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Thesis binding and Dissertation binding by London based QMUL

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Create a PDF of your Thesis

First, simply convert your thesis document file to PDF - a print ready format. This is quickly achieved either online or on your computer.


Online PDF Conversion

If your thesis document is less than 2MB you can use the following free online service to convert the document to PDF.

It's simple to use and emails you a copy of your thesis back to you as a PDF. You can then review the PDF and ensure it's correct and ready to print by QMUL.

Click here for more on PDF's

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The Copy Shop, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 5555

Academic Registry and Council Secretariat

Thesis submission and the viva,  please email  [email protected] to ask us a question., thesis submission .

To submit your thesis for examination you  must submit an electronic copy of the thesis to the Research Degrees Office in the approved format (a digital (PDF) file) by email to   [email protected] . The email submitting the thesis must be received in the RDO by 23:59 hours on the thesis submission deadline.

The thesis may be submitted by email to  [email protected]  or you may use the QMUL File Exchange Service at   (please email the link to  [email protected] ). If the File Exchange Service is used an email must be sent to  [email protected]  including the collect weblink on or before your thesis submission deadline. 

Please note: the QMUL File Exchange Service is scheduled to be closed on 31 st May 2024. We are working on an alternative system.

Please complete the PGR Thesis Submission Form (RD02) [DOC 39KB] and attach this to your email to RDO.

The two bound copies of the thesis are NOT required. The thesis must be submitted as a single combined document, preferably PDF. Appendices must not be submitted as separate documents. If you have any questions or need to submit additional material with your thesis, e.g. digital material, please contact   [email protected]   so that we can advise.

The date of thesis submission recorded on MySIS is the date on which the electronic copy of the thesis is submitted to RDO.

Thesis submission deadline

How to submit your thesis, embargo your thesis, presentation of the thesis, acknowledging support, examination outcomes.

The thesis submission deadline is determined by programme length and whether a student is studying full-time or part-time. Please see the table below for general guidance.

Students who have changed their mode of study from full-time to part-time (and vice versa), interrupted their studies, or have been granted an extension to their period of registration will have a different thesis submission deadline to the guide above.

A student’s thesis submission deadline is published in the  MySIS  Research Student Data view on the student’s home page. The submission deadline date is shown in the “Thesis” section.

Please contact the  Research Degrees Office (RDO) to confirm the thesis submission deadline. 

The formal entry for examination is the submission of the thesis to the Research Degrees Office before the thesis submission deadline. 

You must also submit a completed PGR Thesis Submission Form (RD02) [DOC 39KB] with the electronic copy of your thesis. The electronic copy of the thesis can be submitted by email to   [email protected] , or you can also use the QM 'Collect' file transfer service  for files up to 2GB. Please ensure that the maximum time limit for download is chosen.  

The date of thesis submission is recorded on MySIS by the Research Degrees Office. 

Once the Research Degrees Programmes and Examinations Board has approved your examiners (please see our page on the   nomination of examiners   for more information about this process), the Research Degrees Office will formally invite your examiners to act. 

Once the examiners have accepted the formal invitation, RDO will send the thesis to them electronically.

Your thesis will NOT be sent until BOTH examiners have accepted the formal invitation.

The two bound copies of the thesis will NOT be required . The thesis must be submitted as a single combined document, preferably PDF. Appendices must not be submitted as separate documents. If you have any questions or need to submit additional material with your thesis, e.g. digital material, please contact    [email protected]   

If you do not wish your thesis to be available online, you will be able to indicate it on the online form, when you submit the final version of the thesis to the library (post-viva).

The thesis must be presented in the format set out in the notes on PGR Presentation of Thesis Notes Apr 23 [PDF 122KB] . Bound copies of the thesis are not required unless the examiners request a paper copy. Please see the above guidance about thesis submission.

QMUL policy on editorial assistance for research degree theses

Please note that only a pdf of the thesis is required

Word limits.

The thesis must not exceed the following word limits:

  • PhD – 100,000 words
  • MPhil – 60,000 words
  • MD(Res) – 50,000 words

For the degrees of DrPS, DPsych and DClinDent the minimum length of the thesis shall be no less than 25,000 words. [The bibliography is excluded from the word count; footnotes are included within the word count; appendices are excluded from the word count and should only include material which the examiners are not required to read in order to examine the thesis but to which they may refer if they wish.]

Your supervisor is responsible for arranging the viva and keeping you and the Research Degrees Office informed of these arrangements. If you have any queries about the viva, please speak to your supervisor in the first instance.

Research degrees oral examinations may be held remotely with all participants attending online or face to face on a Queen Mary campus in line with health and safety and travel guidance in place on the day of the viva. All participants must agree the format of the viva.  One examiner can attend remotely if the student and other examiner can attend in person together.  The student’s supervisor is responsible for organising the viva and will contact the examiners to liaise with them about these arrangements. This is subject to change according to Government guidelines. PGR Exam Guidance Notes August 2023 [DOC 67KB]

You must not contact the examiners yourself. You or your supervisor must not send the thesis to the examiners.  Your examination may be declared invalid if you do.  Please ensure that you or your supervisor(s) make it clear if your thesis needs to be printed and a hardcopy is to be dispatched to the examiner.  

Students who have received financial support from external funding bodies such as Research Councils should acknowledge this according to the format stipulated by their funding body. Research Councils require the following to be included on the appropriate page:

This work was supported by the [NAME of funding body] [grant NUMBER, if applicable]

Multiple grant numbers should be separated by a comma and a space. Where the research was supported by more than one agency, the different agencies should be separated by a semi-colon, with "and" before the final funder. 

For example:

This work was supported by the [NAME of funding body] [grant NUMBERS e.g.1234, 11223344]; the [NAME of funding body] [grant NUMBER, 12345]; and the [NAME of funding body] [grant NUMBER 000]

After the viva, your examiners will inform the Research Degrees Office of the outcome. They are required to do this within two weeks of the viva. They may inform you of the outcome of the examination at the end of the viva, but are not required to do so. There are eight possible outcomes:

  • Pass subject to minor amendments to be completed and checked by one or both examiners within six months;
  • Pass subject to major amendments to be completed and checked by both examiners within nine months.
  • Not pass, but the candidate is allowed to revise the thesis and resubmit it within 18 months (for the PhD and MD(Res) degrees) or 12 months (for the MPhil degree);
  • Not pass, but the candidate is allowed to take a written paper or practical examination;
  • Not pass, but the candidate is allowed to submit to a second oral examination on the same thesis and by the same examiners within 18 months;
  • [If entered for a PhD] Fail PhD but the candidate is deemed to have met the requirements for an MPhil (with or without minor amendments) or should be allowed to resubmit a revised thesis for the MPhil degree within 12 months;
  • Fail outright: no re-entry permitted.


The Research Degrees Office will write to you to formally notify you of the outcome of the examination and advise you of the post-viva procedure. The RDO will send you a copy of the examination outcome form, a copy of the examiners’ report on the examination, and a list of amendments required by the examiners, unless you have passed outright or have already been provided with a list of amendments. You are responsible for submitting the revised thesis to the examiner(s) responsible for checking your amendments by the date stipulated on the examination outcome form. Please ensure that you keep your personal details up-to-date in  MySIS  to ensure that you receive this correspondence.

The outcome will need to be ratified by the Research Degrees Progression and Examinations Board which is held once a month. 

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Depositing your thesis

Your MPhil, PhD, MD(Res), EngD or DClinDent thesis is require d to be deposited in QMRO , the University's open access repository. Your award cannot be processed until you have submitted the final version of your thesis. To do this you will need to log in to the University's research system Elements using your username and password.

The guidance document, Instructions for depositing theses with Queen Mary University of London Library Services , explains how to deposit your thesis (you need your QMUL username and password to access the instructions).

When your thesis is deposited to the repository it will be made public so you must ensure you have permission to reproduce any extracts, images, figures or other content for which you do not own the copyright. Any confidential information (including your own signature) should be redacted. 

If there is a reason why your thesis cannot be made public, you will have the opportunity to request an embargo. Embargoed theses will not be accessible to the public until the embargo period has expired. However a bibliographic record of your thesis (including the abstract) will still be made available in QMRO .

The standard embargo period is 12 months , if a longer embargo period is required the library will need confirmation that this is supported by your supervisor.

Unless an embargo is permanent, at the end of the agreed period your thesis will automatically be made public. If you require an extension to any embargo, you will need to contact the library at [email protected] to agree a new embargo date.

Based on your requested embargo the library will take the following action (more than one condition may apply to your thesis):

Which awards are deposited and made publicly available in QMRO?

MPhil, PhD, MD(Res),   EngD   or   DClinDent are the only awards required to be deposited in QMRO and made publicly available. The University does not require Masters theses to be deposited.

How do I deposit my thesis?

What happens to my thesis after it's been deposited.

After your thesis is deposited in QMRO it will be shared with the British Library’s EThOS service and will be discoverable to readers on the internet through services such as CORE  and Google Scholar. All theses in QMRO can be found using internet search engines.

Therefore, you must ensure you have permission to reproduce any extracts, images, figures or other content for which you do not own the copyright  (you can use works which are out of copyright without permission). This material is referred to as third party copyrighted material. 

Any sensitive or confidential information (including your own signature) should also be redacted (removed).

If you are able to provide a redacted version of your thesis, with any third party copyrighted or confidential material removed, then the Library will make that version publicly available and permanently embargo the non-redacted version. Please see 'How do I create a redacted version of my thesis?' below for guidelines on making a version of your thesis suitable for public release.

If there is any reason why your thesis cannot be made publicly available, you will have the opportunity to request an embargo during the deposit process. Embargoed theses will not be accessible to the public until the embargo period has expired. However a bibliographic record of your thesis (including the abstract) will still be made available in QMRO . The standard embargo period is 12 months , if a longer embargo period is required the library will need confirmation that this is supported by your supervisor. The embargo period starts from the date you deposit your thesis into Elements.

Unless an embargo is permanent, at the end of the agreed period your thesis will automatically be made publicly available. If you require an extension to any embargo, you will need to contact the library at [email protected] to agree a new embargo date.

What if my thesis contains confidential material?

If your thesis contains sensitive or confidential information, which may include but is not limited to:

  • signatures, names, addresses, phone numbers or other details that could lead to the identification of individuals
  • information, data or statistics to which you've been given confidential access
  • information likely to pose a security threat
  • photographs of people who have not granted you permission to use their image

then t he Library will place a permanent embargo on your thesis file in order to comply with GDPR/Data protection laws. A bibliographic record of your thesis (including the abstract) will still be made publicly available in QMRO.

If you are able to provide a redacted version of your thesis the Library will make that version public and embargo the non-redacted version. Please see 'How do I create a redacted version of my thesis?' below.

What if my thesis contains third party copyrighted material?

The inclusion of third party copyrighted material requires the author to seek permission from the copyright holder. There is more information and guidance on the Library's   copyright   webpages or you can   email  [email protected]   if you have further questions.

If your thesis contains material for which you don't hold the copyright, which may include but is not limited to:

  • lengthy quotations and extracts, such as passages of text or music
  • images, such as photographs, maps, music scores, tables, charts or graphs
  • images reproducing works of art
  • entire copies of published articles

then the Library will place a permanent embargo on your thesis if you do not have permission to make this material public. A bibliographic record of your thesis (including the abstract) will still be made publicly available in QMRO.

If you do not have permission but are able to provide a redacted version of your thesis the Library will make that version public and embargo the non-redacted version. Please see 'How do I create a redacted version of my thesis?' below.

If you do have permission from the copyright holder to make your thesis public, please confirm that by filling in the ‘Other Embargo Reason’ box during the deposit of your thesis.

What if my thesis contains commercial/patent information?

If your thesis contains commercial/patent information, which could apply if your findings have resulted in:

  • a commercially applicable service or product
  • a patentable idea or product

then the Library will place the thesis under the standard 12 month embargo period and notify Queen Mary Innovation Ltd who will contact you to discuss any commercial potential/sensitivity. A bibliographic record of your thesis (including the abstract) will still be made publicly available in QMRO.

What if I am looking to publish my thesis?

When you make your thesis available in QMRO the full text of your thesis will be publicly available on the internet. Most publishers allow you to make your thesis available online in this way, so it's unlikely to affect your ability to publish your research in the future, but some publishers may consider the publication of a thesis in an online repository as prior publication . If you think this may be a problem, you can choose to embargo your thesis. The library will place the thesis under the standard 12 month embargo period. A bibliographic record of your thesis (including the abstract) will still be made publicly available in QMRO.

How do I create a redacted version of my thesis?

Redaction means removing information from your thesis that you shouldn't make publicly available.

  • Start with your original document as it’s usually easier to redact information in a copy of the original document than in a PDF.
  • Where possible, it’s best to delete all the restricted content and replace it with a text box of the same size. Using a text box will allow you to retain the same layout as your original thesis and will mean that page numbers/other formatting will not need to be updated.
  • Inside the text box give detail of what was removed using the word ‘redacted’ and the reason why, such as ‘for confidentiality reasons’ or ‘unable to gain permission from the copyright holder’.
  • Don’t leave the original text behind black highlighting as it may still be possible for readers to uncover the text.
  • Don't delete the reference to the content you have removed as readers may be able to access third party content via the copyright holder.

Can I have my thesis printed and bound?

The CopyShop at QMUL is able to provide this service and has a dedicated thesis binding website .

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Thesis online

Thesis Online

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The final step - upload your PDF, place your order and pay securely online.

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Now comes the easy bit. thesis online provides a one-stop-shop for quick and easy printing and binding of your thesis, dissertation, project or report..

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  1. QMUL Thesis Template

    qmul thesis printing

  2. Thesis Printing And Binding

    qmul thesis printing

  3. QMUL Thesis Template

    qmul thesis printing

  4. Thesis Printing Guidance

    qmul thesis printing

  5. thesis printing

    qmul thesis printing

  6. Printing & Hardback Binding (Thesis / Dissertation / Business Proposal

    qmul thesis printing


  1. VU Portfolio Thesis: Novameat

  2. Leaf/Foil printing on Thesis Cover

  3. Empirical Design Rules for Binder Jetting (Thesis Seminar)

  4. 10 April 2024

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  6. PhD thesis printing from Patel Printers Mumbai


  1. Services

    Hardback thesis and book binding. The QMUL thesis binding website is a one-stop-shop for quick and easy printing and binding of your thesis, dissertation, project or reports. Visit the website to find easy-to-follow instructions, costs and expected turnaround times. Large format poster printing

  2. Print, copy and scan

    The cost of printing and photocopying is done by clicks (1 click = 1 side of paper). Please find below a breakdown of the print and copy charges. You can also pay any library fines using your MyPrint account once your library barcode has been registered with Library Services. Any unused credit, with a minimum of £10, can be reimbursed upon ...

  3. CopyShop

    The CopyShop offers a vast range of printed materials and specialises in bespoke projects for both internal and external clients. We are one of the most cost effective Print Services within HE in the UK. The CopyShop offers fast turnaround times from 2hrs. In 2015/16, our counter service had 7799 visits. That's 195 visits per week 39 visits ...

  4. PDF Guidance Notes on the Submission, Presentation and Binding of Theses

    'Instructions for depositing theses with Queen Mary University of London Library Services' 20. If you experience difficulty logging i n to the Library system, please contact: [email protected] . 21. The final approved digital copy of the thesis will be made available in the Q ueen Mary Library's on-line digital repository.

  5. Thesis Binding, Dissertation Binding, Thesis Printing, Dissertation

    Contact Details. Tel: 020 7882 6262 Email: [email protected] The Copy Shop Ground Floor Temporary Building Queen Mary University London Mile End Road London, E1 4NS, UK

  6. Print, copy and scan

    Your account should not be charged but in the event that this has happened, please contact IT Service Desk on 020 7882 8888. Change to single-sided printing: To reduce paper usage and help the environment, the printers are automatically set to print double-sided. If you need to print single-sided, you can do so by changing the standard settings.

  7. Thesis Binding, Dissertation Binding, Thesis Printing, Dissertation

    Tips for preparing the layout of your thesis for printing and binding. Prepare your thesis well in advance so that you don't need to rush it or panic at the end to meet your deadlines and remember to take into account the time needed to have it converted to PDF format, printed, bound and delivered; Check the examination boards' specifications before you begin and plan carefully including ...

  8. Thesis Binding, Dissertation Binding, Thesis Printing, Dissertation

    The Queen Mary, University of London thesis binding website is a one-stop-shop for quick and easy printing and binding of your thesis, dissertation, project or report. Just follow these three simple steps.

  9. Thesis Binding, Dissertation Binding, Thesis Printing, Dissertation

    Queen Mary's online thesis binding service will finish off the job with high-quality printing and binding. Six reasons why we think you should choose us As part of the College, we have a vested interest in ensuring your work is submitted to the correct specification.

  10. Printing

    Print outs can be collected from any HP printer on campus. To access the service go to: and login in with your QM username and password. If you have any problems or questions about the wireless print service please contact the IT Service Desk via the Live Chat System or on 020 7882 8888.

  11. Your Thesis at Queen Mary

    When you make your thesis available in QMRO the full text of your thesis will be publicly available on the internet. Most publishers allow you to make your thesis available online in this way, so it's unlikely to affect your ability to publish your research in the future, but some publishers may consider the publication of a thesis in an online repository as prior publication.

  12. Thesis Binding, Dissertation Binding, Thesis Printing, Dissertation

    If you submit your work for printing and binding by Tuesday morning, you will be able to collect it from The Queen Mary Copy Shop on the following Friday. If you want to collect your work within two days of submission ('Next day' or 'Two day' turnarounds) you will need to collect it in person from Blisset's Bookbinders in Acton or pay for ...

  13. Thesis Collection

    Queen Mary University of London thesis collections. Library Services holds copies of theses awarded by Queen Mary University of London and its historically affiliated institutions. The collection is held in print form 1910-2012 and electronic only from 2013-. Print copies can be searched for using Library Search, electronic copies are held in ...

  14. Services

    Hardback thesis and book binding The QMUL thesis binding website is a one-stop-shop for quick and easy printing and binding of your thesis, dissertation, project or reports; Visit the website to find easy-to-follow instructions, costs and expected turnaround times. Large format posters . Large format poster printing: high quality, high speed at ...

  15. Thesis Binding, Dissertation Binding, Thesis Printing, Dissertation

    If your thesis document is less than 2MB you can use the following free online service to convert the document to PDF. PDF online. It's simple to use and emails you a copy of your thesis back to you as a PDF. You can then review the PDF and ensure it's correct and ready to print by QMUL. Click here for more on PDF's

  16. Thesis submission and the viva

    Please email [email protected] to ask us a question. Thesis submission . To submit your thesis for examination you must submit an electronic copy of the thesis to the Research Degrees Office in the approved format (a digital (PDF) file) by email to [email protected] email submitting the thesis must be received in the RDO by 23:59 hours on the thesis submission deadline.

  17. Depositing your thesis

    The guidance document, Instructions for depositing theses with Queen Mary University of London Library Services, explains how to deposit your thesis (you need your QMUL username and password to access the instructions). When your thesis is deposited to the repository it will be made public so you must ensure you have permission to reproduce any ...

  18. Thesis Binding London, Dissertation Binding, Dissertation and Thesis

    Thesis printing and binding made simple. Using our state of the art printing facility and binding equipment Blissetts can print and bind your thesis in a time-frame that suits you. Hard cover thesis, Soft cover thesis and Wire bound thesis. GET SOCIAL. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.

  19. Order your printed & bound dissertation / thesis

    Now choose how many copies you would like. Hard bindings: Each hard binding costs £24.50 for standard processing (£30.00 for next-day or £22.50 for our five-day service). Cloth soft bindings: Each cloth soft binding costs £17.00 for standard processing (£17.00 for next-day or £15.00 for our five-day service).

  20. The ethnic map of Stavropol krai: Space-time dynamics for th

    Abstract. The paper analyzes changes in the ethnic composition of the population of Stavropol krai and the transformation of its ethnic map from 1959 to 2010. It has been determined that the geographical position and the demographic and migration situation are the main reasons for the dynamics of these processes.

  21. 7 Facts about Stavropol Krai

    Please consider supporting this channel via Patreon, by accessing the link bellow. Any contribution is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  22. Stavropol

    History. Stavropol was founded on October 22, 1777 and given city status in 1785. It was a military camp in the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774. The city was mostly settled by Don Cossacks with the goal of defending against invaders.. The city changed owners many times in the Russian Civil War.It was finally captured by the Red Army from the Volunteer Army of general Anton Denikin on February ...

  23. Dmitry Kuzmin (politician)

    Dmitry Kuzmin. Dmitry Sergeyevich Kuzmin is a Russian politician and the President of the Pan-European Party Love.He was the mayor of the Southern Russian city of Stavropol in the period from 2002 to 2003, from 2003 to 2008.. A candidate in the 2007 legislative elections representing the "Just Russia" party, he was barred from taking part in the contest by a court decision in November.