinking purposes is made from underground and open water sources, it becomes evident that all...

Chinese Colonial Administration in Inner Asia

China and Other Colonial Empires China has always been one of the most discussed and investigated countries. Today, the outstanding development of this state gives rise to a new wave of discussions about its imperialistic past and how it impacts its todays growth. In the paper “China and Other Colonial...

Is Online Learning as Good as Face-to-Face Learning?

Online learning becomes a widespread option for education. Some people believe that face-to-face learning ensures effectiveness. Many students prefer it because of its convenience and time-saving. Others consider that online learning can also be useful. They say that it helps them to improve discipline while simultaneously saving money on various...

“I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou

The excerpt from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings tells about the memories of a little girl. Marguerite Johnson and her brother Bailey, abandoned by their parents, go to their father’s mother to Stamps, Arkansas. That is how children start living with their grandmother whom they soon begin to...

Africans in America – the Growth of Slavery in the 1600s and 1700s

Introduction American slavery involved the ownership of persons who were subjected to work without consent and contracts. The southern side focused on cash crop cultivation as the main economic activity while the northern side agricultural activities were less. In the north, slaves were used in domestic work and skilled crafts...

  • Essay on My Favourite Season

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Season

Seasons keep changing but they also come back every year. This is one of my most favourite parts about them. They always return no matter what. Everyone has a favourite season and so do I. My favourite season is the summer season. There are many reasons to like it which I will explain below.

my favourite season

Why Summer is My Favourite Season

Just like many other kids my age, I like the summer season the most. What’s not to like about it? You get to enjoy long holidays as everyone gets a break from school. Similarly, parents allow the kids to have ice creams.

Cold drinks are another reasons why summer is my favourite season. We get to have such a wide variety of food items during this season. On the healthier side, we also get incredible mangoes in the summer season.

As mangoes are my favourite fruit, I tend to like summers even more. Summers make us truly appreciate and savour a lot of things. During the summer season, we get holidays for a long time.

During the summer holidays, I get to spend time with my family and friends to the fullest. When we get lucky, we even go on family trips. I look forward to them every year, even if it is a small trip.

Most importantly, there are so many activities that I get to do during summers like joining summer camps, cycling, swimming, and more. Summers are so bright and exciting that it has always been my favourite season.

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The Specialty of Summer Season

The summer season has long days and short nights. The days are sunny and bright. We get to relax completely during the afternoons during summers. Similarly, we also get so much sunlight .

The water parks are always full of people during summers that help people stay cool and have a good time. I like swimming in the pools during summers as it makes me feel free. There are also different varieties of food items I get to enjoy during summers.

There are fresh cucumbers, huge watermelons, juicy oranges, sweet guavas, nutritious muskmelons, and more. The early mornings of summer are incredible and nothing can match the atmosphere.

Another speciality of summer has to be the clothes. People enjoy wearing shorts, dresses, sleeveless shirts, and more to enjoy summers to the fullest. The hill stations are swarmed during the summer season as everyone goes there to escape the heat. Therefore, all these specialities make me love summer even more.

All in all, summer is my favourite season as everything is bright and lovely. Even the fruits and vegetables we get are so colourful that it makes a good sight for sore eyes. School going children love summers even more as summer break allows us to play more and relax. Summers are warm, sunny, and delightful.

FAQ on Essay on My Favourite Season

Question 1: Why do kids like summer more?

Answer 1: Most kids like summer more as they allow them to relax and take a break from school. The long summer holidays give them a break where they can play, learn new hobbies, eat delicious fruits and vegetables and do more fun activities.

Question 2: What is the speciality of summer?

Answer 2: Summer has a lot of specialities. They include a variety of food items like mangoes, cucumbers, muskmelons, oranges, guavas, and more. Further, people enjoy their time in swimming pools and get to wear light clothes.

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My Favorite Month Of The Year

Oh, October, my favorite month of the year. For many reasons, October has my heart. It holds the peak of Autumn, my dearest season. It is full of festivities such as pumpkin carving, haunted houses, and of course the traditional dressing up on Halloween. It also holds a large amount of anticipation for Thanksgiving and Christmas, which is debatably better than the holidays themselves. This year, October holds these things along with much more for me. I have experienced a lot this October, but this month seemed to be the light at the end of the tunnel, which made a little sliver of light fall on some important parts of life; from learning the true importance of patience and trust, to coming face to face with love . Practicing patience has never been something I have been good at, in regards to anything, to be honest. Although I’m not very good at it, I usually try not to fret too much about how my life seems to be going or if things aren’t going the way I want them to, because I trust that the universe will do what it needs to do in order to make me end up exactly where I’m supposed to be. I believe that the people who are meant to be in your life will always find their way back, no matter how far either of you may wander. I happened to wander 5 hours away from home, to a completely different state, yet it was still possible for this person to make their way back into my life, almost an entire year later. Up until this October, I had never experienced the idea of love that I

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My Argumentative Essay On Why Halloween Is The Best Summer

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people in has helped me gain patience. I understand that I can not have everything I want

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English Aspirants

Essay on My Favourite Season for Students [5+ Essays]

My Favourite Season essay: There are six seasons in India. Summer (Grishma Ritu), Monsoon (Varsha Ritu), Autumn (Sharad Ritu), Pre-Winter (Hemant Ritu), Winter (Shishir Ritu), and Spring (Vasant Ritu). In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay/paragraph on my favourite season or the season I like most. Here, we’ve included essays/paragraphs on all the six seasons of India. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Essay on My Favourite Season Winter

Winter is the best of all seasons and I like this season the most. December, January and February are the three winter months. The weather at this time is very pleasant. In this season we can work hard but do not get tired. We put on warm clothes and enjoy the bright sunshine. The nights are very cold. The night in a warm bed under a quilt is very comfortable.

Paddy is harvested in this season. Colourful seasonal flowers grow in gardens. Fish, vegetables and fruits are also available in plenty in this season. They are very cheap also. This is the most suitable time for holding picnics in the open air. We can go out and hold excursions in winter.

Various types of fairs are held and festivals like Saraswati Puja, Christmas, and New Year’s Day are celebrated in this season. While we enjoy the cool comfort of the winter, the poor people suffer a lot during these months. They do not have warm clothes to protect them from cold. Overall I love this season very much.

essay on my favourite season winter

My Favourite Season Summer Essay

Of all the six seasons, my favourite season is summer. It is the hottest season of the year. The summer season starts in March and ends in June. In this season the sun shines brightly. The best part of this season is summer vacation. This is a great relief from a hectic schedule, home works, and exam pressure. I enjoy the vacation by going to a beach or a hill station with friends and families. In summer I like to have cold drinks, lassi, ice cream, and coconut water.

We get many fruits in this season like mango, watermelon, litchi, jackfruit, pineapple etc. Many festivals such as charak puja, Rama Navami, Baisakhi, Rabindra Jayanti, etc. are celebrated in this season. There are varieties of fruits and vegetables available during this season. Many beautiful flowers like Lilly, Marigold, Roses, Dahlia, and Sunflower bloom in this season. Summer is just a wonderful season with so much fun and enjoyment. 

my favourite season summer essay

My Favourite season Rainy Season

The season I like most is the Rainy season or monsoon. In India, this season begins in mid-June and ends in early September. Rainy season comes after the scorching heat of summer season and gives us relief. Clouds float here and there in the sky. Lightning and thunder occur frequently. People can be seen with umbrellas and raincoats. Dry rivers and lakes become full.

Farmers plough their fields. Children become very happy. They make paper boats and dance in the rain. A variety of fruits, vegetables, and crops grow in this season. Beautiful flowers blossom in this time. Beautiful rainbows can be seen in the sky.  This season brings a lot of festivals like Raksha Bandhan, 15th August, Teej, Janmashtami, etc. We can enjoy various types of dishes in the rain.

But sometimes heavy rainfall brings the flood. Flood causes many to lose their lives, houses, and livelihood. On the other hand, if there is no rainfall for a long time, drought can occur. This causes extensive damage to crops. So, the Rainy season is an important season for us.

my favourite season rainy season

Also Read: Paragraph on Rainy Season 

My Favourite Season Spring Essay

The season of spring is dear to poets and lovers. This is taken as a time of beauty, melody and happiness. Spring lasts for a little more than two months-from February to mid-April. The weather in spring is rather pleasant. This is neither too cold nor too hot. There is also no troublesome rainfall. The sky looks clear and blue.

The gentle breeze soothes Trees and lands are all green and lovely. This is particularly a season of flowers and fruit. Different sorts of vegetables too, grow in plenty. The season has the festivals of the Saraswati Puja and the Holi. Indeed many are found, like the poet, to long for spring-“If winter comes, can spring be far behind ?”.

my favourite season spring essay

Also Read: A Rainy Day Paragraph

My Favourite Season Autumn

India is a land of seasons. Six seasons come and pass away here. Autumn, however, appears to me the most charming season of all. It covers roughly two months-September and October. Our earth looks fresh and bright with its coming. The cloudy sky and the rainy weather are over in autumn. A deep blue sky smiles and the sun shines brightly. Nature is adorned with grace and charms. The natural beauty of the season is greatly appealing to me.

Autumn is dear to me for another important reason. This is the season for the greatest Bengali festival-the Durga Puja. This is the festival of joy and happiness. It makes one happy. I enjoy in it the happiness of the season.

my favourite season autumn essay

My Favourite Season Autumn Essay

During the rainy season, the sky remains overcast with clouds. Rains fall continually. But, with autumn, the clouds are no more. A deep blue sky spreads, like a deep blue sea. The white patches of clouds float like little fairy boats.

The day looks golden with the sun shining. The night has a silvery moon, with its silvery luster. The millions of stars, too, sparkle. Now and then, rain begins to fall thick and fast. But then suddenly the rain stops and, again, a deep blue sky smiles. In autumn, the rivers are full to the brim. The fields are all green and golden with crops. Men and women are busy among them, reaping the harvest. Nature and man seem to unite in one mood of peaceful gladness. Autumn is my favourite season.

Read More: 1. Essay on a Visit to a Hill Station 2. A Journey by Train Essay 3. A Visit to a Zoo Essay 4. A Visit to a Historical Place Essay

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16 Strong College Essay Examples from Top Schools

the best month of the year essay 400 words

What’s Covered:

  • Common App Essays
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Most high school students don’t get a lot of experience with creative writing, so the college essay can be especially daunting. Reading examples of successful essays, however, can help you understand what admissions officers are looking for.

In this post, we’ll share 16 college essay examples of many different topics. Most of the essay prompts fall into 8 different archetypes, and you can approach each prompt under that archetype in a similar way. We’ve grouped these examples by archetype so you can better structure your approach to college essays.

If you’re looking for school-specific guides, check out our 2022-2023 essay breakdowns .

Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Note: the essays are titled in this post for navigation purposes, but they were not originally titled. We also include the original prompt where possible.

The Common App essay goes to all of the schools on your list, unless those schools use a separate application platform. Because of this, it’s the most important essay in your portfolio, and likely the longest essay you’ll need to write (you get up to 650 words). 

The goal of this essay is to share a glimpse into who you are, what matters to you, and what you hope to achieve. It’s a chance to share your story. 

Learn more about how to write the Common App essay in our complete guide.

The Multiple Meanings of Point

Prompt: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. (250-650 words)

Night had robbed the academy of its daytime colors, yet there was comfort in the dim lights that cast shadows of our advances against the bare studio walls. Silhouettes of roundhouse kicks, spin crescent kicks, uppercuts and the occasional butterfly kick danced while we sparred. She approached me, eyes narrowed with the trace of a smirk challenging me. “Ready spar!” Her arm began an upward trajectory targeting my shoulder, a common first move. I sidestepped — only to almost collide with another flying fist. Pivoting my right foot, I snapped my left leg, aiming my heel at her midsection. The center judge raised one finger. 

There was no time to celebrate, not in the traditional sense at least. Master Pollard gave a brief command greeted with a unanimous “Yes, sir” and the thud of 20 hands dropping-down-and-giving-him-30, while the “winners” celebrated their victory with laps as usual. 

Three years ago, seven-thirty in the evening meant I was a warrior. It meant standing up straighter, pushing a little harder, “Yes, sir” and “Yes, ma’am”, celebrating birthdays by breaking boards, never pointing your toes, and familiarity. Three years later, seven-thirty in the morning meant I was nervous. 

The room is uncomfortably large. The sprung floor soaks up the checkerboard of sunlight piercing through the colonial windows. The mirrored walls further illuminate the studio and I feel the light scrutinizing my sorry attempts at a pas de bourrée, while capturing the organic fluidity of the dancers around me. “Chassé en croix, grand battement, pique, pirouette.” I follow the graceful limbs of the woman in front of me, her legs floating ribbons, as she executes what seems to be a perfect ronds de jambes. Each movement remains a negotiation. With admirable patience, Ms. Tan casts me a sympathetic glance.   

There is no time to wallow in the misery that is my right foot. Taekwondo calls for dorsiflexion; pointed toes are synonymous with broken toes. My thoughts drag me into a flashback of the usual response to this painful mistake: “You might as well grab a tutu and head to the ballet studio next door.” Well, here I am Master Pollard, unfortunately still following your orders to never point my toes, but no longer feeling the satisfaction that comes with being a third degree black belt with 5 years of experience quite literally under her belt. It’s like being a white belt again — just in a leotard and ballet slippers. 

But the appetite for new beginnings that brought me here doesn’t falter. It is only reinforced by the classical rendition of “Dancing Queen” that floods the room and the ghost of familiarity that reassures me that this new beginning does not and will not erase the past. After years spent at the top, it’s hard to start over. But surrendering what you are only leads you to what you may become. In Taekwondo, we started each class reciting the tenets: honor, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, courage, humility, and knowledge, and I have never felt that I embodied those traits more so than when I started ballet. 

The thing about change is that it eventually stops making things so different. After nine different schools, four different countries, three different continents, fluency in Tamil, Norwegian, and English, there are more blurred lines than there are clear fragments. My life has not been a tactfully executed, gold medal-worthy Taekwondo form with each movement defined, nor has it been a series of frappés performed by a prima ballerina with each extension identical and precise, but thankfully it has been like the dynamics of a spinning back kick, fluid, and like my chances of landing a pirouette, unpredictable. 

The first obvious strength of this essay is the introduction—it is interesting and snappy and uses enough technical language that we want to figure out what the student is discussing. When writing introductions, students tend to walk the line between intriguing and confusing. It is important that your essay ends up on the intentionally intriguing side of that line—like this student does! We are a little confused at first, but by then introducing the idea of “sparring,” the student grounds their essay.

People often advise young writers to “show, not tell.” This student takes that advice a step further and makes the reader do a bit of work to figure out what they are telling us. Nowhere in this essay does it say “After years of Taekwondo, I made the difficult decision to switch over to ballet.” Rather, the student says “It’s like being a white belt again — just in a leotard and ballet slippers.” How powerful! 

After a lot of emotional language and imagery, this student finishes off their essay with very valuable (and necessary!) reflection. They show admissions officers that they are more than just a good writer—they are a mature and self-aware individual who would be beneficial to a college campus. Self-awareness comes through with statements like “surrendering what you are only leads you to what you may become” and maturity can be seen through the student’s discussion of values: “honor, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, courage, humility, and knowledge, and I have never felt that I embodied those traits more so than when I started ballet.”

Sparking Self-Awareness

Prompt: The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? (250-650 words)

Was I no longer the beloved daughter of nature, whisperer of trees? Knee-high rubber boots, camouflage, bug spray—I wore the garb and perfume of a proud wild woman, yet there I was, hunched over the pathetic pile of stubborn sticks, utterly stumped, on the verge of tears. As a child, I had considered myself a kind of rustic princess, a cradler of spiders and centipedes, who was serenaded by mourning doves and chickadees, who could glide through tick-infested meadows and emerge Lyme-free. I knew the cracks of the earth like the scars on my own rough palms. Yet here I was, ten years later, incapable of performing the most fundamental outdoor task: I could not, for the life of me, start a fire. 

Furiously I rubbed the twigs together—rubbed and rubbed until shreds of skin flaked from my fingers. No smoke. The twigs were too young, too sticky-green; I tossed them away with a shower of curses, and began tearing through the underbrush in search of a more flammable collection. My efforts were fruitless. Livid, I bit a rejected twig, determined to prove that the forest had spurned me, offering only young, wet bones that would never burn. But the wood cracked like carrots between my teeth—old, brittle, and bitter. Roaring and nursing my aching palms, I retreated to the tent, where I sulked and awaited the jeers of my family. 

Rattling their empty worm cans and reeking of fat fish, my brother and cousins swaggered into the campsite. Immediately, they noticed the minor stick massacre by the fire pit and called to me, their deep voices already sharp with contempt. 

“Where’s the fire, Princess Clara?” they taunted. “Having some trouble?” They prodded me with the ends of the chewed branches and, with a few effortless scrapes of wood on rock, sparked a red and roaring flame. My face burned long after I left the fire pit. The camp stank of salmon and shame. 

In the tent, I pondered my failure. Was I so dainty? Was I that incapable? I thought of my hands, how calloused and capable they had been, how tender and smooth they had become. It had been years since I’d kneaded mud between my fingers; instead of scaling a white pine, I’d practiced scales on my piano, my hands softening into those of a musician—fleshy and sensitive. And I’d gotten glasses, having grown horrifically nearsighted; long nights of dim lighting and thick books had done this. I couldn’t remember the last time I had lain down on a hill, barefaced, and seen the stars without having to squint. Crawling along the edge of the tent, a spider confirmed my transformation—he disgusted me, and I felt an overwhelming urge to squash him. 

Yet, I realized I hadn’t really changed—I had only shifted perspective. I still eagerly explored new worlds, but through poems and prose rather than pastures and puddles. I’d grown to prefer the boom of a bass over that of a bullfrog, learned to coax a different kind of fire from wood, having developed a burn for writing rhymes and scrawling hypotheses. 

That night, I stayed up late with my journal and wrote about the spider I had decided not to kill. I had tolerated him just barely, only shrieking when he jumped—it helped to watch him decorate the corners of the tent with his delicate webs, knowing that he couldn’t start fires, either. When the night grew cold and the embers died, my words still smoked—my hands burned from all that scrawling—and even when I fell asleep, the ideas kept sparking—I was on fire, always on fire.

First things first, this Common App essay is well-written. This student is definitely showing the admissions officers her ability to articulate her points beautifully and creatively. It starts with vivid images like that of the “rustic princess, a cradler of spiders and centipedes, who was serenaded by mourning doves and chickadees, who could glide through tick-infested meadows and emerge Lyme-free.” And because the prose is flowery (and beautiful!), the writer can get away with metaphors like “I knew the cracks of the earth like the scars on my own rough palms” that might sound cheesy without the clear command of the English language that the writer quickly establishes.

In addition to being well-written, this essay is thematically cohesive. It begins with the simple introduction “Fire!” and ends with the following image: “When the night grew cold and the embers died, my words still smoked—my hands burned from all that scrawling—and even when I fell asleep, the ideas kept sparking—I was on fire, always on fire.” This full-circle approach leaves readers satisfied and impressed.

While dialogue often comes off as cliche or trite, this student effectively incorporates her family members saying “Where’s the fire, Princess Clara?” This is achieved through the apt use of the verb “taunted” to characterize the questioning and through the question’s thematic connection to the earlier image of the student as a rustic princess. Similarly, rhetorical questions can feel randomly placed in essays, but this student’s inclusion of the questions “Was I so dainty?” and “Was I that incapable?” feel perfectly justified after she establishes that she was pondering her failure.

Quite simply, this essay shows how quality writing can make a simple story outstandingly compelling. 

Why This College?

“Why This College?” is one of the most common essay prompts, likely because schools want to understand whether you’d be a good fit and how you’d use their resources.

This essay is one of the more straightforward ones you’ll write for college applications, but you still can and should allow your voice to shine through.

Learn more about how to write the “Why This College?” essay in our guide.

Prompt: How will you explore your intellectual and academic interests at the University of Pennsylvania? Please answer this question given the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying (650 words).

Sister Simone Roach, a theorist of nursing ethics, said, “caring is the human mode of being.” I have long been inspired by Sister Roach’s Five C’s of Caring: commitment, conscience, competence, compassion, and confidence. Penn both embraces and fosters these values through a rigorous, interdisciplinary curriculum and unmatched access to service and volunteer opportunities.

COMMITMENT. Reading through the activities that Penn Quakers devote their time to (in addition to academics!) felt like drinking from a firehose in the best possible way. As a prospective nursing student with interests outside of my major, I value this level of flexibility. I plan to leverage Penn’s liberal arts curriculum to gain an in-depth understanding of the challenges LGBT people face, especially regarding healthcare access. Through courses like “Interactional Processes with LGBT Individuals” and volunteering at the Mazzoni Center for outreach, I hope to learn how to better support the Penn LGBT community as well as my family and friends, including my cousin, who came out as trans last year.

CONSCIENCE. As one of the first people in my family to attend a four-year university, I wanted a school that promoted a sense of moral responsibility among its students. At Penn, professors challenge their students to question and recreate their own set of morals by sparking thought- provoking, open-minded discussions. I can imagine myself advocating for universal healthcare in courses such as “Health Care Reform & Future of American Health System” and debating its merits with my peers. Studying in an environment where students confidently voice their opinions – conservative or liberal – will push me to question and strengthen my value system.

COMPETENCE. Two aspects that drew my attention to Penn’s BSN program were its high-quality research opportunities and hands-on nursing projects. Through its Office of Nursing Research, Penn connects students to faculty members who share similar research interests. As I volunteered at a nursing home in high school, I hope to work with Dr. Carthon to improve the quality of care for senior citizens. Seniors, especially minorities, face serious barriers to healthcare that I want to resolve. Additionally, Penn’s unique use of simulations to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world application impressed me. Using computerized manikins that mimic human responses, classes in Penn’s nursing program allow students to apply their emergency medical skills in a mass casualty simulation and monitor their actions afterward through a video system. Participating in this activity will help me identify my strengths and areas for improvement regarding crisis management and medical care in a controlled yet realistic setting. Research opportunities and simulations will develop my skills even before I interact with patients.

COMPASSION. I value giving back through community service, and I have a particular interest in Penn’s Community Champions and Nursing Students For Sexual & Reproductive Health (NSRH). As a four-year volunteer health educator, I hope to continue this work as a Community Champions member. I am excited to collaborate with medical students to teach fourth and fifth graders in the city about cardiology or lead a chair dance class for the elders at the LIFE Center. Furthermore, as a feminist who firmly believes in women’s abortion rights, I’d like to join NSRH in order to advocate for women’s health on campus. At Penn, I can work with like-minded people to make a meaningful difference.

CONFIDENCE. All of the Quakers that I have met possess one defining trait: confidence. Each student summarized their experiences at Penn as challenging but fulfilling. Although I expect my coursework to push me, from my conversations with current Quakers I know it will help me to be far more effective in my career.

The Five C’s of Caring are important heuristics for nursing, but they also provide insight into how I want to approach my time in college. I am eager to engage with these principles both as a nurse and as a Penn Quaker, and I can’t wait to start.

This prompt from Penn asks students to tailor their answer to their specific field of study. One great thing that this student does is identify their undergraduate school early, by mentioning “Sister Simone Roach, a theorist of nursing ethics.” You don’t want readers confused or searching through other parts of your application to figure out your major.

With a longer essay like this, it is important to establish structure. Some students organize their essay in a narrative form, using an anecdote from their past or predicting their future at a school. This student uses Roach’s 5 C’s of Caring as a framing device that organizes their essay around values. This works well!

While this essay occasionally loses voice, there are distinct moments where the student’s personality shines through. We see this with phrases like “felt like drinking from a fire hose in the best possible way” and “All of the Quakers that I have met possess one defining trait: confidence.” It is important to show off your personality to make your essay stand out. 

Finally, this student does a great job of referencing specific resources about Penn. It’s clear that they have done their research (they’ve even talked to current Quakers). They have dreams and ambitions that can only exist at Penn.

Prompt: What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)

Coin collector and swimmer. Hungarian and Romanian. Critical and creative thinker. I was drawn to Yale because they don’t limit one’s mind with “or” but rather embrace unison with “and.” 

Wandering through the Beinecke Library, I prepare for my multidisciplinary Energy Studies capstone about the correlation between hedonism and climate change, making it my goal to find implications in environmental sociology. Under the tutelage of Assistant Professor Arielle Baskin-Sommers, I explore the emotional deficits of depression, utilizing neuroimaging to scrutinize my favorite branch of psychology: human perception. At Walden Peer Counseling, I integrate my peer support and active listening skills to foster an empathetic environment for the Yale community. Combining my interests in psychological and environmental studies is why I’m proud to be a Bulldog. 

This answer to the “Why This College” question is great because 1) the student shows their excitement about attending Yale 2) we learn the ways in which attending Yale will help them achieve their goals and 3) we learn their interests and identities.

In this response, you can find a prime example of the “Image of the Future” approach, as the student flashes forward and envisions their life at Yale, using present tense (“I explore,” “I integrate,” “I’m proud”). This approach is valuable if you are trying to emphasize your dedication to a specific school. Readers get the feeling that this student is constantly imagining themselves on campus—it feels like Yale really matters to them.

Starting this image with the Beinecke Library is great because the Beinecke Library only exists at Yale. It is important to tailor “Why This College” responses to each specific school. This student references a program of study, a professor, and an extracurricular that only exist at Yale. Additionally, they connect these unique resources to their interests—psychological and environmental studies.

Finally, we learn about the student (independent of academics) through this response. By the end of their 125 words, we know their hobbies, ethnicities, and social desires, in addition to their academic interests. It can be hard to tackle a 125-word response, but this student shows that it’s possible.

Why This Major?

The goal of this prompt is to understand how you came to be interested in your major and what you plan to do with it. For competitive programs like engineering, this essay helps admissions officers distinguish students who have a genuine passion and are most likely to succeed in the program. This is another more straightforward essay, but you do have a bit more freedom to include relevant anecdotes.

Learn more about how to write the “Why This Major?” essay in our guide.

Why Duke Engineering

Prompt: If you are applying to the Pratt School of Engineering as a first year applicant, please discuss why you want to study engineering and why you would like to study at Duke (250 words).

One Christmas morning, when I was nine, I opened a snap circuit set from my grandmother. Although I had always loved math and science, I didn’t realize my passion for engineering until I spent the rest of winter break creating different circuits to power various lights, alarms, and sensors. Even after I outgrew the toy, I kept the set in my bedroom at home and knew I wanted to study engineering. Later, in a high school biology class, I learned that engineering didn’t only apply to circuits, but also to medical devices that could improve people’s quality of life. Biomedical engineering allows me to pursue my academic passions and help people at the same time.

Just as biology and engineering interact in biomedical engineering, I am fascinated by interdisciplinary research in my chosen career path. Duke offers unmatched resources, such as DUhatch and The Foundry, that will enrich my engineering education and help me practice creative problem-solving skills. The emphasis on entrepreneurship within these resources will also help me to make a helpful product. Duke’s Bass Connections program also interests me; I firmly believe that the most creative and necessary problem-solving comes by bringing people together from different backgrounds. Through this program, I can use my engineering education to solve complicated societal problems such as creating sustainable surgical tools for low-income countries. Along the way, I can learn alongside experts in the field. Duke’s openness and collaborative culture span across its academic disciplines, making Duke the best place for me to grow both as an engineer and as a social advocate.

This prompt calls for a complex answer. Students must explain both why they want to study engineering and why Duke is the best place for them to study engineering.

This student begins with a nice hook—a simple anecdote about a simple present with profound consequences. They do not fluff up their anecdote with flowery images or emotionally-loaded language; it is what it is, and it is compelling and sweet. As their response continues, they express a particular interest in problem-solving. They position problem-solving as a fundamental part of their interest in engineering (and a fundamental part of their fascination with their childhood toy). This helps readers to learn about the student!

Problem-solving is also the avenue by which they introduce Duke’s resources—DUhatch, The Foundry, and Duke’s Bass Connections program. It is important to notice that the student explains how these resources can help them achieve their future goals—it is not enough to simply identify the resources!

This response is interesting and focused. It clearly answers the prompt, and it feels honest and authentic.

Why Georgia Tech CompSci

Prompt: Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech? (300 words max)

I held my breath and hit RUN. Yes! A plump white cat jumped out and began to catch the falling pizzas. Although my Fat Cat project seems simple now, it was the beginning of an enthusiastic passion for computer science. Four years and thousands of hours of programming later, that passion has grown into an intense desire to explore how computer science can serve society. Every day, surrounded by technology that can recognize my face and recommend scarily-specific ads, I’m reminded of Uncle Ben’s advice to a young Spiderman: “with great power comes great responsibility”. Likewise, the need to ensure digital equality has skyrocketed with AI’s far-reaching presence in society; and I believe that digital fairness starts with equality in education.

The unique use of threads at the College of Computing perfectly matches my interests in AI and its potential use in education; the path of combined threads on Intelligence and People gives me the rare opportunity to delve deep into both areas. I’m particularly intrigued by the rich sets of both knowledge-based and data-driven intelligence courses, as I believe AI should not only show correlation of events, but also provide insight for why they occur.

In my four years as an enthusiastic online English tutor, I’ve worked hard to help students overcome both financial and technological obstacles in hopes of bringing quality education to people from diverse backgrounds. For this reason, I’m extremely excited by the many courses in the People thread that focus on education and human-centered technology. I’d love to explore how to integrate AI technology into the teaching process to make education more available, affordable, and effective for people everywhere. And with the innumerable opportunities that Georgia Tech has to offer, I know that I will be able to go further here than anywhere else.

With a “Why This Major” essay, you want to avoid using all of your words to tell a story. That being said, stories are a great way to show your personality and make your essay stand out. This student’s story takes up only their first 21 words, but it positions the student as fun and funny and provides an endearing image of cats and pizzas—who doesn’t love cats and pizzas? There are other moments when the student’s personality shines through also, like the Spiderman reference.

While this pop culture reference adds color, it also is important for what the student is getting at: their passion. They want to go into computer science to address the issues of security and equity that are on the industry’s mind, and they acknowledge these concerns with their comments about “scarily-specific ads” and their statement that “the need to ensure digital equality has skyrocketed.” This student is self-aware and aware of the state of the industry. This aptitude will be appealing for admissions officers.

The conversation around “threads” is essential for this student’s response because the prompt asks specifically about the major at Georgia Tech and it is the only thing they reference that is specific to Georgia Tech. Threads are great, but this student would have benefitted from expanding on other opportunities specific to Georgia Tech later in the essay, instead of simply inserting “innumerable opportunities.”

Overall, this student shows personality, passion, and aptitude—precisely what admissions officers want to see!

Extracurricular Essay

You’re asked to describe your activities on the Common App, but chances are, you have at least one extracurricular that’s impacted you in a way you can’t explain in 150 characters.

This essay archetype allows you to share how your most important activity shaped you and how you might use those lessons learned in the future. You are definitely welcome to share anecdotes and use a narrative approach, but remember to include some reflection. A common mistake students make is to only describe the activity without sharing how it impacted them.

Learn more about how to write the Extracurricular Essay in our guide.

A Dedicated Musician

My fingers raced across the keys, rapidly striking one after another. My body swayed with the music as my hands raced across the piano. Crashing onto the final chord, it was over as quickly as it had begun. My shoulders relaxed and I couldn’t help but break into a satisfied grin. I had just played the Moonlight Sonata’s third movement, a longtime dream of mine. 

Four short months ago, though, I had considered it impossible. The piece’s tempo was impossibly fast, its notes stretching between each end of the piano, forcing me to reach farther than I had ever dared. It was 17 pages of the most fragile and intricate melodies I had ever encountered. 

But that summer, I found myself ready to take on the challenge. With the end of the school year, I was released from my commitment to practicing for band and solo performances. I was now free to determine my own musical path: either succeed in learning the piece, or let it defeat me for the third summer in a row. 

Over those few months, I spent countless hours practicing the same notes until they burned a permanent place in my memory, creating a soundtrack for even my dreams. Some would say I’ve mastered the piece, but as a musician I know better. Now that I can play it, I am eager to take the next step and add in layers of musicality and expression to make the once-impossible piece even more beautiful.

In this response, the student uses their extracurricular, piano, as a way to emphasize their positive qualities. At the beginning, readers are invited on a journey with the student where we feel their struggle, their intensity, and ultimately their satisfaction. With this descriptive image, we form a valuable connection with the student.

Then, we get to learn about what makes this student special: their dedication and work ethic. The fact that this student describes their desire to be productive during the summer shows an intensity that is appealing to admissions officers. Additionally, the growth mindset that this student emphasizes in their conclusion is appealing to admissions officers.

The Extracurricular Essay can be seen as an opportunity to characterize yourself. This student clearly identified their positive qualities, then used the Extracurricular Essay as a way to articulate them.

A Complicated Relationship with the School Newspaper

My school’s newspaper and I have a typical love-hate relationship; some days I want nothing more than to pass two hours writing and formatting articles, while on others the mere thought of student journalism makes me shiver. Still, as we’re entering our fourth year together, you could consider us relatively stable. We’ve learned to accept each other’s differences; at this point I’ve become comfortable spending an entire Friday night preparing for an upcoming issue, and I hardly even notice the snail-like speed of our computers. I’ve even benefitted from the polygamous nature of our relationship—with twelve other editors, there’s a lot of cooperation involved. Perverse as it may be, from that teamwork I’ve both gained some of my closest friends and improved my organizational and time-management skills. And though leaving it in the hands of new editors next year will be difficult, I know our time together has only better prepared me for future relationships.

This response is great. It’s cute and endearing and, importantly, tells readers a lot about the student who wrote it. Framing this essay in the context of a “love-hate relationship,” then supplementing with comments like “We’ve learned to accept each other’s differences” allows this student to advertise their maturity in a unique and engaging way. 

While Extracurricular Essays can be a place to show how you’ve grown within an activity, they can also be a place to show how you’ve grown through an activity. At the end of this essay, readers think that this student is mature and enjoyable, and we think that their experience with the school newspaper helped make them that way.

Participating in Democracy

Prompt: Research shows that an ability to learn from experiences outside the classroom correlates with success in college. What was your greatest learning experience over the past 4 years that took place outside of the traditional classroom? (250 words) 

The cool, white halls of the Rayburn House office building contrasted with the bustling energy of interns entertaining tourists, staffers rushing to cover committee meetings, and my fellow conference attendees separating to meet with our respective congresspeople. Through civics and US history classes, I had learned about our government, but simply hearing the legislative process outlined didn’t prepare me to navigate it. It was my first political conference, and, after learning about congressional mechanics during breakout sessions, I was lobbying my representative about an upcoming vote crucial to the US-Middle East relationship. As the daughter of Iranian immigrants, my whole life had led me to the moment when I could speak on behalf of the family members who had not emigrated with my parents.

As I sat down with my congresswoman’s chief of staff, I truly felt like a participant in democracy; I was exercising my right to be heard as a young American. Through this educational conference, I developed a plan of action to raise my voice. When I returned home, I signed up to volunteer with the state chapter of the Democratic Party. I sponsored letter-writing campaigns, canvassed for local elections, and even pursued an internship with a state senate campaign. I know that I don’t need to be old enough to vote to effect change. Most importantly, I also know that I want to study government—I want to make a difference for my communities in the United States and the Middle East throughout my career. 

While this prompt is about extracurricular activities, it specifically references the idea that the extracurricular should support the curricular. It is focused on experiential learning for future career success. This student wants to study government, so they chose to describe an experience of hands-on learning within their field—an apt choice!

As this student discusses their extracurricular experience, they also clue readers into their future goals—they want to help Middle Eastern communities. Admissions officers love when students mention concrete plans with a solid foundation. Here, the foundation comes from this student’s ethnicity. With lines like “my whole life had led me to the moment when I could speak on behalf of the family members who had not emigrated with my parents,” the student assures admissions officers of their emotional connection to their future field.

The strength of this essay comes from its connections. It connects the student’s extracurricular activity to their studies and connects theirs studies to their personal history.

Overcoming Challenges

You’re going to face a lot of setbacks in college, so admissions officers want to make you’re you have the resilience and resolve to overcome them. This essay is your chance to be vulnerable and connect to admissions officers on an emotional level.

Learn more about how to write the Overcoming Challenges Essay in our guide.

The Student Becomes the Master

”Advanced females ages 13 to 14 please proceed to staging with your coaches at this time.” Skittering around the room, eyes wide and pleading, I frantically explained my situation to nearby coaches. The seconds ticked away in my head; every polite refusal increased my desperation.

Despair weighed me down. I sank to my knees as a stream of competitors, coaches, and officials flowed around me. My dojang had no coach, and the tournament rules prohibited me from competing without one.

Although I wanted to remain strong, doubts began to cloud my mind. I could not help wondering: what was the point of perfecting my skills if I would never even compete? The other members of my team, who had found coaches minutes earlier, attempted to comfort me, but I barely heard their words. They couldn’t understand my despair at being left on the outside, and I never wanted them to understand.

Since my first lesson 12 years ago, the members of my dojang have become family. I have watched them grow up, finding my own happiness in theirs. Together, we have honed our kicks, blocks, and strikes. We have pushed one another to aim higher and become better martial artists. Although my dojang had searched for a reliable coach for years, we had not found one. When we attended competitions in the past, my teammates and I had always gotten lucky and found a sympathetic coach. Now, I knew this practice was unsustainable. It would devastate me to see the other members of my dojang in my situation, unable to compete and losing hope as a result. My dojang needed a coach, and I decided it was up to me to find one. 

I first approached the adults in the dojang – both instructors and members’ parents. However, these attempts only reacquainted me with polite refusals. Everyone I asked told me they couldn’t devote multiple weekends per year to competitions. I soon realized that I would have become the coach myself.

At first, the inner workings of tournaments were a mystery to me. To prepare myself for success as a coach, I spent the next year as an official and took coaching classes on the side. I learned everything from motivational strategies to technical, behind-the-scenes components of Taekwondo competitions. Though I emerged with new knowledge and confidence in my capabilities, others did not share this faith.

Parents threw me disbelieving looks when they learned that their children’s coach was only a child herself. My self-confidence was my armor, deflecting their surly glances. Every armor is penetrable, however, and as the relentless barrage of doubts pounded my resilience, it began to wear down. I grew unsure of my own abilities.

Despite the attack, I refused to give up. When I saw the shining eyes of the youngest students preparing for their first competition, I knew I couldn’t let them down. To quit would be to set them up to be barred from competing like I was. The knowledge that I could solve my dojang’s longtime problem motivated me to overcome my apprehension.

Now that my dojang flourishes at competitions, the attacks on me have weakened, but not ended. I may never win the approval of every parent; at times, I am still tormented by doubts, but I find solace in the fact that members of my dojang now only worry about competing to the best of their abilities.

Now, as I arrive at a tournament with my students, I close my eyes and remember the past. I visualize the frantic search for a coach and the chaos amongst my teammates as we competed with one another to find coaches before the staging calls for our respective divisions. I open my eyes to the exact opposite scene. Lacking a coach hurt my ability to compete, but I am proud to know that no member of my dojang will have to face that problem again.

This essay is great because it has a strong introduction and conclusion. The introduction is notably suspenseful and draws readers into the story. Because we know it is a college essay, we can assume that the student is one of the competitors, but at the same time, this introduction feels intentionally ambiguous as if the writer could be a competitor, a coach, a sibling of a competitor, or anyone else in the situation.

As we continue reading the essay, we learn that the writer is, in fact, the competitor. Readers also learn a lot about the student’s values as we hear their thoughts: “I knew I couldn’t let them down. To quit would be to set them up to be barred from competing like I was.” Ultimately, the conflict and inner and outer turmoil is resolved through the “Same, but Different” ending technique as the student places themself in the same environment that we saw in the intro, but experiencing it differently due to their actions throughout the narrative. This is a very compelling strategy!

Growing Sensitivity to Struggles

Prompt: The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? (650 words)

“You ruined my life!” After months of quiet anger, my brother finally confronted me. To my shame, I had been appallingly ignorant of his pain.

Despite being twins, Max and I are profoundly different. Having intellectual interests from a young age that, well, interested very few of my peers, I often felt out of step in comparison with my highly-social brother. Everything appeared to come effortlessly for Max and, while we share an extremely tight bond, his frequent time away with friends left me feeling more and more alone as we grew older.

When my parents learned about The Green Academy, we hoped it would be an opportunity for me to find not only an academically challenging environment, but also – perhaps more importantly – a community. This meant transferring the family from Drumfield to Kingston. And while there was concern about Max, we all believed that given his sociable nature, moving would be far less impactful on him than staying put might be on me.

As it turned out, Green Academy was everything I’d hoped for. I was ecstatic to discover a group of students with whom I shared interests and could truly engage. Preoccupied with new friends and a rigorous course load, I failed to notice that the tables had turned. Max, lost in the fray and grappling with how to make connections in his enormous new high school, had become withdrawn and lonely. It took me until Christmas time – and a massive argument – to recognize how difficult the transition had been for my brother, let alone that he blamed me for it.

Through my own journey of searching for academic peers, in addition to coming out as gay when I was 12, I had developed deep empathy for those who had trouble fitting in. It was a pain I knew well and could easily relate to. Yet after Max’s outburst, my first response was to protest that our parents – not I – had chosen to move us here. In my heart, though, I knew that regardless of who had made the decision, we ended up in Kingston for my benefit. I was ashamed that, while I saw myself as genuinely compassionate, I had been oblivious to the heartache of the person closest to me. I could no longer ignore it – and I didn’t want to.

We stayed up half the night talking, and the conversation took an unexpected turn. Max opened up and shared that it wasn’t just about the move. He told me how challenging school had always been for him, due to his dyslexia, and that the ever-present comparison to me had only deepened his pain.

We had been in parallel battles the whole time and, yet, I only saw that Max was in distress once he experienced problems with which I directly identified. I’d long thought Max had it so easy – all because he had friends. The truth was, he didn’t need to experience my personal brand of sorrow in order for me to relate – he had felt plenty of his own.

My failure to recognize Max’s suffering brought home for me the profound universality and diversity of personal struggle; everyone has insecurities, everyone has woes, and everyone – most certainly – has pain. I am acutely grateful for the conversations he and I shared around all of this, because I believe our relationship has been fundamentally strengthened by a deeper understanding of one another. Further, this experience has reinforced the value of constantly striving for deeper sensitivity to the hidden struggles of those around me. I won’t make the mistake again of assuming that the surface of someone’s life reflects their underlying story.

Here you can find a prime example that you don’t have to have fabulous imagery or flowery prose to write a successful essay. You just have to be clear and say something that matters. This essay is simple and beautiful. It almost feels like having a conversation with a friend and learning that they are an even better person than you already thought they were.

Through this narrative, readers learn a lot about the writer—where they’re from, what their family life is like, what their challenges were as a kid, and even their sexuality. We also learn a lot about their values—notably, the value they place on awareness, improvement, and consideration of others. Though they never explicitly state it (which is great because it is still crystal clear!), this student’s ending of “I won’t make the mistake again of assuming that the surface of someone’s life reflects their underlying story” shows that they are constantly striving for improvement and finding lessons anywhere they can get them in life.

Community Service/Impact on the Community

Colleges want students who will positively impact the campus community and go on to make change in the world after they graduate. This essay is similar to the Extracurricular Essay, but you need to focus on a situation where you impacted others. 

Learn more about how to write the Community Service Essay in our guide.

Academic Signing Day

Prompt: What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

The scent of eucalyptus caressed my nose in a gentle breeze. Spring had arrived. Senior class activities were here. As a sophomore, I noticed a difference between athletic and academic seniors at my high school; one received recognition while the other received silence. I wanted to create an event celebrating students academically-committed to four-years, community colleges, trades schools, and military programs. This event was Academic Signing Day.

The leadership label, “Events Coordinator,” felt heavy on my introverted mind. I usually was setting up for rallies and spirit weeks, being overlooked around the exuberant nature of my peers. 

I knew a change of mind was needed; I designed flyers, painted posters, presented powerpoints, created student-led committees, and practiced countless hours for my introductory speech. Each committee would play a vital role on event day: one dedicated to refreshments, another to technology, and one for decorations. The fourth-month planning was a laborious joy, but I was still fearful of being in the spotlight. Being acknowledged by hundreds of people was new to me.     

The day was here. Parents filled the stands of the multi-purpose room. The atmosphere was tense; I could feel the angst building in my throat, worried about the impression I would leave. Applause followed each of the 400 students as they walked to their college table, indicating my time to speak. 

I walked up to the stand, hands clammy, expression tranquil, my words echoing to the audience. I thought my speech would be met by the sounds of crickets; instead, smiles lit up the stands, realizing my voice shone through my actions. I was finally coming out of my shell. The floor was met by confetti as I was met by the sincerity of staff, students, and parents, solidifying the event for years to come. 

Academic students were no longer overshadowed. Their accomplishments were equally recognized to their athletic counterparts. The school culture of athletics over academics was no longer imbalanced. Now, every time I smell eucalyptus, it is a friendly reminder that on Academic Signing Day, not only were academic students in the spotlight but so was my voice.

This essay answers the prompt nicely because the student describes a contribution with a lasting legacy. Academic Signing Day will affect this high school in the future and it affected this student’s self-development—an idea summed up nicely with their last phrase “not only were academic students in the spotlight but so was my voice.”

With Community Service essays, students sometimes take small contributions and stretch them. And, oftentimes, the stretch is very obvious. Here, the student shows us that Academic Signing Day actually mattered by mentioning four months of planning and hundreds of students and parents. They also make their involvement in Academic Signing Day clear—it was their idea and they were in charge, and that’s why they gave the introductory speech.

Use this response as an example of the type of focused contribution that makes for a convincing Community Service Essay.

Climate Change Rally

Prompt: What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? (technically not community service, but the response works)

Let’s fast-forward time. Strides were made toward racial equality. Healthcare is accessible to all; however, one issue remains. Our aquatic ecosystems are parched with dead coral from ocean acidification. Climate change has prevailed.

Rewind to the present day.

My activism skills are how I express my concerns for the environment. Whether I play on sandy beaches or rest under forest treetops, nature offers me an escape from the haste of the world. When my body is met by trash in the ocean or my nose is met by harmful pollutants, Earth’s pain becomes my own. 

Substituting coffee grinds as fertilizer, using bamboo straws, starting my sustainable garden, my individual actions needed to reach a larger scale. I often found performative activism to be ineffective when communicating climate concerns. My days of reposting awareness graphics on social media never filled the ambition I had left to put my activism skills to greater use. I decided to share my ecocentric worldview with a coalition of environmentalists and host a climate change rally outside my high school.

Meetings were scheduled where I informed students about the unseen impact they have on the oceans and local habitual communities. My fingers were cramped from all the constant typing and investigating of micro causes of the Pacific Waste Patch, creating reusable flyers, displaying steps people could take from home in reducing their carbon footprint. I aided my fellow environmentalists in translating these flyers into other languages, repeating this process hourly, for five days, up until rally day.  

It was 7:00 AM. The faces of 100 students were shouting, “The climate is changing, why can’t we?” I proudly walked on the dewy grass, grabbing the microphone, repeating those same words. The rally not only taught me efficient methods of communication but it echoed my environmental activism to the masses. The City of Corona would be the first of many cities to see my activism, as more rallies were planned for various parts of SoCal. My once unfulfilled ambition was fueled by my tangible activism, understanding that it takes more than one person to make an environmental impact.

Like with the last example, this student describes a focused event with a lasting legacy. That’s a perfect place to start! By the end of this essay, we have an image of the cause of this student’s passion and the effect of this student’s passion. There are no unanswered questions.

This student supplements their focused topic with engaging and exciting writing to make for an easy-to-read and enjoyable essay. One of the largest strengths of this response is its pace. From the very beginning, we are invited to “fast-forward” and “rewind” with the writer. Then, after we center ourselves in real-time, this writer keeps their quick pace with sentences like “Substituting coffee grounds as fertilizer, using bamboo straws, starting my sustainable garden, my individual actions needed to reach a larger scale.” Community Service essays run the risk of turning boring, but this unique pacing keeps things interesting.

Having a diverse class provides a richness of different perspectives and encourages open-mindedness among the student body. The Diversity Essay is also somewhat similar to the Extracurricular and Community Service Essays, but it focuses more on what you might bring to the campus community because of your unique experiences or identities.

Learn more about how to write the Diversity Essay in our guide.

A Story of a Young Skater

​​“Everyone follow me!” I smiled at five wide-eyed skaters before pushing off into a spiral. I glanced behind me hopefully, only to see my students standing frozen like statues, the fear in their eyes as clear as the ice they swayed on. “Come on!” I said encouragingly, but the only response I elicited was the slow shake of their heads. My first day as a Learn-to-Skate coach was not going as planned. 

But amid my frustration, I was struck by how much my students reminded me of myself as a young skater. At seven, I had been fascinated by Olympic performers who executed thrilling high jumps and dizzying spins with apparent ease, and I dreamed to one day do the same. My first few months on skates, however, sent these hopes crashing down: my attempts at slaloms and toe-loops were shadowed by a stubborn fear of falling, which even the helmet, elbow pads, and two pairs of mittens I had armed myself with couldn’t mitigate. Nonetheless, my coach remained unfailingly optimistic, motivating me through my worst spills and teaching me to find opportunities in failures. With his encouragement, I learned to push aside my fears and attack each jump with calm and confidence; it’s the hope that I can help others do the same that now inspires me to coach.

I remember the day a frustrated staff member directed Oliver, a particularly hesitant young skater, toward me, hoping that my patience and steady encouragement might help him improve. Having stood in Oliver’s skates not much earlier myself, I completely empathized with his worries but also saw within him the potential to overcome his fears and succeed. 

To alleviate his anxiety, I held Oliver’s hand as we inched around the rink, cheering him on at every turn. I soon found though, that this only increased his fear of gliding on his own, so I changed my approach, making lessons as exciting as possible in hopes that he would catch the skating bug and take off. In the weeks that followed, we held relay races, played “freeze-skate” and “ice-potato”, and raced through obstacle courses; gradually, with each slip and subsequent success, his fear began to abate. I watched Oliver’s eyes widen in excitement with every skill he learned, and not long after, he earned his first skating badge. Together we celebrated this milestone, his ecstasy fueling my excitement and his pride mirroring my own. At that moment, I was both teacher and student, his progress instilling in me the importance of patience and a positive attitude. 

It’s been more than ten years since I bundled up and stepped onto the ice for the first time. Since then, my tolerance for the cold has remained stubbornly low, but the rest of me has certainly changed. In sharing my passion for skating, I have found a wonderful community of eager athletes, loving parents, and dedicated coaches from whom I have learned invaluable lessons and wisdom. My fellow staffers have been with me, both as friends and colleagues, and the relationships I’ve formed have given me far more poise, confidence, and appreciation for others. Likewise, my relationships with parents have given me an even greater gratitude for the role they play: no one goes to the rink without a parent behind the wheel! 

Since that first lesson, I have mentored dozens of children, and over the years, witnessed tentative steps transform into powerful glides and tears give way to delighted grins. What I have shared with my students has been among the greatest joys of my life, something I will cherish forever. It’s funny: when I began skating, what pushed me through the early morning practices was the prospect of winning an Olympic medal. Now, what excites me is the chance to work with my students, to help them grow, and to give back to the sport that has brought me so much happiness. 

This response is a great example of how Diversity doesn’t have to mean race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, age, or ability. Diversity can mean whatever you want it to mean—whatever unique experience(s) you have to bring to the table!

A major strength of this essay comes in its narrative organization. When reading this first paragraph, we feel for the young skaters and understand their fear—skating sounds scary! Then, because the writer sets us up to feel this empathy, the transition to the second paragraph where the student describes their empathy for the young skaters is particularly powerful. It’s like we are all in it together! The student’s empathy for the young skaters also serves as an outstanding, seamless transition to the applicant discussing their personal journey with skating: “I was struck by how much my students reminded me of myself as a young skater.”

This essay positions the applicant as a grounded and caring individual. They are caring towards the young skaters—changing their teaching style to try to help the young skaters and feeling the young skaters’ emotions with them—but they are also appreciative to those who helped them as they reference their fellow staffers and parents. This shows great maturity—a favorable quality in the eyes of an admissions officer.

At the end of the essay, we know a lot about this student and are convinced that they would be a good addition to a college campus!

Finding Community in the Rainforest

Prompt: Duke University seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you’d like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you’ve had to help us understand you better—perhaps related to a community you belong to, your sexual orientation or gender identity, or your family or cultural background—we encourage you to do so. Real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to Duke (250 words).

I never understood the power of community until I left home to join seven strangers in the Ecuadorian rainforest. Although we flew in from distant corners of the U.S., we shared a common purpose: immersing ourselves in our passion for protecting the natural world.

Back home in my predominantly conservative suburb, my neighbors had brushed off environmental concerns. My classmates debated the feasibility of Trump’s wall, not the deteriorating state of our planet. Contrastingly, these seven strangers delighted in bird-watching, brightened at the mention of medicinal tree sap, and understood why I once ran across a four-lane highway to retrieve discarded beer cans. Their histories barely resembled mine, yet our values aligned intimately. We did not hesitate to joke about bullet ants, gush about the versatility of tree bark, or discuss the destructive consequences of materialism. Together, we let our inner tree huggers run free.

In the short life of our little community, we did what we thought was impossible. By feeding on each other’s infectious tenacity, we cultivated an atmosphere that deepened our commitment to our values and empowered us to speak out on behalf of the environment. After a week of stimulating conversations and introspective revelations about engaging people from our hometowns in environmental advocacy, we developed a shared determination to devote our lives to this cause.

As we shared a goodbye hug, my new friend whispered, “The world needs saving. Someone’s gotta do it.” For the first time, I believed that someone could be me.

This response is so wholesome and relatable. We all have things that we just need to geek out over and this student expresses the joy that came when they found a community where they could geek out about the environment. Passion is fundamental to university life and should find its way into successful applications.

Like the last response, this essay finds strength in the fact that readers feel for the student. We get a little bit of backstory about where they come from and how they felt silenced—“Back home in my predominantly conservative suburb, my neighbors had brushed off environmental concerns”—, so it’s easy to feel joy for them when they get set free.

This student displays clear values: community, ecoconsciousness, dedication, and compassion. An admissions officer who reads Diversity essays is looking for students with strong values and a desire to contribute to a university community—sounds like this student!  

Political/Global Issues

Colleges want to build engaged citizens, and the Political/Global Issues Essay allows them to better understand what you care about and whether your values align with theirs. In this essay, you’re most commonly asked to describe an issue, why you care about it, and what you’ve done or hope to do to address it. 

Learn more about how to write the Political/Global Issues Essay in our guide.

Note: this prompt is not a typical political/global issues essay, but the essay itself would be a strong response to a political/global issues prompt.

Fighting Violence Against Women

Prompt: Using a favorite quotation from an essay or book you have read in the last three years as a starting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world. Please write the quotation, title and author at the beginning of your essay. (250-650 words)

“One of the great challenges of our time is that the disparities we face today have more complex causes and point less straightforwardly to solutions.” 

– Omar Wasow, assistant professor of politics, Princeton University. This quote is taken from Professor Wasow’s January 2014 speech at the Martin Luther King Day celebration at Princeton University. 

The air is crisp and cool, nipping at my ears as I walk under a curtain of darkness that drapes over the sky, starless. It is a Friday night in downtown Corpus Christi, a rare moment of peace in my home city filled with the laughter of strangers and colorful lights of street vendors. But I cannot focus. 

My feet stride quickly down the sidewalk, my hand grasps on to the pepper spray my parents gifted me for my sixteenth birthday. My eyes ignore the surrounding city life, focusing instead on a pair of tall figures walking in my direction. I mentally ask myself if they turned with me on the last street corner. I do not remember, so I pick up the pace again. All the while, my mind runs over stories of young women being assaulted, kidnapped, and raped on the street. I remember my mother’s voice reminding me to keep my chin up, back straight, eyes and ears alert. 

At a young age, I learned that harassment is a part of daily life for women. I fell victim to period-shaming when I was thirteen, received my first catcall when I was fourteen, and was nonconsensually grabbed by a man soliciting on the street when I was fifteen. For women, assault does not just happen to us— its gory details leave an imprint in our lives, infecting the way we perceive the world. And while movements such as the Women’s March and #MeToo have given victims of sexual violence a voice, harassment still manifests itself in the lives of millions of women across the nation. Symbolic gestures are important in spreading awareness but, upon learning that a surprising number of men are oblivious to the frequent harassment that women experience, I now realize that addressing this complex issue requires a deeper level of activism within our local communities. 

Frustrated with incessant cases of harassment against women, I understood at sixteen years old that change necessitates action. During my junior year, I became an intern with a judge whose campaign for office focused on a need for domestic violence reform. This experience enabled me to engage in constructive dialogue with middle and high school students on how to prevent domestic violence. As I listened to young men uneasily admit their ignorance and young women bravely share their experiences in an effort to spread awareness, I learned that breaking down systems of inequity requires changing an entire culture. I once believed that the problem of harassment would dissipate after politicians and celebrities denounce inappropriate behavior to their global audience. But today, I see that effecting large-scale change comes from the “small” lessons we teach at home and in schools. Concerning women’s empowerment, the effects of Hollywood activism do not trickle down enough. Activism must also trickle up and it depends on our willingness to fight complacency. 

Finding the solution to the long-lasting problem of violence against women is a work-in-progress, but it is a process that is persistently moving. In my life, for every uncomfortable conversation that I bridge, I make the world a bit more sensitive to the unspoken struggle that it is to be a woman. I am no longer passively waiting for others to let me live in a world where I can stand alone under the expanse of darkness on a city street, utterly alone and at peace. I, too, deserve the night sky.

As this student addresses an important social issue, she makes the reasons for her passion clear—personal experiences. Because she begins with an extended anecdote, readers are able to feel connected to the student and become invested in what she has to say.

Additionally, through her powerful ending—“I, too, deserve the night sky”—which connects back to her beginning— “as I walk under a curtain of darkness that drapes over the sky”—this student illustrates a mastery of language. Her engagement with other writing techniques that further her argument, like the emphasis on time—“gifted to me for my sixteenth birthday,” “when I was thirteen,” “when I was fourteen,” etc.—also illustrates her mastery of language.

While this student proves herself a good writer, she also positions herself as motivated and ambitious. She turns her passions into action and fights for them. That is just what admissions officers want to see in a Political/Global issues essay!

Where to Get Feedback on Your College Essays

Once you’ve written your college essays, you’ll want to get feedback on them. Since these essays are important to your chances of acceptance, you should prepare to go through several rounds of edits. 

Not sure who to ask for feedback? That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review resource. You can get comments from another student going through the process and also edit other students’ essays to improve your own writing. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools.  Find the right advisor for you  to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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Fourteen Scholarship Essay Examples That Won Thousands 2024

Fourteen Scholarship Essay Examples That Won Thousands 2024

Learn how to write a scholarship essay, personal statement essay, or supplemental essay for college with these top examples of essays that won thousands of dollars in 2018.   How was your college application journey? Let us know over at collegeessay…

Winning a big scholarship can be life-changing, particularly for those with financial need.

BUT people often forget that winning lots of small scholarship applications can be life-changing too. The scholarship essay examples (and our strategy) below can take you from planning your college plans and career goals to living them.

A common problem soon-to-be college students face: Paying for college. They qualify for many scholarships but are daunted by the task of writing five to ten to fifteen (or more) essays. It can be a struggle to even start writing, particularly for those “why I deserve the scholarship” prompts.

One solution for how to write a scholarship essay for many topics at once: Pick topics that have overlapping subject matter and write an essay or two that fit lots of these essays at once. Below, we’ve given some more information about how to successfully earn scholarship opportunities with this technique and how to end a scholarship essay.


  • Kang Foundation and Legal Scholarship
  • New York University Scholarship
  • North Coast Section Foundation Scholarship
  • Fund for Education Abroad Scholarship 1
  • Questbridge Scholarship
  • Change a Life Foundation
  • Millennium Gates Last Dollar Scholarship 1
  • Millennium Gates Last Dollar Scholarship 2
  • Millennium Gates Last Dollar Scholarship 3
  • Millennium Gates Last Dollar Scholarship 4
  • National Association of University Women Scholarship 1
  • National Association of University Women Scholarship 2
  • Fund for Education Abroad Scholarship 2
  • Local School District Scholarship

What Makes These Examples So Great

These scholarship winners earned thousands in financial aid from writing these essays.

The key to many of these essays is that they describe a story or an aspect of the student’s life in a way that is dynamic: It reflects many of their values, strengths, interests, volunteer work, and life experiences. 

Many of these essays also demonstrate vulnerability. Scholarship committees reading your responses will want to know who this money will benefit and why it’s important that you receive this money. In other words, they want to better understand how your values, qualities, and skills will flourish in college--and how good your writing skills are. In fact, we’ve written a guide to what colleges look for that can help you skillfully write vulnerable scholarship essays.

Whether it’s a scholarship essay about yourself , a creative writing scholarship, or an essay about why you deserve the scholarship, the sample scholarship essays below can help you better understand what can result from following a scholarship essay format or applying tips for how to write a scholarship essay. 

But first! If you’re an international student (not from the United States) applying to scholarships, don’t forget to consider some common mistakes international students make when applying to college .

How to Save Time By Combining Essays

Want to save a lot of time during the process?

Write a great college essay and re-use it when writing scholarship essays for similar prompts. Why? Combining essay prompts will not only save you time, it’ll actually result in a better essay.

We sometimes like to call these “Super Essays” because the added benefit of writing a multi-purpose essay is that it makes the essay stronger overall. We have a whole guide for how to do that here . 

This makes scholarship essays similar to supplemental essays because many supplemental essays also overlap. We know many students will be writing both types of essays at once! To help, we’ve put together a supplemental essays course on how to tackle the daunting supplemental essays, including many skills that help with writing those “Super” scholarship essays too.

Scholarship Essay Example #1

Kang Foundation Scholarship ($1000), Kingdom Dreamer Scholarship Fund Scholarship through Sarang Church ($2000), and the national contest from the Lamber Goodnow legal team ($1000) by Peter Kang.

Prompt: Open topic.

Fedora? Check. Apron? Check. Tires pumped? Check. Biking the thirty-five minutes each evening to the cafe and back to work a six-hour shift was exhausting, but my family’s encouragement and gratitude for the extra income was worth it. A few years earlier, my family of nine had been evicted from the home we had been living in for the past ten years. With nowhere else to go, we moved into our church’s back room for three months, where I shamefully tried to hide our toothbrushes and extra shoes from other church members. Right then I made a commitment to my family to contribute financially in whatever way I could. My sacrifice translated to a closer bond with my siblings and deeper conversations with my parents, helping me understand the true meaning of a unified family and the valuable part I play in that. With the financial stability that my part-time jobs provided my mother could stay home to raise seven children, my learning-disabled older sister could attend college, my younger sister could go on a mission trip to Korea, and my twin siblings could compete in national math competitions. I’ve seen that even as a high school student, I have so much potential to impact my family and beyond -- how one small act can go a long way. Through the successes of my efforts, I also realized that poverty was just a societal limitation. I was low-income, not poor. I was still flourishing in school, leading faith-based activities and taking an active role in community service. My low-income status was not a barrier but a launching pad to motivate and propel my success. To additionally earn more money as a young teen, I began flipping bicycles for profit on craigslist. Small adjustments in the brake and gears, plus a wash, could be the difference between a $50 piece of trash and a $200 steal. Seeing how a single inch could disarrange the lining of gears not only taught me the importance of detail but also sparked my fascination with fixing things. When I was sixteen I moved on to a larger project: my clunker of a car. I had purchased my 2002 Elantra with my own savings, but it was long past its prime. With some instruction from a mechanic, I began to learn the components of an engine motor and the engineering behind it. I repaired my brake light, replaced my battery, and made adjustments to the power-steering hose. Engineering was no longer just a nerdy pursuit of robotics kids; it was a medium to a solution. It could be a way to a career, doing the things I love. I was inspired to learn more. Last summer, to continue exploring my interest in engineering, I interned at Boeing. Although I spent long hours researching and working in the lab for the inertial navigation of submarines, I learned most from the little things. From the way my mentors and I began working two hours earlier than required to meet deadlines, I learned that engineering is the commitment of long hours. From the respect and humility embodied within our team, I learned the value of unity at the workplace. Like my own family at home, our unity and communal commitment to working led to excellent results for everyone and a closer connection within the group. What most intrigues me about engineering is not just the math or the technology, but the practical application. It is through engineering that I can fix up my car... and facilitate submarine navigation. Engineering, in fact, is a lifestyle --  instead of lingering over hardships, I work to solve them and learn from them. Whether the challenge is naval defense or family finances or even just a flat tire on my bike before another night shift, I will be solving these problems and will always be looking to keep rolling on.   Success is triumphing over hardships -- willing yourself over anything and everything to achieve the best for yourself and your family. With this scholarship, I will use it to continue focusing on my studies in math and engineering, instead of worrying about making money and sending more back home. It will be an investment into myself for my family.

Scholarship Essay Example #2

New York University College of Arts and Science $39,500 Scholarship by Ana

Prompt: Explain something that made a big impact in your life.

“If you can’t live off of it, it is useless.” My parents were talking about ice skating: my passion. I started skating as a ten-year-old in Spain, admiring how difficulty and grace intertwine to create beautiful programs, but no one imagined I would still be on the ice seven years and one country later. Even more unimaginable was the thought that ice skating might become one of the most useful parts of my life. I was born in Mexico to two Spanish speakers; thus, Spanish was my first language. We then moved to Spain when I was six, before finally arriving in California around my thirteenth birthday. Each change introduced countless challenges, but the hardest part of moving to America, for me, was learning English. Laminated index cards, color-coded and full of vocabulary, became part of my daily life. As someone who loves to engage in a conversation, it was very hard to feel as if my tongue was cut off. Only at the ice rink could I be myself; the feeling of the cold rink breeze embracing me, the ripping sound of blades touching the ice, even the occasional ice burning my skin as I fell—these were my few constants. I did not need to worry about mispronouncing “axel” as “aksal.” Rather, I just needed to glide and deliver the jump. From its good-natured bruise-counting competitions to its culture of hard work and perseverance, ice skating provided the nurturing environment that made my other challenges worthwhile. Knowing that each moment on the ice represented a financial sacrifice for my family, I cherished every second I got. Often this meant waking up every morning at 4 a.m. to practice what I had learned in my few precious minutes of coaching. It meant assisting in group lessons to earn extra skating time and taking my conditioning off-ice by joining my high school varsity running teams. Even as I began to make friends and lose my fear of speaking, the rink was my sanctuary. Eventually, however, the only way to keep improving was to pay for more coaching, which my family could not afford. And so I started tutoring Spanish. Now, the biggest passion of my life is supported by my most natural ability. I have had over thirty Spanish students, ranging in age from three to forty and spanning many ethnic backgrounds. I currently work with fifteen students each week, each with different needs and ways of learning. Drawing on my own experiences as both a second language-learner and a figure skater, I assign personal, interactive exercises, make jokes to keep my students’ mindset positive, and never give away right answers. When I first started learning my axel jump, my coach told me I would have to fall at least 500 times (about a year of falls!) in order to land it. Likewise, I have my students embrace every detail of a mistake until they can begin to recognize new errors when they see them. I encourage them to expand their horizons and take pride in preparing them for new interactions and opportunities. Although I agree that I will never live off of ice skating, the education and skills I have gained from it have opened countless doors. Ice skating has given me the resilience, work ethic, and inspiration to develop as a teacher and an English speaker. It has improved my academic performance by teaching me rhythm, health, and routine. It also reminds me that a passion does not have to produce money in order for it to hold immense value. Ceramics, for instance, challenges me to experiment with the messy and unexpected. While painting reminds me to be adventurous and patient with my forms of self-expression. I don’t know yet what I will live off of from day to day as I mature; however, the skills my passions have provided me are life-long and irreplaceable.

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Scholarship Essay Example #3

North Coast Section Foundation Scholarship for $1000 by Christine Fung

As a child of immigrant parents, I learned to take responsibilities for my family and myself at a very young age. Although my parents spoke English, they constantly worked in order to financially support my little brother and I. Meanwhile, my grandparents barely knew English so I became their translator for medical appointments and in every single interaction with English speakers. Even until now, I still translate for them and I teach my grandparents conversational English. The more involved I became with my family, the more I knew what I wanted to be in the future. Since I was five, my parents pushed me to value education because they were born in Vietnam and had limited education. Because of this disadvantage, I learned to take everything I do seriously and to put in all of my effort to complete tasks such as becoming the founder of my school’s Badminton Club in my sophomore year and Red Cross Club this year. Before creating these clubs, I created a vision for these clubs so I can organize my responsibilities better as a leader. The more involved I became, the more I learned as a leader and as a person. As a leader, I carried the same behavior I portrayed towards my younger cousins and sibling. My family members stressed the importance of being a good influence; as I adapted this behavior, I utilized this in my leadership positions. I learned to become a good role model by teaching my younger family members proper manners and guiding them in their academics so that they can do well. In school, I guide my peers in organizing team uniform designs and in networking with a nonprofit organization for service events. Asides from my values, I’m truly passionate in the medical field. I always wanted to be a pediatrician since I was fourteen. My strong interest in the medical field allowed me to open up my shell in certain situations— when I became sociable to patients in the hospital as a volunteer, when I became friendly and approachable to children in my job at Kumon Math and Reading Center, and when I portrayed compassion and empathy towards my teammates in the badminton team. However, when I participated in the 2017 Kaiser Summer Volunteer Program at Richmond Medical Center, I realized that I didn’t only want to be a pediatrician. This program opened my eye to numerous opportunities in different fields of medicine and in different approaches in working in the medicine industry. While I may have a strong love for the medical field, my interest in business immensely grew as I soon discovered that I didn’t only have to take the practical approach in the medical field. With this interest, I plan to also become a part of a medical facility management team. In the future, I hope to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor by attaining an MD, and to double major in Managerial Economics. I intend to study at UC Davis as a Biological Sciences major, where I anticipate to become extremely involved with the student community. After graduation, I plan to develop a strong network relationship with Kaiser Permanente as I’ve started last year in my internship. By developing a network with them, I hope to work in one of their facilities some day. Based on my values, interests, and planned future, I’m applying for the NCS Foundation scholarship because not only will it financially help me, but it can give motivation for me to academically push myself. I hope to use this scholarship in applying for a study abroad program, where I can learn about other cultures’ customs while conducting research there.  

Scholarship Essay Example #4

Fund for Education Abroad Rainbow Scholarship $7,500 by Steven Fisher

Prompt: The Fund for Education Abroad is committed to diversifying education abroad by providing funding to students who are typically under-represented in study abroad. Please describe how you and/or your plans for study abroad could be viewed as under-represented.

“Oh well look at that one,” my uncle leans over and says about my brother-in-law in the living room wearing a dress. “I’d always had my suspicions about him,” he jokes with a disapproving sneer and leans back in his chair, a plate of Southern-style Christmas dinner in his hand. I was hurt. Why would my own uncle say that like it’s such a terrible thing that my brother-in-law is wearing a dress? That it was the worst thing in the world if my brother-in-law were gay or effeminite. “I think he looks beautiful,” my oldest brother Ethan chimes in. At that moment, I wish I could have hugged Ethan. No, not because he was defending my brother-in-law (who actually isn’t gay, as my uncle was suggesting), but because Ethan was defending me. My uncle has no idea that I recognized earlier this past year that heterosexuality wasn’t meeting all of my needs for intimacy with other people and that I’ve come to define myself as queer. It all started when I took a hard look at how my upbringing in Miami had taught me that the only way that boys are supposed to connect with others is by having sex with “beautiful” girls – that intimacy with other guys or “ugly” girls isn’t as meaningful. After freeing up that block in my brain that told me that I shouldn’t look at guys in a certain way, I could embraced the fact that I’m attracted to men (and people in general) in a lot of different, new ways. My growth as a person was exponential. I rewrote so many areas of my life where I didn’t do things I wanted because of social conditioning. Within two months, my world expanded to include polyamory. I looked back on my past relationship with my girlfriend and realized that I wasn’t jealous (angry, yes. hurt, yes. But not jealous) when she cheated on me. I realized that people’s needs — whether they are for sex, someone to talk to, someone to engage intellectually — don’t necessarily all have to be met with one person. It can be easier sometimes with one person, absolutely. But that’s not the only way. As someone who is both polyamorus and queer, I feel like parts of my family and large parts of my community marginalize me for being different because society has told them to. I want to change that. Since I will be studying for an entire year in Prague, I will have the opportunity to attend the annual Mezipatra, an international film festival in November that screens around a hundred top-ranking films on lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and queer themes. I feel really connected to going to this event because I crave being in an environment of like-minded people who strive to do that same thing I want to: balance the images of people typically portrayed through cliché and stereotype. When I came out to my sister-in-law, she told me that people who are really set in their ways are more likely to be tolerant to different kinds of people after having relationships with these people. If my uncle can learn to love me, to learn to love one queer/poly person, he can learn to love them all. If I can be an example to my family, I can be an example to my classmates. If I can get the opportunity to travel abroad, I can be an example to the world. Not just through my relationships, but through my art. Give me a camera and a screen and I will carry the message of tolerance from the audiences of Mezipatra in Prague to my parent’s living room. Fade in: Two men with thick beards kiss – maybe for once they aren’t wearing colorful flamboyant clothing. Fade in: A woman leaves her house to go to her male best friend’s house and her husband honestly tells her to enjoy herself. Fade in: A college student wanting to study abroad tells his conservative parents the truth…

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Get help from my free guide, scholarship essay example #5.

Questbridge Finalist essay earning $3,000 in application waivers plus $3000 in local scholarships by Jordan Sanchez

Prompt: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

Recall the most cherished memory with your father figure. For some it may be when he taught you how to ride a bike, for others it may be memories of him taking you out for pizza when mom said the family has to eat healthy, for others it’s the ability to confide in somebody that won’t judge or stop loving you because of the mistakes you have made. When a child is born, he or she is given a birth certificate, which provides information such as name, date and place of birth, but most importantly it provides the names of the parents of the child. On my birth certificate I have the name the name of my beloved mother Lurvin, but right above her name is an empty space where my father’s name should be. As a child I would often compare my life to my peers; I would often go through all of these hypothetical scenarios in my mind thinking, “If my dad were around I could be like all of the other boys.” As the years went by I always had a sense of optimism that one day I would meet him and he would tell me “I love you and I’ll never leave your side again.” But when the time came and I met him on January 2014 I learned that a man can reject his only son not once, but twice. My father left when I was one year old and I will soon be turning 17; I did the math and found that for about 5900 days he has neglected me. He was able to sleep 5900 nights without knowing whether or not I was dead or alive. Even though he’s been gone for 5900 days,  my life did not get put on hold. In those 5900 days I learned how to walk, talk, and I became a strong young man without the provider of my Y Chromosome because he is nothing more to me than that. In the past I believed that my father was necessary to rise but instead I found that false hope was an unnecessary accessory and now I refuse to let the fact that I am fatherless define the limits of the great things that I can accomplish. It’s said that boys learn to be a man from their fathers, that they learn what it means to be a man that has values and can stand up for what’s right. I, however, have found that grit can come from anywhere. When I was in middle school I was overweight and many other boys would call me names, and even after going to administration several times nothing changed and for several years I kept myself at bay because if I had done anything in return I would be no better than those guys who bullied me. I previously had this perception that somebody else would come to my rescue, that somebody else would provide the mental strength to combat the hardships that were sent my way. But as time passed I grew tired of waiting for help that was never going to come so I had to become my own hero. Since making that decision I have been liberated from the labels that previously confined me and I took back control of my own life. My ability to be self motivated has assisted me in becoming a leader in several of my extracurricular activities. I was one of the 4 male students of my school district that was selected as a delegate by the American Legion to participate at the Boy’s State program and I am also the captain of my group in the Young Senator's Leadership Program that is run by California Senator Tony Mendoza. I also developed skills on the wrestling mat.  On one occasion I wrestled the person who was ranked the 9th best wrestler in the state and although I did not win there was not a single second that I was afraid to fail because I knew I gave it my all. Similarly I have put the same effort into becoming a successful. My father’s name is not on my birth certificate, but it is MY birth certificate. My origins are not the brightest but I was given a life that is mine to live and because “Life is made of two dates and a dash..” I have to “...Make most of the dash.” I am not going to live forever but if I were to leave this world today I would feel content with the person I see in the mirror. I know the difficulty that latinos face in this day and age I can envision assisting other young latinos achieving their dreams. I believe the most valuable thing in this world is opportunity because sometimes all it takes for someone to be successful is a chance to do so. Consequently I would like to be part of that chance that can foster the growth of future success.

Scholarship Essay Example #6

Change a Life Foundation Scholarship Essay Examples by Isabella Mendez-Figueroa

Prompt: Please explain a personal hardship or catastrophic life event that you have experienced. How did you manage to overcome this obstacle? What did you learn and how did you grow from it? This answer is critical to your application as Change a Life Foundation’s vision is to assist individuals who have persevered and overcome a hardship/catastrophic life event.

Filling out this application, and my college applications, has forced me to face head on the realities that I've grown up in. Looking back and describing my life I see all the ways in which I am disadvantaged due to my socioeconomic status. But I think it's important to note that I wasn't fully aware of any of it growing up. I knew that my parents couldn't buy me everything, but I also knew that they hardly ever said no. I was a very normal child, asking for chicken nuggets and looking at mom and dad any time I was scared or unsure of something. As I've grown I've learned to fight my own monsters but I now also battle the ones that frighten my parents, the monsters of a world that they weren't born into. Monsters of doubt and disadvantage that try to keep them stuck in a cycle of poverty; thriving in a world that casts them to the side and a society that, with its current political climate, doesn't welcome them with the warmest hello. The baby sitter, the house keeper, the driver, it's taken my dad 10+ years of night shifts to attain financial stability, and become an asset to his workplace. He's been one of the millions of people who has been laid off in the last couple of decades and has had to start over multiple times. But each time he's re-built himself with more resilience. I've grown up living in section 8 housing because my parents often found themselves living paycheck to paycheck, not by choice, but by circumstance. They've endured bankruptcy over credit card debt, have never owned a home, or been given access to resources that allow them to save. Every time we've readapted, we get struck by a new change. I currently live in Manchester Square, a ghost town, byproduct of the Los Angeles Airport expansion project. The 16 steps I have always known, soon to be demolished. My neighbors are empty lots, enclosed by fences. Homeless people’s pitch tents, under the roar of airplanes. My home is soon to become an accommodation to an airport, soon to be nonexistent. Knowing that my family has to relocate as I'm applying to college makes me feel a tad guilty, because of my lack of resources, I fear it will become a barrier into my transition to college. My parents finances are not a secret, I know their struggles as I hear about them day after day. My parents now deal with the burden of relocating, no longer having subsidized housing and again, struck by yet another need to readjust and reassemble. Relocating a family of 5 in an area plagued by gentrification of stadiums and demolition is no simple task as rent prices are as high as mortgages. It's odd they don't want me to stress or have it become my problem but I know it is, and I want to do whatever I can to help. My older sister is the first in my family to go to college. I was always the shyer one. She's taught me through her efforts that the only limits you have are the ones you place on yourself. With my sister's example I have followed in the footsteps of never letting money become a reason why I can't or won't do something. If my sister can do it, I can do it. I see the leadership characteristic is genetic and it runs in my entire family. I witness my parents be leaders everyday as they tackle cultural obstacles in a country that wasn't the one they were born into, speaking a language that is not their own, and raising children to succeed in a system of higher education; one they never had the privilege to be part of. My family and I are one. We stack our efforts, and obstacles on top of each other to further our successes as a whole. When I think back to my family's story I'm amazed to think that my grandpa came to the US in the midst of WW2, a bracero, leaving his family to help feed millions of Americans in time of war. My grandpa, a man of the fields, paved the way so I could defy the odds with my prosperity. At home, the teacher role often switches within my family. I am responsible for translating documents to my parents and explaining procedures and concepts as I, myself, am learning them. I have had the responsibility of helping assist my younger sister who has a mild case of Cerebral Palsy. Due to her pre-existing condition, she is a slow learner. I have dedicated a lot of time this past year, helping her with her transition from elementary to middle school and helping her adapt to such a drastic change. Sometimes, I only sleep 4 hours as I wake up and rush out the door in order to make it on time to 6am tutoring. Having to manage my schoolwork and home responsibilities has been difficult but I've managed to maintain high academic achievement by managing my time correctly and being persistent. If I truly want something, I need to go after it, and I will get it done. Sometimes being tired isn't an option.

Scholarship Essay Example #7

Millennium Gates Last Dollar Scholarship and $3,500 in Outside Scholarship Essay Examples by Famyrah Lafortune

Prompt: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela. Describe a change you would like to make in the world. Tell us about how you would plan to make that change, and what obstacles you might encounter along the way. * (No more than 400 words)

Nothing is more important to me than ending racial inequality and discrimination in America, as I do not want my younger siblings to face the discrimination Black people continue to face in our present society. After winning our fight to freedom and provoking the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, why do Black teens face higher poverty rates than Whites and are still four times more likely to be incarcerated? “That was such a long time ago. You really need to get over it,” my White peers say when referring to racial inequalities. But, why then, in 7th grade, after winning Nazareth Academy’s Spelling Bee competition, did my fellow White classmate state with a heavy dose of surprise, “You know…when I first saw you, I didn’t think you were going to be smart?” I hope to contribute to ending racial discrimination by utilizing our present interconnectivity and running a social media campaign titled #It’sNotOver. #It’sNotOver aims to oppose the widespread misconception that, because racial inequality was legally outlawed, de facto racial inequality does not still persist in our society. Our recent presidential election may have brought life to a ‘Divided America,’ but it also exposed how influential social media is. By raising awareness of racial disparities that occur everywhere, I might encourage a new wave of change in our country like that of the present Time’s Up movement. Furthermore, if I can access the influence of celebrities in my #It’sNotOver campaign, like that of Time’s Up, I might similarly capture the attention of millions of people and inspire action against this issue across the globe. I know that social media can only do so much in addressing these issues as not everyone can afford the luxury of having internet access. However, I hope that my campaign can inspire all those who do have access to take it upon themselves to be the change by being inspired by the fact that we are globally united in this issue. Although I expect negativity and criticism from people who either do not believe that this issue exists or do not believe in our cause, I am willing to encounter it if it means our society as a whole irrevocably can grow to accept each other’s differences.

Scholarship Essay Example #8

Prompt: “It is very important to know who you are. To make decisions. To show who you are.” – Malala Yousafzai. Tell us three things that are important to you. How did you arrive at this list? Will these things be important to you in ten years? Why? * (No more than 400 words)

The three things that are important to me are my family, being successful, and leaving a legacy. As a result of my past, I keep these three crucial things at the forefront of my mind every day to help myself be successful. Above all, my family is the most important thing in my life. The meaning of family may differ for everyone, but for me, my family is life. I almost died in the 2010 Haitian earthquake, as Jacmel was one of the worst damaged areas, had it not been for my grandmother and my mom. Later, if it was not for my uncle, my mom would not have been able to come to America to give me a better life. Without my family, I wouldn’t be here. I am forever indebted to their sacrifices, and I am so grateful that I have their eternal love and support. Success is also very important to me. I hope to accomplish many things in my life, but most importantly, I would like to make my family proud so that they know that all of their sacrifices were worth it. Success to me is having a career that I love and allows me to help my family members financially. I hope to no longer experience hardships such as homelessness, poverty, and economic difficulties, as I had in my young life. Ultimately, however, I would like to grow into someone who is loved and remembered by people who aren’t my immediate family members and my friends. I do not wish to be glorified, but I want to be more than a nonentity in this big, vast world. I hope that if I can inspire the change that I want to make, I can leave a legacy that continues to influence and shape the landscape that follows me. After coming to the epiphany that if I died today, nothing would change except for the lives of those extremely close to me, I find myself unwilling to be just another Jane Doe. I want to leave a part of myself behind, whether it is a building or a popular hashtag, that is meaningful and permanent once I die.


Scholarship essay example #9.

Prompt: “Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.” - Cesar Chavez. What does it mean to you to be part of a minority community? What challenges has it brought and how have you overcome them? What are the benefits? * (No more than 400 words)

Being part of a minority is very conflicting for me as I feel both empowered as a part of a Haitian minority community but also disconnected from my non-immigrant peers. Coming from a background of poverty in Haiti, I knew that, even at a very young age, I had to be a good student in order to succeed. This work ethic--found throughout my Haitian community--has been very beneficial in my life as we all came here to pave ourselves a better future. As my mom held two jobs, went to college, and was temporarily homeless just to secure me a better future, I feel invigorated to be part of such an indefatigable community. And, it is because of this strong work ethic, central to my community’s core values, that I am now the salutatorian of a class of 679 students. As I was so young when I came to the US, I didn’t know how American society functioned, specifically elementary school. I was the only immigrant in a class of forty, barely spoke English, and had no friends because of these limitations. Every day of those first few years, I felt an almost physical divide between my peers and myself. I never experienced a sense of belonging, despite my efforts. Already a double minority as a woman and a Black person, I tried to relinquish my language and culture in favor of American language and values to better fit in the crowd. By doing this, however, I almost completely lost my cultural identity as both a Haitian and an immigrant, and also my language. It was in the halls of my first high school, International Studies Charter High School, that I realized the enormity of what I had lost. Where my peers retained their cultural identities and language, I had almost lost mine. It was there, I learned to embrace a part of me that was virtually buried inside, as I was encouraged to be more open: speaking Creole with my Haitian math teacher and peers. As a senior, I now volunteer weekly helping Haitian ESOL students with their homework. I am both a teacher and a student in that small classroom as I help them with their homework, and, in return, they help me in perfecting my use of Creole. They are my daily reminder of what unites us as Haitians—our ability to triumph in the face of adversity.

Scholarship Essay Example #10

Prompt: “The secret of our success is that we never, never give up.” - Wilma Mankiller. Tell us about a time when you failed at something. What were the circumstances? How did you respond to failure? What lessons did you learn? * (No more than 400 words)

I’ve danced ballet since I was seven-years-old. But, even after almost eight years, I could still barely extend my legs as high as my peers nor could do as many pirouettes as them. My flexibility was incredibly subpar and I easily wore out my Pointe shoes, making them unwearable after a couple of months. Where the average lifespans of my peers’ pointe shoes extended into months, mine could barely last ten classes. I was the weakling of my class at Ballet Etudes, and I was too absorbed in my insecurities to do anything to better myself to become the dancer I aspired to be. After a humiliating recital, wherein my pointe shoe ribbons untied in the middle of our group performance, I all but gave up on dance. I was in the middle of doing a Changement de Pieds (Change of feet jumping step) when I glanced down in horror to see my beautiful ribbons untied as I forgot to tape them with clear tape as I usually did before my performances. Glancing to my right, I saw that my ballet teacher backstage had also taken note and was rushing me to get off the stage, her hands beckoning me in a frantic manner. After berating me for not having properly tied my laces, I was not allowed to finish my part. Later, I could barely get back on stage that evening for our final performance as I didn’t want to fail myself and my team again. But, because of my move to Port Saint Lucie in the summer before sophomore year, I was able to rekindle my passion for ballet and pointe at South Florida Dance Company. South Florida Dance Company was my saving grace, a place where I was able to restart my experiences in dance and renew the joy I once felt in my art. It was an incredible feeling regaining my confidence and surety in my abilities, as a result of the additional help that I received from my dance teacher, Ms. Amanda. Presently, I always remind myself to be the best that I can be and to positively use my dance role models, like Misty Copeland, as encouragement to be a better dancer. From this experience, I learned that to overcome personal failures, I needed to move forward and think positively because change doesn’t happen when you sit still.

Scholarship Essay Example #11

National Association of University Women Scholarship Essay Examples by Isabella Mendez-Figueroa

Prompt: Please explain how your experience volunteering and participating in community service has shaped your perspective on humanity. Elaborate on how these experiences have influenced your future ambitions and career choice.

I didn’t really understand my community until I was forced to see it from the outside; sort of like when you see a picture of yourself someone else took that you weren’t aware of. It took a 3,000 mile flight for me to gain a different perspective of the world, of my world. When I landed in Maine it was nothing like the place I called home. There was no traffic, there were lots of trees, and absolutely no spanish to be heard anywhere. I missed my people, my home, and my community the most as I saw the ways in which other communities fostered creativity, advocacy, and community involvement. I talked about my community every chance I got, writing a public backlash to Donald Trump and reading out to the group of parents to show them my unique struggle. The election of Donald Trump has forced me to come to terms with the harsh realities of this world. The lack of respect he has for women, minority groups, and factual evidence are alarming. This presidency makes me want to prove wrong all of his perceptions of people like me, the poor, the immigrant, the woman. I left people in awe, leaving me empowered. I had people come up to me and explain that they can relate to my poem about not fitting in, being Mexican American and not feeling like you can consider yourself American or Mexican because you’re both. I emphasized that I, like many others, am in between and we have the same platform that anyone else does to succeed. I explained that many of us, hold this pressure of first generation children of immigrants to prove that we are the proof that our parents sacrifices of restarting in a new country was worth it. I was the visible representation of a first generation child of immigrants, branching out into a new environment despite where I had come from and shocking everyone with my prosperity. If I was the only visible representation available, I was going to use my voice to echo the feelings of my entire community and make it known that we are all here-- all of our struggles, our efforts, and our passions, are not absent from places where we are not seen. Maine helped me branch out in my own community now as a Student Ambassador. From this experience, I’ve learned that I can represent my high school and have the responsibility to assist staff at events for prospective students and organize presentations for parents. I spend a lot of time interpreting for parents at meetings and explaining the current events that are ongoing and new educational opportunities that students should take advantage of. I have had the privilege to work alongside office staff and the Principal, where I get to positively dedicate my time to parents who have general questions regarding the schools upcoming events. By dedicating my time as a Student Ambassador, I have allowed myself to excel at communicating with others and improving my customer service skills. I want my education to change the negative stigmas surrounding my community, by showing that it's possible to expand your access to the world and allow you to leave, by choice, through receiving a post-secondary education. I am someone who has grown up in an area with limited resources fostering limited mindsets. My neighborhood has 4 elementary schools, 2 high schools, and a strip club feet away from a library. What message does that send to children? It's normal in my community to have pregnant classmates in high school. People aren't aware of the world outside, they aren't encouraged to ever leave. Through my experience as a volunteer that communicates a lot with parents, I have learned that the American Dream does not simply belong to first generation students like myself. I have found that our accomplishments are stacked upon the sacrifices of our parents. I used to think that growing up was like the passing of a baton where you’re the next runner and it’s your turn to run your best race, but I now see that this is a team effort, as you expand your horizons your family also gets to experience the benefits. I want to demonstrate to my community that there can be a female, bilingual, Latina doctor. I want to showcase that one's zip code, doesn't determines one's success. One of the most common questions I get at these parent meetings is “what’s better college or university”? This question didn’t make sense to me at first then I realized that parents wanted to know the difference between community college and a four year. Concepts like financial aid, grants, loans, are all foreign concepts as most of our parents never went to college. They want to be able to help but do not know where to begin. As a student ambassador I helped bridge that gap. We often held meetings where we explained to parents within our community what resources were out there and available and what the difference were among the different options for each student. Being the student face for Animo, I’ve learned that I as a student and daughter, can provide assistance to my own community through the knowledge that I have gained. I am the communication that is needed in my community that’s necessary for further successes by using my personal knowledge and experience to help uplift and educate others in similar situations.

Scholarship Essay Example #12

Prompt: Discuss in your essay any challenges or obstacles you have dealt with and overcome in life and how this will help you succeed in college and beyond. Describe how volunteer, community service or extra-curricular activities have shaped who you are today and what it has taught you. May also include future educational plans and career goals. [250-500 Words]

I have encountered an emotional barrier making it difficult to manage my schoolwork, extracurricular activities and family responsibilities. I have had to deal with being viciously raped by a peer during my sophomore year, resulting in severe depression. I am no longer allowed to be alone for a long period of time, as I’ve attempted to commit suicide twice, but I do not regard those as true attempts to end my life. I just wanted someone to know how I felt and how much I needed help. My past has only made me more resilient, as I choose to prove to myself and those around me that I am more than the barriers I’ve encountered–but overcome. It took a 3,000- mile flight for me to gain a different perspective of my world. Landing in Maine was nothing like home. There was no traffic, lots of trees, and absolutely no Spanish to be heard anywhere. I was a 10th grader when I found myself at Coastal Studies for Girls, a marine science and leadership school; I would be there for a whole semester. I was surrounded by strangers who looked different, sounded different, and could recite tide pool specifics in casual conversation. I was the visible representation of a first-generation child of immigrants, branching out into a new environment. An environment where I wanted to prove wrong all perceptions of people like me, the poor, the immigrant, the brown woman. I used my voice to echo my community and make it known that, we, are here–all of our struggles, our efforts, and our passions, are not absent from places where we are not seen. Returning home, I had the privilege to work alongside school administrators as a student ambassador. I got to positively dedicate my time to parents who have general questions regarding the school and help translate information. I have learned that the American Dream does not simply belong to first generation students like myself, but I now see it is a team effort, as you expand, your family also gets to experience the benefits. One of the most common questions at parent meetings is “what’s better college or university”? This question did not make sense to me, I then realized that parents want to know the difference between community college and a four year. Concepts like financial aid, grants, loans, are all foreign concepts as most of our parents never went to college. As a student ambassador, I help bridge that gap. We often hold meetings where we explained resources available and different options for each student. I have learned, that as a student, I can provide assistance to my own community through my knowledge. I am the communication necessary for further successes, using my personal knowledge and experience to help uplift and educate others in similar situations. My pursuit is to not only go to college but thrive and come back ready and able to help students like myself that have to fight for their seat in the lecture hall.

Scholarship Essay Example #13

Prompt: The Rainbow Scholarship is awarded to a deserving LGBTQ student who aims to participate in a high-quality, rigorous education abroad program. If you would like to be considered, please explain why you would be a strong candidate for the Rainbow Scholarship. What will this scholarship enable you to achieve for yourself and your LGBTQ community?

It is my life goal to make films that will change the way society see groups of people typically defined by stereotype and cliché. By immersing myself in Prague’s culture through the American Institute of Foreign Study year-long program, I will gain the cinematic and philosophic tools to create films that will help others to better understand the LGBTQ community. I’ve been making movies since I was old enough to hold a camera, but now I’d like to take it a step further. While abroad, I’ll visit the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU) in Prague. The Hollywood Reporter puts FAMU at the top of the list of best film schools in Europe. I put it at the top of my list of prospective graduate schools because it was the center of Czech filmmakers’ during communist rule in the 1960s. FAMU was where rebellious film makers broke the bonds of censorship by creating films that depicted the perspectives of marginalized people. I want to do the same thing today. I ask: What can the Czechoslovak New Wave filmmakers and their struggle for social equality teach me about making films that will help to free the LGBTQ members in my own community? I will find my answers here: In November, the international film festival held in Prague called the Mezipatra will screen around a hundred top-ranking films on lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and queer themes. What better place for a queer filmmaker obsessed with Czech New Wave film to meet people to learn and collaborate with? I’d also like to volunteer to work on a photography project at the Lobkowicz Palace and Nelahozeves Castle, 15km from Prague, where I will find one of the world’s largest private collections of world-famous artworks, artifacts, and a library of over 65,000 volumes. I hope to hone my skills with a camera and take a zoomed-in look at the Prague history. I’m going to wear my Canon t2i like a glove. And finally, I hope to better understand Czech culture as it pertains to film making by studying at Charles University and taking classes like “Central European Film: Search for Identity” and “Hollywood and Europe”. I will get more in touch with the performance and character elements of film by taking the theater class “Prague Theater Scene: Performance Analysis.” Finally, I’ll learn to better listen to what my community in Prague has to say (literally and figuratively) by taking Czech language classes in a two-week intensive course that includes two language-focused events where students engage with the local area. Through traveling abroad in Prague, I give myself to a new perspective and open myself up to influence. I want to use my experience to create films that will convince others to do the same—as a representative of the LGBTQ community, I want to send the message of acceptance and tolerance to the world, from the screens of Mezipatra in Prague to my conservative parents’ television sets.

Scholarship Essay Example #14

$1,000 local school district scholarship by Amani Davis.

Last February, I partook in a Divas in Defense workshop. Within this class, our group met a woman who was a survivor of domestic violence. She was also close to becoming a victim of sex trafficking. From this I learned that intimate partner violence is the leading cause of female homicide and injury-related deaths during pregnancy. Although it is not a common hot topic, many people go through it everyday. These people are not only women but men and children, too. Therefore, domestic violence is an issue that is under-discussed, yet extremely important. Every 1 in 4 women will be a victim of severe violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. This means our mothers, sisters, grandmothers or even daughters can be victims of domestic violence. We have to be the ones willing to initiate the conversation because many victims are scared. Everyday more people are speaking up about their own stories. Celebrities such as Bill Clinton, Rihanna, and Halle Berry have spoke about their personal accounts with domestic violence. Through these views, people are seeing domestic violence as a bigger issue and an issue that needs to be opened up about. All in all, domestic violence is all around us. Additionally, abuse can hurt people physically, mentally, and financially. Physical abuse results in injuries that cost money in order to be fixed. Many remain in or return to an abusive relationship because they lack the financial resources to live on their own. Also, children who grow up around domestic violence are 15 times more likely to be physically and/or sexually abused than the national average. In short, abuse can have various effects on those involved. To surmise, domestic violence is often kept quiet within minority communities. As a whole, we have to be proactive and reactive in order to fight the current problem with abuse. Nevertheless, we have to be the change we want to see.Ultimately, domestic violence is not an issue that can be completely rid of, but we can make a true difference through education and prevention. Some issues have to be dealt with in house before we see a major turn around.

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Essay on My Favorite Season in 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 words

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Essay On My Favorite Season: Each season comes with its own set of challenges. From extreme heat to biting cold, it can feel like there’s no perfect time to enjoy our favorite activities without some discomfort. This discomfort can be frustrating. We may feel too hot to play sports or too cold to enjoy outdoor adventures. It becomes hard to find a balance, and we start longing for a season that feels just right.

Thankfully, there is always one special season we look forward to, the one that brings perfect weather and makes everything better. In this essay, I will share why this particular season is my favorite, offering a glimpse into the joys it brings.

Table of Contents

Essay On My Favorite Season in 150 words

My favorite season is winter. In India, winter usually lasts from November to February. The weather is cold, but it is enjoyable. I love wearing warm clothes like sweaters and jackets. Winter brings many festivals such as Christmas and New Year. I enjoy celebrating these festivals with my family and friends.

During winter, there are no mosquitoes, which makes it easier to sleep. I also like the winter foods, such as hot soups, roasted peanuts, and gajar ka halwa. The cool weather makes it easier to concentrate on studies. I can sit comfortably and do my homework without sweating.

Winter is also a good time for sports. I enjoy playing badminton and football with my friends. The crisp air and sunny days make outdoor activities fun. Overall, winter is a wonderful season filled with joy and comfort.

Essay On My Favorite Season in 250 words

My favorite season is the monsoon season. In India, the monsoon arrives in June and lasts until September. The monsoon brings much-needed rain after the hot summer months. The rain cools down the temperature and brings relief from the heat. I love watching the raindrops fall and listening to the sound of rain.

The monsoon season is essential for farmers. The rainwater helps grow crops like rice, which is a staple food in India. The fields look green and fresh, and the environment becomes clean. The air smells nice and fresh after the rain.

During the monsoon, I enjoy indoor activities like reading books and playing board games with my family. The cool weather helps me concentrate better on my studies. I also enjoy eating hot pakoras and drinking tea while watching the rain from my window.

One of my favorite activities during the monsoon is jumping in puddles and making paper boats. It is fun to see the boats float on the water. The rain also brings beautiful rainbows, which I love to see.

Overall, the monsoon season is full of life and happiness. It brings people together and provides much-needed water for the environment. It is a season of joy and renewal.

Essay On My Favourite Season in 350 words

My favorite season is spring. In India, spring usually occurs from February to April. Spring is a pleasant and beautiful season. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold, making it perfect for outdoor activities. During spring, flowers bloom, and trees become green. The environment looks colorful and lively.

Spring is a time of new beginnings. Many festivals are celebrated during this season, such as Holi and Vasant Panchami. Holi is the festival of colors, and I enjoy playing with colors and water with my friends and family. Vasant Panchami is dedicated to Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge. This festival is significant for students, and we pray for success in our studies.

The pleasant weather in spring makes it ideal for school picnics and educational trips. I enjoy going on field trips with my classmates to places like botanical gardens, museums, and historical sites. These trips are both fun and educational, helping us learn outside the classroom.

Spring is also a great time for sports and physical activities. I enjoy playing cricket, basketball, and cycling during this season. The cool breeze and sunny days make it comfortable to spend time outdoors.

In spring, I like to help my parents in the garden. We plant new flowers and vegetables. It is exciting to see the plants grow and blossom. The fresh fruits and vegetables available in spring, such as strawberries and spinach, are delicious and healthy.

The mild weather of spring helps me focus better on my studies. I can sit by the window, enjoy the fresh air, and do my homework without feeling tired. The environment is full of positive energy, which keeps me motivated and happy.

Overall, spring is a season of growth, renewal, and joy. It brings beauty to nature and inspires us to appreciate the world around us. Spring is a wonderful time to enjoy with family and friends, learn new things, and stay active.

Essay On My Favorite Season in 400 words

My favorite season: winter.

Winter is my favorite season. It arrives in India around November and lasts until February. During this time, the weather is cool and pleasant, making it perfect for studying and playing outside. In India, winter is known for its cold mornings and foggy days.

One reason I love winter is because of the holidays. We celebrate Christmas and New Year, which brings a lot of joy and excitement. Schools often organize special events and functions during this time. I enjoy participating in these activities, as they give me a break from my regular studies and allow me to have fun with my friends.

The cool weather in winter makes it easier to concentrate on my studies. I feel more comfortable sitting at my desk and doing my homework. The nights are longer, giving me more time to prepare for my exams. Unlike the hot summer months, winter is free from the distraction of sweating and feeling uncomfortable.

Another reason I enjoy winter is the variety of delicious food available during this season. My family makes warm soups, hot chocolate, and traditional Indian sweets. These foods keep us warm and healthy. We also get to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, which are abundant in winter. My favorite fruits during this season are oranges and guavas.

Winter is also the best time for outdoor activities. I love playing cricket and football with my friends in the park. The cool breeze and bright sunshine make it enjoyable to run around and have fun. Sometimes, my family goes on picnics and short trips during the weekends. These outings help me relax and refresh my mind.

In winter, we wear cozy clothes like sweaters, jackets, and scarves. I like dressing up in my warm winter clothes. They are not only comfortable but also stylish. I enjoy shopping for new winter clothes with my family.

In conclusion, winter is my favorite season because of the pleasant weather, festive holidays, delicious food, and enjoyable outdoor activities. It is a time when I can focus on my studies, spend quality time with my family, and have fun with my friends. Winter brings a sense of happiness and warmth that I cherish every year.

Essay On My Favorite Season in 500 words

My favorite season: monsoon.

Monsoon is my favorite season in India. It usually starts in June and continues until September. This season brings relief from the scorching summer heat and fills the environment with freshness and greenery. The sound of raindrops, the cool breeze, and the lush green surroundings make monsoon a special time of the year.

One of the main reasons I love the monsoon is the rainfall. The first shower of rain after a hot summer is very refreshing. The rain cools down the earth, and everything around looks clean and vibrant. I enjoy watching the raindrops falling from the sky and creating puddles on the ground. Sometimes, I like to stand by the window and listen to the soothing sound of the rain.

The monsoon season also brings a variety of activities and festivals. In India, we celebrate several festivals during this time, such as Raksha Bandhan, Janmashtami, and Independence Day. These festivals are filled with joy, colors, and traditions. I love participating in these celebrations with my family and friends. Schools often organize cultural programs and competitions during these festivals, which add to the excitement.

During the monsoon, the weather is cool and pleasant, making it an ideal time for academic pursuits. The rain provides a calming background that helps me concentrate better on my studies. I find it easier to stay indoors and focus on my homework and projects. The fresh air and greenery outside create a peaceful environment, which is conducive to learning.

Monsoon also means a variety of delicious foods. My mother prepares hot and spicy snacks like pakoras and samosas, which are perfect for rainy days. I love drinking hot tea and coffee while enjoying these snacks. The monsoon season also brings fresh fruits like mangoes and jamuns, which are my favorites. These seasonal treats make the rainy days even more enjoyable.

The rainwater rejuvenates the plants and trees, making the surroundings look beautiful and green. I love spending time in our garden during the monsoon. The flowers bloom, and the plants look healthy and vibrant. Sometimes, I help my parents with gardening, which is a fun and relaxing activity. The sight of blooming flowers and lush greenery fills me with happiness.

Playing in the rain is another exciting part of the monsoon season. My friends and I enjoy playing football and cricket in the rain. Getting wet and muddy adds to the fun. We also make paper boats and float them in the puddles. These simple activities bring a lot of joy and create lasting memories.

In conclusion, the monsoon is my favorite season because of the refreshing rain, pleasant weather, festive celebrations, and delicious food. It is a time when nature comes alive with greenery and beauty. The monsoon provides a perfect balance between studies and fun activities. It is a season that brings happiness, excitement, and a sense of renewal. The monsoon holds a special place in my heart, and I look forward to it every year.

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New Year Essay in English - 100, 200, 500 Words

New Year, a day that sparks joy in most of our hearts and minds, is celebrated in vastly different forms depending on the culture one belongs to. New Year is a set day that marks the start of a new year. Most of us celebrate New Year’s on January 1st. However, different cultures, such as Chinese, Islamic, and Jewish, have their own religious calendars and may celebrate New Year’s Day at different times of the year. Here are a few sample essays on “New Year”.

New Year Essay in English - 100, 200, 500 Words

100 Words Essay on New Year

New Year’s Day marks it as an auspicious and wonderful day for people around the globe. It is a festival that is celebrated by everybody around the globe, irrespective of their culture and faith. It is a festival where everyone comes together and celebrates a day that marks a new beginning in everyone’s life. It is a day when people evaluate and take valuable lessons from the experiences they faced in the previous year and use them to do better in the next year of their life. Often, people make resolutions to lead this New Year with a positive mindset and in hopes of making next year better than the previous year.

200 Words Essay on New Year

The new year refers to the first day of the year. As New Year approaches, people become excited and welcome it with great zeal and great enthusiasm. A lot of people see the new year as an opportunity to make resolutions and commit themselves to causes that they’ve wanted to pursue for a long. People’s new year resolutions are usually about evaluating their shortcomings and working on themselves personally, professionally, and socially.

People also welcome the new year by renovating their houses, putting up lights and decorations in their homes, buying cakes, lighting fireworks, going out for picnics or meeting family, friends, or relatives, and being excited for the auspicious day. People are both enthusiastic and calm as a new sense of hope washes over everybody as they prepare for things that the new year will bring them.

Traditions Of New Year

One of the most common traditions on New Year's Day is the making of resolutions. Many people resolve to make positive changes in their lives, such as eating healthier, exercising more, or quitting a bad habit. While some people are able to stick to their resolutions, others find it more difficult to follow through on their goals. Regardless of whether or not resolutions are successful, the act of making them is an important way for people to set intentions for the year ahead and strive for self-improvement.

500 Words Essay on New Year

As the New Year comes along, it signifies a fresh start and something to contemplate about. It gives people a way to set new goals and ideologies for themselves.

As everyone celebrates New Year, different cultures celebrate New Year differently. Although there are several examples, here are a few of them.

For around 15 days, many Asian countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, and mainly China celebrate Spring Year, a.k.a New year. Because the first day of the new year signifies the end of the coldest part of winter and the beginning of the spring months, it is given the name "Spring Festival." It is observed at the beginning of the solar year, according to the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar, which also shows the moon phase.

The Lantern Festival, which is observed on the fifteenth day of the first calendar month and serves as the festival's culmination, is traditionally held on the eve of the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah, which translates to "Head of the Year," is when Jews around the world mark the beginning of the new year. Rosh Hashanah is seen as a time of celebration, reflection, and acknowledgement of the end of another year. On the first and second days of Tishrei, the seventh month in the Hebrew calendar, it is welcomed. Traditions associated with the occasion include eating foods like dates, leeks, beets, and pomegranates, as well as blowing the shofar, or ram's horn, at synagogues.

For Nowruz, which means a new day, at the beginning of spring, around 73 million people in Iran and 30 million people in Afghanistan celebrate the rebirth of nature for 13 days. It is one of the oldest holidays in history and is sometimes referred to as the Persian New Year. It has been observed for nearly 3,900 years.

Pahela Baishakh

In a state of India known as Bengal, people celebrate a festival called Pahela Baishakh (which roughly translates to ‘first month’) in the month of April. According to their calendar, it marks the start of their New Year. They celebrate it because, during this time, the harvesting season starts. To greet each other on New Year, people use the phrase “Shubho Noboborsha”, which roughly translates to “Happy New Year.”

How I Celebrated New Year?

As the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what the coming year would bring. I had spent the day preparing for the celebrations, decorating my home with sparkling streamers and festive balloons, and cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

As the countdown to midnight began, we all huddled together, eagerly waiting for the moment when the new year would arrive. When the final seconds ticked away, we erupted into cheers and hugs, ringing in the new year with a sense of hope and joy. I felt grateful to be surrounded by loved ones and was filled with a sense of optimism for what the coming year would bring.

As the night drew to a close and we said our goodbyes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness, knowing that I had welcomed the new year in the best way possible – surrounded by the people I care about most.

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Updated: 28 November, 2023

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the best month of the year essay 400 words

400 Word Essay, How to Guide, Example

Published by gudwriter on November 11, 2021 November 11, 2021


How to write a 400 word essay? Understand the professor’s instructions thoroughly and research widely on the topic. Then, spend some time planning and writing an outline. The first draft can be 600 to 700 words but prune unnecessary words and sentences to have a reliable, brief, and comprehensive 400-word essay. Understand how many pages your essay is to avoid exceeding the required number using our free word to pages converter .

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In our previous tutorials, we’ve covered how to write the best essays in a different number of words, like  500 words  and  300 words . The length of an article does not affect its quality; instead, it harnesses its clarity. If you are writing an extended essay, you will provide numerous details and illustrations to support your points. But, when the article is less than a thousand words, you need to discuss every aspect in its paragraph.

A 400-word essay allows you to express yourself in the fewest, most concise words possible. Thus, you need to stick to the points and follow the recommended outline effectively. This allows your audience to understand your argument in a quick, simple way.

Professionals, especially those practicing law, journalism, and communication, are often required to write 400-word essays. Students in high schools, elementary, and college levels are also needed to hand in their answers or views in 400 words. The complexity of such an essay depends on whether you are doing it at advanced levels or school. Apart from a  good mastery of written language , it would help if you also were concise and informative.

Tips for Writing the Perfect 400 Word Essay

1. research on your topic.

It’s tempting to write stuff from scratch and put down ideas directly from your mind. However, the reader will need to learn something new. The audience is not interested in fluffy content. Readers want to have unique skills and possible behavioral changes after reading your essay. So, it would help if you focused on convincing them that your idea is the best. Remember, the most effective essay is that which is credible. So, carry out intensive research about the topic and provide enough data to support your arguments.

2. Prepare the outline

Do not just jump into writing the essay without a plan. When your work is organized, you will find it easy to stick to the subject. An outline is the best way to plan for the essay. Remember, you need to know how many words will be featured in support of each point. This will be easy if you have the right structure. Apart from helping you to be brief, the outline will make your work neat. If you are in an exam room and you are needed to write a 400-word essay, be sure to spend about five minutes planning.

3. Edit your work

Scoring a grade A in your essay depends on how well you can write flawlessly. It is not possible to be perfect- of course, we’re all human. However, if you want to be an excellent writer, you must try to have zero mistakes. So, after you are done scripting your essay, have time for reading it.

Go through the article about three times after you have written it. The first read will help you realize the grammar errors you may have made. The second will give you the insight on which sentences are useful and which aren’t. The third will be about polishing the article from an audience’s perspective.

4. Include the references

Writing a reflection essay  means that you will need to carry out enough research. You will also need to acknowledge the sources for the information you have used in your article. Thus, you should have space where you can list down the references for the content used. This not only prevents plagiarism but also gives your article a sense of credibility. Remember, the more credible your essay is, the more the audience will believe in it- and definitely, the more marks you will score.

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Elements of a 400 Words Essay

Every essay that you ever write needs to be well titled. An essay that doesn’t have a heading lacks identity. Look for a short statement that covers what the article is about. In our context, the title is “How to Stay Motivated and Focused. ” Our essay cannot discuss anything else apart from what the title has suggested. The title should be short and able to communicate the message or meaning of the essay efficiently. Remember to capitalize the main words of the title using the title format. Get a catchy title for your essay using our innovative essay title generator .

2. Introduction Paragraph

This is the part where you state your thesis. It’s an essential part of the article as it provides the reader with the urge to read. A good introduction paragraph will grab the audience’s attention and make them want to read the whole essay. On the other hand, an awful introduction will just put your audience away. So, it would help if you made it captivating. Short, mind-provoking, and sweet sentences are the best for this paragraph. In a 400 word essay, the introduction part has about 50 words.

Start with the hook

This is a general statement in your introduction that summarizes the essay. It captures the reader’s attention from a broad perspective. The hook is different from the thesis; while the former is a general statement, the latter focuses on the essay alone. In short, the hook is the meta-theme of the 400 word essay.

Example:  ‘Self-motivation is the surest way to stay focused.’

The thesis is the root of the introduction. You need to use such a sentence to sum up, the article. The thesis is the sentence that carries the meaning of the essay. It is short and summative. For instance, in our essay, the thesis could be:

‘People who are motivated towards achieving their goals are focused on success.’

Transition statement

Before you start writing the actual article, you need to signal the audience that you are proceeding to your work’s ‘meat.’ A transition statement will do this for you. For instance, you can use a sentence such as:

‘The following ideas will help you stay focused and motivated in your work or studies.’

The Body of a 400 word essay

As aforementioned, this is the meat of the essay. It is the part where you support your thesis using illustrations and research findings. In most cases, the body has 2-4 sentences whose length is between 75 and 100 words. Each idea should be in its paragraph. Again, it is crucial to keep your sentences short and concise. This means you should have 6-8 sentences per paragraph. In the outline, be sure to start with your most vital point and end with the weakest.

Avoid spending hours trying to craft the same essay again and again whereas you can make use of our AI powered essay generator .

3. Body paragraph

Structure of a body paragraph

This is a sentence that introduces the paragraph. It should support the thesis

  • Illustration

Use research findings to make your point clear. This may take more than one sentence.

  • Explanation

Justify your idea of using logic and scientific skills. Explain what you mean.

How the point relates to the thesis:

Then, prove that the point makes sense regarding supporting the thesis.

4. Conclusion paragraph

This is the last part of the essay. It summarizes the essay in about 50 words. You should therefore have 3-5 sentences here. Do not introduce any new ideas here. Instead, use conclusive statements that support your thesis.

The structure of a conclusive paragraph

  • Restate your thesis
  • Give a summary of the essay
  • Write a conclusive statement

Essay Outline

Any good essay starts with an outline. Outlines play a vital role in the success of any piece of writing, more so essay papers. They help the writer stick to the essay structure, which is one of the things that professors test in the writing. Not having a good structure can cost you. More so, without an outline, it is easy for the writer to wander away from the subject and lose the reader.

Getting stuck when writing an essay is a problem that all students have encountered at some point. This can be detrimental to your essay as often, students end up adding irrelevant content just to reach the required word or page count. Getting stuck also drains away enthusiasm, which is something that should never be traced in your essay. Having a good outline will prevent this from happening.

Not only will it save time, which is otherwise spent pondering over what to add, but it helps you write an interesting paper from the word go. How do you write an outline? Well, here is an example of an essay outline to guide you in your paper.

Title: ‘How to Stay Motivated and Focused.’

  • Introduction paragraph
  • Hook – Self-motivation is the surest way to stay focused.
  • Thesis : Facing challenges and achieving success requires focus, which means we need to be responsible for our motivation.

Transition : The following ideas will help you stay focused and motivated in your work or studies.

  • Body Paragraph 1:
  • Point: Know thyself
  • Illustration: Socrates in the Temple of Apollos
  • Logic: Knowing strengths and weaknesses
  • Thesis relation
  • Body Paragraph 2:
  • Point: Desire for success
  • Illustration: Set realistic goals, celebrate achievement
  • Explanation: Find motivating factors
  • Body Paragraph 3:
  • Point: Death and finite time
  • Illustrations: Steve Jobs, Henry Rolling, infinite ability and limited time
  • Explanation: Avoid regrets, lead a successful life
  • Conclusion paragraph
  • Restatement of thesis
  • Summary of the essay
  • Signing out

400 Word Essay Examples

Example 1: self-motivation as a way to stay focused.

Self-motivation is the surest way to stay focused. Nearly all the most significant tasks in life are tests for our motivation. Facing challenges and achieving success requires focus; this means we need to be responsible for our motivation. People who are motivated towards achieving their goals are focused on success. The following ideas will help you stay focused and motivated in your work and studies.

First, you should study yourself. It would help if you found out what you like, hate, or freaks you out. According to Socrates, knowing thyself is a basic understanding of nature. If you know your strengths and weaknesses, it’s easy to find your motivations. Once you’ve understood yourself, you can now find out what inspires you and the best way to face challenges. This will help you fight negative energy and use it to undertake essential tasks. Thus, understanding what you are good at would lead you into living a motivated and focused life.

Second, you should have a desire to feel the pride of success. Cultivate a strong aspiration for achieving your goals. This is possible if you set achievable goals and celebrate every time you hit them. You could thank yourself for running daily goals by eating something you like. You can also place on a trip or weekend getaway as a way of rewarding yourself for achieving a year’s goals. This will give you the drive to work harder and become more diligent with what you do.

The desire to get the reward will help you stay focused and motivated in your endeavors.

Third, you can use death as a reason to stay focused. As Henry Rollins said, humans have infinite potential that is hindered by a finite time. Steve Jobs says that he never had as much productive time as after being diagnosed with late-stage pancreatic cancer. In the realization that death is as sure as dawn, you will utilize your time well.

Time well spent in working towards the achievement of goals is the primary catalyst for success. Have a schedule to avoid wasting yours on unnecessary activities. Appreciating that life is short will keep you focused and motivated.

No doubt, the best way to stay focused on your work is to motivate yourself. Death, pride, and knowing thyself are some of the surest ways to keep you in the game. If you follow this advice, you will lead a successful life.

Example 2: Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility

Strategic CSR is a more thorough and deliberate approach to CSR in which a corporation uses the environmental and social effects of its operations as a deciding factor in business decisions. The practice helps businesses coordinate CSR initiatives with more expansive corporate goals and objectives. Strategic CSR aims to build long-term value for the business and society in the following manner.

Strategic CSR enhances a company’s reputation and increases customer loyalty. By incorporating CSR into its core organizational strategy and making an environmental and social impact a critical decision-making factor, a firm can enhance its reputation among customers, workers, investors, and the general public. Similarly, customer loyalty is generally higher for businesses committed to CSR (Chandler, 2022). Clients of such businesses value the businesses’ efforts toward positively impacting society.

Strategic CSR also yields better talent acquisition and improved employee retention and well-being. People like to work for organizations that share their values. A company can attract and keep top talent by emphasizing CSR and demonstrating that it cares about the welfare of its workers and the community. In the same vein, strategic CSR programs can raise employee engagement and foster a happier workplace environment, which improves employees’ well-being (Chandler, 2022). This can decrease turnover and increase employee retention.

Strategic CSR additionally improves risk management and enables long-term sustainability. By considering the environmental and social impacts of its operations, an organization can spot and resolve potential risks. Examples here may include supply chain interruptions, ecological liabilities, or public hostility toward its operations (Haski-Leventhal, 2021). On the same note, strategic CSR helps a business concentrate on long-term sustainability, ensuring that it can carry on and thrive despite economic, environmental, and social challenges.

Finally, strategic CSR increases innovation and financial performance. As businesses look for inventive solutions to environmental and social problems, integrating CSR into their business strategies can promote innovation. Evidence also reveals that businesses that adopt strategic CSR programs often post greater financial performance (Haski-Leventhal, 2021). This is because the advantages of a solid reputation and increased consumer loyalty translate into higher sales and profitability.

Thus, strategic CSR benefits both businesses and society in the long term. It yields such benefits as enhanced business reputation and customer loyalty, better talent acquisition and employee retention, improved risk management and long-term sustainability, and improved innovation and financial performance. Therefore, businesses should relentlessly implement strategic CSR for their benefit and the benefit of society.  

Chandler, D. (2022). Strategic corporate social responsibility: Sustainable value creation . SAGE Publications.

Haski-Leventhal, D. (2021). Strategic corporate social responsibility: A holistic approach to responsible and sustainable business . SAGE Publications. 

Example 3: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Social Media on Mental Health

Although social media has become a significant part of daily life, it could also have far-reaching effects on users. Mental well-being is one area that social media usage may affect. As one uses social media, their experiences may either negate or strengthen their mental health. Social media benefits and harms mental health in the following ways.

Social media keeps people connected. It has developed into a fantastic method to remain in touch with family and friends and learn about their everyday lives. In addition to keeping in touch with loved ones, the development of communities on social media has allowed users to connect with others who share their interests and viewpoints (Grayson, 2022). Some people use it to overcome loneliness and create a space where they feel they belong and are accepted.

Social media also fosters a friendly and helpful environment. It now has a lot to offer in terms of awareness. It has enabled people to share advice, discuss their challenges in confidence, and access supportive resources thanks to increased awareness of mental health issues (Grayson, 2022). The stress and anxiety one experiences in real life can be reduced by sharing one’s issues in these forums or with distant family members.

However, social media could also yield anxiety and depression. People may use social media to share the positive aspects of their lives and project a picture of a perfect daily schedule. Social media’s filtered images and Instagram models can contribute to body dysphoria, which can lead to eating disorders and depression. People experience insecurities due to the quantity of “likes” they obtain on a post as well as from comparing their accounts to those of others (Whiteley, 2023). It may cause feelings of isolation and rejection.

Social media may also result in antisocial behavior. Social media users tend to minimize their face-to-face interactions with others. The fear of missing out grows as it gets simpler to compare one’s life to other people one is “following” on social media platforms (Whiteley, 2023). Antisocial behavior can exacerbate mental health issues by fostering emotions of isolation and loneliness.

Therefore, while social media usage is widespread, it has both beneficial and detrimental effects on mental health. On the positive side, it keeps people connected and fosters the feeling of friendliness and safety. On the flip side, it can increase anxiety and depression and yield antisocial behavior. It should, thus, be used cautiously.  

Grayson, L. (2022). Your mental health in today’s world: How social media affects it . Amazon Digital Services LLC.

Whiteley, C. (2023). Social media psychology: A guide to clinical psychology, cyberpsychology and depression. CGD Publishing.

Example 4: The Use of Social Media in Marketing

Although B2B enterprises aim to sell their goods to other companies, B2B marketing still depends on interpersonal connections. Social media has always been used to foster the development of these connections, and its significance increased during COVID-19. B2B marketers needed to communicate with partners and prospects without attending physical events. Social media can help businesses build and maintain a competitive advantage by leveraging communication in the following ways.

Businesses can use social media to build brand awareness. They can convey their stories across various platforms, explain why they offer their services, and keep audiences informed with stories about their clients, employees, and initiatives (Bertoglio, 2022). B2B executives can further expand their brand reach if they can harness the opinions of their staff. Each employee has their own network, which could contain hundreds of contacts. Each of those contacts is then linked to hundreds of other people.

Social media can also enable businesses to generate leads. Posting data, news, videos, and intriguing trends enables businesses to engage with their target sector and foster relevant conversations (Bertoglio, 2022). These techniques help them establish credibility with potential clients. The techniques can also help businesses to gain leads.

Businesses can also harness social media to build brand authenticity. Brands can develop trust with prospective employees or talent, partners, and customers through social media engagements. This would especially be the case if other people are spreading the word about a company’s name, products, or services. Family and friend suggestions and advice are roughly three times more likely to be trusted by consumers than official brand channels (Macarthy, 2021).

Social media can further enable a business to continually grow its audience. Social media is used by almost 5 billion people (Bertoglio, 2022). Social media platforms provide a business with access to the greatest online addressable market. They also reveal what real people are interested in or talk about. A business can develop an audience that believes in its brand, products, and services if it discovers how to use thought leadership content to address the issues facing this online market.

Thus, social media is a force to reckon with when it comes to using communication to build a competitive advantage. With social media platforms, a company can create brand awareness, generate leads, make its brand more authentic, and enlarge its audience continually. It is probably the best strategic communication tool, and businesses should therefore utilize it maximally.   

Bertoglio, G. (2022). Social media marketing made easy . How2.

Macarthy, A. (2021). 500 social media marketing tips: Essential advice, hints and strategy for business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, and more! Independently Published.

A 400 word essay is short, and you need to be very particular when writing it. Like in other essays, you should have a clear and good outline to guide you through the paper. Also, your structure should be on point. Grammatical errors and plagiarism will also weigh down your grade: proofread and run your essay through a  plagiarism checker  before submitting it.

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The dialect may be a bit off-putting but the narrative is accessible and clear enough. Here is the story of a wheedling, heartless, hustling hair peddler named Jock Macleod who is trying to buy the hair of young women at a fair in Devon. His tactics seem a combination of seduction, intimidation, ruse, and sales pressure that would make today’s used car salesman seem a rank amateur in comparison.

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the best month of the year essay 400 words

Essay of the Month: “The Modern Essay”

Of all forms of literature, however, the essay is the one which least calls for the use of long words. The principle which controls it is simply that it should give pleasure; the desire which impels us when we take it from the shelf is simply to receive pleasure. Everything in an essay must be subdued to that end.

Virginia Woolf

the best month of the year essay 400 words

Silly Novels by Lady Novelists

“The standing apology for women who become writers without any special qualification is that society shuts them out from other spheres of occupation. Society is a very culpable entity, and has to answer for the manufacture of many unwholesome commodities, from bad pickles to bad poetry.”

George Eliot

the best month of the year essay 400 words

Essay of the Month: “How to Become a Man of Genius”

“It is a mistake to suppose that a man must be either a cynic or an idealist. Both of them have as a common basis of belief the conviction that mankind as it really is is hateful.”

George Bernard Shaw

the best month of the year essay 400 words

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Writing a 400 Word Essay: Length and How to write it Well

Writing a 400 Word Essay: Length and How to write it Well

400 word essay

400 word essay

Often, students are given tasks or assignments that require them to come up with written works that have a word count limit. When students are given word limits as part of the instructions, they are required to adhere to the rules lest they lose points.

There are various word count limits and this article will focus on essays with a 400-word limit. 

the best month of the year essay 400 words

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What is a 400-Word Essay?

A 400-word essay is a short piece of written work. This essay is assigned to students by their instructors to test their knowledge concerning a topic that had been taught and their ability to organize their thoughts concisely. 

a short essay outline

400-word essays are commonly assigned for less complex academic works such as discussion boards, personal statements, formal/informal letters, and other simpler academic genres.

Though this is the case, some complex academic genres may require students to come up with 400-word essays.

Such genres may include but are not limited to abstracts, proposals, and project outlines. 

While it is true that some 400-word essays may be part of a complex academic paper, we have some occupations that require professionals to write short works because they are expected to be brief and straight to the point.

Those professionals include communications specialists, journalists, and lawyers. 

From an academic point of view, why should 400-word essays be short as well as concise? Well. Such essays are typically shorter than other academic essays.

As we shall note later in this article, a 400-word essay is less than 2 pages, meaning that it will not require students to expound a lot on their points or provide a lot of examples to elaborate on issues. 

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How to Write a 400-Word Essay

As aforementioned, 400-word essays are meant to allow you to express your thoughts in the fewest and most concise words.

Therefore, you need to follow this guide whenever you are writing a 400-word essay to ensure that your readers understand your arguments quickly and in a short time. 

1. Conduct Research on your Topic

The first and most important step before drafting your 400-word essay is to conduct thorough research on your topic. It may be tempting to write your essay from ideas that have been directly derived from your mind.

a research topic

This is not recommended because the essay will lack new or challenging ideas. It will also lack an academic appeal or credibility because it will be based on what you know or have experienced – not anything new. 

2. Coming up with an Outline

The second step of writing a 400-word essay is to create a plan on how to organize your arguments and findings from the research you have conducted.

The plan is in the form of an outline that will help you organize your essay while sticking to the main subject. Think of an outline as a skeleton and the main essay as the meat.

The skeleton is the basic structure of your essay from which content can be added to create the complete essay. Therefore, an outline is written in point form from the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion (we shall discuss this later).

3. Structuring your Essay

Since you have already conducted thorough research concerning your essay and came up with an outline, you can begin drafting your work. The 400-word essay should always begin with a title because the title dictates what the essay is all about.

writing essay introduction

The title should be short with main words capitalized. Your essay’s title should be a summary of your entire essay.

A 400-word essay has three major parts: an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.

The introduction paragraph introduces the essay to the readers. It should begin with a hook to ensure that the readers are captivated.

It should then provide the purpose of the essay and end with a thesis statement. Since you are writing a 400-word essay, limit your introduction to between 50 and 70 words. 

The body paragraphs of the 400-word essay contain individual points that should be explained and illustrated within individual paragraphs. Always ensure that a paragraph only contains a single point.

The basic structure of a body paragraph is point, illustration, and explanation. A body barograph begins by providing a single point that relates to the thesis statement. This is followed by an illustration or making the point clear using research findings. Explanation of the point follows by justifying your perspective or idea using scientific skills and/or logic. 

The conclusion paragraph is the last part of your 400-word essay that summarizes your main points or arguments. It should also not exceed 70 words since it is a brief restatement of the thesis statement, a summary of main points, and your concluding remarks. 

When you complete drafting your 400-word essay, ensure that you proofread your work and include references to the sources of information. Such sources should come from your research and should be peer-reviewed. 

Examples of 400-Word Essay Topics

Essay topics for 400-word essays are many. Some of them include: 

1. Global Warming 

2. My favorite food

3. My aim in life 

4. Importance of education

How Long is a 400-Word Essay?

word double spacing

In terms of pages, a 400-word essay should be one-and-a-half (1.5) pages in length if the page is double spaced.

The length is directly proportional to the wideness of a page’s spacing. In terms of paragraphs should be about 4 to 6 in number.

When it comes to the number of sentences in a 400-word essay, the estimation is about 20 to 27 sentences. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What a 400-word essay looks like.

Such an essay contains about 4 to 6 paragraphs with the first paragraph being the introduction. It is followed by 2 to 3 body paragraphs and a 1-paragraph conclusion. It is typically less than 1.5 pages. 

Are 400 Words Considered an Essay?

Yes. 400 words are considered an assay because there is a topic, an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs containing supporting points, a concluding paragraph, and references. 

How long is a 400-Word Paragraph?

While it is not recommended to have a 400-word paragraph, it would probably be between 1 and 1.5 pages if you follow the academically recommended line spacing (double-spacing). 

the best month of the year essay 400 words

With over 10 years in academia and academic assistance, Alicia Smart is the epitome of excellence in the writing industry. She is our chief editor and in charge of the writing department at Grade Bees.

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19 College Essay Topics and Prompts

Not sure what to write for your college essay? We've got you covered with a number of topics and prompts to help shape your unique story.

[Featured image] A woman works on her college essay with a pen, notebook, and laptop computer.

As part of your college application materials, you'll likely be asked to submit a college essay. These tend to be between 250 and 650 words , and are a unique opportunity to showcase your personality. Admissions panels are typically looking for students who will positively represent the school as a whole. In the end, your goal is to show them that you and the college are a good match. 

When drafting your college essay, you may be expected to answer a prompt or come up with a topic on your own. In this article, we've rounded up several ideas to get you thinking—and writing.

19 college essay topics

Each school sets different requirements around the college essay, so it's important to review the expectations around every application you intend to submit. Some give you creative freedom, while others expect you to respond to a pre-developed prompt. Either way, a strong college essay conveys to the admissions team who you are, why you want to attend that particular school, and what matters to you. It's a way to personalize an application that often focuses on quantitative data, such as GPA and SAT scores.

If you're given the creative freedom to write about whatever you want, consider a college essay topic that allows you to be honest and original. We've compiled the following ideas to help you brainstorm:

What's an important issue you care about? How have you gotten involved?

Have you changed your mind about something in recent years? What was it and why?

What's a situation that caused you to grow?

Explain a time when you failed. What did you learn from that moment?

Share a surprising pastime or hobby and what interested you about it.

What extracurricular activity are you involved in that speaks to your personality?

Detail a meaningful volunteer experience.

Dive into a meaningful travel experience.

Who do you most admire and why?

If you have a unique background, share a bit about it. How did you get where you are?

What's the best advice you've ever received?

Was there ever a time when you had to stand up for something—or someone?

What's something you might change about the world to make it better?

What do you hope to accomplish by attending college?

Is there something you want to do after graduating college?

Have you ever made or created something? Talk about it.

Do you have a big idea that could potentially impact your community?

What is most valuable to you? Dive into your values and share an example.

What are you most passionate about? Why?

Pre-developed college essay prompts

Some colleges and universities will give you a series of prompts to choose from. These will vary from school to school, and can either be questions or statements. Here are a few examples of both.

Sample question prompts:

What excites your intellectual curiosity?

How has your upbringing shaped the person you are today?

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Sample statement prompts:

Talk about an unusual circumstance in your life

Share how you hope to use your college education

Discuss a list of books you have read in the last year

Common App essay prompts

Common App is an online platform designed to simplify the college application process. Over 900 colleges use Common App, making it possible for you to fill out one application that's then submitted to multiple schools.

If you choose to complete the Common App, you'll have a choice of several distinctive prompts that change every academic year. Here's a sample of the 2022-2023 essay prompts [ 1 ]:

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Stick to the prompt.

No matter what type of prompt you receive, it's your job to stick to it. The admissions team has a lot of essays to read, so you'll have a better chance of standing out if you develop a cohesive response that stays on topic.

Start by identifying the prompt's main topic, then spend some time brainstorming to find the idea that resonates most with you. For many people, it's the topic that makes them feel some sort of emotion or reminds them of an entertaining story. Understanding what you're being asked to write about should make staying on topic throughout the entire composition easier.

5 additional college essay tips

Once you decide what you'd like to write, follow the tips below to craft a standout essay. You can also find more advice about college essays in our article College Essay Format: Writing and Editing Tips .

1. Be considerate with humor.

Showing off your sense of humor lets your personality show through your words and can make reading the essay more entertaining. Try including a few sentences that you think will bring a smile to the reader's face, or use adjectives to insert some colorful comedy.

2. Offer insight.

Beyond recounting an event, experience, or memory, a great essay shows insight aka an ability to highlight meaningful takeaways. For example, if you choose to write about your unique hobby, try to discuss what you've learned from that pastime—or how you've grown as a result of it.

3. Add details

Great essays also invite the reader to connect with the story on an emotional level. With that in mind, it can help to recount a specific memory rather than answer a prompt without those colorful details. More than discussing something on a surface level—or vaguely—you want to provide enough particulars to keep your readers engaged. For example, if you choose to write about the best advice you ever received, set the scene and take the reader back to that moment.

4. Have an editor.

Your essay should ideally be error-free. Ask a trusted friend or family member to review your essay and suggest edits. An editor can help you catch grammatical errors or points out ways to better develop your response.

Avoid passing your paper along to too many people, though, so you don't lose your own voice amid all of the edits and suggestions. The admissions team wants to get to know you through your writing and not your sister or best friend who edited your paper.

5. Revise your essay.

Your first draft is just that: a draft. Give yourself plenty of time to read and revise your first pass and make sure you fully developed your response, stayed on topic, and shared your personality.

When revising your essay, you may find it helpful to read it aloud so you hear the words as you're saying them. Some people prefer to print a copy on paper and write notes by hand. Both options give your brain a new way to process the information to catch details you may miss if you keep everything in your head and on the computer.

Watch to find out why the essay many admission counselor's favorite part of the application:

Next steps: Apply with confidence

Earn your bachelor's degree online from prestigious global universities on Coursera. Many even offer performance-based admission, meaning you can complete a course or two online and earn admittance with a passing score.

Article sources

Common App. " First-year essay prompts , https://www.commonapp.org/apply/essay-prompts." Accessed February 8, 2023.

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400 Words Exactly

Last week, marked the 400th posting and one-year mark for the Revision Notes blog.

To celebrate, watch for these “400” postings this week

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  • 400 Comments : Please Help me celebrate by collecting 400 comments by Friday!
  • 400 Words Exactly : Writing Long sentences–here’s my offering at 400 words, exactly.
  • 400 Online Research Tools : Fun tools for historical, economic or literary research.

Here’s your 400 challenge: Writing a long sentence, in fact, a sentence that is exactly 400 words long. Here’s my offering.

As a self-taught writer who has taken the long, winding road towards writing and literary efforts, I was slow to learn about writing long sentences, both how to do so and why one might want to do so, but finally was enlightened by three articulate authors and their books: Ursula LeGuin, the respected science fiction and fantasy writer, author of The Left Hand of Darkness , and the popular children’s series, Wizard of the Earthsea , encourages long sentences in her how-to book on writing, Steering the Craft , by quoting a 354-word sentence from Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn , which takes the long, slow route – LeGuin calls it the “marvelously supple connections of complex syntax” – to describing the details of a sunrise over the Mississippi River, including the sights, sounds, and smells of the unfolding morning; the second book which is less artistic, but perhaps more helpful to me personally was Ann Longknife, Ph.D and K.D. Sullivan’s book, The Art of Styling Sentences: 20 Patterns for Success – look for the second edition published in 2002 – which I studied with a writing friend, KN, and found to be extremely helpful in reviewing colons, semi-colons, appostives, etc, especially as KN and I posted to mutual mailing lists and encourage each other to use the patterns correctly and creatively and learned that control of language was essential to make the words mean what you want it to mean ( in fact, I found this book to be so useful, that I required it as a text when I taught Freshman Composition); and third, was Dona Hickey’s wondeful book, Developing a Written Voice , a virtual gem of a book – it’s not for the faint-hearted, because it reads like a college text book, but it’s a gem, nonetheless – which encourages the exploration of both long and short sentences, including sentence fragments, while Hickey also gives the writer a range of options for creating coherence and cohesion among the various parts of the sentence, including traditional rhetorical strategies such as schemes (unusual patterns of words) : schemes of balance, such as parallel structures, antithesis and the isocolon; schemes of unusual or inverted word order, such as anastrophe and parenthesis; schemes of omission, such as ellipsis, asyndeton or polysyndeton; schemes of repetition, such as alliteration, polyptoton, assonance, anaphora, epistrophe, epanalepsis, anadiplosis, tricolon, chiasmus, and of course, long lists – all useful tools to create long sentences and keep them understandable. Writing long is fun. Really. Try it.

(OK, Oh, Queens of Grammar, let me have it!)

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Rainy Season Essay for Students in English

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Rainy season essay: Rainy season is one of the most awaited seasons of the year. The rainy season starts in India from the month of June and continues up to August. The rains are a time of joy as they relieve us from the heat and make the weather cool and pleasant.

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The rains bring life to the drooping plants and trees. The fields and lawns look green. The rains are a boon to farmers. They can sow their crops. The rainy season is the best season for cultivation of crops. The crops grow well and yield good produce.

The extent of the rainy season and the amount of rain varies from place to place, depending upon the local topography, wind patterns, and other climatic factors. Some places across the globe have a rainy season extending up to one to three or maybe four months, while the equatorial regions experience wet and dry climates throughout the year. Rains are a vital natural resource for a place’s flora, fauna, agriculture, and ecological balance.

Rainy Season Essay

Though a moderate rainy season is the best, too low and too much rain have consequences. A weak rainy season could cause famine and drought, while a very strong rainy season may result in floods; nevertheless, the annual rainy season is essential for life on the planet.

Long and Short Essay on Rainy Season in English

We are providing long and short essays on the rainy season in English. These rainy season essays have been written in simple language, yet emphasis has been made on elaborating every aspect of the rainy season.

After going through these essays, you will know – what is a rainy season, what causes a rainy season, the extent/duration of the rainy season across the globe, the advantages or disadvantages of the rainy season, etc.

Help your kids and children know about this interesting and slightly cool season using a simple and easily written essay on the rainy season. You can select any rainy season essay according to their class standard.

Essay on Rainy Season 100 Words

I like the rainy season most. It is my favorite and best season of all four seasons. It comes after the summer season, a very hot year. I become restless in the summer because of too much heat, warm air, and skin problems. However, all the problems become over as soon as the rainy season comes.

The rainy season falls in July (the Hindi month of Shawan) and lasts three months. It is the lucky season for all, and everyone loves and enjoys it. In this season, we enjoy eating naturally ripened sweet mangoes. We also celebrate Many Indian festivals with great enthusiasm this season.

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Essay on Rainy Season 150 Words

The rainy season starts in India in July when winds of South West Monsoon start blowing. According to the Hindi month, it falls in Asadha and Shawan. Everyone enjoys it a lot as the environment becomes so clear, cool, and clean because of the fresh air and rainy water. Plants, trees, and grasses become so green and look very attractive. New leaves are arising in the plants and trees as they get natural water after the hottest summer. The whole environment gives a greenery look all around, which is very nice for the eyes.

The rainy season brings my favorite festivals like Raksha Banhan, 15 August, Tej, Dussehra, etc. We also enjoy eating lots of fresh fruits and well-ripe mangoes this season. I never want to lose this season. My mom cooks lots of delicious dishes (such as pakaude, Idli, halwa, tea, coffee, sandwich, etc.) for us while it’s raining.

Essay on Rainy Season 200 Words

I think everyone likes the rainy season as I like it very much. It makes me feel slightly cool and happy. After all, it comes after a long period of the summer season. People, especially farmers, in India worship God Indra to rain for the wellness of this season’s crops. Rain God is the most important God for the farmers in India. The rainy season gives new life to everyone on this earth, like plants, trees, grasses, animals, birds, human beings, etc. All living things enjoy the rainy season by getting wet in the rainwater.

I generally go to the top floor on the roof to get wet in the rainwater. My friends and I danced and sang songs in the rainwater. Sometimes we go to the school or school bus while it’s raining and enjoy ourselves with our teachers. Our teachers tell us stories and poems during the rainy season, which we greatly appreciate. When we came home, we again went outside and played in the rain. The whole environment becomes full of greeneries and looks clean and beautiful. Every living thing on this earth gets new life by getting rainwater.

Essay on Rainy Season 250 Words

In India rainy season starts in July and continues till the end of September. It brings new hope and a big relief to everyone’s life after an unbearable hot summer. Plants, trees, birds, and animals, including humans, wait for this season very eagerly and prepare to welcome the rainy season. Everyone gets a respiration of relief and comfort. The sky looks bright, clean, light blue, and sometimes like Indra Dhanush, meaning Rain Bow of seven colors. The whole environment presents a lovely scene. I generally take snaps of the greenery environment and other things to catch all the memories in my camera. White, brown, and dark black shades of clouds look wandering in the sky.

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Essay on Rainy Season 300 Words

Importance of rainy season for nature.

The rainy season is a lovely season for all of us. Generally, it begins in July and ends in September. It comes after the hot summer season. It brings new hopes and life to the living things, which will probably become dead because of the summer sun’s heat. This season gives lots of relief through its natural and cool rain water. All the ponds, rivers, and streams become full of water that was dried due to the heat. So, it gives new life to the water animals. It returns greenery to the gardens and lawns back. It provides the environment with a new attractive look. However, it is so sad that it stays only for three months.

Importance of Rainy Season for Indian farmers

The rainy season is important for Indian farmers as they need more water for their crop cultivation. Farmers generally make pits and ponds to collect rainy water for further use in the fields. The rainy season is a boon from God to the agriculturists. They worship Rain God if it does not rain afterwards, and they are blessed with rain. The sky looks cloudy as lots of white, brown, and dark black clouds run from here and there in the sky. Running clouds contains lots of rain water and rain when the monsoon comes.

My Last Year Experience of Rainy Season

The rainy season adds scenic beauty to the environment. I like greenery too much. I generally go outside with my family to enjoy the rainy season. Last year I went to the Nainital and had amazing experiences. Many watery clouds were touching our bodies in the car and going outside from the window. It was raining very slowly, and we enjoyed it a lot. We also enjoyed water boating in the Nainital. The whole Nainital looked amazing full of greeneries.

Essay on Rainy Season 400 Words

Rainy Season is one of the four main seasons in India. It falls every year after summer, especially in July, and ends in September. Clouds in the sky rain when monsoon occurs. In the summer, it becomes too hot, and water from the water resources like Ocean, rivers, etc., goes up in the sky as vapors. Vapors get collected in the sky and make clouds which run in the rainy season when monsoon blows and clouds collide. It starts thundering, lighting, and then raining.

The rainy season has lots of advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of Rainy Season

Everyone likes the rainy season as it gives too much relief from the hot heat of the sun. It removes all the heat from the environment and gives a cool feeling to everyone. It helps plants, trees, grasses, crops, vegetables, etc., to grow properly. Is a favorable season for the animals, as it gives them lots of green grasses and small plants to graze. And finally, we get fresh cow or buffalo milk twice a day. Each natural resource, like rivers, pond, and lakes, becomes full of rainwater. All the birds and animals become happy by getting lots of water to drink and grow. They start smiling, singing, and taking a high fly in the sky.

Disadvantages of Rainy Season

When it rains, all the roads, plan fields, and playgrounds become full of water and muddy. So, we get lots of problems playing daily. Without proper sunlight, everything in the house start smelling. Because of the lack of proper sunlight increases the risk of spreading infectious diseases (like viral, fungal, and bacterial diseases). In the rainy season, muddy and infected rainy water of the land gets intermingled with the main water source inside the ground, so the risk of digestive disorders also increases. There is a flood risk in the rainy season if it rains heavily.

After all, the rainy season is mostly liked by everyone. It looks green everywhere. Plants, trees, and creepers get new leaves. Flowers start blooming. We get a big opportunity to see a beautiful rainbow in the sky. Sometimes the sun goes off and sometimes comes out, so we see the hide-and-seek of the sun. Peacocks and other forest birds start dancing in full swing by spreading their wings. We enjoy the rainy season with our friends at school and home.

Essay on Rainy Season 800 Words


“Rainy Season,” also known as “Wet Season” in some places, is when the region’s most annual rainfall takes place. Depending on their location, tropical and subtropical areas on both sides of the equator experience rainy seasons. Usually, the rainy season continues for a month, while it may remain consistent for three to four months in some places. In the essay below, we will go through topics like – what causes a rainy season, what are the months of a rainy season, what is the importance of the rainy season, and finally, a conclusion.

Months of Rainy Season

There is no fixed period of the rainy season, and several places across the globe experience different durations. For example, tropical rainforests don’t experience seasonal wet and dry months, and the rainfall in the area occurs throughout the year. The Republic of Guyana in South America experiences two rainy seasons in a year, each spanning around a month.

The wet season in the Indian subcontinent is termed a “monsoon” and is typically a summer monsoon that lasts nearly three to four months.

What Causes Rainy Season

The rainy season is a periodical phenomenon due to changes in the flow of winds carrying moisture and clouds. When a particular area gets heated up during the day, the surrounding air becomes lighter and rises to create a low-pressure zone. This pushes the moisture-laden winds over the oceans onto the mainland. When these winds carrying moisture and clouds reach the continent, they cause precipitation or rain. When the cycle continues for a couple of months, the region experiences its monsoon or wet season.

The rainy season is also a periodic occurrence over the oceans when the same cycle of winds reverses and causes precipitation over the seas.

Rainy Season in India

  • The rainy season in India is called the southwest summer monsoon and is four months of mild to high rainfall falling, covering almost the whole country. The Indian monsoon originates in the southern Indian Ocean, where the equatorial trade winds form a high-pressure mass.
  • South Asia, facing hot climatic conditions, consequently developed a low-pressure area. These winds carry humidity into mainland India through the southwest. The Southwest monsoon in India arrives in two parts – the Bay of Bengal monsoon and the Arabian Sea monsoon.
  • The Arabian Sea monsoon extends over the Thar Desert in west India and is stronger than the Bay of Bengal monsoon. The bay of Bengal monsoon traverses through the eastern coast of India, passing through the states of Odisha, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, and the northeast states of India. It then moves on towards the Indo-Gangetic plains of north India.
  • As the country becomes cooler by the monsoon spell, the latter gets weaker over time, and it exits north India sometime around the mid of August. Monsoon typically leaves Mumbai by 5 October and exits from India by November end.

Importance of Rainy Season

  • Rainy seasons play a significant role in a nation’s economy, especially in an agricultural-driven economy like India. The agriculture sector in India comprises around 20% of the nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product). It is also one of the greatest employers, employing 600 million nationwide.
  • Monsoon, therefore, is essential for the economic health of India as the harvest of produce, up to a large extent, depends on the quality of the monsoon. A good monsoon will boost the economy with good agricultural produces; otherwise, a weak monsoon could cause famine, drought, and widespread poverty.
  • Monsoon is also very important for maintaining groundwater levels as well as water levels of natural water resources. A large amount of flora and fauna and also human beings depend on the available natural water resources. The rainy season replenishes these freshwater resources supplying them with enough water to sustain the next dry season.
  • Persistent rains during monsoon also allow us to collect runoff water through various rainwater harvesting methods. Simple rainwater harvesting methods can be deployed to collect runoff water from our rooftops, streets, and gardens. The water can be collected in tanks as a backup supply in summer.

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Rainy Season is undoubtedly the most pleasing and essential season of the year, especially for the country where agriculture is its economic backbone. The season also replenishes the naturally occurring freshwater supplies and rejuvenates the life on the planet. Water is essential for life on earth, and a lot of it is supplied by rain during the wet seasons. Without a wet/rainy season, many green parts of the earth will soon turn into deserts, whit rare or no sign of any form of life.

Rainy Season Essay FAQs

How do you write a rainy season essay.

To write a rainy season essay, start with an introduction about the rainy season's significance and duration. Then, describe the weather, its effects on nature, agriculture, and people. Mention any cultural or regional celebrations associated with it. Conclude by sharing personal thoughts or experiences related to the rainy season.

How do you write 10 lines on a rainy day?

Writing 10 lines on a rainy day involves describing the atmosphere, feelings, and activities during rain. Start with an introduction, mention the rain's sound, the fresh smell, people's reactions, and how it affects nature. Conclude by expressing your own sentiments about rainy days.

How do you write rainy in English?

In English, rainy is the word used to describe something related to or characterized by rain. For example, Today is a rainy day, means that the day has a lot of rain.

Why is the rainy season the best?

The rainy season is often considered the best because it brings relief from hot weather, replenishes water sources, and nourishes the earth, promoting lush greenery. It also offers a cozy atmosphere for indoor activities and a soothing ambiance for relaxation, making it a favorite season for many people.

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350 Word Essay Topics & Examples

Essays are a vital part of every student’s academic activity. Professors require learners to compose various essay types, from descriptive to argumentative to narrative to persuasive, seeking to check their understanding of the learned material and academic writing skills.

Thus, you may receive a 350-word assignment in many cases:

  • A discussion board or position paper (200-400 words)
  • A book report (200-500 words)
  • A brief essay of any type (350+ words)

Here are some helpful tips and prompts to jumpstart your writing process and simplify it at all stages. If you’re looking for more ideas, check the page with free essays online for students !

  • 💭 Essay Examples on Air Pollution
  • 🎧 Online Education Essay Topics
  • 🏥 Essay Examples on Health
  • 📖 Narrative Essay Topics
  • ⚖️ Compare & Contrast Essay Prompts
  • 📺 Influence of Media Essay Examples
  • ✏️ How to Write a 350-word Essay
  • 👔 350-word Essays on Management
  • 🔀 Life-changing Experience Essay Topics
  • 🧠 Essay Examples on Psychology
  • 💡 Prompts for an Essay about Myself

💭 Essay on Air Pollution 350 Words: Best Examples

  • Are Electric Vehicles Better for the Environment? This article reviews and evaluates the energy efficiency and environmental impact of electric vehicles with rechargeable batteries. Electric cars meet these requirements and provide opportunities for people to create transport that is safe for the […]
  • Carbon Offsets: Combatting Environmental Pollution I think that using other organizations or projects to offset an entity’s carbon footprint avoids the main goal of any present environmental protection efforts sustainability.
  • Environmental Legislation: Texas Clean Air Act Texas Clean Air Act was established in 1965 by the Texas House of Representatives Committee following the rise in air pollution due to the massive industrialization of the state.
  • Air Pollution in China: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics One of the most acute environmental problems in China is air pollution, which the authorities are trying to solve, but still, many people, factories, and active processes of globalization do not allow environmental programs to […]
  • Air Pollution and Health Issues in the US The industry of health care is closely connected to the industrial activities sector, which has the largest impact on the atmosphere through polluting the air, soil, and waters.
  • Monitoring of Potential Air Pollutants There are regulations on the allowed concentration of these pollutants in the ambient air. It is associated with politics and ignorance; however, efforts are still made to acknowledge the numerous dangers of air pollution.
  • The Level of an Important Environmental Pollutant Therefore, one of the considerations that can be incorporated in the study is evaluating people’s backgrounds to establish the characteristics that made them a vulnerable group to which the burdens of environmental issues are not […]
  • Susceptibility to Environmental Toxicants Children less than two years of age are a group that is at a greater risk of exposure and susceptibility to environmental toxins.
  • Air Quality Improvement: Issues and Solutions According to Tatchell, the air is slowly changing because the level of oxygen in the air is dropping due to the air pollution.

🎧 Online Education Essay 350 Words: Topic Ideas

  • The use of interactive boards in online education.
  • What are the most efficient feedback forms in online classrooms?
  • Data mining : applications in online learning.
  • How can online student collaboration be organized the best?
  • Role of learner autonomy in academic achievement.
  • What self-regulated learning strategies are effective online?
  • The dynamics of student engagement in online classrooms.
  • Does online learning reduce the standard of student competency?
  • Introduction to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) concept.
  • Does online education promote gender equity?
  • The role of online education in making knowledge more accessible.
  • Evolution of teacher efficacy in the online classroom.

🏥 300-350 Words Essays on Health & Medicine

  • Blood Donation Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages of blood donation include stimulation of the body to manufacture more blood, opportunity to save people’s lives, and health benefits.
  • Sore Throat Differential Diagnosis The following paper is intended to cover differential diagnoses that can also be considered as a sore throat. Such illnesses as diphtheria, epiglottitis, scarlet fever, and other diagnoses with similar issues and symptoms can be […]
  • Waxing Teeth Procedure and Preparation Such movements must be constantly controlled to ensure the proper clearance of the developed DB and MB embrasures. The most difficult part is working on M and D marginal ridges.
  • Nutritutional Environment for Young Children The need to have a healthy and brilliant future generation is the principle behind good nutrition for young children. It is the duty of teachers to ensure that young children stay in a clean and […]
  • HIV/AIDS Prevention by Anti-Retroviral Drugs Thus, the research became the breakthrough of the year as it shifted the previous misconceptions about HIV/AIDS prevention by proving the effectiveness of ARVs in reducing transmission.
  • Nursing Care Priorities: Juan Carlos’ Case In the presented case of a diabetic foot ulcer, part of nursing care planning work is identifying connections among various elements of the patient’s treatments, such as pathophysiological patient experiences, causes and risk factors, and […]
  • Asbestos Removal and Health Threats In effect of the proposed study, it is expected to contribute to both theory and practice of health care by reflecting the most relevant aspects related to asbestos removal.
  • Patient With Menopause: Symptoms and Treatment Before deciding on the most appropriate medication and treatment plan, it is important to focus on such variables as the patient’s past medical history, recently worsened vasomotor symptoms, her blood pressure that is higher than […]
  • Ethical Challenges in Developing Drugs for Psychiatric For instance, one of the daunting questions is whether it is, in fact, reasonable and rational from both the scientific and ethical points of view to prescribe medication to children that were tested on the […]
  • Statistical Significance Versus Clinical Relevance This implies that the results of the research can be called statistically significant only under the condition that the compatibility with the null hypothesis is small.
  • Pregnant Woman’s Asthma Case The case mentions the decreased effectiveness of the fluticasone MDI that she uses which can also be a clue to her condition. Her patterns of MDI use in the last two months and the bronchospasm […]
  • Nursing Discourse: “Noise control” and “Wound Wise” In the article, the author highlights means to address these obstacles and compares the outcomes and the cost of the interventions.
  • Healthcare: Clinical Roles and Social Identities For instance, a nurse plays the role of a caregiver who attends to patients in a caring and passionate manner. The latter is best suited in issues related to managerial care and cost requirement of […]
  • Peculiarities of the Addiction Treatments The purpose to reduce the stigma of addition can be found in the stereotype of the addicted people who are different than normal people and can be dangerous.
  • The Role of Melatonin in Determining the Sleep-Wake Cycle Melatonin plays a significant role in the circadian control of sleep as well as in restraining the development of malignant cells.
  • Personal Body and Composition Chart A proper exercise on the other hand will help one be free from such chronic diseases as heart disease and being overweight.

📖 Narrative 350 Words Essay Topics

  • The first time I drove a car.
  • The feeling of strength and weakness I feel at school.
  • My greatest life achievement.
  • My personal strategies for managing high study workloads.
  • The moment I felt utterly embarrassed.
  • The teacher’s traits I hate.
  • My trip to Asia last summer.
  • How I use technology in life and education.
  • My personal attitude to social media.
  • My media use patterns.
  • The evolution of my relationship with a sibling: from hate to love.
  • The event that taught me what compassion is.
  • My vital life lessons from a friend’s betrayal.
  • A situation in which I overcame a learning difficulty alone.
  • My attitude to foreign language learning.

⚖️ Prompts for a Compare & Contrast Essay in 350 Words

Besides an exciting set of topics, we’re willing to share extended prompts that give vital guidelines for content structuring. Use them as inspirational notes when you face your next 350-word essay assignment.

Printed Books Are Better Than E-Books Essay 350 Words

Discuss the differences and similarities of reading paper books versus e-books. Clarify your attitude to each form of reading. Talk about the benefits of reading in general and explore the factors that make people choose one book type over the other.

Online Shopping Is Better Than Traditional Shopping Essay 350 Words

Talk about the main features of traditional vs. online shopping . Compare and contrast these two activities in terms of convenience, 24/7 access to a huge number of stores, and payment methods. Explore the pleasure shoppers derive from each of the variants and name the one that you like more.

Refusing or Helping a Stranger Essay 350 Words

Strangers seeking help may emerge in everyone’s life, and any decision will have its implications. Refusing to help a stranger may result in a feeling of guilt, while agreeing to help a stranger may cause unexpected risks if the stranger is a criminal. Discuss the criteria by which one should decide in this situation.

📺 Influence of Media Essay 350 Words: Best Examples

  • Positive & Negative Effects of Social Media on Teens Therefore, the topic raises a serious problem: the socialization of a teenager under the influence of the Internet environment. This paper reveals the positive and negative aspects of the influence of social networks on the […]
  • Gender Inequality: The Role of Media The media plays a major role in gender socialization because of the ways it chooses to portray women. Shows such as Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, and Snow White are famous because they usher children […]
  • Social Media Damages Teenagers’ Mental Health Thus, the selected social group that could help improve teenagers’ mental health is sports coaches and organizers of sports activities in schools.
  • Teen Pregnancy Due to the Impact of Entertainment Media It can be concluded that entertainment does have a strong impact on teenagers, as their cognitive development is still in progress, and they are easily susceptible to the information they receive from the media.
  • Attracting the Target Audience through Social Media One of the ways I could incorporate social media requires me to define my target audience and, in accordance with that, search for the websites and networks that they use more frequently.
  • The Effect of Increased Median Age of Population on the Consumer Behavior Secondly, having no or fewer children allows people to spend more money on their own needs and increase the quality of childcare. Firstly, higher median age leads to more opportunities for people and increased diversity […]
  • Human Consciousness: Impact of Social Media Now it is an integral part of the life of the average person. The concepts of consciousness and ethics are inextricably linked with each other.
  • The Negative Effects of Screen Media on Young Children It is imperative for parents to moderate their children’s screen media type and time. Screen media in the classroom provide exposure to children and supplement their academic mastery.
  • The Crime and Justice Impact on New Media The main factor here is that the media form the perception of people about the crime level in a community and police response to it.
  • The New Media Role in Modern Society The control of social media users makes paid promotions more productive, considering that people’s online activity is being tracked and analyzed to define their interests, preferences, and desires.

✏️ How to Write an Essay of 350 Words?

Writing a short essay, no matter how simple it may seem at first, often poses unexpected challenges. Here are some vital tips and hacks to help you ace this assignment with ease.

The picture describes a 350-word essay structure.

350 Word Essay Outline

An outline is a great way to structure your writing and stay on topic throughout the whole process of working on your paper.

Even a small 350-word paper should include the following elements:

Choose a topic of personal interest; don’t make it too long or short. Ensure it communicates your idea properly.
The introduction of your 350 words essay should be brief and concise. Name your broad subject and a narrower focus on the topic; give several supporting ideas you will explore further. It also makes sense to include a hook in the introduction to capture the readers’ attention and interest. The ending of your introduction should be a thesis statement – your main guiding idea for the essay. You might want to test our and a to speed up the writing process.
Each body paragraph of your 350-word essay should start with a topic sentence that contains the main idea you’re arguing in the body. Then should come the external evidence you’re using to substantiate that point or your interpretations and examples to strengthen your position.
The concluding section should recap the main idea and your supporting points and wrap up everything to strengthen the impact on the reader. Consider using a to quickly summarize the key arguments that your 350-word essay contains.

5 Tips for Writing an Excellent 350 Word Essay

Even if you’re a first-timer in 350-word essay writing, the following tips may help you out:

  • Invest time and effort in topic selection. The topic you choose will determine the ease and joy of writing the entire essay. Thus, you should select an interesting and relevant subject if you have the freedom of choice. If you’re stuck formulating a title, check out this specialized topic finder for students.
  • Don’t neglect thorough research. Even small essays can benefit from scholarly evidence and insightful research findings. So, we recommend taking your time and searching across the academic libraries to find credible data for spicing up your arguments and ideas.
  • Use an outline. Outlines work as great supplements for all types of academic writing, as they give you a uniform feel of what the essay should be about. You won’t need to rewrite the off-topic parts if you follow the outline concisely. You might want to use the free outline generator we’ve developed to prepare a well-structured 350-word essay outline.
  • Write every part carefully. The essay’s introduction, body, and conclusion should each contain a specific, pre-determined set of content elements. This is why you should dedicate enough time to each essay component and double-check whether all of them suit the standard essay structure.
  • Do the editing and proofreading. Once the essay is ready, the temptation to submit it at once may be too high. However, we recommend taking a pause and revisiting your text in an hour or two. You’re sure to notice some typos or inconsistencies that could have caused a grade reduction without a careful review.

👔 350-word Essay Examples on Management

  • Salespeople’s Effective Motivational Strategies Hence, the salespeople are motivated to increase the sales levels to increase their worth in the companies. The timing of rewards is an important factor in motivating the salespeople.
  • Alibaba Group and Porter’s Generic Strategies Model Given the competition of Amazon.com and E-bay, are the key competitors of Alibaba Group) it may be recommended to attempt the price leadership strategy in the world market.
  • Leadership in Action: Understanding Employee Motivation Besides, the article argues that motivation is one of the most complex functions of leaders and managers this is because the needs of the employees are constantly changing.
  • Generations X and Y in the Professional Sphere The principal similarity between the people of Generation X and those, who belong to Generation Y, lies in the adjustment to the instability of the labor market.
  • Direct Selling in Social Media Networks One of the benefits of utilizing social networks is the enhanced visibility and transparency that creates trust in the clients. In addition, the accessibility accelerates the process of providing the information for both consumers and […]
  • Snow White Company’s Legal and Ethical Issues The company is financially strained and may not be in a position to pay Happy for the extra hours spent at work.
  • Principles of Innovation and Measuring Success Although it is commonly considered that the major barriers to success in business are hidden in poor management and bad strategies, Christensen argues that the inability to fight non-consumption and the focus on the high […]
  • Business Climate in United Arab Emirates In the region, more than anywhere else in the world, business is conducted on the basis of mutual trust and personal relationships.
  • BP Company’s Resolusion of Gulf Coast Oil Spill Although BP had encountered many oil spills, it did not implement measures that could prevent the occurrence of the Gulf Coast oil spill.
  • American, German and Indian Management Features Having considered the interview questions and having conducted the research in the sphere, it may be concluded that the globalization of business has led to the situation that many countries use similar management strategies that […]
  • Human Resource Management in Australia This poses new challenges for managers as they seek to avoid age discrimination in the process of hiring and at the workplace.
  • Effective Leadership and Coworker Communication Gaining attention of the audience especially the co-workers or peers in order to attain the desired outcome is one of the challenging tasks.
  • Riordan Manufacturing Company Internal and External Environment A poor economic climate on the sales and marketing of Riordan’s products will obviously demoralize employees and eventually lead to downward trend in innovation.
  • Red Bull Company Marketing Strategies The ad will involve a young man and his girlfriend travelling in a plane. Then the young man will remember his Red Bull can and fish it out of his bag.
  • The Impact of Structure on an Organization The impacts of structures in an organization are dependent on the reporting structure in a company. An appropriate company structure helps in the development of a healthy organizational culture.
  • Human Resource Management Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating the performance of employees within a certain time frame. The best performance appraisal to be used in evaluating the performance of a secretary is the graphical rating scale […]
  • Participative and Relationship Theories When the employees are given the chance to express their ideas concerning the improvement of the organization, there is a high probability of the relationship between the employees and the management to be improved.
  • Foundation of Human Resource Management A job design should match the tasks and the responsibilities of the task to the skills, education background, and experience of an employee.
  • The Difference Between Traditional and High-Performance Workplaces Most of the high performance work places have several ways of adapting to the continuous changes in the commerce industry, whereby the traditional workplace ever remain stuck to those challenges.
  • Importance of Marketing and Advertising during Economic Recession The strategy is justified because “those businesses that make a decision to advertise in the face of adversity capture the hope of new customer”.

🔀 Topics for a Life-changing Experience Essay 350 Words

  • An event that made me rethink my life values completely.
  • An incident that made me understand we’re not immortal.
  • The experience of losing my grandmother.
  • Moving to a new country as a cultural change and a life-changing event.
  • My path to study-life balance .
  • Losing a friend: an event that made me rethink my values.
  • A book that changed my perception of life.
  • The film watching which made me a different person.
  • The art of forgiveness and how I learned it.
  • The life-changing experiences of high school.
  • My most valuable childhood lesson that made me who I am.
  • Family traditions that changed my life.
  • The situation in which I felt weak and its implications for my life.

🧠 350 Words Essay Examples on Psychology

  • Two-factor vs. Appraisal Theory of Emotion Two significant aspects, namely, what is believed to be the basis of the event and whether the events are interpreted as either being bad or good for the participants, are considered significant in this theory.
  • Early vs. Late Selection Theories of Attention A disadvantage associated with the theory is that it does not exhaust the rational interpretations of attention and awareness that have to be understood.
  • Educational Psychology Theories for Nurses The major educational psychology and learning theories are behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Educational and learning theories help nursing educators to enhance their students’ learning outcomes through the use of the most effective strategies that improve […]
  • Gestalt Theory as a Psychological Perspective The strengths of Gestalt in counseling include its provision of flexible and phenomenological diagnoses that are focused on the identification of patterns and themes that are specific and unique to an individual client.
  • Anxiety Influence on Studies and Concentration It is a proven fact that anxiety has a negative influence on cognition, which is the ‘information processing’ of a person.
  • Perception and Decision Making Connection Another possible factor that enhances the role of perception in decision-making is time. Perception can affect people’s lives because of their relationships with each other, as seen in the example with friends.
  • Psychology: Behavior Theory and Therapy Besides, the ability of a criminal to rehabilitate after the release is also largely dependent on the success of behavior therapy.
  • Protective Factors Promoting Mental Health The protective measures include an understanding of the gender, social-economic factors, cultural practices, working place and how these experiences predispose people to higher risks of mental health.
  • Social Psychology: Attitude Change Approaches The approach involves the analysis of whoever is communicating, the type of persons the communication is envisioned for, and the quality of communication.
  • Moral Development and Aggression The reason is that children conclude about the acceptability of aggressive or violent behaviors with reference to what they see and hear in their family and community.
  • Motivation Theories and Definition The first type of motivation was fear: Aron was afraid that if he did not get out of the trap, he would not be able to see his family. The father’s dynamics involve distraction, a […]
  • Self-Awareness and Personal Development Theories Killen and Smetana lend support to Skinner’s view of the concept of self by analyzing the societal and biological factors in the development of morality as an integral concept of self.
  • Labeling in Psychology: Pros and Cons In psychology, many specialists utilize specific terms to describe a patient’s diagnosis, which is considered ‘labeling.’ The purpose of this paper is to review the positive and negative aspects of labeling in psychology and medicine […]
  • Individual Computerized Intelligence Tests For example, a person who has a wide experience in doing aptitude tests may excel in an intelligence test, not because he or she is intelligent but the exposure of questions asked.
  • Psychology of Implicit Attitudes In addition, the responses enable individuals to be sensitized about the nature of implicit attitudes that able people have towards people with disabilities.
  • Creative, Fair-minded and Emotional Thinking When one is thinking on an issue, it is usually good to accommodate new ideas and visualize the possible consequences of a problem that may arise and thus prepare for means of minimizing the negative […]
  • The Trends of Courtesy in Different Parts of the World This article is discussing the trends of courtesy in different parts of the world, and the author examines how humans around the world are cultured.

💡 Prompts for an Essay about Myself 350 Words

Since a 350-word essay is often used for application essays or personal statements, your task may be to write about yourself and some aspects of your life. Here are some prompts to consider when facing such a task.

Personal Failure Essay 350 Words

Talk about a situation in which you failed to meet your own goals or other people’s expectations. Discuss your feelings and self-perception in the moment of failure and examine what life lessons that situation taught you. Reflect on the effective ways of addressing a personal failure without losing the desire to try something new.

My Best Friend Essay 350 Words

Describe your best friend and your story of acquaintance and relationship. Explore the key traits you respect in your friend and look into some mutual challenges and joys you’ve gone through. Reflect on the meaning of true friendship in your life and the techniques you use to keep that relationship alive.

A Frightening Experience Essay 350 Words

Recollect a situation of feeling fear or threat; describe the situation in detail to show the cause of fear and its objective seriousness. Talk about how you addressed that situation on all levels, whether you’ve managed to escape the danger, and what lessons you derived from that scenario.

My Dream Job Essay 350 Words

Dwell on the dream job you want to pursue after graduation. Why do you want to work in that position? What life events and values have brought you to it? How do you plan to contribute to your employing organization or develop as a professional and a person in that job?

📌 350 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 350 word essay is how long.

How many pages is 350 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 350-word essay will be 2 pages. If you make it single-spaced, it will take one page.

📌 How Much Is 350 Words in Paragraphs?

How many paragraphs is a 350-word essay? Since a typical paragraph in academic writing contains 50-100 words, an essay of 350 words will consist of 4 to 6 paragraphs.

📌 350 Words Is How Many Sentences?

How many sentences is a 350-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 350 words are not less than 18-21 sentences.

📌 How to Write a 350-Word Paper Outline?

A 350-word essay outline usually follows a standard five-paragraph structure. Start your paper with a short introduction that includes an attention-grabber, some background information, and a thesis. Then add three body paragraphs that focus on your arguments. Finish your 350-word paper with a conclusion that contains a restated thesis and a summary of your ideas.

📌 How Fast Can You Write a 350 Word Essay?

How long does it take to write a 350-word essay? It will take you 7-14 minutes to type 350 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than an hour for a 350-word paper.

📌 What Does a 350 Word Essay Look Like?

Regardless of the exact word count, a well-written essay meets several characteristics. It should cover the assigned topic, answer the research question, and follow the standard structure. A 350-word essay outline usually consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, November 20). 350 Word Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/350-words-essay-examples/

"350 Word Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 20 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/words/350-words-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '350 Word Essay Topics & Examples'. 20 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "350 Word Essay Topics & Examples." November 20, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/350-words-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "350 Word Essay Topics & Examples." November 20, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/350-words-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "350 Word Essay Topics & Examples." November 20, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/350-words-essay-examples/.

American Psychological Association

Reference Examples

More than 100 reference examples and their corresponding in-text citations are presented in the seventh edition Publication Manual . Examples of the most common works that writers cite are provided on this page; additional examples are available in the Publication Manual .

To find the reference example you need, first select a category (e.g., periodicals) and then choose the appropriate type of work (e.g., journal article ) and follow the relevant example.

When selecting a category, use the webpages and websites category only when a work does not fit better within another category. For example, a report from a government website would use the reports category, whereas a page on a government website that is not a report or other work would use the webpages and websites category.

Also note that print and electronic references are largely the same. For example, to cite both print books and ebooks, use the books and reference works category and then choose the appropriate type of work (i.e., book ) and follow the relevant example (e.g., whole authored book ).

Examples on these pages illustrate the details of reference formats. We make every attempt to show examples that are in keeping with APA Style’s guiding principles of inclusivity and bias-free language. These examples are presented out of context only to demonstrate formatting issues (e.g., which elements to italicize, where punctuation is needed, placement of parentheses). References, including these examples, are not inherently endorsements for the ideas or content of the works themselves. An author may cite a work to support a statement or an idea, to critique that work, or for many other reasons. For more examples, see our sample papers .

Reference examples are covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Chapter 10 and the Concise Guide Chapter 10

Related handouts

  • Common Reference Examples Guide (PDF, 147KB)
  • Reference Quick Guide (PDF, 225KB)

Textual Works

Textual works are covered in Sections 10.1–10.8 of the Publication Manual . The most common categories and examples are presented here. For the reviews of other works category, see Section 10.7.

  • Journal Article References
  • Magazine Article References
  • Newspaper Article References
  • Blog Post and Blog Comment References
  • UpToDate Article References
  • Book/Ebook References
  • Diagnostic Manual References
  • Children’s Book or Other Illustrated Book References
  • Classroom Course Pack Material References
  • Religious Work References
  • Chapter in an Edited Book/Ebook References
  • Dictionary Entry References
  • Wikipedia Entry References
  • Report by a Government Agency References
  • Report with Individual Authors References
  • Brochure References
  • Ethics Code References
  • Fact Sheet References
  • ISO Standard References
  • Press Release References
  • White Paper References
  • Conference Presentation References
  • Conference Proceeding References
  • Published Dissertation or Thesis References
  • Unpublished Dissertation or Thesis References
  • ERIC Database References
  • Preprint Article References

Data and Assessments

Data sets are covered in Section 10.9 of the Publication Manual . For the software and tests categories, see Sections 10.10 and 10.11.

  • Data Set References
  • Toolbox References

Audiovisual Media

Audiovisual media are covered in Sections 10.12–10.14 of the Publication Manual . The most common examples are presented together here. In the manual, these examples and more are separated into categories for audiovisual, audio, and visual media.

  • Artwork References
  • Clip Art or Stock Image References
  • Film and Television References
  • Musical Score References
  • Online Course or MOOC References
  • Podcast References
  • PowerPoint Slide or Lecture Note References
  • Radio Broadcast References
  • TED Talk References
  • Transcript of an Audiovisual Work References
  • YouTube Video References

Online Media

Online media are covered in Sections 10.15 and 10.16 of the Publication Manual . Please note that blog posts are part of the periodicals category.

  • Facebook References
  • Instagram References
  • LinkedIn References
  • Online Forum (e.g., Reddit) References
  • TikTok References
  • X References
  • Webpage on a Website References
  • Clinical Practice References
  • Open Educational Resource References
  • Whole Website References


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    Free 400-Word Essay Samples. 1027 samples of this type. A 400-word essay is a short piece. It might be assigned by a school teacher to test the student's knowledge of the topic and their ability to formulate thoughts concisely. The most common genres for texts of 400 to 450 words are a discussion board post and a personal statement for a ...

  4. 400 Words Essay Examples: Free Sample Papers on Any Topic

    A 400 words essay would typically be about 2 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 400-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

  5. 400 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

    A typical structure for a 400-word essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs (usually 2-3 paragraphs), and a conclusion. The length of each section may vary depending on the specific requirements and content, but as a general guideline, allocate approximately 80-100 words to the introduction, 200-250 words to the body paragraphs, and 80 ...

  6. Essay on My Favourite Season for Students

    500 Words Essay On My Favourite Season. Seasons keep changing but they also come back every year. This is one of my most favourite parts about them. They always return no matter what. Everyone has a favourite season and so do I. My favourite season is the summer season. There are many reasons to like it which I will explain below.

  7. My Favorite Month Of The Year

    Decent Essays. 984 Words. 4 Pages. Open Document. Oh, October, my favorite month of the year. For many reasons, October has my heart. It holds the peak of Autumn, my dearest season. It is full of festivities such as pumpkin carving, haunted houses, and of course the traditional dressing up on Halloween.

  8. Essay on My Favourite Season for Students [5+ Essays]

    Of all the six seasons, my favourite season is summer. It is the hottest season of the year. The summer season starts in March and ends in June. In this season the sun shines brightly. The best part of this season is summer vacation. This is a great relief from a hectic schedule, home works, and exam pressure.

  9. Write an A-Class 400 Word Essay Using These Free Examples

    400-Word Essay Sample Selection to Aid You with Writing a Top-Level Piece. 5537 samples of this type. Compared to long and puzzling research papers, 400-word essays may seem like a trifle, but don't let this trick you. Even such a humble piece of academic writing as a 400-word college essay requires scrupulous researching and planning in order ...

  10. 16 Strong College Essay Examples from Top Schools

    Prompt: Using a favorite quotation from an essay or book you have read in the last three years as a starting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world. Please write the quotation, title and author at the beginning of your essay. (250-650 words)

  11. 14 Scholarship Essay Examples That Won Thousands 2024

    Scholarship Essay Example #5. Questbridge Finalist essay earning $3,000 in application waivers plus $3000 in local scholarships by Jordan Sanchez. Prompt: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it.

  12. Free Essay: the best month of the year

    December a month were you seem to think that is one of the best, a month were you get to spend time with your family and be grateful of all the good things there are, the most favorite month of the year for most. Unfortunately December of 2012 went a whole 360 degrees different of what any human being living in Connecticut would have imagined.

  13. Essay on My Favorite Season in 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 words

    Essay on My Favorite Season in 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 words. May 11, 2024March 1, 2024by Grammar Library. Essay On My Favourite Season: Imagine a world painted in the most vibrant hues, where each corner seems to whisper its own unique story. This isn't just any ordinary scene; it's a glimpse into my favorite season, a time that brings a ...

  14. New Year Essay in English

    Rosh Hashanah, which translates to "Head of the Year," is when Jews around the world mark the beginning of the new year. Rosh Hashanah is seen as a time of celebration, reflection, and acknowledgement of the end of another year. On the first and second days of Tishrei, the seventh month in the Hebrew calendar, it is welcomed.

  15. Why Autumn is the Best Season for Me: [Essay Example], 770 words

    Sample. Details. "Why autumn is the best season" is a sentiment I've held for a long time. Autumn is such a sensational time of year. There are multitudinous festivities to engage in. The weather is lovely, the way the leaves change colors is very appealing to me, the fair is here, and everybody is hyped for the football season.

  16. 400 Word Essay, How to Guide, Example

    In short, the hook is the meta-theme of the 400 word essay. Example: 'Self-motivation is the surest way to stay focused.'. The thesis is the root of the introduction. You need to use such a sentence to sum up, the article. The thesis is the sentence that carries the meaning of the essay. It is short and summative.

  17. Essay of the Month Archives

    Essay of the Month. ... Two classic essays, "The New Year" from 1836 and "Lying Awake" from 1852, by one of the best-known novelists in the English language. Charles Dickens. Essay of the Month, Features. The Hair-Pedlar in Devon. The dialect may be a bit off-putting but the narrative is accessible and clear enough. Here is the story of ...

  18. Writing a 400 Word Essay: Length and How to write it Well

    In terms of pages, a 400-word essay should be one-and-a-half (1.5) pages in length if the page is double spaced. The length is directly proportional to the wideness of a page's spacing. In terms of paragraphs should be about 4 to 6 in number. When it comes to the number of sentences in a 400-word essay, the estimation is about 20 to 27 sentences.

  19. 19 College Essay Topics and Prompts

    Avoid passing your paper along to too many people, though, so you don't lose your own voice amid all of the edits and suggestions. The admissions team wants to get to know you through your writing and not your sister or best friend who edited your paper. 5. Revise your essay. Your first draft is just that: a draft.

  20. 450 Word Essay Examples + 450 Words Essay Topics

    A 450-word essay has the following structure: The introduction consists of 1 paragraph with 100 words. It contains a hook, a thesis, and the topic's background. The main body usually comprises 2-3 paragraphs with 100 words each. In this main part, you cover your arguments.

  21. 400 Words Exactly

    Last week, marked the 400th posting and one-year mark for the Revision Notes blog. To celebrate, watch for these "400" postings this week. Best of Revision Notes: Links to the most popular postings of the last year.; 400 Comments: Please Help me celebrate by collecting 400 comments by Friday!; 400 Words Exactly: Writing Long sentences-here's my offering at 400 words, exactly.

  22. Rainy Season Essay for Students in English

    Essay on Rainy Season 400 Words. Rainy Season is one of the four main seasons in India. It falls every year after summer, especially in July, and ends in September. Clouds in the sky rain when monsoon occurs. In the summer, it becomes too hot, and water from the water resources like Ocean, rivers, etc., goes up in the sky as vapors.

  23. 400 Word Essay Examples

    Paper Type: 400 Word Essay Examples. Nick Vujicic was born without limbs and had to overcome many obstacles. When Nick was young he eventually learnt to walk and then attended primary school. There he faced bullies and overcame them feeling hopeless.

  24. 350 Word Essay Topics & Examples

    350 Word Essay Outline. An outline is a great way to structure your writing and stay on topic throughout the whole process of working on your paper. Even a small 350-word paper should include the following elements: Title. Choose a topic of personal interest; don't make it too long or short.

  25. Reference examples

    More than 100 reference examples and their corresponding in-text citations are presented in the seventh edition Publication Manual.Examples of the most common works that writers cite are provided on this page; additional examples are available in the Publication Manual.. To find the reference example you need, first select a category (e.g., periodicals) and then choose the appropriate type of ...